The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate) Page 6

by Juliet Anderson

  Valkarin looked to the white-haired gentleman room. “Is this true? Has Jasper said anything?”

  “I have not heard from Jasper,” Isafor grunted. He would chew his nephew’s ear off later. He should have been informed of Erin’s travel plans as soon as they were set.

  “We will need to have Erin followed,” Valkarin stated flatly. “I have a fair idea what she might be up to.” Valkarin tossed Angus a small pouch of gold coins. “Between you and Lars, I want Sasha, willing or not, brought here before the end of the week. Fail me and you will see what I am capable of.”

  “Isleberg is so far removed from her home at Muirhead. Can you not wait until you have taken Lokranor? She might be more obliging if the move is just through the Realms Gate?”

  Valkarin considered his words for a moment. “If you can get her oath that she will move to Lokranor once I am on the throne, then I will waive my decision for her to come to Isleberg.”

  That’s big of you, Angus thought to himself. At least he might have bought a little time. For once, he was hoping Erin would actually succeed in what she was doing.

  Erin was out riding with Sasha in the woods that joined their two properties; Lars sensibly remaining a reasonable distance behind.

  “Dare I ask how tensions are?” Erin glanced at her friend.

  “Between me and Lars or Heinrekh?” Sasha grunted.

  “Any reason you put Lars first?” Erin teased.

  “Probably because he is right behind us and he has pissed me off a little less than Heinrekh.”

  “Ah. What has your nearest and dearest done now?”

  “He still insists on me marrying him. I’m only just nineteen.”

  “And pregnant,” Erin added.

  “No shit,” Sasha responded sarkily.

  “I thought you were rather fond of the dark one.”

  “I am. I do love him, but I’m not ready for marriage. That’s kind of a large step.”

  “And having a baby isn’t?”

  “Yes. But it’s all too much together,” she sighed heavily. “Besides, I’ve not known Heinrekh for that long a time, so it would be prudent to wait. And what with Valkarin trying to claim my baby, it’s enough to push anyone close to the edge.”

  “How has the toad been?”

  Sasha grinned. “He’s actually been very supportive. In fact he’s the only one not trying to railroad me into something.”

  “I think he’s trying to win you over by stealth.”

  “I hate to admit it, with Angus away, it is good to have someone else I can talk to.”

  “How is your brother? I’ve not seen him for an age.”

  “He’s fine. To be honest I’ve no idea what he’s up to these days, he just seems to breeze in and out the house with no explanation of where’s he’s going or what he’s doing.”

  “What’s he said about becoming an uncle?”

  Sasha pulled a face. “That was one awkward conversation. But then it’s nothing to do with him.”

  Erin heard the snapping of the branch and reacted almost immediately. Leaning over, she grabbed Sasha’s reigns and stopped her horse.

  “What…?” Sasha started but Erin held her finger to her mouth.

  Lars pulled his horse up the other side of Sasha, and pulled out his gun. “What is it?” he whispered.

  “I think we have company,” Erin nodded towards a dark thicket. She prayed she’d got control of her symbology back. “Severig,” she murmured, parting the undergrowth. She hated to be proved right.

  Summoning her blue energy, she obliterated three men who rushed towards them. The other one ran off.

  “Be my guest,” Erin looked at Lars. “Surely you want one alive to interrogate?”

  He let out a loud grunt and rode after the fleeing man.

  “That’s enough excitement for one day,” Erin sighed dramatically. “Let’s head home.”

  “What about Lars?” Sasha asked softly.

  “He’s a big boy. I’m sure he can find his own way home.”

  “I meant, should we leave him with assailants in the woods?”

  “He’s armed. And I would rather get you home than you leave sitting here making a good target.”

  “Were they really after me?”

  “Who knows. Although they were about as subtle as a flying goat. A herd of stampeding elephants would have made less noise.”


  “Meaning I think that was a set up.”

  “Ah. My dearest or the even darker one?”

  “Valkarin just intimidates, he would not think to try and frighten you into going to Isleberg. Heinrekh also would not stoop to such measures, because it means you might move South to safety and not to Vasmaar. Also, it highlights your need to have Lars close by.”

  “So who?”

  Erin shrugged. “I’m not a clairvoyant.”

  They rode back to McBride Castle quickly and waited for Lars to reappear.

  “Did you shoot him or interrogate him?” Erin asked as he strode into the living room.

  Lars gave half a smile. “It wasn’t much of an interrogation, the man was petrified. I guess no-one had told him that you had blue energy.”

  “Poor dear,” Erin responded sarcastically. “And?”

