Miss Taken

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Miss Taken Page 2

by Cleo Scornavacca

  The second guy is talking, probably the passenger, again I’m still not sure because I can’t see anything.

  “I’ll call him, you keep your eyes on the road. You’ve never driven out this way before. We can’t fuck this up, or we’ll be dead.”

  Holy shit! This is no joke. I begin to get dizzy and I think I’m going throw up. This has to be an enemy of my dad’s. I know he takes on some high profile clients but I wouldn’t know who it could be, because I don’t really pay much attention to his business. I wonder what sort of shit he has gotten himself into this time. Especially, because I’ve now become some sick piece of shit’s center of attention. I just thought of something. The passenger said they haven’t been out this way before. Maybe we’re heading to NJ or Connecticut. Why aren’t they using a GPS? Why would they use a GPS? That’s really the question. They’re men. We all know men and directions don’t mix. That or they’re afraid to use one because its voice would give away the destination.

  “Hey, she’s been out a long time. Do you think she’s okay?”

  “I’m sure she’s fine. It’s better for us that she sleeps. It makes our job easier. I don’t like dealing with hostages.”

  So boys, I’m making your day easier? Not for long gentlemen. Your boss ruined my day. Now I’m about to fuck with yours. Time to play the difficult hostage. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really scared, but I’m not going down without a fight. I realize that my legs aren’t tied. So I wriggle them up so I can feel if my phone is still in my boot. It’s still there and that’s where I intend for it to stay. This must be their first hostage job. What assholes. Once I’m alone I’ll text Tommy. He’ll know what to do.

  “Hey she’s waking up.” The passenger guy is taking notice of my movements.

  I swing myself around into a sitting position. This is no small feat. My hands are bound from behind and I’m blindfolded. This little maneuver makes my head spin. At that point, I can feel the sun on my face. This tells me we couldn’t have been driving for that long. It’s still daylight and it’s hot.

  “Miss Medici” The driver called me by my name, “We’ll be at our location before too long. I’m assuming you have some questions. Once we’re there our boss will explain everything to you.” He was very calm and matter of act in his delivery.

  Taking in what he said I became scared, but I didn’t want to freak out in front of them and give myself away. Breathing deep and exhaling I decided I’m not going to go easy on them. I lifted my foot and slammed the heel of my boot into to that back of what turned out to be the passenger’s seat.

  I startled him. He yells. “Hey what are you doing!”

  “Fuck both of you! Where are you taking me?” I’m trying to sound tough.

  “Listen Miss Medici, this can go very easy or it can get especially hard for you.” The driver spoke this time. His voice was calm, but I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt me if necessary.

  I tried to calm down. It isn’t easy. I’m very tired. I wonder if they drugged me and that’s why I blacked out, or did they hit me over the head? Because my skull still hurts something fierce.

  “Listen to me you pieces of shit. I’m supposed to be on a plane to Italy. Far away from wherever we are. So since my trip isn’t happening, I think, at the very least, I deserve something for this massive headache that you’ve given me. Furthermore I want to stretch my legs, assholes.” Then I kick the seat for a second time.

  “I can give you something for the headache, but I can’t let you out of the car just yet. We have our orders, Miss Medici.” He stated it simple as that.

  “Our boss would have our heads if we let you out of the car to stretch your legs.” This was the passenger guy talking this time.

  “Well, I need to pee, so you’re going to have to let me out to use a bathroom.”

  “That’s the oldest trick in the book. We let you out and you escape.” Said the driver.

  “Okay, don’t let me out then I’ll just piss in your boss’ car. Then you can explain how his shiny new SUV material got ruined.”

  “It’s a rental. He won’t care.”


  “Everybody just shut up.” The driver bellowed, making me jump.

  “We’re only a few minutes from where we need to be. You can go then.”

  Great! Once I’m alone in the bathroom I’ll text Tommy. I just need to remain calm until then. I’m still and silent, but my tears start to build. I need to hold them back. This time it works.

