SEAL of My Heart

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SEAL of My Heart Page 17

by Sharon Hamilton

  She did love the wines Heller produced. They didn’t scrimp when it came to selecting the grapes, crushing them in small batches, and they used the finest barrels and fermentation tanks. Later, the blending that Mr. Heller and his winemaker, Sergio, did together was the stuff of genius. The two men had worked together for years at another smaller estate winery before Heller started his own and brought Sergio with him. It was the one part of winemaking that required real talent, and lots of experience making bad wines.

  She’d sold several Wine Club memberships today, and had managed to take orders on their scheduled new release of the 2012 Merlot. They’d planned a Merlot and Oysters fest that they hoped would become an annual event for some of their best customers. The entire project had been Kate’s idea.

  She worked with Sheila from late morning until midafternoon. They kept up the cheerful banter, as they always did. Kate began to relax and re-orient herself to her job and her surroundings. Although she could tell Sheila wanted to say something, to her credit, she kept her mouth shut. But Kate felt the pressure of being under constant scrutiny. She relaxed with the knowledge that soon she’d see Tyler, and all would be well.

  An hour before she was to leave, Tyler showed up. She ran to him, inhaling his scent, feeling the reassurance of being held in his arms.

  He held her out at arm’s length. “You okay?”

  She nodded. Trying to brush her fears aside, she put effort into sounding more together than she felt. “Can you help me with some recycling things and trash? Maybe they’ll let me off a little early.”

  “Absolutely. Music to my ears. Just show me.”

  They completed the room cleanup in record time. Kate looked for Mr. Heller or anyone who would have the authority to let her go early, but no one came into the center. Sheila was in and out. Normally helpful, she was ignoring Tyler completely and remained preoccupied with doing her bottle counting and inventory.

  Kate and Tyler dusted and cleaned the product display case, folded some logo tee shirts from cartons of boxes in the storeroom.

  Randy entered and consulted with Sheila on her bottle count. They shared a titter. He presented himself to Kate for an introduction to Tyler.

  “This him?” Randy asked. It was delivered disrespectfully, but Kate couldn’t sense Tyler was feeling anything but casual.

  Tyler extended his hand, “Tyler Gray, man. How’re you doing?”

  “Oh, I’ve had better weeks,” Randy said while they shook. Randy had been full of bravado until he stood close to the SEAL, who towered over him, not only in height, but bulk.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two, then. Kate, why don’t you take off? I’m sure Sheila and I can wrap up.”

  At first she blinked, since she couldn’t think of anything they’d left undone, and then remembered herself. “Thanks, Randy. I appreciate that.”

  She waved to Sheila who gave her back a big smile in return.

  “That was weird,” she whispered to Tyler as he opened her door.

  He pulled out her seatbelt and fastened it around her, pausing to give her a soft kiss. “That’s better. Just remember,” he pointed two fingers at her eyes. “Focus on me.” He turned the fingers around to point to his eyes. “This is all you have to do.”

  She watched him walk in front of her car and park his huge frame behind the wheel. She didn’t want to miss a second of being with him. Suddenly their time together was becoming very urgent. It was hard not to let her mind drift to the dark side, where the possibility he wouldn’t be coming home loomed.

  They ate dinner at another small restaurant that carried Heller wines and was gracious enough to seat them immediately. She remembered the time Randy told her his family never had to wait for a table, and almost never paid for a meal, since it was custom to treat wine vendors to dinners on a regular basis.

  “I want to meet your folks,” he said. “We won’t have much time tomorrow. Would they be up for a visit tonight? I know it’s short notice, but we haven’t got much time left.”

  Panic swamped her stomach, killing her appetite. With the bottle of wine at dinner, and the lack of sleep the night before, she was getting punchy and more than a little tired.

  “Maybe I should just call in sick tomorrow. I’m tired, Tyler.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “Good to know.” His smile was crooked.

  “Know what?”

