The Contest

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The Contest Page 20

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  Madi folded her arms across her chest as she tried to process what had just happened and respond to Ang at the same time. “No, no and no.”

  “Was he too busy? It looked like you were talking for a bit.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Madi turned, making her way back toward Jake. If he wanted to be honest, she could be honest too. Jake was leaning on the stage, looking over some papers and making notes.

  “If honesty is what you want, then I can be honest.”

  His posture straightened as his eyebrows arched with concern. He seemed quite worried about the determined look on her face and the words she might speak. He took her arm and led her away from everyone as her words spilled out in a heated rush.

  “You play these games with me, like we’re having a contest to see who can make the other cave,” she spoke in a huff. “I’m not into games. It was fun at first but now it’s just frustrating. I’m not sure what you want from me. One day you berate me to make sure I know that our relationship is purely professional. Then the next day, you’re leaning in to kiss me. You want me to be honest? I do think you are attractive and I know you know I think so too. Okay? So does that make us even? Are we good now? You think I’m beautiful and I think you’re hot enough to set my blood on fire when I’m in the same building, let alone the same room.”

  Jake searched Madi’s eyes the whole time she spoke, but didn’t say a word. He actually looked more serious than she had ever seen him before and it made her feel nervous. His serious expression was a million times hotter than his smile and his smile made her heart want to implode. Why could he make her feel this way? The nervousness took over and she continued, “You have a fitting at three on Monday. WJOL wants you to stop by to do a guest spot on Tuesday morning at 8 a.m. They want to play your new song and interview you. We’ll agree to give them meet and greet passes for your LA show and front row tickets as part of the promotion. I just need to know how you feel about it and if you want it, I mean, want to do it so that I can set the whole damn thing up. So do you want me? I mean, do you want to do it or not?”

  Jake eyes grew wide. “I’m not sure if I want it or not, Madi. It’s really very confusing and complicated. Do you think it would be good for me?”

  “I think you need to follow your heart and not your head for once. How do you feel about it?” Madi’s mind was trying to send him mental signals to tell her how he really felt about her.

  “I feel conflicted. I don’t mean to play games. The truth is I’m not sure what is best for me or anyone.”

  They stood there in silence, eyes locked on each other. Madi wasn’t sure if they were on the same subject or not, but to her, at that moment it didn’t feel like they were talking about the interview at all.

  Jake was intently focused on reading her eyes. He seemed to be searching them for something. Madi desperately wanted him to kiss her. If he would just kiss her then she would know they were talking about the same thing. She would know that he felt something, and that it was more than just a game. She could feel her eyes drift from his, glance at his lips and then return to probing oceans of blue.

  Jake pushed his hand through his hair and Madi knew the subject was closed. “Yes, I’ll do the interview. I think the promotion is a great idea, especially since we’re kicking off the tour in LA. We should see if some of the other stations we’ve worked with before want to do similar promotions before we hit their city. I could call in to do interviews with them. Talk to Ang, okay?”

  “Jake…” Madi could feel her mind flip flopping. What had just happened? “About the other thing?”

  Jake looked at her and seemed concerned about what she was going to say next. The look in his eyes told Madi he wasn’t where she was.

  “The fitting… are you okay with the time?”

  Jake smiled, obviously relieved. “Yeah, it sounds great.”

  With that he walked away and Madi felt a feeling in her chest she had never felt before. She needed to get a grip. She was starting to fall apart inside and the feeling was completely new to her. She wasn’t sure she liked it.


  He had just listened to Caleb ramble on about fan mail for the last thirty minutes. He vaguely heard him remind him of the threats, but what else was new. There was always someone who didn’t like him for one reason or another. He nodded incoherently and abruptly agreed to think about adding more security. He was having a hard time focusing after his interaction with Madi and he was in desperate need of a distraction. He needed to get out to clear his head. He wasn’t thinking rationally and he knew getting away from it all would give him some clarity.

  “Trey, how’s that new baby of yours?”

  “She’s beautiful. We picked a name.”

  Jake smiled, “Okay, spill.” Did he really just say spill?

  “Her name’s Raven.”

  “That’s fantastic. It suits her. She’s like a little bird. How’s Annie feeling?”

  “She’s good. She went to Santa Barbara for the weekend to see her mom.”

  “So you’re free tonight?” Jake hoped.

  “What did you have in mind?”

  “Let’s go out for a drink, maybe dinner. What do you say? No work tomorrow and I really need to clear my head.”

  “Sure man, I could use a drink too.”

  Jake felt relieved. Getting out with Trey what just what he needed.

  Jake approached Ang. Madi was nearby but on the phone.

  “What’s the name of that restaurant with the swanky piano music that’s a block from the strip club?”

  “Scarlet’s, I think. Please don’t tell me you are going to the strip club,” Ang asked in her most motherly voice.

