Alpha Heroes: A Me, Myself & I Collection

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Alpha Heroes: A Me, Myself & I Collection Page 5

by Fiona Davenport

  I immediately shattered. My orgasm roared through me like a freight train.

  Ewan seemed to double his efforts and slammed wildly in and out. “You want me to come in your pussy, baby?” he panted in a low, sexy growl. “Want my come warming you from the inside out? Tell me, Kaia. Tell me where you want my come.”

  I could barely think straight, but I knew, without a doubt, that I wanted him to lose it deep inside me. “In me,” I breathed.

  “In where?”

  “In-in my…pussy.”

  “In who’s pussy?” he barked with a slap to my ass.

  “Yours! Your pussy!”

  “Fuck yes.” Ewan came violently with a shout that rang off the walls. The feeling of his come splashing inside me set me off on a second orgasm.

  Ewan collapsed on top of me but quickly flipped us over so he was on his back, and I was in the same position but sprawled on top of him. He scooted up against the headboard and bent his knees, spreading my legs wide on either side of him and keeping his cock gloved in my throbbing pussy. I could feel the aftershocks making his dick pulse, and it sent little shivers through me.

  His arms came around me, his hands cupping my breasts as he placed tiny kisses along my shoulder. “These tits are going to be so fucking delicious when they are full and dripping with milk. I can’t wait to taste it.” Then one hand journeyed down to rest over my flat stomach. “I can imagine how gorgeous you’ll look with a big, swollen belly. I already can’t keep my fucking hands off you. I’m guessing it’s only going to get worse when you’re sporting obvious proof that you’re taken. And knowing it’s my baby in there…fuck. It’s turning me the fuck on right now.” He wasn’t lying. His semi-softened cock was hardening and lengthening inside me. “You asked me how long I intend to keep you here,” he reminded me in a low, gravelly voice that sped up my heart rate.

  “I…um, yes,” I agreed, still dazed from the hard fucking and knocked off-kilter by his comments.

  “Until I know for sure I’ve knocked you the fuck up, baby.”

  He didn’t give me a chance to respond before he palmed both of my breasts and massaged them while his hips began to rock into me. His nimble fingers started twisting and plucking at my nipples and I moaned, my body roaring back to life.

  “Ride me, baby,” he rumbled. “Ride my cock while I play with these perfect tits.”

  I couldn’t help from doing what he asked. He was in charge when we were fucking, and even if my mind wanted to protest, my body refused to listen and took over, giving him whatever he wanted.

  Ewan stirred when an incessant ringing penetrated the quiet surrounding us. I still hadn’t managed to escape the bedroom. Every time I brought it up, he gave me multiple orgasms, which left me soft and compliant. He’d even fed me in bed, or in the tub, or on the floor…anywhere we collapsed and needed food to give us the strength to move.

  “What the fuck?” Ewan muttered a few more curses and threw back the covers. He tucked them around me again before climbing out of bed.

  I glanced at the clock and frowned. It was almost ten at night. Crap. My phone was dead, and I hadn’t borrowed Ewan’s to call or text my sister. He was constantly distracting me, and she must have been so worried. I was basically the worst sister ever.

  “Are you expecting someone?” I asked with a yawn as I stretched my aching body. I felt sore and used in the best way. I was trying to be nonchalant because after he left the room, I was determined to find his phone.

  “No.” His eyes darkened with hunger as he watched me, his expression growing deadly when the sheet slipped low, exposing my breasts. “But whoever it is better have a fucking good reason for being here, or I’m going to beat the shit out of them.”

  He pulled on a pair of sweats and pulled a shirt over his head as he stomped to the door. Once he was gone, I grabbed the shirt I’d borrowed and slid it over my head. It fell to just above my knees, so I didn’t bother with the too-big pants. I was going to search for the phone, but the visitor was still ringing the doorbell nonstop and banging on the door. Curiosity won out, and I decided to find out who it was.

