The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate) Page 13

by Juliet Anderson


  “Yes. Whilst Valkarin relied on Isafor Voktere, the original of course, it seems Aria had her own personal protector, namely a Tobin Lomard. Aria used a dragon and amethyst as her crest. Lomard had sworn to protect Aria even in death, and after Valkarin had killed her, Lomard made sure no-one except a Lomard found the tomb.”

  “Let me guess,” Erin could see where this was going. “Lomard got changed to McLomard when the descendants moved to the First Realm and they adopted the dragon as their crest?”

  “Exactly. The amethyst was dropped in case it was too easily recognised as Aria’s crest. “

  Erin looked at Jasper with a grin. “We really are on opposite side of the fence. A Voktere and Lomard!”

  Jasper chuckled. “Now you know why her crystal responded to you. You are the last in a long line of her protectors.”

  “So why can I not find her tomb?”

  “Perhaps because you are not yet ready to. I think maybe we need to concentrate on finding this final artefact she spoke about.” Jasper was always so level-headed.

  “Based on the fact that the McLomards are Aria’s protectors, it would make sense that what we are looking for is in this house,” Erin spoke out aloud.

  “I agree. Where have you searched?” Jasper quizzed.

  “I know every inch of the study and master bedroom, and all in between,” Erin glanced at Birdie who knew about the concealed chamber and passageway. “Wilhelm and I have seen much of the South Tower.”

  “Did the lady of the house have her own bedroom? In the past it would have adjoined the master bedroom.”

  Erin looked at Birdie for that answer.

  “Yes. It stopped being a bedroom several decades ago and was turned into a morning room for my great grandmother to use.”

  There as a mad dash to the door as all three headed upstairs. Erin had been in the morning room a few times, it was where she had found the love letters from Damon McBride.

  “I’ve tried all the dragons, and there was nothing behind them except some old love letters to a former lady of the house.” And then it hit Erin. “Oh my God, the box! I’ll be right back.”

  She rushed out, almost tripping over Jacques, and ran to her bedroom. Opening the concealed passageway, she slipped inside and picked up the ornate box.

  “Is that what you found in here?” Birdie asked as she put it down on a small side table.

  “Yes. It has the McLomard dragon, but also a faint purple crystal in the middle. I’d almost forgotten seeing it.” Erin opened the box. The love letters were fairly meaningless, other than explaining her black blood. On examination, it appeared the box had a false base; but how to open it. An idea sprung to mind. She held her McLomard medallion over the box. Sadly, it did not open.

  “Try something with the crystal,” Jasper suggested.

  Erin raced back to her bedroom and retrieved both Aria’s bracelet and her Frejan crystal. The bracelet did nothing, but the crystal did. There was a small click and the false base released, revealing two pewter bands.

  “Okay, not what I was expecting,” Erin was severely underwhelmed. “Why would someone go to such lengths to hide two crappy wrist bands?”

  “In Norse culture, they didn’t have wedding rings, instead they used elaborate wrist bands, like these.” Jasper smiled at her exasperated look.

  “So these belonged to a couple?”

  “I’d guess so.”

  “But who? Did Damon McBride secretly marry Isobel McLomard and these are their

  wedding bands?”

  “Unlikely, these are far older,” Jasper inspected them. “I have a feeling they could be Valkarin’s and Aria’s but how would they kill him? I will need to do much further research on the subject.”

  “I guess tomorrow will be spent in the library,” Erin sighed. She definitely preferred action to research.

  “You guessed right,” Birdie eyed her niece. “Now I suggest you put these somewhere safe.”

  Later that evening, Erin retreated to the study. She needed to make a call, but not on her mobile. Once in the concealed chamber, she put both her hands on the Baldoren crystal.

  “Erin,” her father smiled. “I thought I might get some rest now your mother has returned.”

  “You thought wrong,” Erin laughed. “Now I need to pick your brains.”

  “Ask away.”

  “Do you know where Aria’s tomb lies?”

  “No,” he responded bluntly.

  “Great help you are,” Erin grunted. “Do you know anything about Aria?”

  “Other than the fact she was Valkarin’s wife, no. Although I do recall coming across a book relating to her in the library.”

  “You, in the library?” Erin snorted.

  “Enough cheek, daughter. I would often hide my sweets in there so Birdie wouldn’t find them. I vaguely remember coming across something relating to that name. It was a thin book, with a very nondescript front.”

  “There are thousands of books in the library. Can you remember whereabouts it was?”

  “To the left hand side of the gilt mirror, I think. That was always my favourite hiding hole.”

  Erin watched him start to fade, she had been on line long enough.

  “Bye, dad,” she chirped.

