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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

Page 14

by Juliet Anderson

  Erin gasped as she felt his hands slide that excuse for a nightdress up and over her head.

  “You were decidedly overdressed,” he murmured.

  As their bodies touched, Erin knew it was going to be a very, very memorable night.

  “You want to go where?” Heinrekh sat up in bed.

  “Calm down. It was just a suggestion,” Sasha tried to soothe him. “I have not seen my mother for a while now, and once I pass a certain point in my pregnancy, I will not be allowed to fly.”

  “Valkarin would never allow it.”

  “I don’t give a damn what Valkarin wants. I control my life,” Sasha responded forcefully.

  “I am not sure I could let you go either. You are such a vital part of my life.”

  She snuggled in to his chest. “As you are mine. But it will be no different from when I was at university.”

  “You will be even further away. And we cannot provide the Vokteren protection you need.”

  “But I need to get away. Being stuck here in Muirhead is driving me crazy.”

  “I cannot leave Vasmaar at the moment. If I do, I could lose it to Valkarin.”

  “That is the problem. There is never a good time for you.” Sasha sat back up frustrated. “Well, if not America, I am certainly taking a break from this place. I need the bright lights of the city, to be surrounded by people and activity.”

  “And where exactly did you want to go?” Heinrekh grunted.

  “Venice, Amsterdam, Vienna,” she shrugged. “Anywhere with decent shops and hotels.”

  “Somewhere without me?”

  “You don’t have a passport so can’t fly with me.” Sasha rested her hand on his chest. “I need a few days respite from all this madness. Allow me this time. If I am relaxed, it will be good for the baby.”

  Heinrekh snorted at her blatant attempt to coerce him into agreeing. “I worry that whoever is organising these random attacks on you will be able to get close to you if you have no protection.”

  “Lars can accompany me as long as he keeps out of sight.”

  “He is the last person I want around you.”

  “He is a Vokteren, he will make sure I and the baby come to no harm.”

  “If I detect he has so much as laid a finger on you, I will kill him.”

  Sasha rolled on top of him. “It is you I love, your band I intend to wear. Have a bit more faith in my ability to resist his puny charms.” She kissed him seductively. “Now show me yours, sorcerer.”

  “When do you plan to leave?” Heinrekh asked as he got dressed a while later.

  “In two days’ time. The sooner the better.”

  “Hopefully Valkarin will be too busy coming to grips with Lokranor to notice.”

  “I don’t give a damn about Valkarin. This is our child not his,” Sasha retorted defensively.

  “True, but he can make our lives very difficult. How is our mutual friend progressing with her search?”

  “Well I believe. But she says she has a lot more research to do yet. She does not want to strike until she can all but guarantee success.”

  “She is wise,” Heinrekh acknowledged begrudgingly. He could not do anything much, he was well aware Valkarin was having him watched. “If you see her before you leave, let her know I am willing to do anything she needs in the Second Realm.”

  Sasha looked at him in surprise. “A pact with the House of McLomard?”

  “We are only uniting for a common goal. Once that is achieved, we will revert to our former sides.”

  “Why not call a truce once and for all?”

  “Like Valkarin, I want to rule Lokranor.”

  “What is this obsession with Lokranor?” Sasha sighed. “It is nothing special.”

  “It’s something in our blood. Each descendant of Valkarin is trying to get back their birth right.”

  “Would it not have been easier to produce a daughter and marry her off to the Prince?” Not that she wished to sidestep Erin.

  “Probably, but it is a pure Vasmaarian we want on the throne.”

  “Valkarin’s heir is not.”

  “He has Valkarin blood.”

  “Just about everyone has Valkarin blood, even Erin.”

  “True, but it has to be of the right descendants.” Heinrekh dropped to his knees and kissed her growing bump. “I have one request of you before I leave.”

  “Which is?” Sasha sank her hands into his gorgeous blond mane.

  He stood up and produced a small box. “I understand this is how you show betrothal here in the First Realm.”

  Sasha gasped loudly as he took out a huge solitaire diamond ring. “It’s stunning, Heinrekh,” she breathed.

  “Will you wear it?”

  “Of course.” She let him slip it on her finger. It was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.

  “The world can now see I plan to marry you,” he kissed her passionately.

  “Do you have to leave?” Sasha complained. She wanted to celebrate her official engagement with him.

  “Sadly yes, but I will try and get to see you before you go away.” He rubbed her abdomen. “Take good care of our son.”

  “I will. And please stay on the right side of Valkarin, until we can send him back to his tomb.”

