by Ginny Lynn
It was surprising that he’d hand over an expensive truck to me without even blinking an eye. Especially, after being upset with me on how I handled the situation with Jason.
“I’m done around four-thirty and can be there by five, if that sounds good.”
“That sounds great. We can eat at the little sandwich shop on the way back to your place. What do I owe you for this great service?” I inquired playfully.
“I’m sure I’ll think of something you could do for me,” he replied with a husky voice.
“Just make sure it’s something I can handle, okay big guy?”
“Oh, I’m sure you could handle it, but that’s for another time.”
“I’ll see you at five and I’ll even pay for the meal since you’re playing white knight yet again.”
“I’ll be there. I don’t know if I like the idea of the damsel buying dinner, but will take you up on it just the same.”
“Now get back to work before you get hot enough to melt steel on your own.”
“How did you know that was happening?”
“Just get back to work and we’ll finish this discussion another day.”
He said with a groan, “How can I work when I can barely walk right now?”
“Trust me, the feeling is mutual. Now go back to beating some steel before we beat the speed record for sexual frustration on a phone call.”
“Feeling is not the problem and the word beating was way below the belt, if you know what I mean.”
“Sorry, babe. I couldn’t help it.”
Boy, was my mind working over time.
“I’ll see you at five and be prepared to get partially ravaged when I get there.”
“Yeah, partially. I can’t do it all in a truck, although I can go pretty far when properly motivated. I may have to take a shower when you drop me off, but I’ll have a grin on my face either way. Bye.”
He hung up laughing. Was he joking? I could seriously go for some ravaging.
Somehow, I got through the next few hours without thinking about anything sexual. Right before five, my work phone rang.
“Already on your way to come get me, big boy?” I asked slyly.
“Uh, excuse me?” Jason asked awkwardly.
“Oh, sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
“Evidently. I was calling to see if you needed a ride to the mechanic since I’m heading out from work. I figured Nathan would’ve gotten back with you about the repairs by now. Who did you think I was? That Indian, Conrad?” he asked this calmly and I could hear the steel in his voice.
“His name is Conrad and yes, I thought it was him calling me,” I replied feeling like a scolded child.
“Well, I guess I don’t need to come by since you have that covered.”
“I have my transportation lined up.”
I heard a long sigh before he said, “Okay, I just thought maybe I could drop you off at home. I wanted a few minutes with you and thought I could help you at the same time. Do you have a car to drive for the next couple of days or do you need a ride to the rental company?”
“I’m borrowing a car until mine is done, so I’ll be fine. Thanks for asking.”
I started to hang up and yet still heard him yell out to me.
“Hey, don’t hang up on me. I was only trying to be helpful.”
“I understand, but I’m fine. I don’t need you to look after me.”
“I love you and want the best for you. Why can’t I be the one to help you out? I just don’t understand.”
He was turning this around on me, again. I took a deep breath and started counting, like my mother taught me.
“Look, I’m glad you were there when I needed you, but I have it all under control right now. I appreciate you calling and have to go so I can close the warehouse.”
“Don’t you dare hang up on me. I haven’t finished talking to you yet.”
He sounded like a toddler who was stomping his foot. And with that I lost it.
“You say you don’t understand, well let me make this clear. I’m not with you anymore. You need to get past this. You were the one who mistreated me in the first place and I will not tolerate it again. Do you know how scared I was on our last date? Do you realize what situation you put me in by having to rely on a complete stranger? What if he’d been a rapist or better yet, what if he hadn’t been there to help me in the first place? Would you have smacked me around until you got your way? How about that for understanding?”
“You led me on and then pretended to be the insulted virgin. You knew we would eventually sleep together. How could you turn me down like that and then run off with some half breed that can’t even get a decent haircut? You’re not the only one hurt in this.”
“What gives you the right to act this way? Who do you think you are? Do you know this behavior has forced my hand to involve the police? I have a protective warrant against you.”
“I know who I am. I’m the man for you and I have every right to protect what’s mine. Believe it.”
Then he hung up.
I was so rattled that I had to shake my whole body to relieve the icky feeling sliding down my spine.
I had a couple of minutes to close everything up before Conrad came to get me, so I called Montrose. He wasn’t there, so I had to leave a message.
I was locking the warehouse door when the white truck pulled in. Breathing a sigh of relief, I bounded down the steps toward his side of the truck. By the time he got the window down, I had already reached in to give him a resounding smack.
“Wow, and just for showing up. I’m not meaning to be offensive, but what do I truly owe this sign of affection?” he asked as he slid his hand up my arm.
“I don’t want to let it ruin our night, but Jason called again. He acted all injured and then started ranting. He hung up on me. And before you ask, yes, I left a message for Montrose about it,” I sighed. “He makes me realize how blessed I am to have a great guy like you.”
I gave him a quick kiss before running over to the passenger side of the truck. He stopped me as he got out of the drivers side.
“If you’re going to be driving the truck for a couple of days, you might as well start getting used to it now.”
