The Realms Unite (Realms Gate)

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The Realms Unite (Realms Gate) Page 21

by Juliet Anderson

  “Hey,” Erin grinned. “I thought this party could do with some life injecting into it. It’s not quite as lively as the entertainment Olav used to throw.” She glanced around. “But then I guess Vokteren don’t like to let their hair down.”

  “As you correctly stated, you were not invited to this banquet,” Valkarin’s voice was ice cold.

  “What exactly are we celebrating? Whatever it is doesn’t seem to incite great emotion in your men?”

  “Obviously we are enjoying our victory in taking Lokranor with such ease and also welcoming Sasha to her new home.”

  “Now about that,” Erin jumped down from the table and perched her butt on Valkarin’s table. “You can expect me in person tomorrow to have a wee chat about Sasha’s new home. I get the feeling she is here under duress and no-one, not even you, has the authority to abduct my friend.” She gave the impression of patting his cheek. She turned to Heinrekh and gave him a wink. “You and Valkarin really could pass for brothers. Although I have to say, you got the personality.” She moved her attention back along the table as Heinrekh was in danger of bursting into laughter, as was Sasha.

  I’ve just heard my father.

  Close by?

  Yeah. Give him a dressing down for me.

  “General Selvig,” Erin focused her eyes on Magnus’ father. She remembered him from her first fight with Heinrekh. “I am not altogether surprised to see you here. You betrayed Lokranor, then Heinrekh. How long before you turn your back on Valkarin? Once a weasel, always a weasel.”

  She heard Magnus’ laughter.

  Thanks for that. Right by my father, I can hear Rodin, a member of the Council.

  “And Rodin,” she fixed her eyes on who she hoped was the right person, “Should I add you to the list of rodents Olav had working for him?”

  I can pick up Eldred but I don’t know how close he is to you.

  Anyone else?

  Another voice but I can’t put a name to it.

  “In fact, all around me I see traitors to the Kingdom of Lokranor. You men might want to watch your back as Prince Wilhelm will not deal nicely with you when he wants his kingdom back. Luckily for you, he is currently enjoying the benefits of the First Realm and is not overly keen to re-take this backwater just yet.” Her eyes suddenly fixed on Angus; it was strange he was not sitting at the top table. Obviously Valkarin did not rate him that highly.

  “As you for, McBride,” the loathing in Erin’s voice could not be disguised. “You should be ashamed to sell out your sister and your homeland. Were I not Sasha’s friend, I would rip out your entrails for all to see, in true Scot style.”

  “I am protected by Valkarin now,” he sneered. “So not even you can touch me.”

  “Yet you do not sit at his table?” Erin queried. “Instead you are with his hired help. I’d watch your back, Valkarin does not understand the word loyalty.”

  Valkarin rose looking highly unimpressed. “I think it time to dispatch you.” He zapped her image with Loxhadrin.

  “Ooh, stop that, it tickles,” she giggled, flapping her hand at him. “But I can take a hint when I’m not wanted.” She headed to the middle of the banquet hall before turning and pointing to Valkarin. “I will see you for a more formal visit tomorrow.” Giving an exaggerated courtesy, Erin released the crystal. It took a good few minutes before she could focus.

  “Are you alright, Erin?” Magnus voice rang in her ear.

  “Yeah. The world has just about stopped spinning.” Erin touched her temples as the dizziness eased.

  “You have balls, I’ll give you that. Showing everyone in the banquet hall that you are still a threat to Valkarin.”

  “Hey, there’s nothing quite like baiting a dark and evil destroyer.”

  “I just wished I could have seen Valkarin’s face as you insulted him and there was nothing he could do to remove you from the Hall.”

  “He doesn’t show much emotion at the best of time, but I think I got under his skin.”

  “Just watch yourself tomorrow. He’ll want pay back.”

  “I’m hoping he’ll still be pissy with me so won’t be as guarded with his temper as he normally is.”

  Wilhelm was pacing up and down in Erin’s room. “I want you to call tomorrow off.”


  “It’s too dangerous. I have lost my father and my kingdom, I am not prepared to lose you as well.”

  Erin took his hands in hers. “I was born to serve Lokranor and Muirhead. Right now your kingdom needs me more than ever.”

  “It is not worth losing you over.” Wilhelm pulled her hard to his chest.

  “I like your optimism,” she sniffed. “However it is not just about Lokranor. If we leave Valkarin unchallenged, what is to stop him looking to the First Realm once he gets bored of Lokranor?”

  “You think he has designs on taking Muirhead too?”

  “Undoubtedly, largely to piss me off I suspect.”

  “I still have a very bad feeling about tomorrow. When we rescued Lodraill from Vasmaar, it was a simple enough plan, just grab her and go. This time you’re actually going to be battling the evilest of sorcerers to the death.”