  Sasha headed downstairs to get some food, she seemed to be permanently hungry these days. Lars was in the kitchen, his scowl deepened as she walked in.

  “Aren’t we a looking full of the joys of spring,” she gave him a false smile.

  “It’s winter,” Lars snorted and made for the door.

  “Do you have your passport with you?” Sasha asked as her head was buried in the fridge.

  “Yes. Why?”

  “I’m going to Venice for a few days.”

  “Heinrekh is going with you?”

  “No. He doesn’t have a passport. I’m going alone.”

  “Does Valkarin know?”

  “No. But then he doesn’t control my life.”

  “And you are wanting me to provide protection?”

  “Personally I don’t give a damn whether you come or not. But Heinrekh wants me to have some protection, although he’d prefer if it wasn’t you.”

  “In that case I will be delighted to come.”

  Erin was snuggled up against a warm body. She opened a sleepy eye, expecting to focus on a slobbering St Bernard, instead she met a pair of beautiful soft brown eyes. She suddenly remembered where she was, butt naked in Wilhelm‘s bed.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” he gaze never left her. “Are you feeling quite alright this morning?”

  Colour flooded into her cheeks. “Yes, I’m fine. I should get back to my room.”

  “So soon,” he pulled her back to him.”

  “Yes. Birdie will be up and about shortly and so will my mother.”

  “And? We have not done anything wrong,” he kissed her seductively.

  “No, but I don’t need the interrogation that will follow. And nor do you.”

  “I don’t want you to leave just yet,” he murmured, running his mouth down her neck.

  “Wilhelm,” she squeaked. “Behave or I will release Jacques into the Tower.”

  “Not that damn dog.” Wilhelm flopped back on his pillow. “Anything but that slobbery creature.”

  “So fearless,” Erin giggled. “Now turn around, I need to get my robe.”

  “Erin, I have seen every inch of your lovely body, why would you suddenly not want me to see it?” Wilhelm looked puzzled.

  “It’s daylight,” she came over all shy.

  “I will never understand the female mind.” Wilhelm turned his back on her as instructed. Only because there was a mirror on the far side wall in which he could see ever delectable inch of her. He got caught peeking.

  “Wilhelm,” she hit him with a cushion.

  “What? You only asked me to turn around. There was no mention of not looking in the mirror.” He rolled back over and pulled her onto the bed.

  “Stop it,”
she squealed between kisses.

  “Or what?” he teased.

  “I’ll use sorcery to turn you into a bunny rabbit,” she giggled. “You’d make a fine accompaniment to my slippers.”

  “From prince to rabbit, how I have fallen.” He released her begrudgingly. “Will you spend tonight with me?”

  “Hopefully, yes.”

  “Only hopefully?”

  “I’ve learnt to expect the unexpected. It’s better not to promise things just in case.”

  “Very true.” He swung his legs out of bed. “I’ll see you in the kitchen shortly.”

  Erin snuck down the Tower stairs, before cloaking herself. The last thing she wanted to do was run into her mother or Birdie. She and Wilhelm had sort of been in a relationship for a while, so it was a natural progression. But the last thing she needed was the third degree. Where was this relationship going? Was there any formal agreement in place? And hundreds more questions.

  After a quick shower, Erin headed to the kitchen. She was ravenous. Birdie, Jasper and Lodraill were already seated around the large table. Birdie glanced up from her newspaper.

  “Ah, there you are. Jacques was looking for you this morning.”

  Erin felt her cheeks tinge with colour. “I went for a walk early.”

  “Without Jacques?”

  “Yeah. I needed time alone to think.”

  Those dark blue eyes bore in to her for a few moments, before deciding against interrogating her further.

  “What’s on the agenda for today?” Jasper asked.

  “We need to find out more about those pewter bands and how to use them.” Erin poured herself a mug of coffee. “Then there’s the issue of locating Aria’s tomb. Dad did give me a vague hint of a clue.”

  “You haven’t been talking to him again?” Birdie tutted.

  “Only briefly. Besides, he’s not had his ear bent for a while, he was due some daughterly nagging.”

  “What did James say about the tomb?”

  “He made reference to a book in the library, to the right of the gilt mirror, where he used to hide his sweets.”

  Birdie chuckled. “I know the exact location. He always used to think I had no clue where they were, how wrong he was!”

  Erin felt her cheeks flush once more when Wilhelm appeared. A short while earlier they had been together in his bed, just the thought made her feel quite flustered. It had been the right move though, they both needed reminding of what they were fighting this damn war for. And with more than a few people trying to eliminate them, it was best to grab the opportunity whilst they could.

