The Last Vampyre Prophecy

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The Last Vampyre Prophecy Page 13

by Ezell Wilson, April

  She’s resting but not peacefully. I can read her thoughts and they vacillate between longing and confusion. She is trying to compile her feelings for me, and the admission I gave her this afternoon. It’s more than anyone should be expected to take and she is reeling with the enormity of the situation.

  I rest my hand on her hip and feel wave after wave of anxiety rolling through her prone form. I would extricate any living being for this woman—a feeling foreign to me because before Adonia I was a mass of indifference. I could care less about mortality and it’s effect on me.

  But she makes me feel protective and alive. I want to guard her and cage her with my presence. I want her to be safe and happy. These new feelings are more alarming than efficacious.

  I let the myriad of emotions undulate my being and settle into a more restful existence. I sit here for hours watching her breathe and dream, finally when the wheels descend she stirs and pins me across the narrow space.

  I smile, “Hello my beautiful.”

  She blinks and takes several seconds before she returns my smile, “Hi.” She whispers.

  The vibration of her voice bounces in my skull and fills me with prodigious sensuality. I want to feel her skin beneath my sensitive fingertip. I want to bring her body to such climax that she stops breathing. I want to worship her and satisfy her—and love her.

  She rises and places a light kiss to my lips. I feel euphoric at the contact. Every ounce of energy and life I have in my body explodes and hones in on that one spot where she touched me. It’s all encompassing.

  “How was your rest?” I ask a little shakily surprising myself with how unsettled I am. A feeling I’ve never experienced.

  She glances down at her hands as she wrings them in her lap. I read her fear and thoughts of doom but they are not for her health they are for me—for the possibility of losing me.

  That causes a severe spike in my emotions and sends me into a state of visceral protectiveness. It’s as if all the strings that comprise the woven control of my being are snapped in two and fall away leaving me open and, briefly vulnerable.

  She’s broken my walls and stripped me of my natural instincts to protect myself. All my emotions revolve around her, around her desires and her needs. It’s staggering because this is nothing I have ever felt.

  Our kind are very resilient and omnipotent. We take what we need and want for our existence and everything is expendable. We love power and domination—we thrive on conflict and pain. It’s our comprised existence—war and seizure. Nothing is out of our grasp—we take, we plunder and we dominate. Simple.

  But suddenly none of that matters—all my feelings are centered around one bright light—her, her face, her heart—her mind. Its as if every other object has disappeared and the only vision I have is of her.

  She’s altered my entire being.



  What did I ever do to bring on a shit storm of this magnitude into my life? Holy fuck. It’s as though Karma had a jam session with my past transgressions and delivered the verdict smack into my face—a tall stunningly beautiful creature that will inevitably be the end of my existence.

  But, the scariest part is the fact that my own self-preservation is nearly moot. The main worry for me at this point is, him—his safety. What in the holy hell have you done, Adonia?

  My brothers were right; hell my mother was right. I should have stayed shelled away in my lackluster existence and at least I would be able to breathe right now. My fear for Khai and subsequently my debilitating lust for him has created a chasm between my heart and brain.

  I’m not thinking logically and every moment his presence invades my thoughts I cave. It’s the whole package—his smell is so intoxicating, his gaze is so piercing it makes me feel as though I am made of glass and then there is his touch—it dismantles me, fundamentally. I can’t resist his caress, it’s as though each stroke is a pure dose of adrenaline to my heart.

  My body breaks into a sprint and all I feel is the silky touch of his cool fingers—It makes my blood burn through my veins. It goes so far beyond sexual. It’s sensual and loving and adoring and completely domineering.

  He owns me—in every single way.

  We ride silently through the crowded Manhattan streets. People are bustling through the sidewalks and subways. Rush hour in the city can be the most electric and exciting experience but also a murderous one. You want to yell, scream and hit the throngs of tourists that invade the streets and make the journey hell.