  I padded across the room and down the hall in time to see Ewan yanking open the door. Before he could say a word, a small hand poked him in the chest multiple times as an outraged female voice yelled, “Where is my sister? What the hell is going on? I’m going to call the police if I don’t see her in the next—”

  “Jaelyn! It’s okay!” I exclaimed and raced the rest of the way to the foyer. The second Ewan spotted me, his eyes swept over my outfit, and his brow furrowed. He immediately stepped in front of me, blocking my view of my sister. “Ewan, it’s just my sister, for Pete’s sake!”

  “Hey, you big jerk!” Jaelyn yelled. “I’ve been worried sick. You better let me see my sister and make sure you haven’t hurt her!”

  “Go put on some pants, Kaia,” he growled over his shoulder, ignoring my sister.

  I rolled my eyes and tried to shove him out of the way, but he was as immoveable as a tree. With a shriek of frustration, I spun around. “I’ll be right back, Jaelyn. Don’t freak out,” I called as I marched back to the bedroom where I hastily donned the pants and then beat a path back to the front of the house. Ewan had let Jaelyn in and shut the front door. She was glaring at him with a murderous expression and her hands planted angrily on her hips. It was actually a quite comical scene. My small but feisty sister facing off with my tall, muscular hot cop.

  I headed straight for my sister but instantly found myself hauled up against a rock hard yet very comfy chest. My head twisted and dropped back so I could scowl up at him. He raised an eyebrow and stared at me unrepentantly. I huffed and turned back to my sister.

  “I’m so sorry, Jaelyn. I ruined my phone and—”

  “Is this big brute holding you hostage?” she interrupted. Her tone was more curious than outraged now. It was clear she wasn’t sure what to think about my attire and Ewan’s possessive attitude.

  “Um…” I glowered up at Ewan again. “Sort of.”

  It was his turn to roll his eyes. “Really?” His tone was dry, and I squirmed under his steady gaze.

  “Okay, no.” I sighed.

  Jaelyn balled her hands into fists and cried out, “This morning when I got home, Elizabet said you’d been arrested last night. So I went to the police station, and they said they’d never heard of you! I was terrified you’d been kidnapped or something, but then Elizabet finally remembered she had the cop’s card. But it didn’t have his address, and it was his work number, and no one at the precinct would give it to me, and I didn’t know how I was going to find you, but then some young rookie-type cop-guy who clearly had a thing for Elizabet gave her your address when I explained what I’d heard, and now I’m here, and you’re dressed like that, and he’s…what the hell is going on?”

  “Well, you see, your sister was breaking the law…oof!” Ewan started but stopped when I elbowed him in the ribs. I was positive I hadn’t actually hurt him; his reaction was just for my benefit.

  “I’m so sorry, Jayley. I’m the worst sister. I can’t believe I let you worry like that. My phone was ruined from the fountain, and I meant to call you, but—um—Ewan kept distracting me and—um—”

  Jaelyn glowered at me, but her lips twitched as though she was suppressing a smile. “Distracting, huh? Care to elaborate exactly how this dude could make you forget about your very worried sister?”

  “Well, I tied her to the bed and was fu—Ow! Son of a bitch!”

  This time, I’d slammed my fist into his thigh, right where I knew it would give him a hell of a Charley horse.

  Jaelyn’s eyes were wide, and she blinked owlishly a few times, her mouth hanging open. “You had sex?!” she yelled.



  Okay, I was super confused. “What?”

  Jaelyn hustled over and pulled me into a hug. Surprisingly, Ewan let me go so I could wrap her in my arms. “You’ve been caring for me all my
life, Kaia. I’ve always felt guilty that you basically had no life. I kept encouraging you to step out of this shell you put around yourself and—”

  “Hey,” I protested. “Just because I’m not a social butterfly like you doesn’t mean I was withering away in an isolated shell.” My sister narrowed her eyes, her probing stare making me uncomfortable. “Okay, so maybe I kept to myself a little too much.”

  Jaelyn let me go and faced Ewan. “You. I’m inclined to like you simply because you’ve gotten past Kaia’s walls. But you’re going to have to convince me why I shouldn’t go to your boss and tell him you basically kidnapped my sister.”

