Under a Blue Moon

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Under a Blue Moon Page 19

by Bru Baker

  DINNER had gone off without a hitch, at least where Nick was concerned. There had been several actual fights over pie, and Drew’s young cousin had knocked the table full of turkeys over, but they’d dusted them off and everything had been fine.

  Nick was surprised to see just how well Drew and his mother integrated into the Pack. They were treated just like any other Pack member, though whoever was near them would often clue them in on directions from afar that they couldn’t hear or gossip about why another group was laughing.

  He was watching Drew play a game of flag football with his brothers and cousins and nursing a beer when Kenny joined him on the porch.

  “There’s a guy here in town who tattoos Weres. He puts a little bit of aconite in the ink. Not enough to hurt you, just enough to keep your body from pushing the ink out. When you’re ready, I’ll book you an appointment myself. Consider it a wedding gift.”

  Nick gaped at him. “How—”

  Kenny slapped him on the shoulder and laughed. “Son, you’re about as transparent as moonlight when you look at that kid. If you aren’t planning to propose soon then I’ll eat my hat. And I don’t even wear hats.”

  Huh. He’d been working up to getting Kenny’s blessing, and it seemed he already had it.

  “Is it difficult?” he blurted out. “Being mated to a human? I love Drew more than anything, and he feels like my mate, but I don’t know. What if I’m wrong?”

  Kenny sat on the porch step and patted the spot next to him. Nick dropped down, his instincts not even considering refusing.

  “See? Your mate’s father says sit, and you sit. That’s how you know.” His smile was kind, and it made something in Nick settle. It felt like being around Drew, only to a lesser degree. “There aren’t any guarantees. I’ve been mated to a wolf and a human, and the human is the one who stuck. We’re creatures of instinct, but we have to follow our hearts too. And when your heart and your instincts are telling you the same thing? Son, you’d better jump on it.”

  He held out his wrist, flexing it so Nick could see his tattoo. It covered scar tissue of a previous bite. The mating he’d broken.

  “I rushed into mating Lissa because my parents pushed for it. I liked her just fine. We got on well. She gave me three beautiful sons, which I’m grateful for. But even though we went through the mating ceremony and took the bites, I never truly felt like she was mine. And when our youngest was three, she told me she’d fallen for a Were in a different Pack. I could have refused to break the mating, but how could I stand in the way of her being happy when I knew I couldn’t give her that? So we broke the mating, and she renounced ties to the Pack, including our sons. Pack law is brutal, and I don’t always agree with it.”

  Nick couldn’t imagine walking away from a child. She really must have been desperately unhappy.

  “And two years later I met Christa at a gas station, of all places. She was pumping gas and chasing after Drew, who must have been about three at the time, and the hose came out and sprayed everywhere. By the time I got over there and turned it off, her pants were soaked. And even through that, I could still smell her. And she smelled like home and comfort and Pack. And I knew I was getting a second chance.”

  Kenny patted his knee and stood up. “Our private joke is she’s my blue-moon mate. And she was. Not only because she’s my second mate, but because it was a blue moon that night. I was rushing to try to get back to the Pack before moonrise, but I ended up spending it trying to keep a cranky three-year-old busy while his mom tried to scrub the smell of gasoline off herself in a gas-station bathroom.”

  Nick felt too light-headed to stand with Kenny. “Are you serious? You met on the blue moon?”

  “Sounds too cheesy to be true, but it is. It’s supposed to be good—”

  “Luck,” Nick finished for him, feeling dazed. “I know. Drew and I met under a blue moon too.”

  Kenny’s laugh drew people over, including Drew, who offered Nick a hand and pulled him to his feet.

  “Everything okay?” he asked, nuzzling into Nick’s neck briefly in greeting.

  Nick returned the gesture, humming happily against Drew’s neck. He pushed a hand into his pocket and brushed his fingers over the leather cuff he planned to give Drew before tonight’s Pack bonfire. “Couldn’t be better.”

  BRU BAKER got her first taste of life as a writer at the tender age of four, when she started publishing a weekly newspaper for her family. What they called nosiness she called a nose for news, and no one was surprised when she ended up with degrees in journalism and political science and started a career in journalism.

  Bru spend more than a decade writing for newspapers before making the jump to fiction. She now works in reference and readers’ advisory in a Midwestern library, though she still finds it hard to believe someone’s willing to pay her to talk about books all day. Most evenings you can find her curled up with a book or her laptop. Whether it’s creating her own characters or getting caught up in someone else’s, there’s no denying that Bru is happiest when she’s engrossed in a story. She and her husband have two children, which means a lot of her books get written from the sidelines of various sports practices.

  Website: www.bru-baker.com

  Blog: www.bru-baker.blogspot.com

  Twitter: @bru_baker

  Facebook: www.facebook.com/bru.baker79

  Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/6608093.Bru_Baker

  Email: [email protected]

  By Bru Baker



  #7 – Camp H.O.W.L.

  #22 – Under a Blue Moon



  Now Available

  Camp H.O.W.L.

  A Camp H.O.W.L. Novel

  Moonmates exist, but getting together is going to be a beast….

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  Published by


  5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886 USA


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Under a Blue Moon

  © 2018 Bru Baker.

  Cover Art

  © 2018 Aaron Anderson.

  [email protected]

  Cover content is for illustrative purposes only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.

  All rights reserved. This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of international copyright law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. Any eBook format cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press, 5032 Capital Circle SW, Suite 2, PMB# 279, Tallahassee, FL 32305-7886, USA, or www.dreamspinnerpress.com.

  Digital ISBN: 978-1-64080-696-2

  Paperback ISBN: 978-1-64108-098-9

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2018931592

  Digital published June 2018

  v. 1.0

  Printed in the United States of America




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