Alpha and Omega

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Alpha and Omega Page 21

by Carolyn Faulkner

  She was already well into the throes of it, lifting her hips to him, offering herself to be sealed to him, even though he knew that caused her a certain amount of discomfort, too.

  The bliss they shared once they were locked together, though, was more than worth it to him, but he was not the one in pain.

  But once it was done, neither was she, really—one cancelled the other out—especially when he was slow and careful, which he did his best to be this time, deliberately drawing it out, kissing her, suckling at her nipples, testing his own strength of will, which had been annoyingly absent with her, although he seemed to have a bit of a better handle on it at the moment.

  When he finally pushed her over, she was magnificent in the savagery of her reaction, and he was meant to ride her and tame her at the same time as she spasmed wildly around him, driving him beyond his own resistance and forcing him to let loose with a formidable stream of his seed deep inside her, pumping into her, rocking against her the whole time as they drowned together in ecstasy.

  Her body clutched at him and clenched for him for a long time after he'd left her, and he encouraged it by touching her, sending her to not quite the heights they achieved together, but close, by stroking that impressive little nub of hers that was not so little any longer, bringing her to even further peaks until she literally could take no more.

  Kosh drew her into his arms and held her, kissing her softly as she drifted to sleep in his arms.

  Chapter 8

  Although things had gotten exponentially better between them over the past month or so, Tura was still trying to remember to actively work at achieving her goal. She wanted to leave him—even though he was more affectionate towards her, in his own gruff way. She wasn't even sure that her body would allow her to drag herself away from him and his magical genitals, but she knew that she knew she had to try to not allow the warm, fuzziness of being a bonded Omega dull her ambition or deter her from finding her way out of this place, to what seemed to be—as she remembered it—the paradise of a place where she had lived very happily with her mother, until her Alpha found her and uprooted them. And it was very hard to fight against the feeling that was creeping in around her edges that didn't involve lust for her mate. It was so unfamiliar to her that it took her a little while to recognize it for what it was—happiness.

  She was learning—really learning—and Kosh turned out to be quite a good teacher. He had much more patience with her than she expected. She had earned the right to stay in the room unbound by herself and had not made the mistake of taking out her frustrations on his belongings, because now some of them were hers, too, as he continued to bring her both books and writing utensils, and, eventually, a small desk next to his.

  It wasn't that she didn't get angry at his inevitable imposition of his will on her—she did. She even seethed and stormed—however quietly—and he allowed her to, as long as she wasn't disrespectful in her language or attitude towards him. But despite the fact that he was still very dominant with her, her bouts of frustrated anger were fewer, and she attributed that to one thing—the fact that he had begun training her body as well as her mind—and not just to satisfy him when they came together.

  He had surprised her one day when he'd gotten out of bed and moved as much of the furniture as he could into the bathroom, leaving most of the room empty. Then he'd challenged her to take him down.

  She was lying on the bed, on her side, naked, as always, watching him curiously. "I-I don't think so."

  "You don't think you can, or you don't want to?" he countered.


  "Tura," he said quietly. "I am giving you free license to take a swing at me. There will be no repercussions; you have my word."

  She sat on the edge of the bed, looking at him out of the corner of her eye, as if she was trying to decide whether or not he was being honest.

  "Come on. I can't believe you're hesitating. You're always spouting lists of your grievances against me, and yet you don't want to try to settle the score?"

  That, at least, got her to stand up. Then, she walked around him slowly, almost casually, and he turned himself to continually face her in the same fashion, both of their bodies loose but ready.

  When she came at him, it wasn't with a punch, because she knew that he'd be expecting that. She tried to trip him instead, but he easily avoided her gambit.

  "That was a very good attempt, though, little girl," he praised.

  "Don't call me little girl!" she seethed back at him.

  But he just gave her one of those devastating, rare smiles of his that he pulled out of his pocket every once in a while, just to disconcert her, she would swear.

  "Why not? You most definitely are, to me, in many different ways."

  That was what it took to goad her into attacking him, and he had to admit that she did a pretty good job of it. She wasn't successful, but then neither of them had really thought she would be, although she did land some solid punches and kicks. He could have caught and subdued her easily, but instead, he let her continue to come at him, making suggestions as to how she could alter her moves to have a better effect with less effort, even against him.

  She learned quickly, too, and was very relentless, even when he could see that she was tiring, she still attacked him with everything she had, which made him admire her just that much more.

  But he didn't want to exhaust her or, in doing so, perhaps cause her an injury, so, on her next kick, which hit his upper thigh, he caught her foot and used it to reel her in, ready to catch her at any moment, should she lose her balance. But she didn't, which was another added notch of respect for her.

  Kosh's hand made its way up her leg until her open hip was pressed against his arousal, then he lifted both of her legs so that they were around his waist, tucking his cock into her and holding her safe as he watched a sight he knew he would never tire of seeing as she gasped and groaned and mewled while sinking slowly all the way down onto him.

