An Event to Remember. . .or Forget (Event to Remember Series Book 1)

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An Event to Remember. . .or Forget (Event to Remember Series Book 1) Page 5

by Baldwin, Melissa

  I must have fallen asleep on the couch because the next thing I know, Madison is shaking me.

  “Sienna, wake up, I have to talk to you. Wake up!” She is almost screaming.

  “What? What’s wrong?” I jump up from the couch and look at the clock. It’s midnight.

  “Sienna, guess what?” She shoves her hand in my face. It’s her left hand, and there in all its beautiful, shining glory is a huge diamond.

  “Cole proposed. I AM GETTING MARRIED!”


  I think I’m dreaming. I think? Did Madison just come in and say . . .

  “What?” I yell. “Did you just say . . . Let me see that?” I grab her hand, and I see that this is really happening. She has a gorgeous engagement ring on her left hand. “Tell me everything.”

  “I don’t know where to start?” she says, sitting down cross-legged on the couch. “We had plans to go out to dinner to celebrate. Cole has been hired to headline a few new venues. He’s been working toward this for years. We were having a great dinner just talking and laughing. The next thing I know, this couple comes up and asks for his autograph. They tell us that they saw his last show, and they loved it. He turns to me and introduces me as his girlfriend but then says, ‘I’m actually hoping that she will become my fiancé tonight.’ I didn’t know what to say; it was happening so fast. At first, I thought he was joking. Next thing I know, this lady takes her ring off and tells him to get down on one knee and propose with the ring. I am stunned. Then they all start laughing. He actually asked this couple to be a part of the engagement. She had my ring, THIS ring. So, then he gets down on one knee and asks me. The whole place is watching. I just started laughing, and I said YES. Everyone started clapping and cheering.”

  “Wow! I can’t believe you’re engaged,” I reply excitedly. I’m not surprised about the way he did that. He’s a comedian, and I could see him trying to be silly and creative with his proposal. “Did you suspect anything?” I ask her. “Had you ever even talked about it? I mean, you have been dating for a long time.”

  “We talked about it a while ago. I knew it would happen at some point. I guess I just didn’t worry about it, but I definitely wasn’t expecting it tonight.”

  We stay up talking about plans for a few more hours. When I finally get ready for bed, I start thinking about all the changes about to take place. My best friend is getting married; I will need to find a new roommate or move.

  I had sent Luke a text earlier to tell him about Madison’s engagement. His response was short but very nice, wishing them well. He told me he was still at the office with Lance (his brother-in-law), and that he would call me in the morning. I’m not sure what I’m feeling. Things are moving forward so well with my career but seem to be slowing down with Luke. I keep reminding myself that things are just busy right now and that doesn’t mean that we are falling apart. I know I have a tendency to overthink and overplan things. This is one thing I can’t plan, and that bothers me.

  When I wake up the next morning, which is actually only about 2–3 hours later, I feel anxious and exhausted. I drag myself out of bed, but I get excited. I am going to check out my new office today; I haven’t seen it since the painting has been completed. Luke is supposed to meet me there to check it out and maybe grab a quick lunch.

  I stop by the office to check some emails and follow up with a few things. When I get there, Craig is sitting at his desk looking at Facebook.

  “Who are you stalking? Anything good?” I ask as I put my stuff down.

  “Hey girl! Oh, just the usual. I was just about to text you. I see that Madison got engaged? That seems like a huge shock.” I tell him the whole story about Cole’s proposal.

  “So, any word from Carrie?” I ask. “I haven’t talked to her since she sent back paperwork for the Cantons. She did mention she might be gone the rest of this week, so I’m not counting on seeing her.”

  I guess her ears must have been burning, because right at that moment, she walks into the office. Both Craig and I are shocked to see her.

  “Good morning, my loves. Let’s have a quick meeting. We need to plan a birthday celebration for my very dear friend. Craig, here is a list of guests and gifts.” She hands Craig some notes.

  “We need to book it at Venice. Sienna, you need to call over there to get a section roped off. Ask for Cameron, and tell him this is for the Lucinda party, he does event scheduling, and it will not be a problem.”

  “Carrie, the last I heard, it was impossible to get in there for months. How soon are we shooting for?”

  “Within two weeks, before we leave for Aspen,” she replies as her phone starts buzzing. “I must take this call.” She heads to her office.

  “Two weeks?” I say, looking at Craig. “I doubt it will happen, but I will try.”

  Hmmm, after thinking about it, I guess I could always contact Ace if I need to. It would be for work of course. No other reason. I’m sure he would help.

  “Ok, so you will get Venice booked,” Carrie demands after she walks out of her office. I can tell she’s getting ready to leave.

  “I will contact Cameron today. Carrie, while you are here, just an update that we have about four weeks until Faith, Fashion, and Hope. I sent over all remaining paperwork. This is just the final planning stage; it will be implementation from now on. The invitations are at the printers and will go out next week. We will be helping to oversee the printing of all programs and pledge cards. Do you have any questions?”

  “I have a few guests to add to my table. I will get Nicole all their info for the guest list. I have a few appointments, so I must go. I will be in touch. Ciao.”