  “Was beginning to wonder if you were going to wear me out. Not that it’s ever happened before.”

  Any other man would backtrack on that comment. Tyler looked back at her with his honest blue eyes, not apologizing for the fact that he’d had lovers before her. She understood a little bit better how he was able to do what he did every day. He faced things head-on and honestly. That’s the way he made decisions. Was his code, his life. And he didn’t regret much. That meant there would also be no second chances. She wished she had one tenth of his courage.

  “I’ll call Mom.”

  Tyler gave her room to talk to her mother in private by excusing himself to the restroom.

  “We’re all set. We can go there now,” she told him when he got back.

  Mrs. and Mrs. Morgan greeted them warmly. Her mother especially seemed to drink in the sight of Tyler and his physique. He was honest and forthright, even telling them about his good intentions about dating their daughter. It was a refreshing change, and something that completely impressed her parents, she could tell.

  He leaned over and grabbed Kate’s hand. “I wish I could be here over the next few months, but unfortunately we’ve got a job to do overseas, and terrorists don’t make things easy on our personal lives.”

  How could anyone argue with that one?

  “But I promised your daughter I’d write to her every day. And I will.”

  Of that there was no question. Kate knew that he’d be sending messages or composing letters, just as he’d promised, on a daily basis.

  “Like I said, I have only the best intentions when it comes to your daughter.” He brought her fingers to his lips and kissed them to emphasize the point.

  When they got up to go about two hours later, her parents looked like they were in shock. Her mother accepted a big hug from the SEAL, her hands fluttering over his shoulders and not hugging him back. Tyler then shook her father’s hand. “Sir, it was a pleasure.”

  “Glad we could meet, son.”

  In the car on the way back to Kate’s place, he was quiet. Finally he spoke up. “How’d I do?”

  “I don’t think they knew what hit them.”

  “You okay with how fast all this is going?”

  Oh, yeah. She was definitely okay with this. In fact, she was more than okay with this. Excitement and passion for life sizzled through her veins again. She was on a path she wanted to be on, holding hands with the man she wanted to share it with.

  Dare she have such hopes and dreams?

  “Just come home to me, Tyler.”

  “Roger that, baby. Roger that.”


  hapter 32

  The next morning, Kate decided to not waste a single minute she could with him. Watching him sleep next to her, his arm draped lazily over her naked hip, the other one tucked under his chin like he was a little boy hugging a favorite blanket, she was struck again by how beautiful he was. Even in sleep he was confident. The rise and fall of his chest played a symphony of strings to her heart. She was grateful to have met him. Grateful that he found in her something he could love.

  She placed fingers against his closed lips and watched as his big blue eyes opened.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “I could say the same about you, Tyler.”

  He squinted. “Beautiful? I dunno…” He laughed and pulled her against him. “But you are, my dear.” He slowly kissed her on both sides of her neck. She clutched his broad shoulders, letting her palms travel over the movement of muscle and sinew as he pressed her lower torso into his groin so she’d understand he was hard again. “I could get used
to this, baby.”

  “Makes two of us.”

  Tyler took his time once more, easing her into his slow, relentless rhythm until she found the sweet plateau of her flame, shuddering at the beauty and power of their physical joining. She remembered what she’d texted him,

  Is it possible to love someone too much?

  And he’d answered, Not if it’s me you’re loving.

  Even the slowing down and putting her back on firm ground again was done with such loving skill, her eyes filled.

  He knew better than to ask her what it was about. His thumbs brushed away the tears like it was no big thing. He kissed both her eyes as if healing them. “It’s going to be okay, baby. You’ll see.”

  “I’m trying, Tyler. I’m really trying. But God, I’m going to m—”

  “Shhh. Quiet. I’m still here. I’ll always be here,” he said as he pressed his palm to her chest over her heart.

  Tyler’s cell phone chirped, which made him frown. Retrieving it from his pants at the side of the bed he answered.