  When he was tightly sheathed within her, he kissed her deeply, then lifted her up enough to do what he needed to do. Catching her in this position wasn't easy, but he did it on the first try because he knew he needed to, capturing her cry of distress that quickly changed into a moan of desire in his mouth as the base of his cock began to meld them together.

  She arched away from him, those small hands resting on his shoulders and almost pushing him away, even though she knew he would never let her go as he became hungrier for her with each slightly tormented gasp and moan as he filled her up.

  Walking with her to the nearest wall, he set her against it, leaning down to hover his lips over hers. "I love watching you fight when you're naked. You look like some kind of female warrior from the Before the End."

  She blushed furiously, but her needs wouldn't allow her to be distracted from what she desired, and she knew how to shut him up, her hands finding his tiny nipples and flicking them furiously.

  Tura didn't think she'd ever get used to what she was discovering about her own power over him. She could—and just had—make him groan in pleasure. It was small, but it was something—something that she found deeply satisfying on a very primitive level.

  She didn't think there was anything she'd done to him since he'd started allowing her to touch him freely than hadn't made him arch, grunt, groan, or begin to fuck her insatiably. And this time was no different at all.

  He'd even allowed her to have a visitor, well, visitors, technically. He insisted on being there for it, but still. Emmy had come to see her, and she'd even brought the baby. Kosh had ulterior motives in allowing the visit, hoping that holding little Keev might inspire fertility in Tura.

  It was as deep seated a need in him to impregnate her as it was for her to become pregnant, but for him, it went even further. His father hadn't left him anything, and he wanted a son in the worst way. Everything he had, he'd had to fight for, and he'd managed to make so much more of himself than his father had.

  He wanted a son to whom he w
ould leave his legacy, even if it was just a few material things, but most importantly, the ability to read, which was a very powerful ability in this world—almost as powerful as the ability to fight, which he would also impart to his son.

  For her part, Emmy was glad to see that Tura seemed a bit better than she had been the last time they were together. She had filled out some, looked healthy, and she was almost willing to say happy, too, although she wasn't sure she'd put it that far. The other woman looked as if she was struggling with her fate less than she had been—which was her Omega side coming to the fore—and she seemed less stressed, overall. Emily thought it was a good sign, though, that she had been invited back—on both sides.

  Kosh seemed to have undergone a bit of a change, too. He also appeared more relaxed with her, and she was startled to see a hint of a smile on his face, which she'd never seen before Tura. She would be willing to bet that he had never even thought such a thing, but she could tell that he adored Tura. It was on his face every time he looked at her.

  She was also glad to see him taking more active care of her, and she knew that had to be Vaudt's influence. He was a wonderful Alpha—strong and dominant, and, eventually, he came around to the idea that those qualities did not have to preclude him from exhibiting the more tender feelings that his Omega needed from him in order to be happy and to respond to him in the fullest manner possible.

  An Alpha could only get so far with his Omega being brutish and imperious if he wanted to cultivate any kind of relationship with her other than a breeding one. That kind of attitude was probably excusable at the beginning—when the two of them were likely to be able to think of nothing else when they were together—and he wanted to establish his role in a way that would leave her no doubt as to who was in charge.

  But as his mate was likely to be the one who would be raising the children he gave her, the smart ones would realize that breeding her was really just the beginning.

  Eventually, she became so—overall—well behaved that he stopped hiding the key to the room. He didn't announce it or anything, but it was a pain for him to get to where he hid it, and he simply began leaving it on his key ring, so that it would jangle if she did decide to be naughty and try to get to it. He didn't leave the door unlocked because he didn't want other Alphas trying to steal her away.

  Mostly, though, she was becoming the mate of his fantasies, although he'd never really thought he'd be teaching fighting techniques to his Omega. He enjoyed that aspect of them, too. It was obviously something she got a lot out of, too—it was the time during which she was the most raptly attentive to him.

  It wasn't as if she was perfectly behaved, though, under any circumstances, but it was more likely her sassy mouth that would get her into trouble rather than any overt disobedience. Still, he didn't want to neglect what he considered to be a side of them that was at least as important as their mating was, so he established a routine of spanking her at least once a day. No matter how many other times that day she had been punished, once he came home, she always found herself placed over his knee, being reduced to tears and beyond, just before he joined their bodies together—which he took much more time with, too, causing their knotting—and thus their ecstasy—to last that much longer, too.

  Tura hadn't given up the idea of leaving—she refused to let herself think that she had, although she really hadn't been able to do much of anything towards making her escape, either. If she wasn't sleeping off her exhaustion from him being at her all night, then she was doing her best to complete the lessons in the primer that he gave her, trying to learn to write, too, practicing her fighting moves—she desperately wanted to knock him down, just once—or, to her great enjoyment, spending time with Emmy and her baby.

  Kosh had even allowed her to go to Emmy's room and visit her there. Although he always escorted her there, he didn't always stay, and he was always certain to make sure that Vaudt was going to be there with them. He tended to be just the slightest bit overprotective of her, which—although it gave her a warm glow she didn't really want to have—it also was quite the obstruction to getting away.

