An Event to Remember. . .or Forget (Event to Remember Series Book 1)

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An Event to Remember. . .or Forget (Event to Remember Series Book 1) Page 8

by Baldwin, Melissa

  “Hey, what’s all the excitement? I could hear you from the door.” Madison sits down with a smile.

  Abby tells Madison her news, and we start taking guesses on if the baby is a boy or girl. This feels just like old times. As I sit here, I imagine that I’m watching one of those video montages going through pictures of my past.

  “Sienna, I have news for you,” Abby says, interrupting my memories. “I was talking to Matt, and you aren’t going to believe this, but if the baby is a boy, we are going to name him Ace. Isn’t that funny?”

  I start to choke on my water, literally.

  “What? Why?” I ask through my coughing.

  “Believe it or not, it doesn’t have anything to do with your friend. It really is a great name.”

  “Who’s Ace?” Madison asks, taking a sip of Diet Coke.

  Crap! I keep forgetting I haven’t shared the whole Ace story with Madison.

  “First of all, Abby, Ace is a client not a friend.” I emphasize the word friend.

  “Of course he is,” she replies with a smile.

  “Hello, WHO is Ace?” Madison asks more emphatically the second time.

  I tell the whole story about Ace starting from my date night at Venice when we first ran into him. I tell them all about Luke’s obsessive hatred/jealousy of him, and I add in Luke’s heartbreak story about the girl who was “stolen” from him.

  “Can you believe that Luke is so paranoid that now he thinks Ace is trying to steal me away?”

  “I need to see this guy. Call him and invite him out,” Madison says excitedly.

  “What? You’re crazy! I am not calling him. I have no reason to call him. Besides, I had to email him a few hours ago for work, and that is enough for one day.”

  “Call him and ask him if he can get us into Venice tonight,” says Abby excitedly. “I have been dying to go there! Please, Sienna, before I get hugely pregnant and then have a newborn. PLEASE!” My two best friends are staring at me intently.

  “OK, OK,” I say as Abby and Madison give each other a high five.

  “I hate you both,” I say as I scroll through my phone to find his number. His phone goes straight to voice mail, so I just leave a message. I feel like I can breathe again. This just feels wrong. If anything Luke says is true, I should not feed into his ego.

  “There, are you two happy? He didn’t answer, so can we just forget it? Let’s talk wedding,” I say and look at Madison.

  “Where should we . . .” My phone starts ringing, and we all freeze.

  “Hello,” I answer.

  “Sienna, I got your message. What can I do for you?” I can almost see his million-dollar smile through the phone.

  “Ace, I’m sorry to bother you. Can I ask you a huge favor?”

  A little over an hour later, we are pulling up at Venice. We all had to stop at home and quickly change. Ace is going to meet us there to get us in. Our story is that we are out to celebrate Madie’s engagement and Abby’s pregnancy. I couldn’t exactly tell him that the main reason we wanted to go there was so Madison could see him. Although, it was kind of exhilarating to be spontaneous and go out at the last minute. It reminded me of our college days when we would decide to go dancing at 11:30 at night. We all look really good considering we got ready in a mad rush.

  When we walk into the lobby, both Abby and Madison gasp. I can’t say I blame them; it looks grander than the first time I was here. I go up to the desk and ask for Ace. A few minutes later, I see him coming up one of the staircases.

  “Hello, ladies. You all look really fantastic.”

  “Nice to see you again,” says Abby as he gives her a hug.

  “Ace, thank you so much for doing this. It’s usually impossible for the three of us to get together, and both of the girls have been dying to see this place. Sorry for the last minute call,” I say as he leans in to hug me. I pull away quickly. “Ace, this is our friend Madison. She just got engaged, and we are here to celebrate.”

  “So nice to meet you. I really appreciate this,” says Madison. I can see her giving him the once over.

  “No bother. I have told Sienna that anytime she needs anything to let me know.” He gives a huge smile showing his perfect teeth. “She and her company are doing us a huge favor.”