  “Kyle? Something’s up?”

  Then he said, “Shit. You’re kiddin’ me.” Then, “Oh, man. They don’t have flights out every hour. More like twice a day. I’d have to catch a plane from San Francisco.”

  Kate rolled to her back, the tears streaming down into her hair and leaking onto her pillow. The time of parting had begun. She was so freakin’ scared. And heartbroken. She closed her eyes and offered up a little prayer, asking for protection.

  Bring. Him. Home. Please. Please.

  The thought of never seeing him again was unbearable.

  “Roger that. Going to be one helluva cab fare.”

  “I’ll take you,” she whispered to his back.

  Tyler put his finger up and winked at her.

  “Okay then. I’ll get there as soon as I can. Some of my gear is at the apartment. Do I even have time for that? Will do. See you in a few.”

  He hung up the phone. “Now, where were we?”

  “You’re about to leave.”

  “Oh, that. Gosh, looking at your beautiful body all naked, and me being naked, and having your scent all over me, I forgot for a second where I was. But yes, baby, now is the time we say goodbye, but only for now. We hook up again real soon.”

  She turned away from him and burst into tears.

  “I can’t see that, honey. You know we both have to be strong.”

  He rolled her over on her back. “A couple of things I need you to know first. Anything happens to me—”

  She began to cry again, putting her hands up on her face.

  “No, baby. This has to be said. Anything happens to me, my sister will be called because I haven’t had time to change any notifications. You would not believe the paperwork we get to fill out all the time. I came here instead.”

  “Tyler, don’t worry about that. Don’t talk about that. Not now.”

  “It has to be said, sweetheart. So Linda will call you. I’ll make sure she does while I’m gone.” He pulled out the letter he’d written yesterday. “It’s all in here, her phone number, and the phone number for Devon Dunn, who’s married to one of our own, lives here in Sonoma County.”


  “Read it after I leave. Not now.” He tipped her chin up, kissed her there, and then gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. “Got it?”

  “Yes.” She searched his warm, tenderhearted eyes. “How do you do this, Tyler? Teach me.”

  “Honey, I’m going to be honest with you. I never had anyone to come home to before. This is all new for me too. We’ll figure it out together. You keep fighting for us, and I’ll do all the rest. Just stay strong. Hang around Devon and talk to Linda. Important you talk to people in the community now. Only they understand what you’re going through.”

  She nodded her agreement.

  “We sometimes get to Skype. If you don’t have it, get it. I’ll email you when I can, but it might not be every day. And I’ll write, but our letters come all out of order sometimes, so watch for that. Don’t feel like I’m not answering you, okay?”

  “Sure. So I can maybe see your face sometimes?”

  “I’m hoping so. I sure as hell am going to want to see yours. I gotta call a cab.”

  “Let me take you down to the bus station, at least. They have cabs lined up and waiting there all the time. If you’re in a hurry.”

  “Being in a hurry is an understatement. Normally I’d mind not getting a nice hot shower with you this morning, but I want to be able to wear that shirt you wore Friday night and hope your scent stays on it until I get back.”

  “And then you give that shirt to me. I’ll put it on every night while you’re gone so I can remember the scent and feel of you against my skin.”

  “Good. It will be our little routine. I like routines. They keep us safe, baby.”

  She gazed up at him, drawing strength from his eyes. She could see perhaps she could do this. With him believing in her, perhaps she did have it in her after all.

  “We good, baby? Glad we got the lovin’ in early. And it was real nice, too, the best yet.”

  She inhaled and he smiled, knowing another burst of tears was right there in her eyes.

  “See, you’re strong. Be strong for me, sweetheart.”

  “I promise.”

  “There you go. Your promise is your bond. That goes with me clear across the globe to places you don’t even want to know about. You hold onto that love, and we can outdo all the evil that’s out there. Remember, love is always stronger. Always.”

