The Contest

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The Contest Page 7

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  Madi thought of all the things she would be willing to do for him. Her mind went to the gutter and she had to pull herself out again. She must have blushed because Jake asked her what she was thinking.

  “I can’t tell you. It’s a secret,” she smiled coyly as she put the last of several shirts into a box.

  “I like secrets,” he said with a sly smile.

  “Jake, leave the girl alone,” Ang chimed in. “We can’t tell you everything we’re thinking. Then we wouldn’t be mysterious and alluring.” She winked at Madi like she knew she was undressing him in her mind.

  “Mysterious and alluring... Is that the goal? Damn, why are you just telling me this now? Do you know how many dates of mine could have gone so much better if I would have known that was the objective?”

  Madi giggled but cringed inside at the idea of Jake being on a date with anyone besides her. She got up to close the box and Jake grabbed the packing tape and strode toward her. Madi held the flaps as he walked around her to seal the box. He moved ever so slightly and his leg brushed up against hers. She felt a shiver go through her body at his brief touch. She hoped he didn’t notice her tremble at the nearness of him. When he stood next to her, she got another chance to smell him, and oh lord! How could his scent be that intoxicating? It took every ounce of energy she had not to throw her arms around him and hold on for dear life.

  “You smell good,” he said as he looked her in the eye without a hint of the anxiety she felt at his proximity.

  Gasp. “So do you,” she said as she bit her lip. She was beguiled by his smile. Her nerves quickly settled and she fearlessly asked, “Did I miss the Jake Morgan cologne for sale? Because I totally want a bottle.”

  He smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You were smelling me?”

  She must have lost her mind. She felt so comfortable with him at that moment that she said, “You know damn well I’m smelling you. You caught me taking a big whiff yesterday and you caught me again right now.”

  Ang burst out laughing and Jake tried to act like he was shocked.

  “I knew no such thing! Are you sure you got enough of a sniff? I could get closer.” He winked at her and she giggled.

  “By all means Jake, bring it in,” she said with a wave, thinking he was joking.

  He came up from behind her and put his arms around her. Holy mother of mercy, Jake Morgan’s cheek was on her cheek. She immediately noted the strength in his arms, the softness of his touch, and the prickle of his stubble on her face. He smelled even better close up and Madi found it hard to breathe. Not because he was holding her too tightly, but simply because his arms were wrapped around her. She couldn’t think. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move, and she didn’t want to. “Sniff away,” he said.

  “Hold it right there!” Ang jumped up from her seat. “Madi, where’s your phone? This is a photo op if ever I saw one.”

  Madi pointed to her purse on the floor. Ang grabbed Madi’s phone and Jake held his place with his arms around her while she snapped several pictures. Then she made him stand next to her for a couple as well.

  “Perfect,” she said with a smile.

  “Wait Ang, you get in there.” Jake went around to the other side of the table while he and Ang changed places. Ang gave Madi a knowing smile. They moved chest to chest with their arms around each other and their cheeks smushed together.

  “Now that’s a good picture,” Jake said as he admired his work. “I may want a copy of that.”

  Did Jake Morgan say he wanted a picture of me? Holy shit balls. Kendra was going to die when she told her. Madi‘s thoughts were high fiving each other.

  “My goodness!” Ang said. “It’s eleven o’clock. You’d better get out of here and get some rest. What time is your flight tomorrow, Madi?”

  Madi plopped down in her seat as reality sunk in. “1 p.m., but I was thinking that I could just stay here and you could adopt me.”

  Ang placed her hand on Madi’s shoulder. “Oh, honey, if I could, I would keep you here forever. You have been such a help to me. I could really get used to having you around every day. Just wait until the tour gets closer and then it really gets crazy.”

  Jake’s hands skidded through his hair and a thoughtful look gleamed in his eyes. Madi wondered where he went off to. She would have given her right pinky toe to know what he was thinking at that moment. To be in his head, in his arms, sigh. What was wrong with her? She couldn’t be falling for him, could she? No, no way. But was she kidding herself? There must be something wrong with him. She needed to find it soon.


  His thoughts were swirling around in his head as he watched Ang and Madi hug goodbye and exchange phone numbers. How could this contest have gone so awry? This girl was supposed to fly in here, be wowed by his singing, have a dinner with him, maybe have a late lunch the next day and be on her way. Instead he had spent the last two nights with her while she graciously worked her ass off for what, a free t-shirt? He’d never expected… He didn’t even know what to say. Was he going to drive her back to her hotel, drop her off and say goodbye? That just didn’t feel like enough. He felt like he owed her something more. He felt like he’d ripped her off. And yet, there she was, perfectly content to pack and move boxes for the night for a cheap burger and a picture with him.