  “Come, let’s get your table.” He leads us down one of the staircases, and again we have a perfect location right in front of the dance floor. I know the girls are going to be talking about this night for years. I just have to remind them not to do it in front of Luke.

  “Do you mind if I stay a few minutes?” he asks.

  “Not at all,” says Madison

  “Of course not,” adds Abby.

  I don’t say anything.

  “So,” Abby begins. “You aren’t going to believe this, but my husband and I were discussing baby names, and if our little one is a boy, we are planning to name him Ace. We both really like it, and we hadn’t decided on a boy name yet.”

  “That’s fantastic!” he exclaims.

  I can’t believe this; I actually thought she was joking. I should have known better.

  “Ace, tell me what you do? How long are you staying in town?” asks Madison. I notice her shooting a few looks at me since we arrived.

  “At this point, I’m not sure how long I will stay, probably for a while. My company is looking into opening a few consulting firms throughout the States. This is our first location here. We have a business in the UK and Australia. I do consulting for international businesses that want to branch out. I have already had great success here thanks to Sienna and her contacts.” He gives me a warm smile.

  “Yes, that’s our Sienna. She knows everybody,” replies Madison.

  Throughout the night, we all start telling stories about our younger days. He tells us about Luke and his summer in Europe. We talk and laugh for what seems like hours.

  “There is one story I am not very proud of,” he says. “There was a girl in Barcelona; I know Luke really liked her. One night we were out at the pub. She repeatedly flirted with me when we spent time with her and her friends. I knew Luke liked her, but she was relentless. Not long after that, we started to go out. We really liked each other, and I still feel terrible about that. She actually ended up leaving me for another bloke a few months later. I suppose I deserved that though. Regardless, I must apologize to Luke about that. He is a good mate, and when you are young, you make the wrong choices.” He finishes his story. I notice both Madison and Abby were listening as intently as I was. I can’t believe he told us that story.

  “I think you should talk to Luke about this, just to make yourself feel better,” I say quickly.

  I really don’t want to tell him that Luke is holding a huge grudge over this girl. Who is she anyway, Gisele Bündchen? I need to see a picture of her; she must have been amazing for these guys to still be hung up on her after all of these years. I almost feel jealous of her.

  “Well, I have taken up much of your ladies’ night. I have a few other friends to visit. I will stop by again before I leave.”

  Ace walks over to another table and is greeted with cheers. You would think he was an A-list actor or the mayor the way people act around him. He may even give Cole a run for his money. I could definitely see him being voted most popular or best looking. Once he is a safe distance away, both Abby and Madison start talking at once.

  “He is so hot.”

  “I love his accent.”

  “I can’t believe that about Luke and the girl.”

  “Sienna, he likes you, but he’s obviously trying to fight it because of what happened with Luke in the past.

  My head starts to spin as they talk.

  “Guys, he’s a client. That’s it. I love Luke, and I have no plans to go out with Ace. EVER.”

  “And you.” I point at Abby. “Are you seriously naming your baby Ace? You have known this guy for five minutes.”

  “We sure are. Matt and I love the name regardless of your friend.”

lient,” I repeat.

  We stay at Venice awhile longer. Ace has the chef send over the most amazing desserts, and I guess I will have to start my no sugar diet again tomorrow. When we are finally getting ready to leave, Ace comes over to say good-bye.

  “Sienna, can I have a moment?” he asks. My friends look at me, raising their eyebrows.

  “Um, sure.”

  “I just wanted to ask you not to say anything to Luke. I plan to talk to him myself, but I don’t want to make a big deal about it. I am sure he doesn’t even remember. This is one of those things that I have needed to get off my chest for a long time.”

  For the first time since meeting Ace, I notice a touch of vulnerability. It’s so refreshing.

  “Oh, of course not. Thank you again for tonight; we had a great time. We’ll be in touch.” I turn to leave and Ace grabs my hand. I turn to look at him, our eyes briefly meet, and I think he is about to say something else, but he quickly drops my hand.

  “Anytime, of course. Have a wonderful night,” he says quickly and hurries away.