  “I do have a little help from his ex-wife.”

  “How do you know he won’t kill you before you get inside the Great Hall?”

  “His ego. He’ll want a public spectacle. Besides, I’ve already told him I’m coming tomorrow.”

  “You’ve what?” Wilhelm barked.

  “I stopped by his banquet earlier, via Baldoren crystal obviously, and wound him up a bit.” Erin pulled an apologetic face. “Actually I wound him up majorly.”

  “You are either highly courageous or completely insane. I’m not sure which,” Wilhelm rolled his eyes.

  “A bit of both, I think,” Erin sighed. “But it wasn’t done on a whim. It kind of fits into my master plan.”

  “There’s no talking you out of this, is there?” Wilhelm sounded quite deflated.

  “No.” She reached up and kissed him. “Now instead of chewing off my ear, why don’t you use the time we have together to remind me why I’m committed to getting your kingdom back.”

  “You should get some rest.”

  “Like I’m going to sleep that well. I need a distraction and you, my Viking Prince, are a very good one.” Erin slid her hands under his top, pleased when she heard a soft growl echo from his chest.

  He picked her up and tossed her onto the bed. “You want to lie with a Viking, I am happy to oblige.” He dropped down on top of her, his kiss removing all thoughts about tomorrow. All she could focus on was the man she was falling in love with.


  Erin’s legs were positively shaky as she headed down the stairs dressed in her battle gear. Wilhelm and Magnus were waiting for her.

  “I guess you had better get going. I’ll give you a two hour head start.”

  “Contact me as soon as you cross into Lokranor,” Magnus grunted. “I’m still not happy about you going alone.”

  “Your objection has been noted,” she reached up and kissed his cheek. “Have you said goodbye to Ingrid?”

  “Yes, she concerned I may not come back.”

  “I’m sure her grief will be short-lived once she sees what superior male specimens are actually available here,” Erin teased.

  “I sometimes wonder why I protect you,” his dark eyes gazed down at her.

  “Because I’m cute.”

  “Not the word I was actually thinking of,” Magnus headed to the door. “I’ll see you by the stables, Wilhelm.”

  Magnus had purposely given the two of them some time alone to say what needed to be said to each other.

  “Your hands are shaking,” Wilhelm raised her palms to his mouth.

  “I’m terrified if the truth be known,” Erin murmured.

  “Then we call the attack off,” he said bluntly.

  “Absolutely not. Only a fool would not be scared. But it’s not Valkarin who frightens me, it’s losing the
people I love.”

  “Am I included in that list?”

  “Of course you are, you idiot.

  “She tells me she loves me in one breath, then calls me an idiot in the next. It’s hardly surprising men can’t follow the workings of a female mind.”

  Erin slapped his shoulder. “You will take care, of yourself and Magnus?”

  “We were born to live this life, you weren’t.” He kissed her hands. “It is your back we should be watching.”

  “And you will, in the Great Hall.” She touched his cheek. “It will be especially painful for you, entering the Great Hall and seeing your mother sitting next to Valkarin. But you cannot make your presence known until I give the order.”

  “I would like to think I can keep my emotions under control.”

  “Good. Now get going otherwise Magnus will be whining in my ear.”

  Wilhelm gave her a kiss that she would remember for many years to come. “I love you,” he murmured in her ear before striding out the door.

  Erin stared after him, a silly grin on her face. He loves me, she sighed. Retreating to the study, she spent the next hour re-reading Aria’s book and brushing up on symbology.

  Jasper popped his head around the door, scaring the crap out of Erin. He was dressed in Vokteren colours.

  “You frightened the hell out of me for a moment,” she puffed out her cheeks.

  “Sorry, it’s been a while since I wore this.”

  “With any luck you can burn it later today.”

  “Perhaps. You need to start thinking about collecting up your things. It’s not long till we ride for the Realms Gate.”

  Erin headed over to the South Tower to retrieve the items hidden there. The wristband co-ordinated beautifully with her outfit, the medallion replaced the McLomard one, the dagger was slipped inside the back of her waistband. Next was the vial of red liquid; she attached this to a leather thong around her neck.

  Looking at the Baldoren and Frejan crystals in her chamber, a thought leapt into Erin’s mind. She still had a couple of minutes left, so would have time to ask the question which had suddenly taken up residence in her head. Grabbing hold of the Baldoren crystal, she dismissed the image of her father and requested Tobin Lomard.

  She could see the family resemblance as his face flickered into life.

  “You asked for me, Erin McLomard?” he had a slight Scandinavian accent.

  “I need your knowledge of the Vokteren. What is the best way to defeat them?”

  “They have only true leader, take him out and the rest will fall quickly without leadership.”

  “So after Valkarin is killed, I will need to take out Isafor as well to stop the Vokteren?”

