Ice Rift - Siberia

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Ice Rift - Siberia Page 18

by Ben Hammott

  Sullivan nudged Richard into a corner with the rifle, and after using plastic ties to bind his hands and legs, he forced him to sit on the floor.

  “Whoa, hold on. You can’t do this,” pleaded Richard.

  Everyone ignored him.

  “Krisztina, let’s get you up top and fitted out with some gear you might find helpful, and then you can start—or alternatively, you can leave with us?” said Colbert.

  Krisztina shook her head. “You know I can’t. I have to try and destroy it, them.”

  Colbert nodded. “If you fail, I’ll do everything in my power to try and convince my superiors to destroy this place and everything inside.”

  Krisztina smiled anxiously. “Then it seems both our missions stand little chance of success.”

  “We’re leaving,” called out Colbert to Sullivan and Ramirez. As they stepped into the elevator, Colbert tapped his radio mic. “Mission aborted. Eagle 3. Power up. We’re leaving in 5. Eagle 4, pick up in ten.”

  “Powering up,” replied the pilot.

  “Rodger that, pick up in ten,” affirmed Mason.

  As the rest of the team entered the elevator, Richard reluctantly called out, “Okay, okay, I’ll go.”

  Either unheard or ignored, the others continued as if he hadn’t spoken.

  When the elevators doors began to close, Richard shouted, “I’ll do it!”

  Hiding a smile that his bluff had worked, Colbert slammed a hand against the door to prevent it closing, stepped out and glared at Richard.

  “You’ll do what?” asked Colbert.

  “I’ll go with Sweet Cheeks and help her connect the bomb.”

  “I no longer think you can be trusted,” said Colbert. “You’ll flee at the first chance and leave Krisztina in the shit.”

  “I must admit that did cross my mind, but the way I see it, if I return too soon and alone, you’re going to suspect I double-crossed Krisztina and take appropriate action—like leaving me here again for the aliens, the bomb or the Russians. All three are obviously events I’m extremely eager to avoid. It’s in my interest to help her in her foolhardy suicide mission that has little chance of either of us surviving, and slim though my odds are, they are a slight improvement over the former choices which offer me none.”

  “Fair enough,” said Colbert. He pulled Richard to his feet and cut his ties.

  Colbert updated his team over the radio. “Change of plan—we’re staying a while longer.”

  “If we succeed in getting the bomb working and I live through this or not, you’ll make sure people know what a hero I was.”

  Colbert nodded. “I will.”

  Richard turned to Krisztina waiting with the SEALs in the elevator. “Well, Sweet Cheeks, it seems we have our first date.”

  Krisztina glared at Richard. “My name is Krisztina, not Sweet Cheeks, and this isn’t a date!”

  Richard grinned, and turning to Colbert, he switched to survival mode. “This is what we’ll need. Weapons, anything that explodes, like grenades, as it seems to be the only thing that causes the aliens any serious harm, a radio each and one of you in the control room watching the CCTV feeds to guide us past the creatures on the levels we can’t avoid passing through.”

  Colbert nodded. “Anything else?”

  Impressed by Richard’s sudden change, Krisztina added, “Flashlights. It’s dark down there.”

  Richard looked at Colbert’s helmet. “And night vision goggles.”

  “Right, let’s get you two equipped.” Colbert glanced at his watch. “You only have twenty-nine minutes before the charges go off, so let’s get a move on.”

  Richard and Colbert joined the others in the elevator and headed above ground to get geared up.


  Into Hell

  Strolling through Level 3 in her human Svetlana form, EV1L glanced into the rooms she passed at her brood searching for the humans. A loud whump and pained screeches from some of her younglings filtering down the corridor quickened her pace to discover the cause. She entered the blackened room drifting with smoke and gazed around at the destruction and flames spouting from mangled pipes. Small chunks of hardened, brittle Black littering the room were evidence some of her brood had died here.