  I let my thoughts roll over to my mother’s reaction when she finally sees me. It’s a welcome track away from all this supernatural—vampire—coming—to—get—us shit.

  My brothers will undoubtedly try to either burn his house down or arrest him and pin a murder on him. I sigh. This is going to be Oscar worthy, soap opera, gossip magazine worthy show down.

  That is if my dad doesn’t try to kill him first. Damnit.

  Khai laughs lightly to my side and I look over. He’s got an amused smile plastered to his face and for some reason this irritates the shit out of me.

  I scowl, “Something you find funny about this situation?”

  He turns to meet my gaze and his eyes dance with amusement, “Oh love, I find nothing funny of our situation but as always you find a way to bring me joy.” He reaches for my hand and kisses my wrist, “Thank you.”

  I just stare at him. He confuses the ever-living shit out of me. One minute he is silent and trance like and the next he is loving and saying things that make me want to climb onto his lap as he drives and give him a ride of my own.

  His smile becomes blinding, “Climb away, beautiful. I can promise to keep us on the road while you take us both to paradise.”

  I gasp. I keep forgetting he can practically read my mind. It’s distracting and horrifying. Some of the things I let run through my mind are from the deepest most personal part of myself and to know that someone else can share them makes me burn with shame and embarrassment. I feel so violated.

  His face falls and he grips the steering wheel so viscously I can hear the leather tearing at the seams. His breathing changes and I can feel the hostility rolling off his skin.

  I reach over and rest my hand on his thickly muscled forearm. His skin is cool and smooth and feels so strong and hard to my sensitive fingers. I stroke small circles feeling the tension ease and his breathing calm.

  He takes one deep breath then hums something in his throat and I see a soft smile touch the side of his lips.

  He places his other hand atop mine, “You soothe me.” He murmurs.

  There is a trace of awe in his voice as the words leave his mouth. I give a squeeze to his hand and he looks over, “What’s wrong?” I ask softly.

  He looks back to the road and the silence stretches long enough that I think he’s not going to answer me but his deep silky voice caresses my ear, “I don’t like causing you distress, Adonia—ever. To know that you feel as though I violate you makes me want to destroy myself.” His mouth presses into a hard line, “If I could effectively take away that ability I would squash it instantly just as to not cause you any more anxiety.” He looks at me once more and the sincerity in his eyes has me breathless. “I’m sorry.”

  I feel like shit. Like such a cad for making him feel this way. “Stop, please.” I beg, “I don’t want you to change anything about yourself—I love it all.” I stare down at my hands trying to put together the words in my head, “It’s just, sometimes the things I think are so strong and new to me that I don’t know if it’s normal and to know that you know makes me feel very self conscious and inexperienced. I’m just trying to figure this all out—” I gesture between us, “—I’ve just never had anything so powerful consume me this way—every thought is of you and it’s frightening.” I almost whisper.

  I am finally greeted with his stop-drop-and give up the panties smile, “That would be true for both of us, love. I’m just as conflicted, trust me but we can learn it all
together. We’ll grow together and all of this will be easier to handle once we allow the other one in.”

  Suddenly, it all makes sense. He’s right. We are both flying blind here and to learn it all together—to experience everything as one would make us even closer.

  I smile over at him, “Well first rule is, no joking about the sex thoughts,” I blush furiously, “because you’ll find there are a lot of them, and when I’m mad at you, you can’t use my thoughts against me to further our argument.”

  He chuckles, “First of all, the sex thoughts are my favorite and trust me, Adonia there will be no joking where they are concerned. You’ll be too busy getting fucked,” my mouth falls open.

  No one has ever spoken to me this way before and instead of feeling offended I am lusty. It’s so fucking hot. His grin gets wider and he winks as he continues, “Secondly, I think I’ll love it when you are mad at me and every thought that travels through that beautiful mind of yours will only cause me to fall just a little deeper for you because I know how strongly you feel for me, especially when you are angry.”

