Miss Taken

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Miss Taken Page 19

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “I’m confused. I thought you were both non-exclusive.” Dominick states.

  “Tell him, Rain.” Tommy prompts.

  “He was fucking, Raven.” I look down with disgust. Dominick’s eyes turned black with anger.

  “Tell him what Marcello said.” Tommy is livid at this point.

  “He said. ‘Pioggia bambino,se non posso averti allora Ill prendere la cosa migliore. il tuo gemello.’”

  “Raven didn’t speak Italian very well from living in the states most of the time, but he knew I understood what he said perfectly.” My tears finally fill my eyes and trailed down my face.

  “What did he say, baby?” Dominick’s careful with me.

  “He said, Rain baby. Understand if I can’t have you, then I will take the next best thing, Your twin.”

  I sat there silent and then turned to look out the window, not looking at anything in particular. It’s too dark out. I’m just thinking how young and stupid I was.

  “Rain, I’m sorry you had to deal with that fucking piece of trash. I don’t regret knocking the shit out of him. I didn’t regret it then, and I don’t regret it even more now. Thank you, baby, for telling me. It dies here, Rain. Do you understand? It dies here.”

  I go to Dominick and climb into his lap to be held. I never want to be away from him again. No matter what Dominick’s faults are, he would never deceive me. He has been honest with me from the very beginning when he took me. He will always protect me and for that I love him even more.

  We all said goodnight. I think Tommy and Dominick have a better understanding of one another. I think it was safe to say they are building some respect between each other, even if it was only for my sake and their love for me. Once upstairs Dominick tucks me in. He removes his clothes and curls up next to me.

  “I wish I had been your first.” He’s being sweet again. I roll to face him.

  “Shhhhhh …” Putting my fingers to his lips. “We can’t change the past. We’re together now. Don’t bring Marcello into our bed, baby, please.” Then I kiss him.

  “Okay, Angel, time to sleep.” Normally I would have worried if Dominick and I were not making love. I totally get his apprehension after everything that was said. I’m glad for the closeness though. Dominick nuzzles me like he always does. Then we both fall to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  I’m sitting on my living room couch enjoying my morning cup of coffee when a hard, sexy body, fully dressed in his gray power suit sits down next to me.

  “So what’s on the agenda for today, Rain?” Dominick asks.

  “Well, I’m going to head out and get some pumpkins for the steps outside. Then I’m going to the market for our evening meal. Finally, I have to go with Tommy into the office to make the final decisions on the venue for the show.”

  “So, am I invited to dinner tonight?” He grins.

  “You, Mr. Kane, can come to dinner every night, under one condition.” I smirk.

  “And what’s that, Miss Medici.” Good, he’s playing along.

  “That you bring dessert.”

  “Oh, baby, I always bring dessert.”

  “Yes, but tonight I need dessert for five people, not just me and you.” I giggle.

  “Why what’s tonight?”

  “I am making dinner for my sister, because I won’t see her for Thanksgiving. Of course, she and my dad bailed again this year. I should have known. They never do Thanksgiving. I should have stayed in Capri.” Sounding slightly annoyed.

  “No, you shouldn’t have stayed in Capri, because then you wouldn’t be having Thanksgiving with me down the shore.” He’s clearly trying to make his point. Which he did.

  Dominick left for the office and I headed to do my errands. Once everything was done at the office and the venue and dates were chosen, I rush home to make dinner. I decide on a Tuscan White Bean soup with shredded chicken, Caesar Salad and homemade cheese bread. Dominick called and said he’s bringing Pumpkin Cheesecake. Raven and Michael have the wine.

  I have some time so I call my dad to see if I could meet with him and find out exactly what went on with Dominick and his father. It was strange that Mr. Kane never mentioned that he had a son. I mean he and my dad were friends and business partners for a long time. Why had I never heard of Dominick before this? My dad said that he had some free time tomorrow. I’m hoping I will get the information I’m looking for so I can give Dominick a Merry Christmas. Did I think it was going to go that smoothly? Knowing my dad probably not, but I know I have to try. It’s how Dominick and I got started in the first place. That makes it very important to me that this gets resolved sooner rather than later.

