The Last Vampyre Prophecy

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The Last Vampyre Prophecy Page 15

by Ezell Wilson, April

  I hear someone shuffle down the hall two flights down and enter a restroom. He’s humming about the quickie he had with his secretary just minutes before. She’s whiney and bugging him about wanting more. He wants to break it off but she makes him come like a fifteen year old and he replays the images of her breasts in his face.

  My irritation has risen to a crescendo and I need an outlet before I go back to Adonia. I run down the two flights and rush the restroom only three doors down just inside the stairwell doors.

  My abrupt appearance at his side causes him to jerk away from the urinal. His hands fly out instinctually, “What the fuck?” he roars and I feel the smile spread across my face.

  His heart instantly picks up pace and the blood is pushed hard against his veins as adrenaline spikes. I can smell the testosterone still left over from his recent orgasm. I rarely feed on males but right now I am teetering the feral line and I need release and food for my muscles.

  My hand shoots out and grips his neck lifting him feet from the ground. His hands wrap mine as he tries to pry them away. I hear his secretary shuffling back into her blouse in his office and see that her intention is to confront him.

  I have only moments so I slam him against the wall and tear into his throat releasing some of my anger as my teeth clamp onto his trachea and crush the bones while the blood flows down my throat and fuses into my muscles causing them to burst with surges of strength.

  I hear as she fumbles with the last button on her blouse and I drop him to the floor building the burn and watching the ashes scatter across the tiled floor.

  Just before she rounds the corner of the office suite I disappear through the stairwell door rushing up the stairs back to the office window. Just as I step back onto my balcony I hear the shift of her feet on the shower floor and suddenly the thought of her naked body shoots through my mind and all I want—need—to do is feel her.

  I peel off my clothes as I stalk across the room. When I open the door she has her hands propped against the shower wall as the water cascaded down her back. She hears me and turns as I open the shower door.

  Before she can even blink I am on her, my lips are splayed across hers and my tongue is hungry. I roll over her mouth viscously and feel her arousal spike and send chemicals throughout her body.

  She’s already primed and wanting me. Her hands thread into my hair and grip with enough force to send a growl up my throat as I grab her ass and lift her, “Wrap your legs around me,” I hiss.

  She does immediately and I shove her down onto me and sink into her. I feel her walls close around me tightly and slick my skin with her arousal. “Fuck!” I growl into her ear and rock my hips slamming into her over and over.

  My need for this woman is disarming.

  She moans into my neck as I scrape her sweet spot with my length causing tremors to spread across my cock.

  The water is creating a slick wall of mirrors down her breasts and stomach. I lean down and take her into my mouth and tug the nipple with my teeth hard enough that I feel a tiny drop of blood on my tongue.

  She cries out and I feel her orgasm barrel through her body and wrap around me like a glove. She feels so tight and wet that I thrust twice more before I empty into her and hiss, “Adonia!”

  Her breathing is ragged as she leans her head back against the shower wall. Her heart is racing in her chest and I can still feel the shocks of her release as she tremors along me.

  I Slowly push in and out of her letting her know how she affects me—I can’t get enough. Her eyes slide open and she finds mine. I see awe and love pouring back at me and it causes my emotions to ping around my head creating a vortex of unfamiliarity.

  She senses my withdrawal and places her hands on either side of my face, “I love you,” she whispers and I can’t hide the fear that seeps into my body. She has altered me and it alarming. I don’t know how to deal with these feelings.

  We’re standing under the raining water—me, irrationally vexed over my feelings. They are swirling violently and creating for the first time, confusion. But Adonia has resoluted herself and is now completely owned by me. She has given me her soul and it’s consuming—too much.

  I pull out of her and place her on her feet moving back against the glass door putting distance between us. My mind is clouded and all the sensations and emotions are rolling through creating a chasm that is breaking my inherent instincts.

  The hurt in her eyes makes the sated anger flare and I am instantly slipping my control again. I can feel the venom work through my mouth as the heat burns in my chest. Her eyes widen and she stumbles back on her feet staring at me.