  Craig is already looking at Carrie’s notes and working on his list. I head to my office to contact Cameron to secure a date. I pull up Carrie’s calendar and pull out my own to-do list for the day. I haven’t even checked my own emails yet.

  As soon as I log in, I see it staring me in the face, an email from Ace. I open the email to read it:

  Good Morning Sienna,

  It was lovely running into you yesterday evening. Your friend Abby is a doll. I have spoken with my partners, and we are interested in having an informal launch party. I am thinking just a small cocktail party to introduce ourselves would be ideal. Would you be able to send over a few names for me to contact in advance? I would, of course, like to hire your company to plan the event. Perhaps we could meet for lunch to discuss some details? I also plan to get in touch with Luke for some advertising.



  I read the email over and over again. It is very professional, nothing to overreact to. My heart sank at the mention of Luke. He is not going to be happy when he hears I am going to plan this event for Ace. I can’t worry about that, so I start my reply. I seem to have the most difficult time writing this email. I finally decide on my response.

  Good Morning,

  Thank you for your email. I am attaching a list of a few contacts for you. A cocktail party will be very feasible. We can discuss some preliminary details. I have a busy week but will be happy to talk if you can meet here at our office. Friday morning at 10:00 will be best. Let me know if this time will work with your schedule.



  After changing a few words, I send the email. I finish with some other emails and get ready to go to the new office.

  My new office is in a great location. The building is only about two years old; there’s a new indoor/outdoor café as well as a day spa and a children’s boutique. As soon as I arrive, I’m almost giddy. One of the walls is ceiling to floor windows, which I absolutely love, and the paint looks fantastic. Luke walks in while on a phone call. I can tell he is bothered by whatever he is talking about.

  “Everything OK?” I ask after he gets off a few minutes later.

  “I’m not sure. This new client is very difficult. They are not happy with anything we have presented to them yet. We have another meeting with them tomorrow.” He leans in to
give me a kiss.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant, but this is just so important. I feel bad about canceling dinner with Abby. How was it?” he adds.

  “I totally understand. Dinner was fine.” I’m trying to figure out how to tell him about running into Ace, and then about the email today.

  “The office looks good,” he says, looking around. He walks toward the window and looks out. “It really is a good location.”

  “Thanks!” I reply, smiling. I decide to go ahead and tell him about Ace.

  “I do have a funny story about dinner last night. Guess who Abby and I ran into at the restaurant? Ace Eckelund. He said to tell you hi, and he wants to get in touch regarding some advertising he will need. He also hired me to plan their launch, probably a cocktail party. Hopefully I can plan for a month out after I leave Carrie’s.” I guess I was talking so fast I didn’t notice the look of anger on Luke’s face.

  “Wait a second? Where did you see him?” he says as he stops my rant.

  “Last night, when I went out with Abby. He was at the restaurant. He saw me, and he came over to our table,” I reply nonchalantly. “Anyway, it wasn’t a big deal; I just thought it was funny,” I say as I shrug my shoulders.

  Luke is about to say something else when his phone starts to ring. “Hang on, let me get this.”

  Yes, saved by the bell. Maybe I should have waited until the end of our lunch to bring this up. Seriously, though, he needs to get over this. He is acting like a jealous . . . well, like a jealous GIRL.

  Luke is still on the phone, so I look around the office and come up with a list of things I still need. I start to get really excited that everything is coming together so well. I love it when that happens.

  “I’m sorry, had to get that.” Luke comes back in the office.

  “No problem, honey. So, the office is almost ready, don’t you think? You will have to help me find some artwork and photos for the walls,” I say, trying really hard to get his mind off the Ace subject. “I’m starving; let’s go eat.”

  “Of course I will. I will have to head back to the office right after lunch,” he says, heading for the door.

  Awesome. I am so happy that he already forgot our conversation that I practically do a cartwheel out the door.

  Lunch is really fun. We ended up talking about Sheer Happiness and Madison and Cole’s engagement (shocker!). Ace never comes up again, and I couldn’t be happier.

  Later that night when I get home, I find Madison making cookies and looking at a stack of bridal magazines. She has Sirius radio playing and is rocking out to ’90s hits.

  “Hey, bestie, it’s time to get to work. We have A LOT of planning to do.” She hands me three magazines. I notice that she has sticky notes all over several pictures of gowns. Wow, is she already looking at gowns?

  “Have you guys started making plans? Have you set a date?” I ask as I steal a cookie from the plate and start munching on it.

  “We are looking at dates now, hopefully later this year if possible. I would love to have it at the Four Seasons. What do you think?”

  “Pick a date and we will see. Damn, these cookies are so delicious. Thanks for helping my no sugar rule that I started again this morning,” I say, laughing.

  “Don’t you start that every single day?” she replies.

  ‘What’s your point?” I ask as I wink and I take a second cookie.

  We have another fun night looking at magazines, eating cookies, and dancing to ’90s music. I realize later that night that these days will be coming to an end; Madison is planning her wedding. She will be moving and everything is changing. I actually start to cry, which does not happen ever. I’m not much of a crier, and I’m sure these are tears of joy for both Madison and Abby.