  The truck is now on a gravel type road. I can hear the tires rolling over the rocks. It sounds like corn popping. We come to a complete stop and the driver shuts off the engine. The doors in the front open. Then I hear the door to my right unlock. A large hand wraps around my bicep, effectively pulling me out of the vehicle. I stand there slightly off balance. The same strong hand holds me up so that I wouldn’t fall on my ass. They haven’t removed the blindfold yet, so I can’t equalize and balance myself that easily. I’m aware of the saltiness in the air and the sound of waves and seagulls. We’re at the beach. Which one? New Jersey, New York, where? How long would I be here? Is this a stop before their boss buries my lifeless body? Clearly I need get a hold of myself. I’m letting my thoughts get the better of me. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

  Now I’m being led up a set of short stairs. Still being held by someone. I don’t know if it’s the passenger or the driver. No one is speaking at the moment. Then I hear a voice from behind me.

  “What do we have here?” It’s the driver.

  I’m thinking to myself I must have dropped my phone from being shuffled out of the SUV. Yet, I still feel something near my ankle.

  “A camera and there’s film in it.”

  I screamed. “NO! That’s my favorite camera. Don’t fuck with it.”

  Then I hear the sound of the film being ripped out of it and the camera falling onto gravel. The noise it made as it hit the stones was horrible. At that point I knew the lens must have shattered. I’m so upset. It’s vintage. I love it. Now out of nowhere one single tear fell down my cheek. However, I don’t say anything else.

  The driver addressed me. “Miss Medici, you won’t be able to use it, so we’ll just put it with the rest of your junk.”

  He seems amused by what he has done. Fuck him. Currently I’m being led through a building and some doors. It’s extremely dark in comparison to the brightness outside. I feel something foreign being wrapped around my arms. I hear sound of handcuffs being place on each wrist. They’re ice cold. Then I felt something sharp remove the plastic wire ties that were originally binding me. They still haven’t removed the blindfold from my eyes yet.

  It was just then that I heard footsteps outside the room. The door opened and someone else entered. There’s a new voice that is definitely not the driver or his assistant.

  “How did it go? Any problems that you would like to relay to me about the girl?” His voice is firm and very dark. It sent a cold chill through my veins.

  I recognized the driver’s voice.

  “No sir, but you should know that …”

  “Go on Gerard, what should I know about her?”

  “She is one wild chick.”

  “How so?” The new guy seems curious.

  “She’s been cursing worse than a truck driver. She was kicking and screaming. She isn’t at all like the way you described sir. Miss Medici is far from refined.”

  “Refined? Refined! I was taken from my home against my will, you asshole, and you want me you be refined? What should I do say please and fucking thank you?”

  The new guy chuckled.

  “Well, Gerard, it seems you’re right. Even though Miss Medici may not have been what you expected, she is correct in saying that being kidnapped can show a different side to a person’s usual personality.” The mystery man seemed quite amused.

  “I guess so, sir. Oh, this is hers. The lens cracked when we were bringing her in the building. She won’t be taking pictures any ti
me soon.

  “My camera didn’t just break, asshole! You ripped the film out, then smashed my camera on purpose!” I yelled indignantly.

  My evil host sounded like he was examining the camera Gerard handed to him.

  “Hmmm, the lady has very good taste. Gerard put this with all of Miss Medici’s belongings. We’ll discuss the circumstances on how it broke later. I’m intrigued though why a lawyer would need such a beautiful vintage camera.”

  Holy shit, he thinks I’m Raven. We do look alike. We are twins after all. He must not have done his homework very well. Raven and I don’t dress the same and she doesn’t have bangs like I do. I’m wondering why he would kidnap her. What did she do to piss him off? My biggest question and my fear is what will he do when he finds out I’m not Raven. I need to breathe and wait for the opportunity to text Tommy. I’m becoming very drowsy and it felt like I was falling. Massive arms came around my body and laid me down on something soft. Then I hear him whisper in my ear.