  I know she sees the predator side of me breaking through. I can feel my muscles tightening and my stance changing—shifting toward her.

  She holds one hand out to me and her eyes soften as she takes a step closer. She dips her head and lets her hand press against my chest. I’m panting and a tremor works from my back up my spine and all the way to the tips of my fingers.

  She finally looks up at me through those thick dark eyelashes and everything stops. All the noise in my head rings silent and the only thing I’m aware of is the contact on my chest.

  It’s like a bolt of electricity shoots up my leg and straight into my chest exploding. She flexes her fingers over my skin, “You won’t hurt me,” she whispers. “I know that. You would never hurt me, Khai.”

  And in that moment I know she is absolutely right. No matter what emotions she evokes in me nothing would ever be strong enough to cause her harm.

  A peace I’ve never felt settles over me and sinks into every cell in my body drowning out the anger, irritation and deadness. I feel strangely balanced between focus and distraction. She frenzies me yet soothes me. It’s heady and raw but I’ve never felt such clarity.

  She’s the panacea to me—my world.



  He pulls me from the shower and takes my towel then wraps it around me gently drying the beads of water from my skin. His touch is soft—reverential. He turns the towel on himself and I can’t help but let my eyes rove over his beautiful body.

  It’s defined so perfectly he looks like a sculpture. Each muscle corded across his abdomen flexes as he wipes the towel across his skin. His chest and shoulders are broad and bunched with thickly lined muscles that splay across underneath his skin.

  He’s so tall that I have to stand on the tips of my toes to reach his beautiful face and even then he has to tilt his head down to allow my lips to slide against his.

  He leans down and picks me up, “I’m going to dress you then take you to my home so that we can prepare to leave.” He says as he walks us to the closet. “There are people we need to see.” His voice is soft almost musical to my ears. But I can hear a slight ting of uneasiness.

  “Hey,” I whisper, “I’ll go anywhere you want and do anything you need, Khai.”

  His face falls and he sighs, “I know,” he breathes and it’s as though he hates the notion.

  First I feel the sting of rejection but that is quickly overcome by anger. “I can’t be the only one working here, Khai” I gesture my hand between us and push back enough to signal I want him to put me down.

  I stand staring at him. “Whatever is working in your mind and creating this shield between us needs to stop. Frankly I’ve learned quite disturbing things about the world around me in the last few days and been made aware of things I never knew existed yet I still gave it all to you. I’m standing in your fucking closet agreeing to place myself in whatever path you decide and you are bouncing back and forth to the point that I don’t know which way is up.” I’m nearly yelling when I finish and I know he just got the first experience of Adonia Kostas in HD IMAX full-scale bitch mode. I’m pissed and he’s going to fix it—now.

  He blinks before his eyes narrow drinking me in then a slow, sexy smile spreads across his face, “You are the reason Greek Gods go mad and destroy anything around them. You are my biggest dan
ger, Adonia Kostas.” He leans down and licks my lip then spreads his big hands across my face, “You are the sexiest fucking creature I’ve ever seen and when you’re angry,” he says piercing me with those violet eyes, “it heats me up and burns me down.” His deep voice hums the words in my ear and I feel my legs go weak.

  The man is just…hedonistic sex.

  He grins against my neck then nips the skin over my collarbone causing my blood to burn and pitch south straight between my legs.

  He hums, “I can smell you,” he says as his tongue glides over my skin, “And it’s taking all the restraint in my being not to throw you against that wall and fuck you until you scream.”

  My breath catches in my throat and I swear my heart is going to beat right out of my chest. I close my eyes tight and try to calm my body down. He has a direct line to my inner sex goddess.

  He pulls back and has that sly smile turning up his lips, “And I’m going to use that to my advantage for the rest of my days, love.”

  I blink then remember he knows my thoughts and I narrow my eyes, irritated. I turn and grab a shirt form the rack and a pair of track pants folded inside a cubby, “Excuse me, but I’m going to go get dressed. I think I’ve provided enough of a floor show and mind show.” I snap.