  “Jaelyn!” I gasped. My cheeks heated, and I looked everywhere but at Ewan.

  A second later, I was being tugged back into his warm and embrace, and I sighed when he brushed a soft kiss over the crown of my head.

  “I love her.” I gasped, and he gave me a little squeeze in a silent request for me to let him finish. ”I intend to knock her up and marry her.”

  Jaelyn continued to frown. “So you just expect her to stay at home and raise your gaggle of babies?”

  Ewan chuckled. “Gaggle? Who said anything about that?”

  “Just a guess.” She shrugged.

  “First, I do want a big family, but it will be up to Kaia to decide how many kids we have. Second, Kaia can do whatever the fuck she wants as long as it isn’t dangerous, doesn’t require her to interact with other men, and she comes home to me at the end of every day.”

  “Can’t interact with—” I was about to call him out on his ridiculous requirement, but he gave me another squeeze, and for some reason that I had no comprehension of, I obeyed.

  Jaelyn studied him in silence, then nodded firmly and stuck out her hand. “I accept the terms. I give you my blessing.”

  “For crying out loud,” I groaned.

  Ewan shook with her, then tugged her into his other side and hugged us both. “I didn’t expect to get a sister out of this deal. I’m gonna be an awesome big brother.”

  My heart melted on the spot, and I knew I had officially fallen head over heels for this man. Then I saw the way Jaelyn lit up when she realized that Ewan accepted her as part of our life and was even happy about it. If I hadn’t already fallen, this would have pushed me over the cliff.

  Jaelyn smiled brightly and kissed my cheek before taking a few steps away so she could face us. “I’ll take off and let you two”—she smiled slyly and winked at me—“get back to baby-making and other fun things.”

  I didn’t have a mirror, but I had a hard time believing I’d ever blushed so hard. “What do you know about baby-making?” I asked suspiciously.

  “Well, you see, Kaia. When a man and a woman—”

  “Shut it, Jaelyn,” I snipped. She’d been mimicking Ewan, but she was too far away for me to kick.

  Ewan was silently shaking behind me, and I tempered the instinct to give him another muscle spasm.

  “Relax, big sister. I’m as innocent as you are—or were, I guess.” Her smile was even more wicked. Then she laughed and opened the door to bounce out into the night.

  “Hey, sis. Wait,” Ewan called.

  Jaelyn flipped around and smiled so big, it took up her entire face. He jogged into another room and was back a few second later with a small white business card. He took it out to her, and they spoke in low voices for a minute before he ruffled her hair and started back toward me.

  Behind his back, Jaelyn gave me a thumbs-up and mouthed, “Hot!” Then she skipped over to the new car she’d bought a few days before graduation. I snickered and shook my head.

  “What’s so funny, baby?” Ewan asked as he stepped inside.


  “We need to get you some new wheels,” he mused as we watched her drive away.

  “What? My car runs just fine,” I retorted stubbornly.

  Ewan scoffed and shut the door, then scooped me up into his arms and started walking toward the bedroom. “Your car is a death trap, and if you were driving it around, I’d be constantly worrying and never have a moment of peace. I can’t afford that kind of distraction at work.”

  Damn. I couldn’t argue with that. “I concede this time.” I pointed my finger at him. “But don’t think that excuse is going to fly with everything.”

  Ewan just smiled and kissed my forehead. I wasn’t sure who’d won that argument, but I had more important things on my mind.

  He took me to the bed and set me on my feet, but I stilled his hands when he went to pull my shirt off.

  “Did you mean it when you said kids and work were my decision?”

  He frowned and sat on the side of the bed and pulled me down into his lap. “Of course. I know you need to feel independently stable. I would never hold you back or risk resentment because you live in fear.”

  Tears welled in my eyes, and I put my arms around him, not able to form any words without crying.

  “However, I take care of my family. Our everyday expenses, bills, family activities, etc. We’ll open an account just for you to put your paychecks in if you decide to work. It will be your nest egg. For emergencies or whatever you want to do with it.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” I said with a sniff and a watery smile.

  “Tell me you love me.” There was a vulnerable note in his voice that warmed my heart.