  Releasing the crystal, she stepped back and let her mind stop spinning. She toyed for a while about using the Frejan crystal to interrogate Aria further but decided against it. That was one line Valkarin would be monitoring closely.

  Erin spotted the figure in the study as soon as the chamber door opened. He was riffling through the desk drawers, obviously searching for something.

  “Anything in particular I can help you with?” she asked, her hand raised.

  He turned, clearly shocked she had virtually materialised in the room. A strand of Loxhadrin shot from her hand and wound around his neck.

  “I will ask you one last time, what are you looking for?”

  Instead of answering her, he attempted to reach inside his jacket. Erin was in no doubt he was going for a weapon, it seemed her attackers of late were using guns. Very unsporting. A second later he was vaporised. Calling her Talmar, she crept towards the study door.

  Are you still awake, you lazy-assed bodyguard?

  No, I’m fast asleep. What do you want, brat?

  We’ve got visitors. I’ve dispatched the one in the study, but I imagine there are more in the house.

  On my way. You can leave me some to terminate.

  Erin thought she’d best warn Wilhelm in case anyone was after him. She managed to drop a message in his head, and hoped he would act on it.

  I’m about to come down the stairs, where are you?

  About to fly out the study door. Guess we’ll do this as a joint attack.

  Erin found another intruder in the hallway, he had a personal introduction to her Talmar. Wilhelm dragged one from the South Tower. She was pleased he had got her message. Magnus caught another trying to escape into the garden.

  “Who do you work for?” Erin started her interrogation on Wilhelm’s captive.

  “I don’t know,” the man mumbled. “I was paid to come here and find an artefact.”

  “By whom?”

  “Don’t know his name. He had a foreign accent.”

  “I’m starting to see a pattern here,” Erin glanced over at Magnus.

  “What did this foreigner look like?” Magnus growled.

  “He was wearing a cloak.”

  “Did he seem young or old?”

  “Young I guess,” the man shrugged.

  Magnus kicked his captive. “And what were your instructions?”

  “The same. Look for this artefact.”

  “And what were the orders if you came up against the lady of the house?”

  “Take her out.”

  “Not for dinner I take it?” Erin asked.

  “No. We were given instructions to shoot you should we run in to you.”

  “How nice,” she responded sarcastic
ally. “What you might not have been told is that I have blue energy and can take you out in the most painful of ways with just a wave of my hand. I have no need for any other weapon. I’m not adverse to killing someone who threatens me, but I rarely kill unless provoked. You have five minutes to get off my property. Should I see you here again, I will vaporise you immediately.” She signalled to Wilhelm and Magnus to let the two men go.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I can’t kill them unless they pull a gun on me.” She watched them run down the driveway as though the hounds of hell were after them. Actually they probably did think she was evil.

  Valkarin sat at the banquet table with his loyal followers and some members of the Lokranor council who had wisely pledged their allegiance to him. He was amazed how easy it had been to take the land that had evaded him for so long. It started him thinking that perhaps the First Realm was for taking as well.

  His mission was all but complete. Sasha needed to be brought to Lokranor, then all that was left was to dispatch Erin and Prince Wilhelm; his work would soon be done. Gudrun was sitting by his side, looking as elegant and desirable as ever. He said he’d give her three days, but right now he wanted to celebrate his success in another way.

  “Would you retire to the Royal Quarters with me, my lady?” he asked as seductively as he could.

  “If you wish to leave, of course, I will come with you,” Gudrun responded politely.

  “I meant to my bedroom,” he ran his eyes down her torso. He found the faint flush of colour to her cheeks quite pleasing.

  “I thought you had given me three days. Surely you are not going back on our agreement?”

  “No,” he said in a low voice. “But I do not want to wait three days. I want to be with you now.”

  “I am still grieving, I cannot give myself to another so soon after losing my husband.”

  “When was the last time you laid with him?”

  “That is not a question one asks a lady,” she blushed furiously.

  “I would take your reaction to mean it has been a while.” His hand slid to her leg. “I could make one area of your new life very pleasurable indeed.”

  “When my three days are up, you may. Until then I need to get used to all the changes.”

  A deep growl echoed in Valkarin’s chest. He was not used to being disappointed. But as much as he wanted to get Gudrun to bend to his wishes, he could not ignore the fact he had made a promise to her. He would have to wait two days more.

  Glancing around the Hall, Valkarin surveyed the faces of those present. Member of the Vokteren seemed happy, they had achieved what they set out do to. Those from Lokranor wore fake smiles, it was obvious they valued their lives and standing more that the city. Valkarin disliked those sorts of people but for now they had their uses.

  He would wait until he had full control of the city and its people before thinking about moving on to the First Realm. He could only do that once he had rid himself of Erin and Wilhelm. It was strange that he had spent so long wanting to rule Lokranor and now that he did, he found himself wanting more, a lot more.