  And, frankly, when she was with Vaudt and Emmy, and very often holding Keev or changing him or rocking him, she almost thought she didn't want to, however treacherous an idea she considered that to be. That perfidy faded when she returned home, although never as completely as she wanted it to, and the longer she stayed with Kosh, the more it took hold.

  He was wrapped around her tightly, as he usually was, when the general alarm was raised in the middle of the night—a heavy bell tolling through the usually quiet air. Kosh was immediately on his feet, shouldering his way into his armor unhesitatingly, but his mind was on Tura and how best to keep her safe while he fought the hordes of what was undoubtedly their mortal enemies, the Skorge. He wasn't given much time to do so before they could hear heavy feet running down the corridors near them, causing commotion and outcry—the horrifying sounds of guns and swords and fists meeting flesh permeating the air.

  Kosh called her over to him and she came instantly—a fact which gave him no small goose of pride in her—as he quickly dressed her in the inner shirt of his armor, which, as he had been training all day yesterday, was replete with his scent. He wasn't sure it was going to work, but he had to do something to try to save her.

  Not only was she his Omega and, thus, he was responsible for her safety, she could very well be pregnant. He hadn't had a chance to ask Emily to examine her and find out, and he now flatly refused to take her to the breeding doctors.

  Once he'd gotten her into more clothing than she'd worn in a very long time around him, he brought her into the bathroom, which made her look at him questioningly.

  But he had no time to explain his methods to her. "Stand on the toilet," he ordered, remembering how she'd looked when she'd done that the first night they were together.

  "Now reach up and remove the ceiling tiles above you—quickly, little girl!" he ordered. "They're coming and I would not have them find you!"

  She did as he told her to, creating an opening that was just about large enough for her to get through, which she did, awkwardly lifting herself up into the ceiling, with a bit of a boost from his hand on her bottom, which, even in this life-threatening situation, made her tingle all over.

  Tura poked her head down through the opening again. "What about you?"

  He smiled at her, fully and completely, and it nearly stopped her heart.

  "I am off to do what I do best—fight and conquer the hoards. Pull the tile back down to cover the opening and stretch out to distribute your weight. You don't want to fall through. Stay there until I come to get you."

  Her response was very deeply satisfying to him. "Yes, Sir."

  "Good girl."

  More tingling that she could easily have done without, but she also did exactly as he told her to do.

  He left the bathroom and stood at the door, waiting for sounds of the gang of enemy soldiers to make their way further down towards them, intending to ambush and take them all out.

  But it didn't happen quite as Kosh had imagined.

  Instead, they had sent a man ahead—as if they knew right where his room was—who crept stealthily down the corridor and took aim at his door, shooting off an automatic weapon right through it, driving him back against the far wall—right in front of the bathroom—from the force of the bullets that cut across him.

  Tura had left as small crack in one of the ceiling tiles so that she could see some of what was going on. She wanted to scream when she saw the trail of blood his body left behind on the wall as he sank to the floor, but she schooled herself to remain as still and quiet as she could, since the enemy was pouring into the room, sniffing loudly as they did.

  They didn't bother to see if he was alive or not, though, all of them too far overtaken by the scent of her around the room.

  "Our snitch said he had an Omega. This is his room. Where is she?"

  They tore the room apart, but since
the bathroom was so bare, they didn't bother to do much more than lean into it and give it a cursory glance.

  "Maybe he's keeping her in the jail?"

  The leader of the group punched the man who suggested that, hard enough to make him almost wince. "Now, if you had access to your own Omega, would you put her somewhere where you weren't, idiot?"

  "Maybe she's at the breeding doctor?" someone suggested. "Or in the clinic, because she's carrying?"

  "We should check that out. At the very least, we could steal some medicine. Although I'd rather get myself an Omega."

  They very slowly made their way out the door while Tura remained as quiet as a mouse until well after she heard them departing loudly down the hallway.

  If she wasn't concerned about the extent of his injuries, she might have remained in her little hiding place a bit longer, but she knew she needed to get to Kosh to see if he was even still alive, so she dropped down, very cautiously, her ears pricked up to be alert to any sounds that might indicate that they—or anyone else—was coming towards the room and its now useless door.

  When she got to him, he was unconscious and losing a lot of blood.

  She laid him flat on the ground and tried to remember everything she could about medicine, but that wasn't much. She did grab the sheet off the bed, folding some of it into a big bandage and tearing others of it into strips.

  Once she'd staunched the bleeding some, she knew she had to get to either Kel or, preferably, Emmy. She put the blanket over him, thinking it might absorb more of the blood and perhaps give anyone passing by the idea that he was dead.

  When Tura stepped out of the room, though, into the deserted corridor, a thought struck her. She was—as she stood in his big shirt—just about as safe from other Alphas as she would ever be, covered in his scent. He wasn't in any kind of a condition to pursue her, and his weapons were readily available on the floor very near him. When she turned back around, she could see them there, as if they were beckoning to her.


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