  “I’ve got you now. I’ll take care of everything.” This is the last thing I hear before I pass out for the second time today.

  When I woke up, I looked down at my wrists. The restraints are gone. I examined each arm and know the bruising will come soon enough. I bruise very easily and haven’t taken my shot today. Is it still today, or is it tomorrow? I don’t even know. Then I realize I can see my arms. Someone removed the blindfold. I try to focus. The room is dimly lit with some wall sconces. There are no windows and only two doors. Someone left food on a tray next to the mattress I was laying on. The meal consisted of salmon and vegetables. There’s water, a roll, some wine and a huge slice of chocolate layer cake. I’m slightly confused. Why someone would kidnap me then leave me food to eat that looks like it belonged more in a five-star hotel than in a hostage situation. Maybe they’re trying to drug me. I opt not to touch the food. I’m starving and I haven’t taken my shot, but I couldn’t take a chance on the meal. I need to stay aware of my surroundings and what’s happening at the moment. If there are drugs in the food, I would never be strong enough to get out of here if I took a bite.

  My attention went back to the doors in the room. I try the first door and it’s locked. This must be the entrance they brought me through when depositing me in here. Then I check the other door. It’s a bathroom. Thank God! I have to go to the bathroom so bad. I turned on the light. After the dimness of the other room, it’s extremely bright. The bathroom is very basic. It has a toilet, sink and shower stall. It also has a small window, but when I lifted the shade, there are bars on the outside. I’m not getting out of here anytime soon. Tommy is my only hope. I really feel sick, but I need to text him. I did my business, washed my hands and splashed some water on my face. The cooling sensation helped me to focus. I lowered the toilet seat and sat down to begin typing.


  TOMMY: Stop fucking around. I know you hate flying but you need to relax and don’t text on the plane.


  TOMMY: Baby, you are just doing this to get me out there sooner. I love you but I have to finish my work and finish this girl I’m with for that matter. Enjoy your flight. You’ll only be cooped up a few more hours. So calm down and stop the shit!


  At this point my tears are clouding my vision. I wait, but Tommy never writes back. I tucked my phone back in my boot because I hear someone at the door. When I open it to go back out into the area where the mattress is, I find a man standing there. He’s dressed in a black suit with patent leather black shoes. His shirt and tie were also black. He’s staring down at the food tray that I’d left untouched.

  He glances over in my direction. Our eyes meet. He’s extremely attractive, about Tommy’s height with a slightly broader build. His hair is dark, and he has a moustache and goatee that’s very well groomed. His eyes are what I’m fixated on. They’re a hazel green. Like the color of the water in Italy. I’ve never seen anything like them. It feels like he could see right through me.

  He kneels down examining the food that remains uneaten. He picks up the napkin and carefully wipes his hands with it. He stands and speaks coldly to me.

  “Well, Miss Medici, I can see by the state of your dinner, you aren’t a very grateful guest.”

  Grateful. Now he wants me to be grateful. I find my voice.

  “You want me to be grateful. Are you seriously kidding me?” I’m extremely annoyed at this point.

  “When someone cooks for you and gives you such a beautiful presentation of their hard work, then yes, I want you to be grateful.”

  He continues to stare at me. I feel awkward and isolated even further. I felt like a caged animal. One being watch by the visitors at the zoo. I look away from him and begin to cry. I didn’t want him to see my weakness, but the tears wouldn’t stop coming.

  “Look at me.” He hissed “Now.” I look up and he’s grinning.

  This prick thinks this is amusing. Fuck him. I’ll give him amusing. He began to speak again.

  “Miss Medici, you’re here because you have become very valuable to me. Your father has taken something that belongs to me. He has kept it far too long. Now that’s all about to change.”

  “How do you intend on changing the situation with my dad and how do I fit into this little scheme of yours?” I asked mostly out of curiosity and self-preservation.

