One Take Only

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One Take Only Page 16

by Lynsey M. Stewart

  Reid and James were both in white dressing robes, holding cups of water as they talked quietly.

  “The guys told me they know what you want them to say at first,” Margot said.

  “Yeah. They’re prepared. I didn’t want a script,” I replied. “I want the dialogue to sound natural, so I gave them the gist and they’ll take it from there.” We rehearsed in Turnip the Beet, pushing the tables to the sides and setting the scene, live action but without the sex.

  “Fabulous,” Margot said. “Positions, please.”

  “Erm…Fuck. OK. We start with a blow-job scene and then work our way to–”

  Margot laughed. “I meant everyone needs to get into their places.”

  “Shit,” I replied, pressing the heel of my hands to my forehead. “Sorry.”

  Margot took me aside. “Would you like me to start and we can get you involved once you feel less nervous?”

  I blew out a breath. “Yeah. You start and I’ll…catch up.” She rubbed my arm and set to work.

  “OK, positions. Let’s get where we need to be.”

  James and Reid nailed the set-up scene, talking about the night they met, a couple of dates they’d been on and a foreplay break where kissing and touching was a nice link into conversations about safe sex, wanting each other but putting their health first.

  “Can Reid say something along the lines of I need you but you’re too important to not think about being safe?” I said softly, trying not to break their connection, the kissing, the sliding of hands against thick, strained cocks trapped behind denim. Reid immediately responded to my direction and it only added to the tension, a love story starting to bloom. Margot put her hand over mine and mouthed, That’s a take. “Great, thank you. Can we stop there?”

  “Are you ready to move things on further?” Margot asked.

  “Yeah, we captured everything I need.” I looked up to the monitors. “Wes got a shot of the condoms in the bedside table, dialogue was good.” I held my thumb up.

  “Great! OK, Skye is happy with the first take. We’re ready to move on. Leading to the BJ scene guys.”

  I watched Will talking to Wes and he took the camera, holding it against his hip and looking into the viewfinder. I came behind him, leaning in, getting floored by how good he smelt.

  “I need you on the floor to film close-ups of the blow job,” I said quietly, his deep sigh as I pressed against him, too much to take.

  “I hadn’t really thought this through before,” he said through the side of his mouth. “I can safely say I’ve never been this close to another cock before, let alone two.” I laughed, letting the up and down of my chuckle rest on his back.

  “Close your eyes and think of other things,” I whispered. A slight moan slash groan escaped him.

  “I’m the close-up camera guy,” he replied. “If I don’t open my eyes, I won’t do a good job for you.”

  For me.

  “You’ll do a good job,” I replied, my hand sliding up his back, into his hairline. As his head fell back and he closed his eyes, I wondered how I was going to make it through the night without stripping naked and touching myself, just for him.

  “Monitors, Wes,” Margot shouted and four came to life, two at the back, showing the close-up camera, currently pointing at Will’s feet and two near me, slightly smaller than the back monitors, which were focused on the bed. “Guys, into positions.”

  The scene ran smoothly; undressing each other tenderly was an art form for them. James took his time putting the condom on Reid, using it as foreplay, another way of bringing home the message of safe sex. The stroking, the pulling, the licking, was mesmorising. Long, lazy licks mixed with deep throat and gagging had me leaning forward in my chair, thumb to mouth, squeezing my thighs together, but all the while, my eyes fell to Will who was crouched on the floor, his long legs bent, his ass tight and stretched. The image of a man with a cock in his mouth above Will’s head was going to be my go-to porn from now on.

  “Slow it down, James,” I directed. “Check in with each other about the deep throat. I know the gagging and tears thing is a turn on to some, but I just want to capture that you’re OK with that.”

  Will turned his head and mouthed, Gagging and tears thing. I silently laughed and bit my lip losing myself in him and my knack of surprising him after all these years.

  “Ready to go?” Margot shouted. “I only have thirty minutes left, guys. Time is money.”

  “Can we go back to slow and tentative, then start to increase.”

  “Do you want me to cum?” Reid gasped, his hand digging into James’s thick thigh.


  James increased the pace, Reid’s cock slipping out of his mouth but meeting it again with a hunger. You could tell these guys were lovers, there was a natural quality to their movements, how safe they were with each other that was a complete turn on.

  “I think we need to move it on a little, repay the favour and mix in mutual masturbation, like we talked about? I want to show both of you. It looks a little one sided if only Reid gets a blow job.”

  “But I love giving him pleasure,” James said, laughing as he gripped his own cock, twisting his hand from root to tip. The tension in the air was hot and heavy now, sounds and moans were frequent and louder. Porn wasn’t just a visual thing for me, often the noises of pleasure turned me on the most and I wanted to capture every breath taken alongside the whimpers and groans.