  I’m speechless so I just sit and stare. Honestly with all the crap hovering over our heads threatening to break us apart or end us all together this should be the last thing we discuss. We should be focusing on greater things but right now all I want to do is feel his tongue on my skin and his kiss on my lips. I want to forget everything for just a while and feel him in me, on me, over me.

  He pulls my hands to his lips, “In three minutes and twenty two seconds you’ll feel me everywhere, love. All night long.”

  I close my eyes and practically hum. That is delicious and carnal and I can’t wait.

  And exactly three minutes later we are parked in his garage and he literally pulls me to his side and jumps from the car. He runs through his house and my breathing stops. It’s all just blurred as I blink and my hair is whipped out behind me. We make it from the car to his bedroom between two blinks of my eyes

  When I finally register the events I am laying on his bed and he is covering me kissing trails down my neck.

  That’s when I finally realize, holy fuck I’m in love with a real fucking vampire.

  I feel the warm rays of the sun kissing the side of my face and I open my eyes. The room is bathed in light and the pale gray walls are dancing with shadows of the silk mesh blowing with the open patio doors.

  I take a moment to figure out why I’m not freezing with the frigid air and realize a fire is blazing in the center of the room and I am wrapped in his arms feeling like an electric blanket is surrounding me. It’s the most serene warmth and it’s so soothing.

  I feel his breath in my hair next to my ear, “Good morning beautiful, Adonia.” His voice is like smooth satin and it caresses me all over.

  I turn and smile, “Hi,” I whisper because the sight of him has knocked me breathless. I’ll never tire of those violet eyes. I’ve never seen a shade to compare to them. They remind me of lavender in full bloom during spring—fresh bright and vivid. Mesmerizing.

  He kisses my forehead. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes,” I murmur and snuggle closer to his chest feeling the radiation of heat. “You’re so warm, “ I purr as I stroke his chest and marvel at the sculpted muscles beneath his perfectly smooth olive skin.

  He smiles, “Then that gift is welcomed?” he asks raising an eyebrow.

  “Gift?” I say confused.

  He studies my face then says, “We each have different abilities—powers if you will—that we are created with. I have the gift of fire.” He stops and stares at me gauging my reaction but I am truly curious and prompt him to continue.

  He smiles, “Over the years I have studied and honed that ability. I can now control every aspect of it. This is the first time I’ve used it in this manner but it gives me great pleasure to be able to care for you and make you happy and content.”

  His smile is truly infectious. I can see the joy and it’s spellbinding.

  I smile back, “Well I’m glad you and your internal heater are pleased.”

  He laughs loud and tilts his head against the pillow humming with shakes of laughter. I grin and laugh, too.

  “Ah yes, well, my internal heater is pleased to be of service madam.” Then the look in his eyes turns positively dark with sensuality. He brushes his lips across my ear and nips the lobe, “Now, the other member of my body would like to warm you in other ways. Maybe make you sweat.” He hisses and I clench all over with anticipation.

  We are in the shower and he has just carefully washed every inch of my body and massaged my hair, cleaning me all over.

  I lean into him and wrap my arms around his neck threading them into his hair and pulling him to my mouth. I lick a trail across his bottom lip and gently suck it into my mouth and bite softly feeling the plumpness between my teeth.

  He growls into my mouth and then suddenly we are out of the shower and with speed that I cannot track with my eyes he swirls around the room and instantly I am carried from the room with a towel wrapped around my body and clothes strewn out on the bed.

  Before I can put together what just happened he is gone and I’m left reeling. Within seconds he has pulled clothes, dried me and placed several medieval looking weapons on the floor next to the door.

  My mouth is dropped open and dry from the shock. My mind has shut down and naturally refusing to process the events because they go beyond reality. A split second later Khai blurs to a stop inches from my face causing me to gasp and scream at the sudden movement.