  I hear him bark a laugh as I stomp through the bathroom heading to the main office area.

  Seconds later he is at my side, fully dressed. I grumble and roll my eyes in irritation but pull the sweatshirt over my head and yank the pants on hobbling on one foot as I continue to walk.

  When I am swathed and dwarfed in his clothes I push the sleeves up, “Shoes?” I grumble sarcastically.

  His mouth twists in amusement. “You won’t need shoes, love. I don’t plan on your feet touching the ground.”

  I glare at him but it only feeds his amusement. He is practically humming with glee. “Fine. Whatever.” I snap, “Let’s just go and get this over with.”

  His grin broadens. “As you wish my love.” He leans down and scoops me up. “You’re going to make my life so much more entertaining, love. This is going to be fun.” He murmurs.

  I slap at him but my irritation has fizzled away and I just can’t resist his playful demeanor. It’s infectious but mainly because I know it’s very uncharacteristic for him.

  He grins once more and then we’re off. My eyes closed tight I try to envisage something cheerful and light to dispel the thought of flying hundreds of feet in the air faster than a freaking airplane. A snort and giggle escape my mouth as I try to comprehend the reality of what we’re doing.

  My mother would have me committed and in a straightjacket if I told her. Hell maybe I should be at this point because the strange thing is I’m clear and have no fear of my new reality.

  Impossibly, moments later we are standing in his kitchen. He opens the refrigerator and pulls out several wrapped meats and bread, “You need to eat,” he says as he lays it on the marble counter, “I’ll gather a few things while you finish,” he shudders and walks out of the room.

  Human food must be repellant to him. Good, I think, maybe I’ll add a little garlic and see how he reacts. I hear his loud laughter float from the bedroom and immediately turn red with quick anger. I hate that he can do that.

  Half a second later he wraps his arms around my waist pinning me against the counter. I can feel his erection hard against my belly and my traitorous body explodes with desire.

  He grins as he kisses me lightly on the lips, “I’ll give you some privacy, love.” He says softly as he tucks my hair behind my ear, “I just never thought nor cared what my ability does to others, but I see your point. I wouldn’t want someone knowing my every thought either.”

  I sag against him letting out a long breath, “Thank you,” I breathe.

  He grins, “Anytime, love. Anything.” Then he’s gone and a rush of air twirls across my face blowing my hair over my shoulders.

  Will I ever get used to this? Probably not and the thought absolutely thrills me.

  I finish my sandwich and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. It’s unsettling how comfortable I am in his house in his surroundings. It’s only been a matter of days but I feel like I’m home—he’s my home.

  He appears in the doorway and the look on his face could be responsible for global warming. “This is your home now Adonia.” He gestures around the room, “All of it—it’s yours.” He walks closer. “And this—” he pulls my hand up to his chest, “—is yours, too. You own it. You own me.”

  I gasp and blink wild eyes at him. That just absolutely knocked the wind out of my sails. I’m speechless and thoroughly thrilled inside.

  I swallow. “And me too,” I say smiling, “you had me at hello.” I repeat the cheesy movie line and he chuckles.

  “I’ve never been one for Hollywood movies but that one I remember.” He says dryly.

  I giggle, “How could you not? It’s a classic.”

  He grins down at me and takes my hand, “Come. It’s time to go. We’ve a long journey and there is much I need to tell you.”

  I dress in a pair of jeans and a thick cable sweater and pull on my boots. He grabs a bag from the floor beside the door and pulls out his cell, “Peter, we’re ready to leave for the airport.” He snaps and slides the phone back into his pocket.

  I look over. “You don’t have to be so rude, you know.”

  He slowly looks over at me then smirks, “It’s all a part of the package, love. It’s who I am.”

  I huff but keep walking and briefly wish I’d added an onion to my sandwich just to make him squirm inside the car.

  He throws his head back laughing and shakes it as we walk to the curb. He squeezes my fingers and I look over reluctantly, “You’re like my own little television entertainment. I love it.” He drawls and turns to open the car door.