  Assuming it to be the work of the humans, she returned to the corridor and gazed in both directions. Her face changed to a creature sporting a large sensitive snout that sniffed the air. She detected no recent human scent, only that of an animal similar to the kind she had devoured in the room of cages. That did not concern her. When her gaze fell upon the metal doors along the corridor, she reformed Svetlana’s face and walked to them. It was another moving box.

  Aware the humans could call the box and open the doors at will, EV1L searched for the means to do so. Discovering the button positioned to one side, she pressed it with a black finger. Nothing happened. She returned to the middle of the doors, formed hands into hooks, jammed them into the join and ripped them open. Poking her head inside, she stared up at the box high in the shaft and pondered the sounds of sliding doors moving back and forth on one side. She directed her gaze at the sliver of light seeping through the join of another set of doors halfway between her and the stationary box. Morphing into her many-legged insect form, EV1L screeched orders for her brood to follow and slithered up the shaft.

  Arriving at the doors, EV1L formed two hooks and forced them apart. She glanced down when her offspring began pouring into the shaft. She screeched orders for half of them to search this level and for the remainder to follow her. She climbed the shaft.

  RETURNING TO LEVEL 1, Ramirez aimed his weapon at the gap between the elevator doors when they slid open. Wishing to be anywhere but here, he took a deep breath and peered around the edge of the frame. He doubted the darkness past the small patch of elevator light breaching the corridor could look more uninviting. Stepping out, he flicked down his NVGs and headed along the corridor. He cringed at the crunches of glass beneath his feet that he couldn’t waste time avoiding; Krisztina and Richard had already started climbing down the upper escape ladder to Level 3.

  Ramirez glanced behind at the sounds of the elevator doors swishing shut and the winch hauling it up. He had elected not to block the door because if he did and needed help, his buddies wouldn’t be able to reach him. Dalton waited up above ready to send it down for his departure when he returned.

  Pausing at the corner, Ramirez checked the offshoot was clear before continuing his harrowing journey. Hoping foul creatures weren’t lying in wait for him, his weapon and head turned anxiously to every room he passed.

  Blue light seeping into the corridor from the security office a short distance ahead indicated he had almost reached his destination. He froze when a shadow moved eerily through the light. Ignoring the beads of sweat forming beneath his helmet, he pushed back his fear and the strong urge to get the hell out of there and slowly moved forward.

  He paused again when distant shrieks and echoing booms of something striking metal drifted along the corridor. The creatures were coming. Ramirez stared at the security office entrance when something again briefly blocked the light, heightening his anxiety further. He briefly considered leaving, but his training to complete the mission drove his cautious steps nearer the door. Pressing his back to the wall, rifle held close to his chest, he steeled himself for what he was about to face and peered around the frame. His gaze took in the small room thankfully free of creatures and focused on the draft from the oscillating fan flittering a poster, whose top edge had come loose from the wall and draped over a monitor.

  Ramirez nipped inside, closed the door and barricaded the entrance with the chest high cupboard he dragged in front of it. Though, with the creatures transforming ability he doubted it would stop them for long, it gave him some semblance of security; he would take all he could get. He sat in the desk chair, wheeled it into position and glanced at each monitor in turn. He focused on the view showing a corridor on Level 2 as the doors of the internal elevator were f
orced open. He zoomed in on the vicious cat-size creatures that emerged and spread out across the level.

  Wondering how Richard and Krisztina would survive their journey if they encountered the small army of horrors, he radioed them. “I’m in. Creatures have just arrived on Level 2 and are spreading out. I’m assuming they will make their way to level 1 shortly.” He scanned the Level 3 camera feeds. “No movement on Level 3, but there’s no assurance it’s unoccupied. For God’s sake hurry and good luck.”

  “THANKS, RAMIREZ. WE don’t plan on hanging around,” Richard glanced at Krisztina as she stepped off the ladder in Escape Chute 1. “Showtime.”

  Apprehensive of what might be waiting for them on the other side, Krisztina anxiously looked at the small door hatch stenciled Level 3 as she slipped the assault rifle from her shoulder. “I guess.”