He smiled as he tossed the keys to me over the front bumper. Catching them, I smiled as I walked back over to the driver’s side. He grabbed me as soon as I got there and kissed my lips before trailing his lips over my chin and down my throat column. I sighed as he slid his moist tongue over the sensitive spot at my collar bone. I could have melted right there in the parking lot. I shut my eyes, but saw something in my peripheral vision that made me look again.
“What?” Conrad asked as he moved to look around.
“I could have sworn I saw someone over there just now,” I said as I pointed at the side of the building.
Conrad looked around and shook his head before putting the keys in my hand.
“I don’t see anyone, but my kisses can make a girl hallucinate.”
He ducked past my playful swing as he headed for the passenger side. I shook my head as I scanned the parking lot again. No one was there so I slid behind the wheel.
Conrad’s hand was on my thigh as I drove to the sandwich shop on the way to the cabin. There was a car behind me at every turn, but I was distracted by Conrad’s hand rubbing a warm path up and down the inside of my thigh. With this traffic, I had to keep focused to keep from running off the road.
We made it to our destination without any close calls and my stomach was definitely growling. Grabbing the keys and my bag, I ran into the cozy shop as Conrad went to pull me into his arms. I laughed when he caught up to me as the hostess showed up. She didn’t know why we were laughing so hard, but she couldn’t miss Conrad patting my rear end as we were seated. I was blushing as I told her what I wanted.
Knowing I wanted a little something from someone sitting close to me was enough to make me swallow my tongue. I decided to return the f
avor and just as he was placing his order, I raked my fingernails up the inside of his thigh and he sputtered before clamping his legs together around my hand. I just couldn’t quit smiling as the waitress took the menus and walked away quickly.
“You dirty little girl. You haven’t even bought me dinner and you’re already feeling me up.”
His fingers locked around my wrist as he flexed his thigh muscles. I could feel them contracting under my palm and imagined them around my body in the same manner. I had a permanent blush and he had a permanent hard on. I stared so deeply into his eyes that I didn’t even look at the waitress when she came back with our iced teas. I did hear her chuckle as she quickly walked away again. Apparently, we were letting everyone know exactly how we felt about each other. I didn’t care.
I dared to push my hand higher until my wrist was against his erection. His breath caught. I smiled at the thought of me affecting him this way. The lock he had on my hand gentled as he opened his legs just enough to place my open palm fully on his erection. I never took my eyes from his.
“You started this in the truck,” I said slowly.
He cleared his throat before whispering, “If I could I would finish it right here, right now, in front of all these people. The cops would be called and your mug shot would show ketchup on your face and lettuce in your hair.”
I lifted my palm and gently smacked him on the knee as I reached for my iced tea. I suddenly needed something cool for the heat coming from my body. How could this man affect me so? If this was how Chastity feels with her guys, then that would explain why she’s so open about sex. I wasn’t a virgin, but I also hadn’t been around the block.
Conrad asked, “Are you thinking dirty thoughts?”
“Yes, but not about you.”
He acted hurt for all of a second before pulling me close as our food arrived.
“Just for that, I think you should pay for dinner and take me home without even a kiss goodnight.”
“You’d actually make me leave like that?”
I trailed my open mouth across his cheek bone and kept whispering, “You’d leave me with no kiss or feeling of warmth as I drove all the way home by myself?”
By the time I got to his mouth, it trembled. I placed an open mouth kiss on his bottom lip and ever so slowly slipped back into place as the waitress quietly placed our food in front of us. He blinked a couple of times, adjusted his pants and didn’t say a word as he picked up his spoon to eat his soup.
I smiled to myself at the small torture I could inflict on this strong man. Now, that was female power. I covertly glanced at him while I ate my food.
After we quietly ate, I grabbed the bill, paid it and with the keys in my hand I headed back out into the parking lot. Conrad was stone faced as I drove back to his place and I started to wonder if I had gone too far and offended him in some way. I was a mess of nerves by the time I put the truck into park outside his front door. The time ticked by as he unbuckled and reached for the console. I thought he was going to get out any items he needed so I unbuckled to get out. Before I knew what had happened the console was flipped up and I was dragged across the seat. I was lying across his lap with one of his legs on each side of me and had no idea how I had gotten there, staring right into his eyes. I just blinked.
Then I saw it, the little quirk in his cheek as he tried not to smile. I drew a breath and reached up to him, but was held tight against his body as his mouth started to ravage mine in an almost brutal kiss. He was tight against me with nowhere to go and I had nothing to do but enjoy the moment. Kissing him just as he was kissing me, I felt bruised but exhilarated as it kept going on and on. I don’t even think I was breathing, just feeling.
He placed my hands on his thighs, but never broke the contact of our mouths. He was a starving man who fed off what I could give him. Tongues dueled and fingers clenched until, finally, he let go of my mouth to take a deep breath.
“That’s what you get for pulling the tigers tail a little too much, young lady.”
He wasn’t smiling, but I knew he wasn’t mad.