  I ignore him and slide into the seat. He follows beside me and wraps his arm around my waist pulling me tight to his side. I’m distracted by the rhythmic swirl of his finger on the back of my neck and gooseflesh rolls across my skin. Damnit. He’s pressing my inner sex goddess button again.

  He chuckles, “I’m just glad that I can reciprocate the feelings you have me slaved to around the clock.”

  I grin, I can’t help it and snuggle a little closer into his side. I look out the glass and watch as Manhattan blurs around us fading into the background. Suddenly the thought of never seeing it again or my family presses me under the water and I can’t breathe.

  He wraps me tighter in his arms. “I will bring you back, Adonia. That I promise you.”

  I let his words soothe me but deep down I know that there is much ahead of us out of our control. He tenses but says nothing. We ride the remainder in silence. When I see the hangar and the plane my stomach churns as the unease spreads through my entire body.

  He pulls me out of the car and we walk across the concrete then up the crated metal stars. His pilot nods to him as we board and Khai looks over, “Take a seat and I’ll be back in just a moment.”

  I nod and walk to the rear. I drop my bag onto the floor and sink down into the plush leather seat. The runway lights are twinkling in the midnight air. I watch as a man in a bright orange vest ushers us with a glowing stick toward the runway.

  My thoughts drift to the fight. I wonder what has happened to the building. I pull my phone from my bag and power it on. When the screen blinks to life I select the local news icon and blink in horror as picture after picture scrolls over of the ruble. An office building that burned to the ground.

  I frantically press the links to the stories and scan the words. “No one injured,” “Luckily it was vacant under construction,” “Authorities are blaming an electrical circuit in the basement level…”

  I cover my mouth with my hand as tears roll down my cheeks. It could have been so much worse and it was all my fault. It happened all because of me.

  Khai appears beside me and pulls me up into his arms. “None of this is your fault, Adonia. I want you to stop
that thought and cast it from your mind.” He sounds angry.

  I shake my head. “It is. It’s because of me that she’s even here—that’s she’s hunting you.”

  “It angers me that you think so little of yourself and place that burden on your shoulders.”

  Well you know what Khai, that’s just the way it is. I can’t change reality and it’s staring me in the face at this very moment.

  “You have no clue what reality really is right now, Adonia. Trust me.” His tone is clipped and harsh.

  I flinch and take a moment to let his words wring out the last bit of certainty I was clinging to and fall back into my chair. It feels like my heart just dropped into my stomach.

  The reality is I don’t fit into his world. I’ll always bring some form of danger to him as long as I stay. Another piece of my heart breaks and falls away as I absorb the conclusion.

  I have to let him go to keep him safe.

  In one swift move I am off my chair and in his lap. He grips my face in his hands, “If you leave Adonia that will be the end for me.” He says impassioned, “The dangers ahead of us are nothing compared to a life without you in it. Now that I know you exist I’ll move heaven and Earth to keep you as mine.”

  “But Khai…”

  “Enough.” He snaps. “Never mention this again. Understand? You’ll not leave—ever.” His voice is laced with fury and assurance.

  I shift off his lap and stand looking down at him, “Is this how it’s always going to be? You dictating what I do and taking my decisions from me?”

  I think I’m seeing the real man slip out and it’s sobering. I’ve learned from my mother, the queen of independence and solidarity that I answer to no one and my free will is the most blessed thing in my world. My right to say no and to decide my destiny is my foundation.

  He grabs both my hands and pulls them to his chest. He closes his eyes and inhales deeply, “Adonia, it is absolutely not my intent to dictate your actions to you or make you unhappy by any means. I want you joyous and lively and free. I want you just the way you are.” He runs a hand through his hair and I can tell he’s having a hard time gathering his thoughts. Finally he pins me with those scorching violet eyes, “I just want you safe and the selfish part of me wants you attached to me—forever. But know that you always have the choice. I swear that I will not take that from you and I will honor what ever your choice.”


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