Miss Taken

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Miss Taken Page 17

by Cleo Scornavacca

  Still holding me, he brings his forehead to mine and says, “A man can dream, Rain.”

  Dream on is more like it.

  Just as I was about to say goodbye to Marcello, he is pulled from my grip, by his throat. The man attached to that hand is Dominick. Who is beyond angry and looks feral. My eyes widen.


  He’s seething. There’s no talking to him at this point because he can’t hear a word I am saying. His focus is on Marcello and the fact that Marcello had his hands on my body.

  “No one, and I mean no one, ever touches her!”

  “Dominick, please, baby, stop!”

  Marcello speaks to Dominick in a very condescending tone. “Yes, Dominick, do as Rain says and let me go. Rain, was mine, long before she was ever yours.”

  Oh shit! Not good! “Wrong thing to say Marcello!”

  Dominick then goes on to beat the living shit out of him. Within moments the two men are being taking away by La Polizia. (The police)

  I immediately follow them to the police station to find Dominick. By the time I arrive, Marcello is already released. He has an easier time because he’s a resident of Capri. Dominick won’t be that lucky. I need to see him. The police are busy processing him and tell me that I have to wait. Marcello is pressing charges. Naturally.

  I decide I will make good use of the time and go to speak with Marcello. I’m hoping for friendship sake and our past together that he will drop the charges. I knock at his door. When he opens it, he reveals his face, which looks like a train wreck. I wince.

  “Rain, go home. I know why you are here and I’m not dropping those charges. It’s for your own good.”

  “Marcello, please you made him crazy, and you and I both know you aren’t doing any of this for me.”

  “He’s crazy. You need to stay away from him, bella. He’ll hurt you.”

  I grabbed onto my ex-lover’s forearm before he closes the door on me. “Marcello, you were the one who hurt me.”

  Shaking his head, he opens the door to invite me in. He comes close to me and touches my cheek. He looks deep in to my eyes.

  “Do you love him, Rain?” He voice is soft. “Does he hold your heart?”

  “Yes, Marcello. I love him very much.” Then I know in that moment that the decision I made this morning was the right one. I love Dominick. He does hold my heart. No matter how he feels about me, I’m going to tell him. No more wasting time.

  “Please, don’t destroy him. If you do, you’ll also destroy me. Please drop this Marcello. If I ever meant anything to you once, please.”

  With a deep sigh, Marcello pulls my face to him and kisses me on the cheek. He lets his lips linger there and he whispers. “You win, bella pioggia. (Beautiful rain)

  “Grazie Marcello.” I hug him and kiss his cheek.

  He tips his chin up, showing me the door. “Now go, before I change my mind and want to keep you all for myself.”

  I smile at him and leave.

  I head back to the police station to get Dominick released. I walk in and go to the front desk and inquire about him. The officer explains that Dominick is down the corridor in a holding room. I also inform the officer that I spoke with Marcello and he will be dropping the charges. The officer explains to me that he will need confirmation through legal channels and this may take some time. So I ask if I can see Dominick. They allow it and lead me to the room where Dominick is being held.

  Dominick immediately comes to me. “Rain, baby, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Dominick. I’m worried about you.”

  “Don’t worry, Angel. My lawyer is working on this and I should be out in no time.” He seems quite confident.

  “That won’t be necessary Marcello agreed to drop all charges against you.”

  Dominick lets go of me abruptly and the room begins to chill. “What the fuck do you mean he dropped the charges? What did you have to do to persuade him, Rain?” His voice is cold.

  I’m confused. I thought he would appreciate my help. “I just went to him and asked him for friendship sake to please not do this.”

  “You went to him for me? I guess he was only too happy to be your fucking friend. You had no fucking business fighting my battles. Do you understand me? I take care of this, not you!” He’s glaring at me, as if I’m the enemy.

  “Are you kidding me? I try to help, because I don’t want you in here and you are going to argue with me? You ungrateful bastard. You can find your own way out. Better yet you can stay in here and fucking rot for all I care. I have finally had enough of your shit. Go to hell!”