  Dinner goes smoother than I imagined. Raven discusses her wedding plans or lack thereof. Tommy talks about the exhibition and I describe the events in Capri. Raven and Mike seemed thrilled that Dominick knocked the shit out of Marcello.

  “Marcello got what was coming to him.” Raven cheers.

  Raven didn’t realize that Michael, Tommy, and my dad had taken care of Marcello years ago.

  Once dinner was over and the evening comes to a close, I promise my sister that I’m staying in the States for Christmas. She is beside herself with happiness that I will be here Christmas Eve. I wished her a safe trip and tell her to call me when she and our dad return home from L.A. It’s late and I need to be rested for what I’m about to face tomorrow.

  The next morning Dominick wakes me up to kiss me and to say goodbye. He’s leaving early to catch a flight to Europe. He has some new clients that need tending to. He’s due back next week. We said our ‘special goodbyes’ last night. I’m really going to miss him but it gives me the chance I need to settle things with my dad before he leaves on his business trip to California. Perhaps unsettle things as the case may be. Tommy is still sleeping when I head out to meet my dad. I’ll fill him in later. My dad’s firm is in a city office building on the 35th floor. I walk off the elevator and his assistant, Maggie, greets me. She informs me my dad is waiting for me and to go right in.

  I enter my dad’s office and he’s yelling at some poor soul on the other end of the line. I walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek. He doesn’t miss a beat, he’s still screaming.

  I lock my eyes on his. Then he stops.

  “Daddy, it’s the holidays, stop.” I whisper firmly.

  “Listen, I’ll call you back. He hangs up.

  “Rain, you don’t want to get involved. You know that …”

  I put up my hand. “I don’t care, Dad. Stop yelling. You know you’d get a lot further if you were a bit nicer.

  “This is not a business for playing nice, Rain.” His response tells me he’s already annoyed.

  I pull on my sleeves and shake my head.

  “Sweetie, I’m sorry. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Just some water, thanks.”

  He pours himself some coffee and hands me my water.

  “So, Rain, what is this meeting all about?”

  “Now, Dad, can’t a girl just want to visit with her father?”

  “Of course, but you never come here, so what’s going on?

  “It’s about, Dominick.”

  “What did that bastard do to you?” My father slams his mug down, splashing the caramel colored liquid onto his desk.

  “Dad, enough. He didn’t do anything to me.” I’m starting to think this might not be a good idea.

  “Sorry, now tell me what’s going on?”

  “Do you have time because it’s a very long story?”

  “I’m not going to like this am I, Rain?”

  “Probably not.”

  He walks to his desk and pages Maggie to cancel his appointments for the rest of the morning. “Okay, honey, I’m all yours.”

  “Well, I told you I met Dominick in Capri at the beach, and that wasn’t entirely true.”

  He begins to brace himself and pours another drink. This time it’s vodka.

  “Dominick’s house is at the beach. We did technically meet
there but not in Capri. We met on LBI in New Jersey.”

  “How? Why?” He’s definitely perplexed at this moment.

  “Dad let me tell you the whole story and don’t stop me until I finish.” I finally get up the courage, so now I had to see this through.

  “He had me taken the day I was on the way to the airport. He held me there at the house. He thought I was Raven. He said you have something that belongs to him. He was going to offer a trade.”

  Now I am the one bracing myself.

  My dad’s face flushes blood red. “THAT FUCKING NO GOOD PIECE OF SHIT! I’M GOING TO KILL KIM!” Slamming down his drink for the second time.

  “No, Dad, you’re not. I’m in love with Dominick and no matter how sick that may sound to you, it’s true and I can’t, I won’t stop being with him for you or anybody else.” He knows I’m completely serious. He stops yelling and lets me continue with my story.