  “I asked for the name of the bar, didn’t I? I have a date.”

  “A date?” Ang cautiously glanced in Madi’s direction and then she whispered, “With whom?”

  “Trey.” He smirked before asking, “Were you worried?”

  Ang laughed, “Nope, I was just wondering who had to put up with you tonight.”

  “Could you call and make a reservation for eight?”

  “You got it, sweetie.”

  Jake felt free for the first time in weeks. This was definitely a well-deserved night out. He needed to put things in perspective. He didn’t even realize his feelings had started to change, but it was happening pretty quickly. One day he knew how he felt and the next day he didn’t. He needed to put an end to it. He could feel he was going down the wrong path. He started to remember what happened when he didn’t think, when he just acted. He needed to think this time. He couldn’t do that to her.

  Chapter 26


  The station manager from WJOL was talking her ear off. She saw Jake speaking to Ang and had to strain herself to hear what they were discussing. She picked up on one word and that was enough for her. “Date”- Jake was going on a date. She had her answer. She was sure of it now. It was just a game and he wasn’t interested in her. He’d obviously made plans to let her know how he felt without having to say it. Madi finished her call. At first she felt so sad she thought she might cry, but within seconds, she suddenly felt stronger than ever. Her stomach growled and she imagined a chicken salad from the grill. She picked up her cell phone and punched in a number.

  “Hi, it’s Madi. I know this is short notice but do you have any plans for tonight?”

  “I have to go to this thing for work, but I would totally love to not go alone. Want to come with me?”

  “You really wouldn’t mind me tagging along?”

  “Are you kidding me? I would love to talk to someone who didn’t want to ask me about my brother.”

  “Gina, you read my mind!”


  Gina came by the arena around 6:30. Everyone was happy to see her and she obviously knew them all. Jake stopped what he was doing the minute he saw her. His serious face crinkled even more as he practically ran to her as she sat on the corner of Madi’s desk.

; “Hey, everything all right?”

  “Well hi, Jake. It’s nice to see you too. You missed me? You’re happy to see me? Awww, I’m happy to see you too, big bro.”

  “Hi Gina. I missed you and I’m happy to see you, now is everything okay? Why are you here?”

  “I didn’t come to see you, I came to pick up Madi. She’s going out with me tonight.”

  Jake’s eyes darted back and forth between Madi and Gina several times. “You know she’s underage. She can’t go clubbing, Geens. You know how I feel about your clubbing.”

  Gina glared at him, “She doesn’t look underage and I think it’s time she got shit-faced don’t you?”

  Madi suddenly felt worried. Drinking was not her thing. Maybe going out with Gina wasn’t a good idea. She barely knew her. Where did she say they were going? Madi suddenly felt the urge to climb into bed with a book and call her mom.

  “You will not take out my underage employee and get her wasted.” Jake said furiously.

  “Relax, I was just kidding. First Gate Records is having a promo party tonight and I have to go. Madi is coming with to keep me company. It seems we both have something in common.”

  “Oh really, what’s that?”

  “We don’t want to talk about you for one night.”

  Madi could feel the urge to laugh loudly but she managed a snicker instead, which Jake seemed to take note of.

  “And here I thought you both enjoyed my company. I’m hurt,” he said with fake angst.

  “Oh don’t be!” Gina interlocked her arm with his before resting her head on his shoulder. “I can’t speak for Madi, but I love you to pieces.”

  Madi quickly picked up the phone and pretended to call someone. Anything to pretend she didn’t hear the question so she didn’t even have to acknowledge it.

  “Well, be careful and have a good time, okay?”

  “We will!” Gina’s smile lit up her face. Jake smiled back, glanced in Madi’s direction and walked back toward the stage. Madi suddenly felt empowered.

  She could do this. She could try something new, maybe…


  Jake handed Trey a beer and motioned for him to have a seat. “Just let me shower and change and we’ll be on our way.”

  Trey sat down in front of the TV and rubbed Murphy’s belly. As Jake rounded into the hall he could hear laughter coming from Madi’s room. Gina was obviously in there with her. Jake liked that they got along so well but he was a little worried about them both going out alone. His meeting with Caleb came to mind.

  He jumped in the shower and changed into dark blue jeans and a button-down shirt. He’d shaved earlier and was starting to get a shadow again. He liked the way it looked so he left it. He fixed his hair, popped in his contacts, grabbed his phone and wallet and walked out the door. Madi’s room was empty and he felt a twinge of disappointment until he heard Gina’s voice.

  “Doesn’t she look amazing?”

  Jake turned the corner and stopped in his tracks. Madi was wearing a black strapless dress and high heels. Her hair was down and in curls around her face. She looked stunning.