  He opened Madi’s door as she climbed into his car. He waved to Ang as he watched her get in her car as well. All he could think of was how to make the drive longer so he could spend more time with her.

  “I don’t even know what to say to you. Thank you so much for staying and helping Ang and me with the product. I hope you weren’t miserable the whole time.”

  “I had such a good time! It didn’t even feel like work. Thank you.”

  “Thank me? You’re delirious. What crazy bus did you fall off of that made you think that was fun?”

  “You didn’t have a good time?” She appeared concerned.

  “No, I had a great time it just didn’t feel right to put you to work.”

  “You didn’t put me to work, I offered. And for the record, I’m pretty sure it was more fun than a stuffy dinner at some restaurant.”

  “You didn’t even get to see LA while you were here.”

  “I saw the hotel and your studio. That’s enough for me,” she said.

  “Well if you ever come to LA again, I promise to at least show you the Hollywood sign.”

  Did he just offer to see her again?

  “I hate when I’m touring and I’m in a cool place that I’ve never been to before and all I get to see is the view from the hotel and the arena.”

  “I wish I had time to see more, but unfortunately I have classes on Monday and finals in two weeks,” Madi said with a long sigh as her chest rose and she fell hard back into her seat.

  “Finals, huh? That sucks.”

  “It sucks more than you know.”

  “Then what? What does Madi Ryan do for fun besides pack boxes?”

  “Madi Ryan is extremely boring. After school is over I’ll put in more hours at Titans and try to save money for next year.”

  “Titans… the drug store?” he chuckled.

  “I’m a pharmacy technician. Hey, don’t laugh. I started working there when I was fifteen. I’m livin’ the dream.”

  They both laughed.

  “You said more hours. Are you working while you’re in school?” he asked.

  “When I can. I’m a resident assistant. I work at least one weekend a month and most days during the week. I usually try to work at Titans one day a week and weekends.”

  “You are a hard worker.”

  “You couldn’t tell that by my exceptional packing skills?”

  He laughed. “Oh yeah, you packed that box like nobody’s business.”

  Before he knew it they were at the hotel.

  “It’s late. Let me walk you to your room.”

  “You are a gentleman after all,” she said with fake surprise.

  “Oh yeah, that
’s right, you were trying to find fault with me. Should I just kick you to the curb?”

  “It’s not in your nature. You’d probably feel bad and come back for me.”

  “Dear girl, you have no idea the things I would do.”

  Oops. That sounded seductive. He quickly rubbed his hands together like he was creating Frankenstein and got a quick smile out of her. He gave the valet his keys at the entrance and they took the all too short ride in the elevator to the fifth floor and her room.

  She was fiddling with her key card and he was trying to think of something creative to say when she piped up. “This room is fantastic, by the way. Did you want to see what your money was paying for?”

  He had to think fast. This was not a date. He wouldn’t be coming in to make out with her or spend the night. She was a fan, just a fan; a beautiful fan that just saved his assistant hours and hours. A fan that he wasn’t sure he was ready to say goodbye too.

  “Sure,” he said before his brain could think it through. Great Jake, follow your dick instead of your head. He internally reminded himself to be careful. What was he thinking?

  Chapter 9


  They walked into her room and all she could think about was whether or not he was a good kisser. She caught herself staring at his mouth on more than one occasion, and she mentally reprimanded herself for it. She so badly wanted to kiss him. Something told her that one kiss from him would never be enough. Who was she kidding? He wouldn’t be interested in someone like her.

  “Well, what do ya think?” she said as she tossed her purse on the table and her phone fell out.

  “Not too bad. I think we could have done better.” He laughed as he shoved his hand in his pocket and ran the other through his hair.

  “I bet you’ve stayed in a lot of nice places, huh?”

  “Some nice, some not so nice. I could tell you some stories...”

  Just then her phone started blaring “Come Get It Bae,” by Pharrell Williams. Damn, she’d forgotten to turn it off. She hit the vibrate switch and set it down.

  “Do you need to get that?” he asked as he pointed to the phone.

  “No, it’s just my friend Kendra expecting a full report on my day with you.”

  “Kendra? The music major? Mind if I answer?” he asked as he pointed to the phone.

  Oh my God... “No, not at all. She’ll be blown away.”

  She watched as he slid the answer button and put Kendra on speakerphone.

  “You’d better answer my fucking call you bitch! Where have you been all day? I almost had to run to the store for another bag of Doritos. Don’t you know I’m dying here waiting for some details on that fine piece of ass?”

  Madi immediately covered her face with her hands. Did she just call him a fine piece of ass? She was going to kill her.

  “Hey Kendra, how are you? It’s the fine piece of ass reporting in for Madi.”

  Silence. Dead silence. Jake shrugged and playfully licked his lips. And then the fireworks went off.