  I stand there with my feet frozen to the ground. Did we just have a moment? I feel like I am in a movie right now. When I finally collect myself, I walk back to my friends who are giving me funny looks.

  “Don’t either of you say a word, or I will never speak to you again.” I walk past them and out the door.

  On the way home, I pull out my phone. I had called Luke earlier, and he never called or texted me back. He must be really busy. For a second, paranoia sets in, and I hope he didn’t somehow hear that I called Ace. I try calling him again, he finally answers, and I can tell I woke him up.

  “Hello? Sienna, is everything OK? It’s really late.”

  “Hey, yes, everything is fine. I just hadn’t heard back from you. I went out with Abby and Madie tonight. Is everything OK at work? “

  “Hmmm. Oh yeah, fine. I’m just exhausted. Can I call you in the morning?”

  “Sure. I’m sorry for waking you, love you.”

  I lie awake for a long time. It seems like I have been doing this a lot lately. I feel so unsettled right now. I’ve been fighting the connection I have with Ace since the night I met him. Until tonight, I thought it was a silly little crush, but now I’m not sure. I have no idea what I am feeling. I am usually so decisive and have a plan for every aspect of my life. Why is this happening?


  I wake up in a horrible mood. Perhaps it’s the lack of sleep. Normally, I am good on only a few hours of sleep, but it’s happening way too often lately. I need to get it together. I miss my normal, perfectly planned, day-to-day life, and I haven’t even been to my early morning spin class in forever.

  “Good morning,” Madison calls from the kitchen.

  “Hey.” I walk into the kitchen to make a protein shake. I don’t say anything else, and I notice Madison giving me a funny look.

  “What, Madison? It’s seven a.m. Are you planning on giving me a lecture?” I say annoyingly.

  “I’m worried about you. Something is off, and I know you more than I know myself.” She does sound worried, and maybe she should be.

  “That’s crazy. I’m fine. I’m just very tired, I have a busy day ahead, and the countdown is on to Faith, Fashion, and Hope.”

  “No, this isn’t about work, and you know it. What is going on with Ace? And Luke?” She actually sounds legitimately concerned, and then it happens. I actually start to cry. I hardly ever cry.

  “I don’t knnooowwww.” I put my head on the counter as I sob. “I love Luke, I really do. This Ace thing has thrown me for a loop. I have been having doubts about my relationship with Luke for a while. Abby is having a baby, and she’s happy. You’re engaged, and Travis is engaged. I need to find a new roommate or move. Maybe I just have bad PMS.”

  It has become throw-up of the mouth, and Madison listens with a look of shock as she rubs my back. This is very much out of character for me. I am usually the one that is always put together, taking care of everyone and everything else. I hate this feeling, like everything is falling apart.

  “I am so sorry. I know we haven’t even had a chance to talk about our living situation. I feel like I am leaving you high and dry. I think that Cole and I are going to get a brand new place together instead of me moving in with him. What are you thinking?” she says with tears in her eyes. Great, if she cries, I will cry more. I hate crying.

  “I’m not sure yet. They have those really nice condos that are close to my new office. I’m going to check those out.” I start to pull myself together and wipe my eyes. It is so typical of me. I have one meltdown, then I get it together, and I am back on track quickly. Maybe I need therapy.

  “We have plenty of time though, and I will help you find something. Maybe we can move in there, too. Abby’s house isn’t too far from there also.” I can tell she’s trying very hard to lift my spirits, and I appreciate the fact that there has been no mention of Luke. I was worried that she was going to take that bit of info and run with it.

  “That would be nice,” I say, smiling. “I better get ready for work. I have a lot on my list for today. Thanks for listening, and please don’t tell anyone I cried, or I will tell everyone your secret cookie ingredient. I mean it, all over Facebook.”

  “I promise,” she says, raising both of her hands. I can tell she wants to say something else, but she stops herself.

  When I finally do get to the office, Craig and Nicole are on an anti-Carrie tirade. From what I gather, it has something to do with Carrie asking Nicole to book a last-minute trip for Carrie and a guest. Nicole made the mistake of asking who the guest would be, and Carrie went ballistic on her again. I listened for a few seconds then went to my office and shut the door. I have no patience for their nonsense today.