  Richard nodded at the weapon she held in hands that were as nervous as his own. “You’re not going to panic if you see an alien and accidentally shoot me in the back?”

  Krisztina shrugged. “Guess you be first to know if I do.”

  Richard flashed her a smile. “Let’s get this done.” He turned the wheel. The clunk of the seven bolts releasing from their locks sounded awfully loud within the confines of the chute.

  EYES IN THE DARKNESS shifted to the source of the clunks that resounded around the room and focused on the small door it hadn’t noticed before. Wondering what was about to come through, it waited.

  AFTER CHECKING HIS nervous companion had her weapon trained on the hatch, Richard pulled it open. Both flinched at the screeches emitted by the long unused hinges forced into motion.

  When nothing attacked and they heard no creatures nearby, they stepped into the storeroom and gazed past stacks of document and storage boxes at the light shining into the room through an open door. Unaware they were being watched, Richard and Krisztina trod softly towards it. Richard peered into the corridor. It was empty. He shifted his gaze to the red blinking light of an explosive charge stuck to the wall.

  He walked over to the charge, read the timer readout and glanced at Krisztina. “Twenty-three minutes.”

  Krisztina checked the time matched the countdown timer on her wristwatch. It did. “We need to get move on or we’ll never make it out.”

  It was all the encouragement Richard needed. He pressed his mic button and whispered, “Ramirez, we’re on Level 3, any movement?”

  FEARING IT WAS THE creatures that were in the room earlier until a piercing screech had called them away, Boris cowered deeper into the shadows when the hatch screeched open. Though Boris recognized one of the humans, a female friend of his man friend he had failed to find, he remained hidden. They had already made too much noise; the creatures might already be on their way to find out what had caused it. No, best he remain here for now, hidden and safe. His eyes followed the humans across the room until they were out of his sight. Cocking an ear to their faint voices from outside the room, Boris focused his attention upon the dim light shining from the door through which they had arrived. He wondered where it led.

  WITH HALF HER BROOD following, EV1L squeezed her pliable form between the elevator and the wall. She glanced at the chair blocking the doors when she entered the corridor. Changing into Svetlana again, she glanced in each direction and then at her offspring gathered around her waiting for their orders. Alien screeches from her human mouth sent them scurrying away in both directions.

  Sensing their time to begin conquering the humans’ world was drawing near, EV1L chose a direction and headed along it.

  IN THE CONTROL ROOM, Ramirez glanced nervously behind at the small glass door panel when distant shrieks grew louder, nearer. His eyes flicked to the Level 1 screens and the small dark shapes moving rapidly through the rooms. This isn’t good.

  Concerned they’d be attracted by the glow of the CCTV screens seeping out, he pulled the poster he had stuck back in place from the wall. Hoping the sticky pads on the back were still tacky, he crossed to the door and stuck it over the glass.

  “Ramirez, we’re on Level 3, any movement?”

  Ramirez rushed to his seat and quickly turned down the volume in case the creatures could hear. His gaze flicked across the Level 3 screens as he replied softly, “No movement on your level, but some of the creatures have just arrived on Level 1 and some are still on Level 2.”

  “Okay, we’re heading for Escape Chute 2. Warn us if you see anything we need to avoid.”

  “Copy that.”

  Wondering how the hell he was going to get out alive and trying unsuccessfully to ignore the scampering of claws clacking on the hard floor and the sounds of rooms being ransacked back along the corridor, Ramirez concentrated on the Level 3 screens. He followed Krisztina and Richard’s dash though corridors that, for now, seemed a lot less dangerous than those outside his door.

  THOUGH THEY HAD ALREADY turned the volume low on their radios, their fear intensified senses caused it to seem louder than it was and prompted them to reduce the volume further.

  “It will be faster if I lead instead of continually giving you instructions and also less talking to give us away,” suggested Krisztina.

  Richard waved an arm along the corridor. “Be my guest. Anything that gets me out of this hellhole sooner gets my vote.” With his self-preservation senses on high alert for danger, he followed Krisztina.