  Erin was getting ready to turn in for the night. It had been a busy and draining day. She sloped into her bathroom to take her make-up off. Opening up the cupboard, her eyes settled on something strawberry-flavoured. Pity Sasha didn’t keep a few for herself, Erin giggled. Then it set her off thinking about Wilhelm. Would they ever consummate their relationship? Every time things got interesting, they were interrupted. It seemed they could never manage to get beyond a certain point.

  Wilhelm was alone now in the South Tower. It was unlikely he would get any late night visitors. She could slip over there without being seen, the advantages of being able to make oneself invisible. Was she really ready for this? Oh yes. And poor Wilhelm needed his attention diverting. Glancing in the mirror she surmised red PJ bottoms blazoned with cute rabbits probably weren’t top of the list of seductive nightwear. But did she actually possess something half way alluring?

  Riffling through her drawers, she found a very short, strappy white nightie that had sprigs of tiny blue flowers embroidered onto it. Slipping it on, she had a good look from all angles. It wouldn’t rival anything from Victoria Secrets, but it would have to do. She reached instinctively for her fluffy dressing gown, then changed her mind and put on her mother’s black silk one. The bunny slippers were also left behind.

  Erin was feeling positively scandalous as she tiptoed through the house towards the South Tower. She didn’t know why she felt so naughty, she was over eighteen, in a reasonably steady relationship, well as stable as an inter-realm relationship could be, and it was her house. Maybe it was because she could see her mother’s disapproving glare? But then Wilhelm was no longer just a Prince, he was a King in waiting.

  She moved silently up the Tower stairs and knocked on Wilhelm’s door.

  “Erin,” he breathed. “Is everything alright?”

  With Wilhelm wearing just his black jeans, everything was perfect. “Yes. I came to see how you were.”

  “A beacon of happiness,” he pulled a face.

  “Whilst we cannot bring your father back, we will restore you to the throne,” Erin rested her hand on his arm.

  “Lokranor has been fighting Vasmaar since the rift happened. For once the realm is at peace. Perhaps we should leave it that way.”

  “The Realm is at the mercy of a tyrant, Wilhelm. The people want to be governed by a fair and just king. Valkarin will only do what he desires. And if we give in to him so easily, what is to stop him invading the First Realm?”

  “I find myself no longer caring,” he shrugged.

  “I thought I had lost both my parents because of Lokranor. I understand what that sort of loss can do to you, but in the end, duty always rises to the surface.” Erin placed her hand over his heart. “The citizens of Lokranor believe you to be ready to wear the crown. Show them their belief is not misguided.”

  “Do you think I’m ready?”

  “Yes. You have the army and the people behind you.”

  “I understand there is not much of an army left,” Wilhelm winced.

  “To be honest, this war will not be settled the conventional way. It is Valkarin we have to beat, and him alone. The Vokteren have absolutely no power without him.”

  “And how are you progressing with finding the necessary items?”

  “Well.” She headed to the table where Wilhelm had a goblet of wine and drank some. Dutch courage. “But I did not come here to talk about that. I thought we could both do with focussing on something else.”

  “There is not much else I want to focus on,” Wilhelm grunted.

  Erin took a deep breath, if she did not act now she would chicken out. The silk robe slipped from her shoulders.

  “I was kind of hoping we might work on our relationship.” She stepped forward and ran her hand over his bare chest.

  Wilhelm stood frozen to the spot. She began to wonder if she’d made a terrible error in judgement. He spoke finally. “Erin, this should not happen whilst I feel so black.”

  “There is no better time,” she trailed her hand down to the belt of his jeans. “Are you going to reject me?” She kissed the base of his throat.

  “I could not….” He closed his eyes and groaned as her hand moved lower. “This is…Oh for the love of Goddess Freya...”

  “I think we need a reminder of what we are actually fighting for.” Erin took his hand and led him over to the large bed. She climbed into the middle and perched on her knees, waiting for him to join her.

  Wilhelm said no more, he just slipped out of his jeans and joined her. She should probably have looked away, attempted to show some modesty, but she was keen to see what lay under those jeans. He really was magnificent all over. Very impressive indeed.

  “Are you sure about this, Erin,” he kissed her softly.

  “Yes.” A tidal wave of nerves suddenly flooded through her. She was in his bed, practical
ly naked apart from a very flimsy piece of material.

  “Then why are you shaking?”

  “I am nervous, of course. This might be an everyday occurrence for you, but it is my first time.” She stroked his cheek. “I am afraid I will disappoint.”

  His kiss left her breathless. “You could never do that. I am the one who is concerned you might find my performance lacking. And for the record, this does not happen every day for me. Not since I met you.”


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