  “Will, move the camera slightly so I can see James touching himself.” I saw a small smile on his face, like he couldn’t believe he was doing this, but he complied, a shift that captured the head of his cock slipping through his hand perfectly. “Condom, please.” Just like that, Reid felt for the drawer, both of them laughing as the lamp wobbled and they had to manoeuvre themselves with Reid’s cock still in James’s mouth. I loved it, it was natural and normal and part of sex that porn didn’t talk about. The awkward moments, the funny times. The bumbling grabs and graceless movements. He rolled it down, both kissing as Reid took the lead. “I want this as natural as possible. I’ve only got time for one more scene. Who wants to do it?” I was referring to who wanted to be on the receiving end of anal. We’d discussed it before, both of them preferring to leave it to the feel of the night. They looked at each other, taking in their signs, reading their body language. Reid kissed James, holding his face in his hands.

  “I’ll receive,” Reid said. “James sucked me off, so if we’re limited for time, it only seems fair.”

  “Can you say that on camera? It shows that constant dialogue and checking in with each other,” I said.

  So important.

  “Skye,” Will, said. “Do you want me to stay here because I’ve lost all feeling in my right thigh and I’m unsure if I still have a bum cheek.”

  Laughing, I told him to go with his instinct in order to get the best shot. He shook his head and gave me the death stare. He was out of his comfort zone, crouching between two cocks, but as action was called, he found the right spots, filming in close where needed and pulling back to show the look of pleasure on both of their faces. It was instinctual. He knew what looked good.

  “That was beautiful, guys,” I said, after James came with a shout, digging his fingers into Reid’s chest. “I want to see the love between the two of you, hold each other. Stroke Reid’s face and just…be.” Will picked up his camera and started taking some shots. I’d asked him to capture still images to use in the promotion of the film. “That’s lovely.” Reid cradled James against him, turning his body slightly for Will to capture their sated cocks lying together. “Can we have some final words?”

  James pulled his head back, righting Reid’s hair, looking at him like he was the most wonderful person in the world. “I love you,” he said, true and honest and a perfect ending for the film.

  Margot held her hand up and high fived. “You do the honours, director.”

  I sighed, caught Will’s eyes, full of admiration and love…for me.

  “That’s a wrap, guys.”



  I’d been in some pretty mind-bending situations in my time, but I’d never crouched underneath two guys as they went for a particular stellar anal performance. I’d tried to take myself out of the situation, practice mindfulness, and try to complete complicated maths challenges, but there was still no getting away from the close proximity to my face of two rock solid cocks. I’d never really thought about the saying, A camera adds a ten pounds before, but it was absolutely true. Ten. Pound. Cocks. And those giganto cocks in porn you can’t possibly believe are real? The ones you tell yourself are prosthetic because an erection that big would cause them to pass out? Turns out, cock size in porn is not a trick of the light or special camera angle.

  Throughout the shoot, I found myself glancing at my camera, the one I had on finance when I could barely afford to feed myself. I needed the equipment if I was going to make it big in the photography world. Who’d have thought it would come this? Will Mallard, porn camera guy, my pride and joy tainted. I didn’t have enough lens wipes with me to cleanse it of its sins.

  “I’ve got to run,” Margot announced as I cleaned my camera for the seventh time. “I’ve let everyone else go. Skye’s just saying goodbye to James and Reid. You’re the last people here. Turn off the lights and pull the door closed when you leave. That will lock it.” She rubbed my back and I bristled slightly. “I trust you with my baby.”

  “We’ll soon be on our way out anyway,” I replied, taking one last look at my baby before putting it down on the table where Skye had been directing.

  “Laters,” Margot shouted with a wave. “You did great, tonight!”

  “Thank you!” Skye’s voice came from behind the set and I watched, catching her shadow behind the fake window. She appeared like a vision, her baby pink hair stark to the white of the walls and bedding. She pulled the duvet and folded it, revealing two velvet benches, purple and teal. I recognised them from the night we watched Margot film. Fuck benches, apparently. The actor got a good angle for doggy style and I got a good angle for an erection.

  Ass to cock.

  She’d taken off her biker jacket in the middle of filming. I’d averted my eyes back to cocks when I realised she was wearing a white corset top that showed a hint of skin. She favoured this look and so did I. Faded jeans with rips to the knees, and pointy boots she could have my eye out and probably would – never doubt her – completed her signature look. I was in awe of her tonight. Amazing was the only word for it. She was nervous at first, I saw it immediately, a vibration in her voice, the shake of her hands, but she soon found the confidence and drive that defined her.

  She pushed one of the fuck benches to the side and brought over the duvet, dropping it on the sofa beside me. I waited for her to speak, for her to be the first one to break the silence, raise the inevitable, transport us back to the two us against the wall, when all barriers were smashed and torn. She wrapped her arms around herself, highlighting goosebumps as she stroked her skin.

  “Dropping colder now,” she said, dancing on tip toes.

  “You’re not dressed for the weather,” I said, pointing to her…Jesus wept…nipples.

  “Who are you, my dad?” she jabbed, smiling with it.

  “You should cover your shoulders, perhaps wear a nice shawl,” I mumbled as those pointy little bastards seemed to get pointier.

  “Not really the look I’m going for.” She smiled and I wanted that look to last forever. She was searching. Unsure of what she’d find but wanting to go there anyway. It was one of my many favourite parts of her. She pushed you until she was ready to capture you in her hands.

  “So, what was the look?” I took the bait, the sparring so familiar for us. “I’d love to know.”