  I left the room and as usual he’s still screaming. He can’t come after me because the officers in the room are now restraining him. I need to get out of here. I walk back to the front desk area to speak with one of the other officers.

  “Mi scusi ufficiale, ma quanto tempo prima Dominick Kane vien riliasciato?”

  (Excuse me officer but how long before Dominick Kane is released?)

  “Miss …”

  “Medici, Rain Medici.”

  “Ah! Victor Medici’s daughter?” He seems to know my dad very well.

  “Yes, Si.”

  “Miss Medici, it will take longer than we thought for him to be released. Even with Marcello dropping the charges. Mr. Kane will not be out until tomorrow morning. This is when the Judiciary returns. They are gone for today.”

  “I see. So let’s say Marcello doesn’t come by to drop the charges until later tomorrow morning. Then when would Mr. Kane be released?”

  “Hmmmm … Probably late tomorrow afternoon or the next morning?”

  “Grazie. You have been most helpful.” This gives me an idea.

  You are most welcome, Miss Medici, and give your father our best regards.”

  “I will. Thank you, again.”

  Once I leave the police station I head for home. On the way I call Marcello to ask him to wait until tomorrow afternoon to drop the charges. He agrees, but I’m sure it’s for his own satisfaction, not mine. When I arrive at the house no one is there. I call the airlines and book the red eye for tonight back to New York. I decide to call Tommy and let him know of my plans. It’s about 9pm (New York time).

  “Rain, baby, how’s Capri?”

  “Tommy, listen, I don’t have much time to explain, but I booked the red eye home for this evening. Can you come get me tomorrow at Newark? I’ll call you when I land.”

  “Sure, Rain, but what happened? Did that sick fuck do something to you?”

  “No, Tommy, nothing like that. It’s a very long story, but let’s just say I’m leaving Mr. Kane behind in a holding cell at the police station and he won’t be getting out until tomorrow. Tommy, I have to pack and catch this flight.”

  “All right, baby, don’t worry. I’ll wait for your call and pick you up tomorrow. Rain, be careful.”

  “I will. See you tomorrow.”

  Then we hang up. I turn around to go upstairs and I see Mema standing there in shock.

  “Rain, why is Dominick at the police station?’

  “He had an incident with Marcello?”

  “What? You have to be joking.”

  “No Mema, I’m afraid I’m not. He got angry and beat up Marcello. Marcello decided to press charges.”

  “And …” She coaxes me forward.

  “I went to see Marcello to ask him to drop the charges and he did.”

  “So why is Dominick still in jail?”

  “Marcello is dropping them tomorrow as a favor to me. So I can go back to New York before Dominick gets out.”

  “Rain, you just can’t leave him here. That is very selfish of you.”

  “I can and I will, Mema. I’m tired of his shit. He has messed with my feelings for the last time. When I told him I’d gotten Marcello to drop the charges, he said some vicious accusing things to me. He’s twisted and I’m done.”

  “But you are in love with him, Amore mio.”

  “Mema, you need to stop! I can’t k
eep up with his moods. We aren’t right for each other.”

  “These are small bumps in the road.”

  “Are you serious? These bumps are bigger than Mount Vesuvius. I am leaving tonight. I have to get to Naples to catch my flight. Do not tell him where I went. Promise me.”

  “I will only promise this if you leave him a letter, otherwise I can’t promise you anything, Rain.”

  I can’t believe she is siding with Dominick. I was about to scream when Antonio decides to interrupt the conversation.

  “Rain, did he physically hurt you?” Antonio asks.

  “No, not physically.”

  “Do as Mema says and write him the letter. We will give it to him once he is released.”

  “Ah Shit! Okay, but then I have to go.” I pack and have just enough time to write to Dominick and catch the boat back to Naples, so I can make my flight home.