  “I’m sorry, Ewan, that should have been the first thing I said,” I admitted. “I know it’s fast, and it makes no sense, but I do. I love you so much, Ewan Kelley.”

  “I love you too, Kaia Kelley.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “I’m not a Kelley, yet.”

  “You are to me”—cue heart melting—“and we’ll rectify that in the eyes of the law very fucking soon. You’ll have my ring on your finger and my last name before you give birth to our first child.” His expression was firm, making it clear he wasn’t going to budge on that issue.


  Ewan smiled and kissed me. When he pulled back, I was somehow flat on my back with my very own swoon-worthy hot cop hovering over me. “Now,” he murmured as he placed warm, soft kisses down my neck. “Let’s get back to work on those babies.”



  Two months later.

  Kaia was in the kitchen cooking something that smelled amazing when I walked in the door. I stowed my gear in the closet and tiptoed up behind her.

  “Nice try, Mr. Kelley.” I slid my arms around her, resting my palms on her belly and burying my face in her hair. I didn’t know what gave me away, but I couldn’t ever surprise my girl. It was probably the same way I always knew when she was near.

  “I’m starting to wonder how you can be such a big, bad, member of a SWAT team without being able to sneak up on someone,” she teased.

  I laughed and pushed her hair to the side and over her shoulder. My lips glided over her soft skin and one of my hands traveled down to cup her pussy over her jeans. “Nobody else’s body gets wet and tingly when I’m anywhere near them.”

  Kaia snorted. “Yeah, right. I don’t want to think about the other women…and probably plenty of men, who have that reaction to you.”

  “Except I don’t give a fuck about any of them.”

  She leaned back into me and hummed in contentment. “That’s the only reason I haven’t scratched anyone’s eye out yet.”

  I stifled a laugh at her use of “yet.” My girl was soft and sweet, generous and loving, but if you messed with someone she loved, she could be a little firecracker. And her possessive attitude over me was hot as fuck. “How about you come take a shower with me, and I’ll show you that I only have eyes for you?” I turned the knob to shut off the stove and swung her up into my arms.

  “But dinner!” she protested as I carried her down the hall.

  “I’ll be plenty full from eating my favorite meal when I’m done with you, baby.” We entered the bedroom, and I made a beeline for the bathroom. “Then I’m going to feed my cock to that se
xy mouth of yours.”

  I set her down on the counter, then walked over to the shower and turned it on. Retreating back to her, I licked my lips as I stared at her and began removing her clothes.

  “I made an appointment at the courthouse,” she blurted out. My fingers halted, and my gaze flew up to hers. I’d been asking her to set a date since the day after she agreed to marry me.

  “Really?” I didn’t bother to hide the breathless hope in my voice.

  Kaia nodded, and her face transformed with a bright, beautiful smile. “Saturday at noon.”

  Three days. Kaia was going to be my wife in three fucking days. I wanted to shout and beat my chest like a caveman, but instead, I cupped her cheeks and kissed her passionately. When I broke the kiss, I rested my forehead against hers.

  “Don’t you want to know why?” she asked gently.

  Lifting my head, I raised an eyebrow and smirked. “It’s not because you love me and can’t go another day without being tied to me in every way?”

  Kaia giggled and gave me an adorably crooked smile. “That too,” she agreed. “But also…” Her cheeks turned pink, and she lowered her gaze to my chest before peeking up at me through her thick lashes.

  I couldn’t imagine what would have her blushing about this conversation and waited for her to explain.

  She cleared her throat and stretched her torso to the side so she could open the medicine cabinet and retrieve something. “I know you want to be married before we have a baby, so I thought we’d check that off the list first.” She held up a small white stick with a blue cap and a little window that said, “Pregnant.”

  I felt my eyes widen even as my face split with a huge smile. “You’re pregnant? We’re having a baby?”

  Kaia nodded and returned my grin. This time, I gave in to the impulse and grabbed her off the counter to swing her around as I whooped with joy. She laughed and smacked me lightly on the shoulder. “Put me down, crazy man!”


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