  “Off-duty hooker,” she teased. “Or, oops I forgot to wear a blouse and my underwear is on show.”

  “Two of my favourites.”

  “I know,” she replied smirking as she started to pack away her notebook, but I couldn’t let this easiness stop, didn’t have it in me to walk away from here without her world in my pocket.

  “You did great tonight,” I said. “Amazing. You just came into your own.”

  “Thanks,” she replied. “I think once it’s edited and I can add some stuff about helpline numbers and details about what the clinic can offer.” She blew out a breath. “I think it will be great.”

  “What you’re doing is fantastic.”

  “It’s for him,” she shrugged, biting her lip to stop her emotions. “His life, Will. It needs to stand for something.”

  “It does.”

  She nodded before starting to laugh, covering her mouth as it got too much. “I watched as you were filming…underneath them.”

  “One of the most surreal moments of my life.”

  “I could only imagine what was going on in your head.”

  “I tried to think of anything else just to take me out of it. I ended up imagining one of your meatball subs, but now it’s–”

  “Put you off meatballs for life,” she replied, rolling her eyes.

  “You know me too well,” I said, feeling strangely at ease with that. She did and it was perfect.

  “Thanks. I know I put you in a…weird situation.”

  “Happy to help,” I said. “Just don’t ask me to do anything like this again. In fact, just ask Stace from now on. Any future ideas, endeavours…ask Stace.”

  She laughed. “Can I crash at yours tonight?”

  I watched as she started grabbing her things, looking around to check everything had been left as we agreed. I had visions of us walking side by side, stupid small talk, me making up the sofa bed before leaving her to go to my room…alone.

  No. Not gonna happen.

  ‘Skye,” I breathed out, holding onto her wrist. To her credit, she didn’t pull away or make a snarky remark. She stopped and studied where our hands met. “We need to pick up where we left off.”

  “Which was?”

  Fuck, Skye. I need you.

  Can we be friends again after this?

  No, we can be lovers.

  “A good place,” I replied, the words reaching my groin and catapulting me back to her ass grinding. “A really great place.”

  “We didn’t leave on good terms that night,” she said. “We were both fucking pissed.”

  “I was fine,” I lied.

  “Did you mean what you said?” she asked, her eyes flicking up. “All the good stuff? The really good stuff. Or was it just lust boiling over?”

  “I meant every word.”

  She laughed a little, shaking her head as she withdrew her hand. “Yet we haven’t seen each other since?”

  “I thought you wanted space.”

  And I was hurting when you wanted me to keep up the pretence with Margot.

  “Space?” she replied, pressing her thumb to her bottom lip. “That doesn’t make any sense, but OK.”


  “Because we were practically fucking against a wall and in case you hadn’t noticed, that’s never happened to us before!” Her voice echoed in the space. The huge loft that had been busy before was now quiet and her emotion bounced off the walls. “You let me think you were taking her home to screw her.”

  “And you used me as a pawn in your…porn game!”

  Her eyes widened at first before breaking into laughter when I couldn’t contain my smile. Her head dropped forward to my chest and it felt so right there, but I hated that her arms were crossed against her body indicating that she wasn’t open to this, to me. Guarded and protecting herself were parts of Skye I’d seen before but only when she was struggling and confused.

  My hand threaded through her hair, edging from the nape of her neck. “I did take her home,” I said softly. “I made sure she was safe and as I left, she asked me if I knew I was in love with you.”

  “What…what did you say?”

  “That I’d never been surer about anything in my l
ife.” She slowly looked up, her eyes bringing me to my knees, tear-filled and full of what? Relief? I slid my hand to her cheek, stroking her face with my thumb. “Christ, you’re beautiful,” I said, honestly. “And tonight, you were incredible.”

  “When can I stop?” she whispered, eyes closing.


  “Believing I don’t deserve this?”

  “You deserve it all,” I rasped. “Because you’re fucking mine.”

  She steadied herself, pressing both hands to my shoulders as I took her mouth. Claiming her with my tongue, my hands digging into her ass. She whimpered as I trailed my fingers along her ribcage, climbing a ladder against her skin, feeling every bump and dip until I reached her breast. The curve fitting my hand perfectly, the mound of flesh above the top had long taunted me, and I was ready to grasp it, play and knead and…

  “Ah,” she gasped as my tongue licked along the arch. It still wasn’t enough. She was grinding her hips, leaning back and muttering chants of disbelief. I hooked my finger into the cup, grazing her nipple with my knuckle, sending her hips wilder. “Yes, Will,” she whispered, and I was there, ripping the flimsy lace covering her breast until it freed her to me, the fabric lying loose and discarded against her stomach.

  I took her in my mouth, and it stiffened further. Swirling my tongue and gently biting was her undoing and as she slammed her hand onto the table, the monitors came to life. A camera, still pointing at the scene, now showed the fuck bench, the teal velvet filling the screens, two at the back and two at the sides.

  She pulled me back, walking with her to the bench and as I looked at her, really looked at her, the corset top I’d always favoured, her nude lipstick smudged, lips full and swollen and her tit, still wet from my mouth, I knew this was it for us.


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