  “Now, I need you to tell me the truth about Dominick and his father. All of it.”

  “Shit. Does he know you’re here?”

  “No. Part of our agreement when this whole thing got started was to get his father’s share of Kane & Medici, and then my job was done, but since we’ve been together as a couple he really hasn’t brought it up anymore. I don’t want it hanging over us, so that’s why I’ve come to you and by the looks of things and your reactions, I would say you’re keeping something from me. So, Daddy, spill.”

  My dad lets out a stressful exhale. He walks over to his safe and pulls out a large envelope. He opens it and reveals several legal documents and a small individual envelope that is sealed. It’s all addressed to me.

  “I knew a day would come that this would have to be given to you. I just never thought in a million years I would be showing it to you because you became emotionally involved with Dominick Kane.”

  “Go ahead read them.” He hands me the legal papers.

  I carefully read over the papers and my eyes widened. I look up at my dad. This nightmare isn’t getting better as I’d hoped it would. It seems to be getting progressively worse.

  “Now do you see why Vincent didn’t leave Dominick the business? Dominick isn’t Vincent’s son. Elise Kane, Vincent’s estranged wife adopted him for her own selfish needs.”

  “Daddy, Dominick acts like he doesn’t know about the adoption. He’s 39 years old and he’s a lawyer. Is that even possible?” I’m really dumbfounded by all this information. Information that I never would’ve thought to be the explanation for all this. Now if Dominick doesn’t know, how am I going to be the one to tell him? This is going to devastate him. It may even destroy him. I can’t let that happen.

  “Rain, sweetie, there is no way he could know. First of all, the adoption took place in Europe. It was definitely legal. It was a closed adoption. Even Vincent had trouble getting the information on it. You see Elise Kane was a very self-serving woman. She loved Vincent in the beginning, but she loved his money more. She resented the fact that she had to stop modeling and be Vincent’s trophy wife, essentially ruining her career to become a foreign film star. Vincent began to realize that their marriage wasn’t working out and he had planned on leaving her. Elise was very bright. She knew the only way to keep Vincent was to have his child. Vincent was a good man. He would never abandon his family. So she created this elaborate scheme and for all anyone knew, she had a baby. In reality, she adopted the baby and presented him as Vincent’s. It was all a lie.”

  “But, Dad, why did Vincent turn his back on Dominick. He still raised him?”

  “Rain, this is just a guess on my part. When Vincent found out that Elise had been lying. He moved out on her. He never divorced her and he never stopped supporting Dominick or his mother, but he couldn’t stand to look at her anymore. I think as the years went on Dominick grew resentful of his father. This seemed to turn into a competition for Dominick. He became a lawyer and fought against Vincent numerous times. I think he was trying to prove to Vincent he was good enough, but it didn’t work. Vincent never tried to form an adult relationship with his son. I know when Dominick was younger he did try very hard but Elise kept getting in the way with her vicious lies. Vincent gave up. He couldn’t take it anymore. I think there was just too much water under the bridge.”

  “Dad, regardless of all that you’ve told me, I still don’t know why he wouldn’t leave him the business. I mean, Elise is the one who deceived Vincent and Dominick as well. Mr. Kane was a very fair man. He couldn’t show a little of that compassion towards Dominick even in the end?”

  “As I said, Rain. Too much ugliness occurred and besides Mr. Kane was very specific in his last will, on who was to get his share of the firm. He did provide for Elise until her death, but he would’ve never given his part of the practice to her. I, for one, will always be grateful to him for that.”

  “Well, that at least explains why he left the firm to you.”

  “Sweetie, he didn’t leave it to me.”

  “Then who did he leave it to?”

  “Keep reading, Rain.”

  As I read the legal documents it reveals that Mr. Kane left his share of Kane & Medici to me. I couldn’t believe it. I mean Mr. Kane was always good to me, and when he was in Capri he always helped my mom. I just can’t imagine why he left it to me.