  I know we started this relationship in probably the oddest way two people have ever come together. Yet even so I never thought it would end like this. All I wanted to do was to share the things that I love about Capri with you. Things that I hold very dear to my heart. You chose to crush them. Capri has always been a second home to me. My escape. Yet now it’s just another ugly memory. I was only trying to help when I went to Marcello. He and I had a relationship years before I met you. It ended in a very horrible way. Leaving me devastated. It was not easy for me to go to him after all that happened in our past. I made a promise to you that I would help you get your inheritance and I will. I will speak to my dad and I will have his lawyer contact you once everything is cleared up. I don’t want to rehash the events from today. It won’t help. Please do not contact me anymore. I do want you to know that I hope you find happiness Dominick. I just don’t think that your happiness can come from a relationship with me. I will always cherish the time we did spent together as a couple.


  I slept nearly the entire flight. I didn’t check my phone. Dominick would probably be getting released soon and he wouldn’t have access to call and harass me. Thank Goodness. Once he gets back to my family’s house Mema and Antonio will be there to give him the letter. I feel bad about making them clean up my mess, but I just can’t deal with Dominick right now. It’s never been like me to run from anything. Certainly there were many things in life that scared me when I was growing up because of my limited exposure to them but I always faced my fears.

  I can’t face Dominick knowing that all of my emotions are tied to him. I know that I love him but the amount of hurt that we have both inflict on each other proves that it just won’t work out for us. This realization is so hard for me to swallow. Dominick wants and needs control that I can’t relinquish to him. His violent outbursts are something I’m not used to. I don’t know if I could ever get used to them and why should I for that matter.

  The one thing I do know is that he is someone who clearly doesn’t like to lose and he’ll probably always want to have the last word. I have to do my best to avoid him. Maybe once I know for sure he’s back in the states, I can head back to Italy. Italy is beautiful at Christmas. Maybe I can convince my father and Raven to have Christmas over there this year. I guess I am running now.

  Originally I was going to call Tommy to get me. Rather than wait I called the car service from the Airport in Naples to be here once I arrived in Newark. All this traveling has made me completely exhausted. I want to climb in my bed and not move for the next week or so. I reached my front steps and I struggled with the keys as the driver brings my bags up the stairs. Tommy opens the door, jerking me into his arms. I look up at him, frustrated. He kisses my nose and grins.

  “Miss me that much, baby?”

  I roll my eyes, but can’t help but smile back. I walk myself right into Tommy’s arms. “You have no idea.”

  “C’mon, let’s get you settled in.”

  I drag myself into the living room and deposit my tired body onto the couch, covering every worn out inch of me with the throw blanket that’s laying behind the pillows. Tommy takes care of the driver, by giving him a tip. For which I am grateful because I really don’t think I can get back up. I lie there, motionless and start to cry. Everything finally hits me. The kidnapping, Marcello, the fight, the mood swings, the punishment sex, Dominick, the lack of Dominick, and especially the fact that I’m in love with him. The two and a half months we’ve been together went by rather fast, but it feels like we made a lifetime of memories for such a brief period. I should’ve never met Dominick Kane, and now I don’t know how to forget him.

  I’m jarred out of my thoughts when Tommy jumps on the couch beside me. He wraps himself completely around me and kisses my forehead. Then he asks, “Are you now going to tell me what went on in Capri?”

  “Everything was perfect. We started in Naples in a Black Maserati Convertible and stopped in beautiful towns all along the Amalfi Coast. We stayed in Palermo and had amazing sex outside on the terrace of a restaurant overlooking the Gulf. Then we headed to Sardinia where Dominick chartered a yacht to take us to Capri. He gave me this beautiful bracelet, which I’ll be sending back to him. Capri was beautiful as always. I took him all over the island. We relaxed and Dominick seemed different. He seemed at peace. He even started to open up about his dad or lack of his dad during his childhood. Then the second day after all of our sightseeing we stopped in town, because you know how I need to get fitted for Canfora sandals every time I’m there. Dominick decided he would explore other shops while I was ordering my sandals. That’s when I came out of Canfora and fell into Marcello’s arms.”

  “That seems too convenient.”