  His face falls, “I’m so sorry, love. Forgive me. I forget this is all so new for you. Please don’t be frightened. I will protect you.” He pulls me into his chest but I am a stiff board of anxiety.

  Finally I begin to loosen up as the terror seeps in and I shake with sobs. His entire body tenses and he wraps his arms tighter around my body holding me up and firm against his chest.

  After a few moments I calm down irritated at my breakdown. I was raised to face things bravely and without fear and here I am completely vulnerable and crumbling fast. It makes me furious and I step back and angrily dash the tears from my eyes. He regards me for a moment and a small smile curves his lips.

  I narrow my eyes, “Do you find me funny?” I ask icily.

  His smile broadens, “On the contrary, Adonia. I find you mesmerizing and captivating. I’m in awe of your strength. You are a natural warrior.” He says softly.

  I scoff, “There is nothing warrior about me, Khai.”

  He shakes his head slowly, “You do not see yourself clearly, love. You will be the one to crush me.”

  I can’t hide the horror on my face, “I never want to crush you, Khai!” I cry. “Why would you say that—think that?”

  His smile is sad, “It’s true, love, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m finally alive and it’s all because of you. I will give it all up and sacrifice myself just for you—everything.”

  “N-no, you won’t, “ I sputter, “Stop talking like this is the end. Please.” I beg.

  He lifts his finger to trace the length of my jaw then pulls my chin to his face and kisses me softly.

  He pulls back and takes both my hands, “I must get you to a safe shelter quickly,” he bends his head lower to place our eyes level, “I sense her—Mehi—she is near and I need to have you protected.”

  I gasp, “What about you?” I ask panicked, “She’s coming for you, too! Not just me!” I’m shouting at this point, terrified.

  His expression is almost bored, “Do not worry for me, Adonia. Trust me, I can take care of myself, it is you that is my main concern.”

  He gestures to the clothes, “Please, dress quickly and I will gather a few things.” Then he is gone. I shake my head and begin slipping into the clothes as fast as I can. She’s coming and she wants to hurt Khai. The fury envelops my body sending frissons of anger through my veins and exploding all the way to my fingertips.

  I want to destroy her.

  I set my m
ind—my path is chosen. I will not run, I will not cower from this—I will fight.

  I walk to the living room and Khai is on the phone speaking in an unfamiliar language. He senses me and turns, his face a mask of indifference. He relays several more sentences never taking his eyes from mine then slides the phone into his pocket.

  He walks over and I see the fury dance across his face. He’s pissed and it’s rolling off of him in glacial waves.

  He stops several feet from me. I can see the tendons in his hands flex as he fists them to his sides. His jaw is taught and I can hear his teeth grinding. He takes a deep breath, “Banish those thoughts from your mind, Adonia. Do you understand me? You WILL protect yourself and do exactly as I say.”

  My anger catapults through my veins and burst to my head filling me with red hot rage, “Never dictate to me again, Khai.” I hiss, “I control my destiny, not you—not anyone.” I seethe.

  He steps closer and I can see the incredible amount of control he is using to restrain himself. But I don’t give a fuck. Right now I am standing my ground, I’ve made a decision and I will stick with it. If he goes I go. Period.

  His violet eyes turn a shade of red I never knew existed and I am momentarily scared shitless. I take a step back and feel, for the first time, self-preservation. I’m frightened of him.

  Instantly his entire stance changes and his eyes burn black. Several emotions flit across his face but the one that catches me is the fear. He’s terrified.

  Instinctually I step forward, all fear forgotten. This is my mate and I want to comfort him, nothing else matters. I wrap my arms around his waist and settle my head against his chest.

  He is stiff and unsure of the contact but then he wraps me tightly cooing some beautiful language into my ear. It’s like a song and it has the sweetest melody I’ve ever heard. I’m entranced.

  When he pulls back he cups my face. “Then we will run together.” He says fervently, “We will do all of this together.”


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