  “Well, hello there fine piece of ass!” Kendra said. “I hope you’ve been treating my best friend to the time of her life. You know I worship the ground she walks on!”

  She should have known Kendra wouldn’t be shy.

  “The time of her life? I’m not so sure about that, but she did get few good sniffs in,” Jake said with a smile.

  Kendra laughed. “Did she grab your ass for me yet?”

  Madi almost slid under the table.

  “Um, no… not yet.” His eyes flashed with wonder as he tilted his head to one side and his lips curled into a smile. “Was that something she was supposed to report back to you on?” He leaned onto the table and turned his head toward Madi, brandishing a flirtatious smile that set her skin on fire.

  “Yes, I asked her to report back on how you smell, which by the way I heard was orgasmic, and then I asked her to let me know if your ass felt as tight as it looks in pictures.”

  Madi could see her life pass before her eyes as the words flew into the air from Kendra’s voice on the phone. They seemed to have a life of their own as they swirled around and seeped into her brain. She could feel her heart stop beating and death approaching fast. Jake gave her the sexiest smile she had ever seen as he stood up and turned around, pushing his backside toward her.

  “Okay, well she hasn’t touched it yet, Kendra, but I’ve now turned my back to her and lifted up my shirt for her to grab away. She looks as white as a ghost right now so she may need a little encouragement from you to do the deed.”

  Dying... just dying…

  “Mads, if you can hear me, snap out of your coma and put both hands on the baby and squeeze it for me. It’s the last thing I’m asking and you can thank me later.”

  Jake laughed hysterically and pushed his ass out even further.

  “Go ahead, Madi. Don’t let your friend down,” Jake encouraged.

  “Do it, Mads, do it!” Kendra shouted.

  She didn’t know if it was the peer pressure or the minor stroke she had just had that stopped her from thinking clearly, but she reached up to him with both hands and grabbed him from behind. Dear lord, he had a nice ass. Oh God, she touched him. She was going to die a slow, painful death. Immediately her hands recoiled and covered her eyes. She bent down at the waist so she was sitting on the couch with her upper torso facing the floor.

  “She did it. She grabbed it good. Now all you need is the report.” Jake turned around and sat down next to Madi, adjusting his shirt.

  “For the love of God, Kendra. I am going to kill you when I see you tomorrow. Do you hear me? You’re dead to me.”

  Kendra burst out laughing. Madi peeked out from her hands to see Jake sitting with his leg crossed and arm out along the back of the couch behind her. He was grinning from ear to ear and watching her closely.

  “You know you love me,” Kendra said. “Now tell me, how was it?”

  “Yeah Madi, how was it?” Jake said with a smirk.

  Madi got up, ran to the bed, grabbed a pillow, and threw it at him. His reflexes were quick and he caught it before it hit him. He exploded into laughter.

  “It was tight as hell. Nice and firm. It felt unbelievable in my hot little hands,” she said in a huff as she blew the bangs out of her eyes.

  “Wahoo! Way to go, girl!” Kendra shouted. “I can die happy knowing one of us has touched Jake Morgan’s ass.”

  “I’m glad I could help. Anything for my fans,” he said with a half shrug that jilted his head to the side.

  “I have to tell you Jake, your hotness factor just went up ten points in my book,” Kendra announced joyously.

  “Thank you. It’s always nice to hear that someone my age finds me appealing.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that! Madi and I are fans of your hotness for life.”

  “I’m hanging up on you now,” Madi said in a huff.

  “That will teach you not to put me on speakerphone ever again!”

  “I think she’s learned her lesson,” he said through his smile. “Nice to meet you, Kendra.”

  “You too Jake. Take care of my girl.”

  “I most definitely will.”

  “You suck, Ken.”

  “You suck too. Love ya.”

  “Love you too. See you tomorrow.”

  With that she pressed end and turned around ever so slowly to see Jake staring at her.

  “I like her,” he said.

  “Everybody likes her.” Madi couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eye.

  “She brings out your wild side I see.”

  “Can we just pretend that didn’t happen? I am mortified.”

  “I don’t know if I can forget it. My ass is still tingling.”

  Madi covered her face with her arms and crisscrossed them across her head. “Oh. My. God.”

  He jumped up and hugged her, laughing. “Please don’t be embarrassed. It’s not a big deal.”

  Jake Morgan has his arms around me again. T
hat’s twice in one day. Holy hell. What do I do? She thought. He slowly pulled on her arms and unfolded them to her sides, holding her hands in place. Their faces were inches apart. He lifted her chin to examine her eyes. She stared into pools of deep blue. Oh God. Please kiss me. Her lips silently pleaded with his.


  Her face was inches from his. He could feel her breath on his face as he found himself staring her beautiful mouth. It would have been so easy for him to just pull her in and put his lips on hers. She was looking at his lips and God help him, he wanted to kiss her.


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