  “What do think, Jakie? Doesn’t she look fantastic?” Gina asked.

  Madi turned and it was obvious to him that Gina had had her way with her. Madi had smoky eyes and red lips. Jake instantly remembered he was a man.

  “You look incredible. As do you, Gina.”

  “Thank you,” Madi said. She looked different; confident. Jake was bewitched by her. “Gina dressed me. I feel like a princess.”

  “Well you look like one. Let’s go, we don’t want to be late.” Gina turned and kissed Trey, then Jake on the cheek. Madi followed suit. She kissed Trey on the cheek as she said goodbye and then sauntered toward Jake. He could feel his heart rate quicken. For some reason, he felt like she was his.

  Madi planted a soft kiss on his cheek and then wiped it away with her thumb. “Goodnight, Jake.”

  Jake simply nodded his head and then they were gone. He looked to Trey as he sighed, “Let’s get the hell out of here.”


  It was 2 a.m. when he arrived home. He nursed a beer all night after having a shot of whiskey. Being with Trey was just what he needed. He came through the door feeling relaxed and at ease. He was greeted by a happy pup in need of a walk. He tossed his keys on the table along with a handful of pieces of paper, each containing the phone numbers of several beautiful girls who had attempted to lure him home with them throughout the night. He wasn’t interested in any of them but he enjoyed the attention.

  Jake was on his way back from walking Murphy when he saw Gina’s car pull up. Madi stepped out, skipped around to the driver’s window, reached in and hugged his sister. Then she stood and pulled her dress up, laughing. Jake couldn’t help but smile at the interaction. Madi waved to Gina as she pulled away and then turned to see Jake approaching.

  “Hi! How was your night, hottie?” she asked.

  “Awesome. How was yours, beautiful?”

  “Am-a-zing!” she sang. “I met Jorden Monroe, Matthew Olson and Rebecca Ortega.”

  “Wow, that’s great.”

  “Your sister is the bomb,” Madi said as she pulled out her key and walked into the building. Jake regarded how she slid her security card and walked into his place as if she had lived there for years.

  He followed, watching her closely. “Did you have something to drink?”

  “I had a diet coke or two. Don’t worry Jake, that’s not me. Your sister had one glass of champagne and that was it. She warned me in advance that you had to have your wits about you in a place like that. Do you believe Matthew grabbed my ass?”

  “He grabbed you?” Jake suddenly felt angry and heated.

  “It’s okay. He was drunk and I think he thought I was someone else. His speech was slurred and he put his hands up in the air after. It made me think of you.”

  “Getting your ass grabbed made you think of me?”

  “I meant that it made me think of how many times you have gotten your ass grabbed. I could see that it could be quite painful. Sorry Kendra made me do that, by the way.” Madi laughed as she went into the kitchen. She grabbed a carton of ice cream from the freezer and two spoons.

  “I didn’t mind,” Jake said with a smirk. He noted to himself that she seemed confident and at ease with herself. He really liked seeing her so happy.

  He sat down on the couch. Madi slid her heels off and pulled her legs underneath her as she sat down next to him and gave him a spoon.

  “So how was your date?” she said as she took a big spoonful before handing it to him.

  Jake dove in as well. “It wasn’t a date, it was Trey.”

  “I know. I figured that out when I saw him waiting for you.”

  Jake passed it back to her as he shoved his spoon into his mouth. “Is that what you thought? You thought I had a date tonight?”

  “I heard you tell Ang you had a date. I called Gina to see what she was up to and she invited me to this party with her. I’m so glad I went. It was so freaking cool. It was at this huge mansion and we had to be checked in. I seriously felt like royalty. Gina really knows how to handle herself.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. It wasn’t always the case.”

  “What do you mean?” Madi asked as she licked her spoon.

  Jake watched the spoon slide into her mouth. Never in his life had he wanted to be a spoon so badly. “A story for another time,” he said with a half smile.

  “How was your night?”

  “Great. It was nice to get out and talk to Trey. He’s like a brother to me.”

  “He is a great guy and a great father, too.” Madi handed the carton to Jake and he shook his head no.

  “I’m going to bed.” He started to get up and Madi reached for his arm.

  “Don’t go. I’m too wired to sleep and it’s too late to call Kendra. Stay here with me. Let’s watch a movie or something.”

  Jake felt an electric charge shoot through him at her touch.
“You want to watch a movie? Madi, its 2:30 in the morning.”

  Madi made a pouty face.

  “Did Gina tell you to do that when you wanted something from me?”

  “Yes,” Madi said through her continued pout. “Is it working?”

  Jake sighed as he sat back down next to Madi and grabbed the remote. Madi cheered and giggled. Jake was surprised by how easily a night that had seemed perfect up until now, could pale in comparison to this exact moment. All it took was one smile, from one girl.


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