  I call Luke, and he answers right away.

  “Babe, I am so sorry I was asleep last night. How was your night with the girls?”

  “It was great. But, I had a bit of a meltdown this morning. Madison and I started discussing living arrangements after she gets married.”

  “What do you mean a meltdown?” he asks worriedly. “I hadn’t even thought about that, I’m sorry.”

  “I know. It’s a lot to think about,” I add as I start checking my emails.

  “Anyway, I just wanted to say good morning. I miss you.”

  “Me too, babe. Lance and I are leaving again tomorrow. Once we get things finalized with this account, life can get back to normal. Maybe we can grab dinner tonight?”

  “I will let you know; we have a meeting with the Cantons, so who knows how long that will take.” After I hang up, I can still hear Craig and Nicole complaining.

  I walk out to the front of the office.

  “OK, kids, let’s get it together. We have a meeting with the Cantons this afternoon, and the Lucinda party is in two days. Are we ready?”

  “Of course. Let’s ask Sienna what she thinks?” Craig says, looking at Nicole.

  “Guys, I don’t care about Carrie’s weekend. Keep me out of it,” I interrupt.

  “But, Sienna. She’s seeing someone that she WANTS to keep a secret. She’s been making arrangements for two people, and every time I try to get a name, she freaks out on me. A few weeks ago, I even had to book it under her alias. It’s something really SCANDALOUS,” Nicole says animatedly with an emphasis on scandalous.

  “Seriously guys? This is Carrie. None of this should surprise you.”

  “Yeah, but this time it’s something BIGGER,” adds Craig.

  “Whatever, let’s be ready for the Cantons today please,” I say, more frustrated than ever.

  I decide to get out of the office for a little while to avoid the drama queens. I take my lunch and walk around the mall. I am ready for my meeting, and I really need to pick something up for Saturday night. Carrie is extremely particular with how we are dressed around her crowd. I am walking through Nordstrom, heading to look at shoes, when, of course, I run into ACE. Seriously, I feel like I am in the movie Serend
ipity, but without NYC and the yummy frozen hot chocolate. I can’t seem to escape this man. Maybe I’ll have to move or change my name or something more drastic. I could call Carrie’s plastic surgeon.

  “Sienna, what a nice surprise,” he says. I can tell he’s feeling the same way I am.

  “Hi, Ace. How are you?”

  “Actually, if you must know, I am a little frustrated,” he replies exasperatedly. Oh no, what does he mean by that? Is it because of me?

  “What’s wrong?” I say cautiously.

  “This is going to sound unbelievably silly, but I need to buy my mum a birthday present. I have no idea what to get her, and she is extremely selective. I’m desperate. Would you mind helping?”

  He’s asking me to shop with him for his mom? Or mum? I’m trying to think of an excuse to get out of it, but he really does look lost. I’m not sure why, but I really want to help him. It’s purely selfish on my part because the longer I can avoid going back to the office the better. And who doesn’t love shopping with other people’s money? And plus, I get to spend time with him. Did I really just think that? I really must be losing it.

  “Sure, I have a few minutes. Tell me about your mom, and we can go from there,” I say, deciding I’m just going to focus on the fact that I get to shop with someone else’s money.

  I guess I don’t really know what I expect him to say when he starts telling me about his mom. He never seems to be serious about anything, but he speaks with such adoration for her. It’s very sweet, and I will add that to my mental list of his perfect qualities. I never pictured Ace as a mama’s boy, but he clearly is.

  The conversation ends up turning into a complete rundown of both our family trees. Once again, the time gets away from us, and before I know it, over an hour has passed.

  We get so distracted talking that we still haven’t found a gift, so we continue our search. We come across one of those little gift shops that personalize and engrave items. I suggest he get a few personalized frames. From what he has told me, his mom is very family-oriented, and her entire world is centered on her children and grandchildren. Ace loves the idea and places an order. I can see the relief in his face.


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