  “What can I get you for breakfast, Wilhelm,” Mrs McDowell’s broad accent rang out.

  “Everything you’re offering,” he answered. “I am unduly hungry this morning.”

  “And you, young lassie?”

  “I’m just going to devour the pastries and toast,” Erin responded.

  “So it is research today then,” Jasper beamed. His idea of a perfect day.

  “Has his Vikingness appeared yet?” Erin glanced around for Magnus.

  “No. Did you not hear the argument he and Ingrid had last night?” Lodraill raised an eyebrow in surprise.

  “I fell asleep listening to music,” Erin lied. She felt guilty for not being there for Magnus, but he’d not contacted her telepathically.

  “I think it might be a while before we see him. He did hit the brandy rather heavily after he stormed out their quarters.” Birdie put down her newspaper.

  “I should go see him,” Erin snatched up a piece of toast. “Any idea where he might be?”

  “His old room.”

  Erin grabbed a cold can of Coke from the fridge for Magnus and disappeared upstairs. She found him passed out on the bed.

  “Good morning,” she said brightly, flinging open the curtains.

  Magnus let out a deep groan as the sunlight hit him. “Go away and let me die in peace,” he moaned.

  “I didn’t think Vikings suffered hangovers,” Erin shrugged. “I guess you learn something new every day. Besides, I thought you’d want to die on the battlefield so you could go to Val..something or other.”

  “Valhalla,” he grunted.

  Erin opened the can of Coke and handed it to him. “Don’t say I’m not without compassion.”

  He gave half a laugh and sat up. “How much brandy did I drink?” he muttered.

  She held up the empty bottle.

  “No wonder I feel like crap,” he sighed.

  “I just hope Valkarin’s troops don’t come storming through the gateway this morning, as you’d make a lousy protector.”

  “I already feel like shit without you adding guilt on top.”

  Erin perched on the bed. “What was the argument about?”

  “You didn’t hear?”

  She shook her head. “I had my earphones in.”

  “Lucky you. Ingrid wants me to speak to my father to give her family safe passage to the First Realm.”

  “And you said no?”

  “Of course. If he found out how important they are to her, to us, then he would use that to his advantage. Or rather Valkarin would.”

  “What makes you think your father has sided with Valkarin? I thought he was in Heinrekh’s camp.”

  “Once a traitor, always a traitor,” Magnus spat. “He led the Vasmaarian troops that helped overthrow the city.”

  “So he has a foot back in Lokranor now?”


  “You are quite right not to trust him. You could be putting Ingrid’s family in greater danger.”

  “Exactly, but she could not see that.”

  “Do you want me to talk to her?”

  “If you think you can get through to her, please do.”

  “Hey, my negotiating skills are first class.”

  “I’ve seen them in action,” Magnus snorted. “They’re not pretty.”

  “But effective.” She stood up. “I’ll talk to Ingrid later when she’s up. At least she would have had a good night’s sleep without you snoring in her ear.”

  “I don’t snore,” he shouted, then regretted it.

  “Practice in an hour’s time,” she adopted her bossy tone. Now was not the time for sympathy. “You’d better be up to full strength by then or Wilhelm will whoop your butt.”

  “In his dreams,” Magnus muttered, heading unsteadily to the bathroom.


  Valkarin sat in the Great Hall on the throne feeling very pleased with himself. He had taken Lokranor with surprising ease and now was contemplating his options. If the Second Realm had fallen so easily, perhaps he should try taking the Third. No, the Third Realm held no interest for him, but the First Realm did. Not just because it held the only other threats to his supremacy. If he could remove the Prince, the Priestess of Lokranor and Erin McLomard, his reign would go uncontested. And part of the First Realm would fall immediately.

  He glanced at the empty seat to his left. Gudrun had until tonight to give him her answer as to whether she would be his Queen. The seat to his right had been removed; it was no longer needed. When his heir was old enough to sit in the Great Hall, he would have it re-installed.

  Isafor came forward. He found it amusing that one who headed up his loyal followers was always so wary of him. His predecessor definitely had a lot more backbone.

  “You have that timid air about you, Isafor, which means you are bringing bad news,” Valkarin sighed. People were so easy to read.

  “I have just heard from Lars that Sasha has left Muirhead.”

  “For where?” Valkarin’s black eyes fixed him to the spot.

  “Austria. Vienna to be precise.”

  “How long is she planning to be away?” His voice was carefully controlled.

  “Lars thought a few days.”

  “Is he with her?”


  “And she decided to up and go on the spur of the moment?”

  “I…er…I’m not sure,” Isafor stuttered.

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