  Maybe it’s time Luke and I had a talk. Ugh, what am I thinking? That is relationship suicide! One time I asked the “where are we headed” question to a guy I was dating. Let’s just say we were headed nowhere after asking that question. It was then that I adopted the “dump before get dumped” philosophy. Madison thought I was crazy when I broke things off with a few guys I had dated. I never really had serious boyfriends, but I dated a lot. I still remember when Luke told me he loved me for the first time. We had been dating for about seven months, and we went to ride rollercoasters one night. I was so freaked out, and he was trying to calm me down. He grabbed my face in his hands and told me not to worry and that he loved me. It was very sweet and mushy. I started crying and told him I loved him too. I started mentally planning our wedding that night. I know that’s crazy, but I am an event planner after all.

  Friday morning I make it to the early morning spinning class for the first time in a while. When I get home, I spend way too much time planning my outfit for the day. I’m starting to worry about why I care so much about how I look for my meeting with Ace. When I am finally ready, Madison walks in my room and stares at me.

  “You look awesome! Where are you going today?” she asks inquisitively.

  “I’m going to work. Why? Do I look overdressed?” I ask worriedly.

  I finally decided on a simple, mint tunic and dark-blue skinny jeans with these fabulous leather booties I just got. I didn’t think I overdid it, but her reaction freaked me out. Maybe I should change.

  “No, you look great. Just, different? Do you have plans with Luke?

  “No, Luke is in Vegas this weekend for work. I have a few meetings with some potential new clients.” I have not told Madison anything about Ace. She will see right through me and won’t just drop it like Abby did. Regardless, there’s nothing to tell.

  “OK. Good luck. Are you still meeting me tonight at Alexa’s?”

  “Of course!”

  Tonight we have plans to check out some wedding gowns. One of our clients that has known Carrie for years has a shop, and she is opening after hours just for us. Carrie is, of course, out of town, but when I spoke to her, she actually offered to contact Alexa and call in a favor. She was really helpful, which was a little surprising, but I won’t question it. It’s at times like this that I will definitely miss these extra perks when I leave. I’m hoping that the relationships I have made on my own will benefit me, assuming that Carrie doesn’t try to sabotage me.

  I am the first to arrive at the office. This will give me time to straighten up the lobby and my office. We tend to get a little lazy when we don’t have too much going on. Craig called me on my way in and said he had a dentist appointment. I am secretly hoping that Ace is gone before Craig gets there. Craig will be all over that, and I don’t want him to make a scene.

  I spend the next hour cleaning and organizing my office as well as following up on some emails and paperwork that Nicole had asked for. Nicole arrived about thirty minutes after me. She was already in a bad mood due to some of Carrie’s latest requests. I decide not to get into it because, once she gets going, I will never escape.

  Ace arrives at exactly 10:00. I quickly check my hair and makeup. I hear Nicole tell him to come into my office.

  “Good morning, Sienna. Thanks so much for meeting with me,” he says, smiling.

  “Of course, please have a seat.” I smile back. We start talking about the weather and some other small talk. So far so good, at least there are no awkward silences or long drooling stares on my part.

  “Thank you again for that list. I have already set up a few meetings. As soon as I mentioned your name, everyone was very receptive. You definitely make an impression on people,” he says, smiling. Wow, what did he mean by that? Is he flirting with me? I need to concentrate and not daydream.

  “I don’t know about that. I have made some great relationships in my industry, and my boss, Carrie, knows a lot of people. That’s all it is really.”

  “You are too modest. I have heard all about this Carrie person, and not much of it has been positive. You are obviously the heart behind this company, and that is what I like, and who I want to do business with.”

  “Well, thank you! On that note, let�
��s talk about what you’re expecting for this party,” I reply, trying to stay focused on business and not stare at his million-dollar smile.

  The time goes by, and we have such a great meeting that I don’t realize how long we are in there. I heard Craig come in at some point, but when I actually look at my phone it 1:00 p.m. Three hours went so fast, and we practically have the whole event planned out. I told him about Faith, Fashion, and Hope, and he is interested in becoming a sponsor. It turns out that in addition to his many accomplishments, he is a philanthropist. I tell him about Sheer Happiness, and he insists on waiting to have the party after I leave Carrie’s. We talk and laugh a lot; he even tells me about meeting Luke, and all about that summer they were in Europe. He spoke very highly of him, and I started to feel bad knowing how negatively Luke speaks about him. The skeptic in me wonders if he’s legit. I mean, no one can be that perfect. Right?

  “What have I done?” he says, looking at the time. “I have taken way too much of your day. You have to let me buy you lunch to make up for it.”

  Honestly? I really, really, REALLY want to go. But I decline.

  “I appreciate the offer, but I brought something and planned on working through my lunch today. Thank you so much for the offer,” I reply as I am dying inside.

  “Some other time then?” he says, standing up.

  “Sure. Please don’t forget to send me a few calendar dates for the party, and we will go from there. I will put together a contract.”


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