  “This is not a scheme, Miss Medici. I can assure you of this. I intend to take everything that he holds dear to him. His clients, his business, but especially his child.”

  Oh shit. Who is this guy? Raven didn’t anger him. My dad did. So he wants Raven as his insurance policy. Mr. Tall, Dark and Dangerous doesn’t realize Victor Medici has two daughters. Let alone twins. I should be insulted. Although, I can see how that fact was overlooked. I’m not one for the limelight. Raven thrives on it. I’ve spend much of my life between New York and Capri. Raven’s always made Manhattan her home. I was also isolated more than her, due to my illness and my parent’s need, well mainly my mother’s need to keep it under control. This guy must be some sick ex-client of my dad’s. Great, so I know nothing about my dad’s firm, but I get thrown into this shit because Raven and I are twins. I’m getting more pissed by the minute.

  “Again, what do you intend to do to get your scenario to be successful?”

  “All in due time, Miss Medici.” He didn’t elaborate any further. He just walked out of the room, not even looking back.

  I head back to the bathroom to see if Tommy wrote me. Nothing. I didn’t write my family, because I feared what my dad would do. If my dad were to get involved now he would tear the world apart trying to find me. If I did get out, he would never let me out of his sight again. I’d be a prisoner either way. I need to find out more. I lived a very secluded life so being locked up doesn’t affect me as much as it would Raven. I need to protect my sister as well as myself. Besides once Tommy gets to Capri and Mema tells him I’m not there, he will realize I was telling the truth. I wish I had told Mema I was coming out for a visit, but I wanted to surprise her and Antonio. If she had known she would have called Tommy immediately when I didn’t show up as expected, then again she may have also called my dad.

  I begin to feel sleepy, so I lay back down on the mattress. Sleep finds me quickly, since I’m completely wiped out from this ordeal, and the nightmares of green-eyed monsters that come with it.

  I wake up exhausted, because I still haven’t been able to take my medication. It’s been two days. My bruising is pretty bad. At least I have long sleeves on to hide it. When I turn over I notice the dinner has been replaced with a breakfast tray. It consists of orange juice, coffee, wate
r, French toast, and fresh fruits. Really quite a fancy meal for a hostage. Who is this guy?

  I don’t eat again, for fear of being poisoned. I lay back down and thoughts of my mom enter my head. She passed away from cancer when I was 26. Maybe I should be thanking her for the isolation she created for me when I was a child. It’s turning out to be quite useful now that I’m locked up in here. My mom was a beautiful woman, but her fears always got the better of her. My illness scared her and she effectively kept me out of harm’s way by limiting my exposure to the outside world. I did eventually go to college. Much to my mother’s distress, but I wasn’t really affected any longer by my childhood disease. She could no longer enforce her control over me. I know she did it out of love. I know she wanted to keep me safe, but in the end it took a toll on her, more so than me.

  I was confined much of the time since birth, it was the only life I knew, but for my mom, she had to give up a great deal to retain that kind of control over my illness. I was born with Thalassemia. It is a blood disorder that can affect many different systems of the body. I get cold easily. My immune system isn’t as good as others and I bruise quickly. Today my injections keep it under control, but I haven’t taken them, so I’m beginning to feel totally out of sorts. Add that to the fact that I won’t eat the food placed in front of me, and this may become a lethal combination.

  I’m startled out of my thoughts by the door unlocking. Through the entrance comes an older couple. The man is stoic. He has a white dress shirt on and grey dress pants with a belt. No tie or suit jacket. The woman is wearing a green and white flower print dress with a white collar and a thin white patent leather belt around her waist. The man’s mostly bald, just some hair around the sides and back of his head that’s buzzed close to his scalp. The woman has platinum blonde hair that’s in a bun. Her eyes are a vibrant green and very kind. I suspect they’re husband and wife. Possibly related to my captor.


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