Miss Taken

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Miss Taken Page 7

by Cleo Scornavacca

  Now a perfect stranger feels I’ve ruined his life too. I didn’t ask to be sick. I don’t feel sorry for myself. I try to do the best I can with the hand I was dealt. I love life and make the most of it every day. I know life is a gift. Even as a prisoner in this house I try to look on the bright side. Being here allowed me to meet Anna and Joseph. I love having Max around to distract me. The view of the ocean doesn’t hurt. The accommodations could be worse. I only want to know what will happen next.

  Three days had passed with no sign of Dominick. Anna, Joseph, and Gerard brought me my food and made sure I took my shots daily. I’m sitting on the bed reading when the door opens. It’s him. He hands me my phone. I cautiously look up at him, as I hesitantly reach for it.

  All he says is, “It’s for you.”

  I take the phone. “Hello?”

  “Rain baby, are you okay?”

  I smile wide. “Tommy!” Dominick looks annoyed at my smile.

  “Yes Tommy, I’m fine.” Tears fell down my cheeks, but I don’t care if he sees them. Hearing Tommy’s voice is overwhelming and welcomed.

  “What the fuck happened, Rain?”

  “I texted you that someone took me, but you didn’t want to hear it.”

  “Fuck! That was over a week ago!” I can hear him pacing.

  “Did that sick fuck hurt you? You know you can tell me anything, baby.”

  “No, Tommy, I’m okay. Where are you?”

  “I’m with Mema and Antonio at the house in Capri, but I’m coming home. I’m also calling your dad. He will get you the hell out of there.”

  “NO! Tommy don’t you dare call my dad!” Dominick turns, staring at me in shock, but doesn’t interrupt my conversation.

  “Rain, are you crazy? Kane will fuck with you. I’m calling your dad!”

  “Tommy, you can’t call him. You know as well as I do that prison will be much worse than this one. You know what it was like for me, you were there. I had no say, no control. I can’t and won’t go back to that. Plus my dad will keep us apart, knowing that you didn’t help me. He’ll blame you. I can’t be without you in my life. Dominick won’t hurt me. Don’t make that call. Please, baby.” I pleaded with him. Then I paused. “Wait, who is Kane?”

  “Dominick is Kane. He’s Vincent’s son. Dominick Kane.”

  I look up at Dominick. “Holy shit! Vincent had a son?”

  “Yeah, Rain.” Tommy starts to calm. “Apparently there is a lot we don’t really know about Vincent Kane.”

  “I’m still looking at Dominick, like I’ve never seen him before this moment. “You’re Vincent Kane’s son?” He nods.

  “Baby, are you still there?”

  “Yeah I’m here. Tommy, please keep my secret. Please baby, if you love me you will do this for me.” Dominick’s eyes never leave mine.

  “You know I will do anything for you Rain, but you’re asking a lot of me. I can’t in good conscience leave you with that sick piece of shit. I can’t, Rain!”

  “Listen to me. You have to do this for me. Dominick hasn’t hurt me. Not once. It will all work out. I promise.” I don’t know if I convinced him or not.

  “Baby, put Kane on the phone.” He sounds very cold.


  I hand Dominick the phone. “Tommy wants to speak with you.”


  “Kane, if you fucking harm one hair on Rain’s head, if you hurt her in any way, I will make it my business to hunt you down and kill you myself. You get me?” I could hear Tommy yelling through the phone.

  “Conte, Rain is safe and sound. She’s with me now. I wouldn’t dream of hurting her. She is going to be part of my new plan. I’m going to give Rain everything she desires. You have my word.” He is all to sinister in his response.

  “FUCK YOU! Your word ain’t shit.” Tommy is furious.

  “You are going to have to trust me or at the very least trust what Rain is doing.” Dominick then disconnects the phone.

  “I’ll keep this.” Dominick says holding up my phone. “When Conte calls again I’ll make sure it’s given to you, but he better be polite. You see, I’m not so bad after all.”