  It wasn’t any good. She was going to cry again. He pulled her up and held her so she could cry on his shoulder without him having to watch. She felt the hot tears trickle down and knew some of them landed on his shoulder. His massive fingers dug into the hair at the back of her head, massaging her. He spoke little words of encouragement she couldn’t hear through her sobs. He didn’t hurry her. When she was done, when her shaking had subsided, he drew her back and wiped her cheeks with his fingers.

  “There’s my woman. God I’m a lucky man, Kate. The luckiest man alive.”

  That was an unfortunate choice of words but she inhaled again and willed her eyes to remain dry, and they did.

  “See? You can do this.” He winked, and then began pulling on his clothes. At first she watched him, then remembered she had to take him to the bus depot.

  She grabbed a T-shirt, jeans, and her underwear, and got dressed in thirty seconds. She brushed her hair, put on deodorant and handed the tube to him.

  “Humor me. Lavender. Wear it and be proud. Take it. It’s the only thing I can give you right now that you don’t already have.”

  He looked at it like it was a thousand dollar bill. “Thank you, sweetheart. I’ll use it every day. We need it over there.”

  The trip to the bus station was way too fast. She’d just begun to wrap her head about the fact that he was leaving when she pulled up to the string of taxis. Tyler got out, hitching his backpack over his right shoulder, his left arm around her waist.

  “It’s very simple, Kate. I’m a simple guy. You just don’t give up. You don’t ring the bell. You stay here and you be smart.”

  “I will.”

  “If I can call you, the number will be scrambled. So you see any funny numbers, it’s me, okay?”


  “Love you, honey. I always will.”

  “Me too. But come back so I can show you proper,” she said with as much snark as she could muster.

  “I promise. You’ve not seen anything yet, Kate. We got our whole lives. Just remember that. Have faith in us.” He kissed her deeply, sending shock waves down her spine. “Be strong,” he whispered.

  “I will. I promise. Love you too.”

  The cabby was getting irritated, saying something in a Middle Eastern dialect. She watched as Tyler slipped his huge body into the back seat behind the driver, and waved back to her through the window. The cabbie barreled off in a cloud of exhaust.

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  hapter 33

  Tyler mulled over what Kyle had told him. Part of Team 3 was leaving this morning. That never happened. That meant it was a really critical rescue mission. Some of their own guys were missing, he said.

  The sun visor on the taxi driver’s passenger side read Mohan Mazur. He was pretty sure that wasn’t the driver’s real name. Not many of them stayed the same when they immigrated, just like when his ancestors came over, they’d changed the family name to make it more “American” sounding. Gray. He wondered if this was the man’s attempt to sound more American. So many in this country were immigrants now, they were becoming the majority.

  It was interesting this brown-skinned man from somewhere else originally would be his delivery vehicle. If only he knew what Tyler did at the office every day. Yup. This was part of the America he was pledged to defend, and, if necessary, die for. He thought about Kate. Halfway thought he’d have to peel her off him at the end, and that brought a smile to his face. Bless her warm little body. Man, that sure was a body he wanted to get close to again. Her engine had two speeds: fast and really fast. She loved like it mattered. He liked that about her. She played for keeps. She had big dreams.

  If the God of SEALs could only help him stay alive long enough to become part of those dreams, he’d die a happy man. One year, or seventy. He wasn’t going to quit. He’d be her protector, her confidant, her partner in every sense of the word, and her lover, until they both were dust. Even if he were toothless and wrinkled, he’d be able to get it up and, if she’d have him, he’d be ready to lock-n-load. Might have to be careful not to break something of hers, though.

  Shit, what am I doing? Oh yeah. Getting ready to go get my ass kicked.

  He made a mental note of all the things he had to bring, so he could do it in minutes. Coop, Luke, T.J., Frankie, Ollie and Fredo were going to be waiting for him there at his apartment. Armando and Kyle and the rest of their group were already on their way to Djibouti.


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