  “Dad, I don’t get this. Why me? And being he did leave it to me, why is Dominick not going after me for the firm?”

  My father looks conflicted. “I helped Vincent create an illusion with his will. The one publicly read, said it was left to me, but there were legal documents giving instructions saying that it needed to be transferred to you. This wasn’t public knowledge.”

  “Apparently not, because I didn’t even know I owned it.” Now I’m becoming annoyed. More control on my father’s part this time and Mr. Kane as well.

  “I knew at some point I would have to tell you, Rain. All of the profits to your share are in a designated bank account that only you can touch. That information is also in the envelope.

  “It still doesn’t answer my question, as to why.”

  “Vincent never told me why. He just told me that I needed to present you with all of these things by your 35th birthday. Since you have come to me now and your birthday is next August, which is not that far off. I think it’s a good time to get this all out in the open. I do know one thing. You own more of this company than anyone. I gave some of the company to your mother and she in turn left it to you and Raven. Now with you having Vincent’s share, you have controlling interest. Please, baby, don’t give that to Dominick. He will destroy what Vincent and I worked so very hard to build.” My dad, the strongest man I know, is pleading with me. I could never hurt my father or Dominick. Now what do I do?”

  “Rain, I know you are confused and overwhelmed by all of this information, but maybe this will help. This is a letter from Vincent to you and you alone. It may give you the answers you are looking for.”

  “Daddy, I don’t think I can take any more surprises today. I’ll take the letter with me and read it when I’m ready. Can you please leave these papers in your safe until I figure out what I’m going to do?”

  “Sure, baby. I’m sorry this is on you, Rain.”

  “It’s not your fault. Being with Dominick has just made it all a little more complicated. I have to go.”

  “Let me know what you decide.”

  “I will. I love you, Daddy. I do know I won’t let anyone destroy what you’ve built. On that you have my word.”

  My father appears visibly relieved.

  I leave the office and text Tommy.


  TOMMY: On my way baby.

  Once home, I explain everything to Tommy. Thank God Dominick is away on business until the week of Thanksgiving. It gives me a chance to calm down and figure this out. He always knows when I’m lying or worried about something. Maybe I should start wearing short sleeves. Then that bad habit wouldn’t be able give me away so easily.
  I tell Tommy that I’m not going to say anything to Dominick about my visit to my dad. Not right now, anyway. I hated lying to him, but this is the only way I can figure this shit out.

  I take out the letter from my purse and begin to open it. Just then my phone rings. It’s Dominick.

  “Hello, Mr. Kane.” I’m truly happy to hear from him.

  “Hey, baby. How’s my girl?” Not a good question.

  “I just miss you.”

  “Rain, I told you to come with me.” He seems annoyed but only a little bit.

  “I know, but I have so much to do here with the show and Christmas. Taking another trip, even though it would have meant being with you, would have put me even further behind than I am already.”

  “I know, but I miss you, Rain.” He’s so sweet.

  “I miss you more.”

  “I’ll call you later. I’m on the way to meet a client.”

  “Talk you to later. Bye, Dominick.”

  “Bye, baby.”

  Now to get back to the letter. As I peel open the envelope, I get a sense of unease throughout my entire body. None of the secrets this letter will reveal can be good. I have a feeling things are only going to become more complicated than before. I must do it. There’s no turning back now. I see it’s beautifully handwritten. Mr. Kane went to an awful lot of trouble. I honor his wishes and begin to read the story set before me.

  Dear Rain,

  I am writing this letter, as a companion to my last will and testament. By now if you are reading it you must know that I have left you my share of Kane & Medici. I’m sure you have a million questions. So I intend to answer them here.

  By this time your father must have told you about my wife Elise and my son Dominick. I’m estranged from them by my own choice. Elise turned out to be an evil woman. I fell for her in the beginning because I was distraught over love lost. You see Rain, I was in love with your mother. To my dismay she fell for your father. I never told her my feelings and remained in her life by building a legal empire with your father, who had been my longtime friend since childhood.


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