  “That remains to be seen.” I say while contemplating my next question.

  “Umm Dominick, your father was really Mr. Kane?”

  “Yes Rain, why do you ask?” he tilts his head to one side.

  “I’m just thinking how kind he was to me and my mother. Especially when she was dying and I was there alone. My father was in New York when he got the news, but your dad stayed with me until the rest of my family could get there. He also helped my father with all the arrangements. I will never forget his kindness.”

  “Vincent Kane was a rotten bastard, but he was my father and I want what belonged to him. I have a right to it. I’m his son.” He is starting to get loud.

  “I’m sorry Dominick, but I don’t understand.”

  “You will, Rain. Now get dressed so we can grab some breakfast.

  Dominick leaves the room so I could get dressed. I decide on a floor length navy blue tee-shirt dress. I slip on my flip-flops and head for the door. I forgot it was locked. I knock on the door, feeling slightly stupid. When the door opens, Dominick is on the other side smiling. His smile was contagious. I smile at him in return. Shaking my head and feeling embarrassed.

  He steps into my room, reaches for me, holding my face in his hands. He looks me over and asks: “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. There has been a lot to take in this morning and all before coffee.” I laugh.

  “C’mon let’s get you coffee.” He says, putting out his hand for me to take. I hesitate, then I put my hand in his. It seems so natural now. He’s Mr. Kane’s son. I know he has a vendetta of some sort. Yet he isn’t scary anymore. He gives my hand a squeeze and we’re out the door. We go down the front steps and out onto the gravel driveway. Anna is cutting some beautiful white roses and placing them in a basket on her arm.

  “Have fun you two.” She smiles and waves.

  “Wait!” I pull on his arm. “We’re going out for breakfast?”

  “Yeah, I’m taking you to one of my favorite spots on the island.”

  I still don’t move.

  “Something wrong, Miss Medici?”

  “Dominick, you can call me Rain now.” I tell him.

  His eyes grow soft. “Rain, what’s the problem?”

  “There’s no problem. It’s just that today is Saturday on Labor Day weekend and it’s after 11 in the morning. I think it’s going to be an extremely long wait.”

  “Well, we aren’t eating at the diner. We’re just picking up some food. We’re eating on the bay. Problem solved.” There appeared to be pure satisfaction in his grin.

  Dominick guided me over to his cars. He has several, but he chooses a black Cadillac CTS convertible. He lets go of my hand and opens the door for me to get in. Then he hands me a sweater, my sweater. I hadn’t noticed him carrying it before.

  “I thought you might get cold, so I grabbed it on the way out.” He gives me a wink.

  As we drive out of his compound I realize we’re were on Long Beach Island in NJ. My parents would take Raven and me here in the summers when my dad had time off from the firm. We pulled into a parking lot and up to a small diner. Dominick puts the car in park. He gets out, telling me he would be right back. He leaves the keys in the car. He’s testing me, so I just wait for him to come out with my coffee and our breakfast. I pass the test. Maybe now he’ll trust me just enough to elaborate on his plan.

  Moments later Dominick is back with a picnic basket. It appears to be heavy. He places it in the backseat of the car, and hops back in.


  I nod my head and we take off. Dominick takes me to a small alcove on the bayside of the island. He sets out two blankets on the sand and starts to empty the contents of the basket. A disposable container of coffee is the first thing out of the basket. Thank goodness. I set up the plates. There is way too much food for tw
o people. I opt for some eggs and toast. Dominick samples everything, eggs, toast, pancakes, bacon, and even sausage. He has a ferocious appetite. I wonder if it’s that strong in other areas of his life.

  We both settle down and I begin the conversation.

  “So I assume you didn’t bring me here just for your favorite breakfast and the beautiful view.”

  “No, you’re right. I want us to talk. A great deal has happened between us in the last week. Not to mention, the least of which was discovering your true identity. I want to get to know you and I want you to know my intentions. I think this a good place to start.”

  “What would you like to know?” I am very casual in my statement.

  “That easy, yeah?” He asked.