  KRISZTINA AND RICHARD’S sprint through the corridors went unencumbered by any creature attacks, and they soon reached the room with the entrance to the Level 4 escape ladder. Remembering her last time at the hatch and the creature that chased her, which might still be in the chute, she pointed her weapon at the floor hatch and glanced at Richard. “Move the props and open it.”

  Richard knelt, freed the mop and broom and spun the wheel to release the locking pins. Krisztina tensed as he heaved it open. Nothing jumped out. Richard leaned into the hole and gazed down the ladder. “That’s a longer climb than I expected.”

  “Getting down will be easy, climbing up, not so much. I’ve done it. Put your gloves on and copy me.” Krisztina slipped the rifle strap over her head, fished gloves Dalton had loaned her from her pocket and slipped them on. Without hesitating, she crossed to the hole and climbed down the ladder until her head was below the floor. She looked up at Richard. “You will follow me, yes?”

  Richard smiled as he pulled his borrowed gloves on. “To hell and back, Sweet Cheeks.”

  Krisztina rolled her eyes. She placed the side of her shoes, whose designer never imagined them ever being used in such an inappropriate fashion, against the outer edges of the ladder and released her hand grip slightly.

  For a few indecisive moments, Richard watched her slide speedily deeper into the void, and sighed before climbing into the chute. Copying Krisztina’s technique, he followed her down.

  RICHARD AND KRISZTINA had become lost from the camera’s viewing field when they entered the storeroom, so Ramirez focused on the other screens. Because Level 4 was in total darkness, he could do nothing until they returned, if indeed they did. He glanced at his watch. He had orders to evacuate at five minutes to the detonation of the charges they had placed throughout the facility. They didn’t have much time. Come to that, neither did he. Though the creatures running amok through the rooms hadn’t ventured as far as the security office yet, they were getting closer and would eventually cut off his only escape route.

  KRISZTINA GRIPPED THE sides of the ladder tighter to slow her progress when the bottom drew near and gently touched ground. Stepping back, she glanced up at her reluctant companion, who she had half expected to turn and flee. Though she would have carried out the frightful task by herself and Richard would not have been her first choice to accompany her, she was comforted by his presence.

  As Richard approached, Krisztina readied her weapon and peered out through the open hatch into the darkness past the small patch of light spilling from the dimly lit escape chute. She briefly pictured the two tiny green indicator lights on the chugging gener
ator’s control panel as belonging to the eyes of some foul monstrosity staring at her. Startled by Richard’s less than elegant arrival, which saw him spilled to the floor, she turned to check he was okay.

  Recovering quickly from his rough landing, Richard climbed to his feet and gazed back up the towering ladder. It wasn’t a climb he was looking forward to.

  “You okay?” whispered Krisztina.

  Richard nodded.

  “Not far now.” Krisztina flicked her NVGs over her eyes and stepped through the hatch.

  Richard followed suit and gazed around the room at the generator tinted ghostly green and the small, bright light on the explosive charge before following Krisztina’s spectral form into the corridor.

  Recalling the map from the instruction pamphlet showing the location of the bomb, Krisztina hurried along the corridor past prison cells that emitted the lingering aura of misery suffered by their prisoners now long dead and into the hall.

  Noticing the ripped-open elevator doors, she shuddered at the thought of what creature the Black had mimicked to rip them apart. She gazed ahead at what remained of the laboratories, the resulting damage of the explosion she had felt earlier.

  Their footsteps crunched glass that sounded as loud as gunshots in the eerie silence prevalent throughout the level. Krisztina made her way forward, stepping over and around larger pieces of wreckage as her gaze took in the ghostly destruction. So much pain, suffering and death had gone on down here, it caused her no remorse knowing it would soon be vaporized, wiping clean the lingering souls of the tormented. To ensure she didn’t suffer the same fate, she concentrated on her task that was made more difficult by the amount of debris everywhere. She swept her eyes over the floor while Richard kept lookout and roamed his rifle and senses around the darkness.


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