“You think you should leave me like this after all I’ve done for you?”
I didn’t know whether he was joking or serious, but to say no would physically hurt me. Thankfully he took the chance away from me as he gently pushed me back to an upright position.
“Now when you joke with me you need to know I have limits. I’m a red blooded man with needs. I love touching and kissing you, but if we’re going to take this slow, you’ll have to be a little more sensitive to my pains.”
Swallowing, I nodded my head and tried to think of something appropriate to say, but he smiled that boyish grin and gave me a quick kiss as he jumped out of the truck. What? He was playing with me again. I jumped out of the truck, almost forgetting my bag and went after him. By the time I got in the kitchen, he was up against the counter, laughing at me.
“Sometimes I don’t know how to take some of the things you say. Are you messing with me or pretending to be Jason?”
I tossed my bag on the table and slumped against the counter opposite him. His face fell. He stopped laughing.
“Look, I’m sorry about that. I thought you should get a taste of your own medicine when it came to lighting my internal flame. What makes you so mad that you would compare me to him?”
I felt tension leaving my body.
“No, I’m the one who’s sorry. That was uncalled for and you’re nothing like him. I just saw you flip personalities like he did with me and it triggered something in me. Please don’t hold this against me. You had me so high and then it felt like you were slamming me down. I should’ve known that wasn’t your intention.”
I hung my head in shame. I felt his hand on my chin as he nudged me to look at him.
“What ever he’s done to you, remember that I will never be like him. I’m sorry that I did that and only meant it as a fun lesson, but got a little too caught up in what I was feeling to handle it correctly. I wanted so badly to make you mine that the mean little fly monster got the best of me. If you want, I’ll totally back off from touching you, just let me know.”
I knew by the look in his eyes that he meant that and I appreciated his small sacrifice, but it wasn’t needed.
“I understand where the line is drawn and will be more careful in the future, but please don’t stop touching me or kissing me. I have come to crave these things and don’t want to have to go cold turkey when I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before. Can we meet half way?” I asked as I rubbed his wrist with my thumb.
“There is a lot of middle ground we can cover without crossing that line. I’ll be willing to put myself through pain and cold showers if you can do the same.”
I kissed the palm of his hand and saw the spark in his eye.
“See, that wasn’t so bad. We just had our first disagreement and it was over getting each other horny. Some couples should have it so good,” he smiled at me before setting me away from his body with a frown. “Now you need to stay this far away from me before I either jump you again or have to stop our conversation to take that cold shower I mentioned. Would you like to watch a movie or go back to your lonely place to sleep in an empty, cold bed?”
“You make it sound so appealing, but yes, I need to get home. I’d love to stay here and try to get you to jump me, but I don’t think I’d make it to work tomorrow if I did.”
“You’re half right on that, so I’ll let you go now while you’re not touching me. You enjoy that cold, empty bed and think of me.”
“I’ll think of you as I strip off and warm up that cold empty bed. Remember, I do have someone waiting there for me.”
He grabbed me to him and gave me a hard, sound kiss on my closed mouth.
“You’re lucky I know it’s a cat or I’d make you stay here. Now with that picture of you naked in bed, how am I supposed to get any sleep?” He groaned with a smile.
“You have a bed waiting for you plus a cold shower to boot. I’ll call
you when I get to my place so you don’t worry about your precious truck.”
Grabbing up my bag I headed for the door.
“The truck can rot. I just want the chick driving it. I’m not going to sleep a wink tonight, you fiend,” I heard him call after me as I made it out the door and back into the truck.
I sang to myself all the way home and was pretty content as I reached for the phone to call Conrad.
“Hey, babe. We both made it home and I’m about to be ambushed by my lonely roommate,” I said as Bella meowed loudly as she bounded off the bed toward me.
“I hear her and you better make sure she’s fed before she takes a chunk out of you. Now get your things taken care of and get some sleep. I’ll call you tomorrow between breaks. Good night, sweetheart.”
I said the same ending to him and smiled the rest of the night. Bella wasn’t the only one happy with her cream.
Chapter Eleven
Wednesday morning I had to remind myself to get into the truck instead of the Jeep. I inhaled as soon as I got in and hoped I would carry his scent on me the rest of the day.
The mechanic called after a couple of hours and had good news. It seemed that the corrosion was contained mostly to the hoses and clamps alone with no further damage to the body. Thankfully, the rain had washed away anything that would have damaged it further.
He had the parts ordered and should have them by the close of business. With a little hope, I could pick the Jeep up tomorrow on my way home. I was glad to get the news, even though I had a ride for the next couple of days.
I looked at the weather on my computer and it showed sunny days for the rest of the week, so Conrad would be fine on the bike that long. I left him a message about my news and told him to just call me back when he had a free moment. I knew he had to work on two pieces today plus run the place by himself with his boss off for a mini vacation.
The repairs at work were going well and we would open up on time with the way things were progressing. The day went by swiftly and the only hitch was when Jason called again to see if my vehicle was ready yet.