  “Yeah, that easy.” I shrug my shoulders. “Why make it difficult. If we’re honest with one another, the smoother this situation will go and the quicker I will be out of here and on my way to Italy.”

  “Not that easy.” He mumbles.

  “Come again. What’s not that easy?” His statement confused me.

  “Rain, I’m not letting you go.” He gages my reaction.

  “What do you mean you aren’t letting me go? You need to explain this now.” My face is getting hot and it’s not from the sun beating down on me.

  “Your father has something I want and I have something he loves. So I can’t let you go until I get my something back.”

  “Tell me what it is and I’ll get it for you.”


  “Nothing is impossible. What is it?”

  “It’s my father’s share of Kane and Medici.” He reveals, wiping his mouth, then placing the napkin down on his lap.

  “Don’t you own that already? Your father has been dead for over four years now. Isn’t all of that settled?” I didn’t understand.

  “When my father died, he left the business to your father. He gave me nothing. I’m his son. I should have gotten part of the firm. It’s rightfully mine.” His body is tense.

  “I had no idea your dad left the business to my dad. I usually don’t get involved with that stuff. When my mom died, she left Raven and me her share. The money from her part of the business gets deposited in an account every month. Other than that I don’t get anything from the business.”

  “What about your mom, Elise? Isn’t that her name? I know she and Mr. Kane were married. I just didn’t know they had you as a son. Did she get anything?”

  “Only money and other assets. Which she left to me when she passed away. He didn’t give her the business either. So you see I want what’s mine and if I don’t get it I will take what’s his.”

  “I’m not a possession of my dad’s. I’m his daughter. You can’t own me or trade me for it.”

  “Rain, I’m not going to keep you locked away forever. I’m going to make you mine.” His voice became dark and heated.

  My insides clinch and I become very warm.

  “How are you going to do that?” My voice became very small.

  “Your father doesn’t like me. He never has. So when I seduce you and you’re with me, he’ll do anything to get you back. Including giving me my father’s share of the law firm.”

  “There’s just one problem that you didn’t count on.”

  “Which is?”

  “Me. I won’t be seduced by you, Dominick.”

  “It’s not your choice, Rain. It’s what I intend to do. Listen, Rain, you’re very smart girl. You have to agree with my plan. You said it yourself, your father will never let you have a life when he finds out I took you. He will cut you off from Tommy and everything else you love to do. You’ll have nothing.”

  “LISTEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” I whipped around and I’m up in Dominick’s face. “My parents took very good care of me. There were no locks and no guards like there is here with you. I always honored their wishes. No, it definitely wasn’t easy, but after my mom passed away my father realized that I didn’t need that type of protection. I wasn’t getting sick any more. Well, up until you took me that is.”

  “That maybe be true, but now he’ll put his entire focus on you and he’ll realize that because I was able to get to you there should be locked doors and guards to keep you safe.” His voice is menacing.

  Looking down at my hands, the shaking begins. All of the isolation as a child, the lack of control, and the events of the past few days come flooding in. My tears begin to fall.

  Dominick looks at me softly, but still with hunger and greed in his eyes. His hand comes over mine, causing me to really look at him.

  “I can give you what you want, Rain. A good life, where you can travel, be safe, and never be alone. I can make you happy. I understand you, Rain.”

  How did he know life scared me? Why would he want to be with someone he doesn’t love? Someone who’ll run the first chance she gets. If my dad turns over the business as Dominick thinks he will, why would he continue to want me around? None of this is making any sense. If I agree to his plan, then I would be giving up control, I can’t do that. I won’t do that. I have to state my demands. This plan has to happen on both our terms, not just Dominick’s.

  “The choice is yours, Rain.”

  “I’ll help you, but I have some demands of my own. I will not sleep with you. I’ll pretend we are dating until my father folds. Once the papers are signed and you have your share in the firm, I’m out of here. Our business is over. Oh yes, I want it in writing.”

  “Fair enough, but I won’t promise to stay away from you. Only to respect your wishes. Do I make myself clear?’