  “He was paid by someone in Vasmaar to frighten Sasha.”

  “I thought Heinrekh had more integrity than that.” Erin was disappointed in him.

  “It wasn’t Heinrekh,” Lars continued. “They never saw the man’s face, but he was a foreigner.”

  “You were right, Erin,” Sasha moaned. “You said it was staged.”

  “Being right all the time is such a hard burden to bear.”

  Sasha looked up at Lars. “You should take more care about your own safety. You did not even check to see if you yourself were riding into an ambush. You could have been killed.”

  Lars’ expression altered dramatically; he was positively beaming. “It is only your wellbeing that concerns me. But I am pleased to know you care.”

  “I don’t,” Sasha snapped. “I’ve just got used to having your scowling face around the house, so I’d hate for a complete stranger to take your place.”

  Lars rolled his eyes, but he knew from the pink tinge in Sasha’s cheeks that she did actually care. What he wanted from her was an awful lot more than general concern.

  “Well, I’d best get going else I’ll have a bad-tempered Viking chewing my ear off,” Erin got to her feet.

  “What’s put Magnus in such a mood, other than having to train you?” Sasha queried.

  “Ingrid is trying to move forward with wedding plans.”

  “I thought that was what he wanted.”

  “It is, but he wants a Lokranor wedding.”

  “Ah, and that might not happen.”

  “Exactly. His boss,” Erin nodded towards Lars, “might decimate the city in the next few weeks. Not forgetting that Magnus and Ingrid are still exiled. Along with yours truly.”

  “What is it with Viking men and weddings. One is pushing for and the other pushing against.”

  “It’s just men. They were born with faulty genes.”

  “Hey, I object to that comment,” Lars spoke up.

  Erin laughed. “I will see you both in a few days. I’m taking a small road trip with Magnus, Birdie and Jasper.”

  “My father?” Lars sounded surprised.

  “Yes, that is his name,” Erin joked.

  “My father never goes anywhere.”

  “I guess Birdie tempted him out of his hermit-like shell.”

  Lars grinned. “Next thing you’ll tell me is that he’s become a warrior.”

  Erin laughed. “One step at a time.”

  “Where are you headed?”

  “Iceland. We’ve got some Norse research to do.”


  “Bloody freezing actually. Iceland mid-winter is not my idea of fun.”

  “Then you should have chosen Egyptology instead.”

ow there’s a tempting thought. Floating down the Nile on a luxury boat,” Erin sighed looking out the window. Hot sun or freezing snow and damp. A hard call.

  Later that evening Erin was in her concealed chamber, preparing for a little mind reading. Closing her eyes, releasing all tension from her body, she started to travel in her mind. She soon realised that reading Isafor’s mind had not been a good idea; there was much in there that disturbed her. Whilst he gave the impression of being a kindly, knowledgeable gentleman, he was in fact quite a brutal, masochistic individual. The things he had done to people truly shocked her.

  Pushing aside her feelings of disgust, she soon accessed the information she needed. The invasion of Lokranor was due shortly, no great surprise. What did stun her was the fact Valkarin had Angus acting for him now. That traitorous brother of Sasha’s was going to get his comeuppance one day. She also picked up on Isafor’s fear of Valkarin. Perhaps she could use that against him. Dropping little hints of doubts in his mind, Erin hoped Isafor would persuade Valkarin to delay his battle with Lokranor a few more days; they needed as much time as they could get to find everything they needed to defeat Valkarin.


  Heinrekh waited for Sasha to appear through the gateway into Vasmaar. He had persuaded her to visit for a couple of days and was more than happy to get her out of Lars’ clutches. It was only too easy to read Lars’ expression and when he looked at Sasha, it was obvious he wanted her. In hindsight, he should have vaporised him when he had the chance. Now, Valkarin would take it as a personal slight if he killed one of his loyal bodyguards; and a Voktere at that. Luckily Lars could not follow her into Vasmaar.

  Knowing Sasha would probably not welcome a long ride, he had arranged for them to stay at the hunting lodge. It was a favourite of hers and he hoped to be able to romance her enough to accept his proposal.

  A warm sensation flooded over him as she stepped through the gateway. She looked beautiful wrapped up in a grey fur-trimmed cloak, wisps of red hair escaping from the hood. He extended his hand and pulled her up onto this lap.

  “Welcome back, my love,” he murmured before kissing her cold lips.

  Her response was more than pleasing; she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back with the same passion.

  “I have missed you too.”

  “Come,” he kicked his horse gently. “We are staying at the lodge.”

  Her eyes lit up. “I love the lodge. It is warm and cosy; perfect for a snowy night.”