  “I know, right. I have to admit Marcello looked as sexy as ever. His hunger was still there, but this time I wasn’t attracted to him. I was kind of repulsed. When we went to say our goodbyes, he tried to lean in and kiss me. That’s when Dominick took him by the throat.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “Marcello told Dominick that he had me first.”

  “Leave it to Marcello to be a scumbag.”

  “That of course didn’t sit very well with Dominick so he beat the shit out of Marcello.”

  “Rain, Marcello had it coming to him.”

  “Yeah, but then the police came to arrest both of them. In the end I guess they believed Marcello. He was released and Dominick was held there because Marcello decided he was going to press charges.”

  “Okay, but that doesn’t explain why you came home.”

  “It’s ‘cause I love you and I missed you.” I tease.

  “Baby, what happened really?” He was serious.

  “When I found out that Marcello was pressing charges I went to his home to get him to drop them. Which he did, but when I went back to the police station and I told Dominick, he went crazy. Tommy, he said some horrible and accusing things to me. Mainly he thought I did something with Marcello to get him to drop the charges. That’s when I told him to fuck off and that he could rot in jail for all I cared. I walked out and that’s when I called you.

  I paused and took a shaky breath.

  “Tommy, I wrote him a letter telling him goodbye.” More tears.

  “Come here, baby.”

  “Maybe having a relationship isn’t for me. Maybe I’m incapable of having someone love me. I’m just so tired Tommy.”

  “I know, baby, but you do deserve love, Rain. You have the biggest heart I know.”

  “What about Marcello? That didn’t work out either and he was much less controlling than Dominick.” Stating the facts.

  “He used you and threw it all away. Now he’s still alone. That’s on him, Rain, not on you.”

  My phone begins to buzz. Tommy grabs it. “It’s Kane.”

  I shake my head no.

  “He’s only going to keep calling, Rain.”

  “I can’t, Tommy. I just can’t. Not now.” I was tired beyond exhaustion. I can’t fight him like this.

  “Well, I can.” Tommy answers my phone.
r />   “Kane, I wondered when you would get around to calling Rain. I take it the Italian police finally released your sorry ass.” Tommy’s mocking him.

  “Put Rain on the phone, Conte!” Dominick’s yelling.

  “Fuck you, Kane! You messed her up bad enough this time and I told you that if you hurt Rain you’d be dealing with me.”

  “Rain is mine. You don’t get inside her! No one does! Only me!”

  “Kane, you got inside of her and you tore her to shreds. Now it’s my job to repair all of the damage you’ve done.” Tommy hangs up.

  Tommy’s eyes are fixed on me the entire time. He throws the phone down and pulls me to his body so I could cry until I there is nothing left inside of me.

  During my time in Italy I hadn’t paid much attention to the reports of a hurricane that is going to make its direct hit on the East coast of the United States. I called Joseph and Anna. They said they had left LBI under mandatory evacuation and they are headed back to the city. Anna also informed me that Dominick will be landing today. I let out a sigh of relief knowing all three of them were safe.

  With Dominick coming back to the city, I tried to get a flight out to Capri, but all flights were cancelled until further notice due to the storm. We have plenty of candles and canned goods, but we had to go out to the store to stock up on water, wine, and candy. I’m not worried too much about food, we have plenty, and Tommy bought bags of ice just in case we lost electricity.

  The storm did come and it was frightening. We did lose power for a couple of days, but otherwise we faired quite well and had nothing to complain about. Many people in New York and New Jersey were without power for several weeks and some lost everything. I’m truly grateful for all that we have.

  I called Anna to see how she was doing. She said they were fine, but there was damage to the house on LBI. She said Dominick and Joseph headed down there today to determine what happened and to see if they could get the house up and running for Thanksgiving. It was a tradition that they ate at the shore house every year during that holiday. I’m feeling bad that Dominick didn’t only lose me, but he came home to problems from the hurricane. I’m glad though that he has Joseph and Anna and that he won’t be alone on Thanksgiving.


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