  “I’ll get the details drawn up and a copy will be given to you. Now, can we just enjoy this beautiful day?”

  I turn away from him on the blanket. I can’t believe what I have just agreed to. I have to maintain my control at all cost. If I feel I can’t do it, I’ll just tell my dad the truth and pray he’s sensible enough to understand this whole thing was out of mine and Tommy’s control, and that I don’t need his overprotectiveness taking over my life. Or I could run away from Dominick and everyone else and start over. Somewhere where no one knows me, and they can’t find me. It’s not like a don’t have the means to do it. I just need to see this play out and go from there.

  I wonder now if Dominick regrets that he had taken the wrong sister. I’m sick. Raven is strong. She clearly knows more about my dad’s business. Plus, she’s a lawyer. She would be a formidable opponent, more of a challenge. Yet, what Dominick doesn’t realize is that I won’t make this easy on him. He won’t have the upper hand forever.

  We arrive back at the house. I didn’t speak to him at all during the short car trip. In fact, I jump out of the car, about to head into the house when he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me into his body. He uses one hand to make me look at him.

  “You are so beautiful and I’m sorry for all the horrible things I said to you. I know this will work Rain, if you just give me a chance. I’ll take care of you always and never hurt you. Please talk to me. The silence between us is killing me.”

  Holding his shoulders to keep from falling off balance. He feels so good, but I can’t let him know that. “I’ll help you with this. You have my word. I do have some requests that we can discuss later at dinner, but when all of this is completed and you have gotten what’s yours, our business will be finished and I will be gone.”

  I try to pull away, but he holds me even tighter. It’s hard to think with his rock hard body up against me.

  “What if you’re part of what I want? What if you’re part of my sweet reward?” He’s grinning.

  “That’s not in the realm of possibility.” I had no emotion in my voice. “Remember Mr. Kane, what you yourself said, I’m just a means to an end. Now let me go.”

  He quickly releases me, as if I’d just slapped him across his face. In that moment I felt remorse. I’ve never been a cruel person. No matter what the situation, I’ve always treated people the way I would like to be treated. In th
is short time that I have been with Dominick, I’ve seen a side of myself that I don’t like. Sure, he has brought it out in me, but that is no excuse. I’m better than that.

  I walk into the house, directly to my room and lay down. What have I just agreed to? I need sleep and it comes quickly.

  When I wake, it’s to a friendly dog licking my face again. I start to smile and pat the bed so he would jump up. This time Max climbs up and lays down next to me. I enjoy having him around me. He’s comforting and he has no expectations. He just wants to be loved with no strings attached. He’s nothing like his owner.

  I glance up and see Dominick leaning in the doorway of my room. His legs crossed, twirling one single white rose between his fingers. Hmmm … and the seduction of Rain Medici begins. At that moment he looks like a little lost boy, who wants to give the girl he likes a present, but doesn’t know how to approach the situation. I like awkward Dominick and I intend to keep him on his toes. It’s going to be fun to fuck with him, just a little. Smiling, I sit up straight.

  “It’s almost 7 and dinner is at 8. Do you want to eat with me on the patio or do you want me to have Anna bring you a plate in here?” He really seems unsure of himself.

  “I’ll eat with you out on the patio. This way we can go over some of my requests at dinner.”

  “How about we enjoy dinner and go over them during dessert?” He suggests.

  “Agreed. We’ll eat, then discuss. Give me a minute to get changed and I’ll come out there with you.”

  “I’ll meet you outside. Max has to go for his evening run.”


  I change into my favorite worn out jeans and a tee shirt. I walk out to the living room. Hmmm, no locks and no guards. What are you up to Mr. Kane? I keep going until reach the kitchen. Joseph appears to be consoling Anna. They turn when they hear me.

  “I’m so sorry if I interrupted something.” I feel out of place.

  “Oh no Rain, you haven’t interrupted anything. Dominick tells us you are going to be with us for a while.” Anna seems pleased.


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