  He had made the right choice. “I’m glad you approve. I want tonight to be perfect, with no arguments.”

  They rode the short distance in silence, Sasha being quite content to cuddle up against his chest.

  Once inside the lodge, he caught a good look at her figure. Only the slightest of bumps was visible. “How is my son doing?”

  “Well. I am close to half way through gestation now. And all my medical checks say I’m having a perfectly healthy child.”

  “Did you expect him to be glowing blue or something?”

  Sasha laughed. “No. But we have a scan to make sure the baby is developing properly.” She reached inside her cloak and pulled out a photograph. “This is for you?”

  Heinrekh gazed at the black and white print. Sasha could tell from the way his brows knit together that he was not quite understanding what it was.

  “It is a picture of your unborn son. This is his head, his body is here, legs there.”

  “And is this his…?” Heinrekh gave her a naughty grin.

  “His arm.”

  “Just one?”

  “No. Obviously he is lying on the other one.”

  He dropped to his knees and kissed her abdomen. “How can you take a picture of a baby when it is still inside its mother’s womb?”

  “The miracles of modern science.” Sasha could feel the heat from Heinrekh radiating through her dress. It seemed like an absolute age since they last made love. Recently all they had done was fight. Now was the perfect time to rectify that. Her dress slipped from her shoulders. “You and I need to reacquaint ourselves with each other.”

  Heinrekh kissed her bare abdomen, slowly making his way up. “There is nothing I would like more than that.” He scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom. “I promise I will be gentle,” he murmured stripping off his clothes.

  “Not that gentle,” Sasha ran her mouth over his bare chest. “I’m not made of glass, I won’t break.”

  Lying with her head on Heinrekh’s chest, Sasha could scarcely remember what all their arguments had been about. Her hand idly traced the contours of his muscles; how could she have forgotten just how beautiful he was. She loved him, that she never doubted. But she was scared. She was just nineteen and would be a mother before she hit twenty. Her boyfriend lived in another world and an incredibly evil sorcerer was laying claim to her child. Not your everyday day problems for expectant mothers. Then again, was she being fair to Heinrekh? He was the baby’s father and had some rights. She could not deny him a life without his son.

  “You are unusually quiet,” Heinrekh ran a finger down her bare arm.

  “I was thinking,” Sasha murmured against his skin.

  “Should I be worried?”

  “It’s nothing too earth shattering.”

  “You have my complete attention.”

  “I feel very selfish,” she sighed. “I’ve only been thinking about myself. About what I want.”

  “And what is it you want?”

  “I want us to live a long and happy life in Muirhead with our child. But obviously that is not possible. You want me to live with you in Vasmaar, but again that is not feasible.”

  “So what are we going to do?”

  “How do you feel about splitting our time between the two Realms?”

  “I could agree to that.”


  “I want my wedding band around your wrist.”

  “Wrist? Rings usually go on fingers,” she lifted her head off his chest and glanced up at him.

  “Yes and bands go around the wrist.” He leant over to the stand beside the bed and retrieved an ornate box. Sasha’s eyes widened as he opened it. Nestled against the plush purple velvet sat two ornate pewter wrist bands.

  “They’re beautiful,” she breathed.

  “They belonged to my parents.” He pulled the smaller one out. “I never thought I would get to use them. Then I met you. You used something greater than sorcery on me, and I find myself quite at your mercy. I love you Sasha, and no-one else could ever wear this band but you.”

  She stretched up and kissed him softly. “I do love you, Heinrekh. And I will marry you. But not yet.”

  “When, Sasha?” There was an urgency to his tone.

  “After the baby is born.”

  “Why wait?”

  “Because you and I have not lived together. After a few weeks we might decide that we actually loathe each other.”

  “I think that highly unlikely,” he chuckled.

  “But it could happen. I only plan to marry the once so want to get it right.”

  “So we will marry within a year?”

  “Yes. But everything does depend on what Valkarin has up his sleeve. There is no way that man will get his hands on our son.”

  Heinrekh smiled to himself. It was not often she referred to the baby as theirs. “I am in agreement with you on that. I need to work a little harder on how to get rid of him.”

  “Is that possible?”

  “Of course, the man is not invincible. My predecessors managed to do it and I will. You know I like to be the alpha sorcerer.”

  “My all powerful one,” she kissed his chest. “You do realise that if you need help vanquishing Valkarin, I have a friend who would be eager to assist.”


  “Yes. She did not take too warmly too him when they met recently. In fact I think she near as dammit called him a dusty old relic.”

  Heinrekh laughed. “How I wish I ha
d seen that.”


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