  “Yes. Another McLomard going up against another Isafor Voktere,” he gave a wry smile. “History always comes full circle.”

  “Aria mentioned she gave birth to your daughter. What did you name her?”

  “It was Erin of course.”

  “Erin?” she murmured.

  “As I said, history is repeating itself, and hopefully the wrongs of the past will now be put right.”

  “I hope so too, Tobin.”

  His image was starting to fade. “I look forward to finally being reunited with Aria.”

  Now she was starting to understand her powers. Erin Lomard had been reborn to avenge her mother’s death at the hands of Valkarin. And to bring peace to the Realm again. Nothing like giving her an impossible job to do.

  The ride over to the gateway was very quiet, no-one was in the mood to talk. Everyone had something or someone to lose if this attack failed.

  “I want you to promise me that you will do everything you can to keep yourself alive,” Birdie leant over on her horse and hugged Erin. “Even if it means making a deal with Valkarin.”

  “Don’t ask that of me, Birdie, because I could not live with a decision like that. I would sacrifice my values to keep my friends alive, but never myself.” She kissed her cheek. “Jasper, I’m entrusting my aunt and mother into your care. Please try and keep them from doing something rash.”

  “Keeping those two in line will be virtually impossible,” he grunted. “Your recklessness had to come from someone.”

  “Her father,” Birdie hissed. “And look where that got him.”

  “Having his ear chewed off frequently in the underworld,” Erin retorted. She hugged her mother. “One day soon we might actually be able to meet in Lokranor without fear of me being arrested.”

  “I look forward to that day.”

  “Right, Athena, let’s go kick Valkarin’s butt,” Erin nudged the horse forward and through the gateway.

  The guards were startled as a horse came thundering through, but she wasn’t there for the niceties. Anyone who got in her path was thrown aside by a flick of her hand, she wasn’t bothering to be gentle. In next to no time she had reached the steps to the Great Hall. It seemed kind of ironic that the last time she was in this spot, she had humiliated Olav. Now it was the turn of the next ruler.

  I’m at the Great Hall. Are you here yet? Erin made contact with Magnus.

  We’ve just left the stables.

  Did you stop for lunch on the way?

  You’re early.

  So, I’m impatient. Tell me something I didn’t know.

  Wilhelm likes to wear women’s lingerie.

  Erin laughed. Not last time I checked. In fact he doesn’t often wear underwear.

  Gross, that’s not an image I want.

  I’m more than happy with it. Now I need to get inside before I get done for loitering. Let me know when you’re in the Hall.

  Refocussing her mind, Erin strode up the steps and into the Great Hall. She didn’t need to use her powers to move the people and Vokteren aside, they automatically parted and let her head straight for Valkarin. As expected, he was seated on the throne, with Gudrun to his right. Heinrekh was close by as was Isafor. Play nice, she kept telling herself.

  “Welcome, Erin McLomard,” Valkarin nodded as she approached. “At least this time you have the good grace to come in person.”

  “I said I would.” She turned briefly towards Gudrun. “It is a pleasure to see you again.”

  Gudrun smiled but said nothing.

  “And remind me what brings you to our little Realm?” Valkarin asked.

  “Firstly, you have taken my friend. I naturally want to see her restored to Muirhead, as no doubt she wishes.”

  Magnus, will you and Wilhelm go get Sasha and Lars whilst I keep his Evilness talking? She’s in the Royal Quarters, I think.

  Just don’t do anything foolish till we get back.

  I wouldn’t dream of it!

  “That is not going to happen. She carries my heir.”

  “Poor Sasha, but as it is her body and her child, what you want is of no consequence whatsoever. The only person who could influence her is Heinrekh, and he would prefer his child in Vasmaar.”

  “That is irrelevant.”

  “Sasha is of the First Realm and under its rules, the mother has the rights to decide.”

  “Sasha stays,” Valkarin said flatly, his eyes starting to narrow a little. He was obviously not liking where the conversation was heading.

  “As I have once reminded you, it is not good for your health to keep a woman against her will. You might wake up one morning with a dagger in your chest.”

  Valkarin gave a cold, humourless laugh. “It would take a lot more than a simple dagger to kill me.”

  “Aria’s dagger would. A gift she left behind for her murderous husband.”

  “That woman’s name will not be mentioned in this Hall,” he barked, his cold, icy façade starting to slip.

  “Oh yes, sorry. I forgot how the memory of that poor woman grates on you. I rather like her, we have, after all, had some very pleasant and informative chats.”

  “Are you trying to tell me a mere child has managed to contact the spirit world,” he snorted in disbelief.

  “I have her Frejan crystal, so I
can reach her anytime I wish.” Erin studied her hand for a moment, giving the impression to Valkarin she was now bored with this topic of conversation.

  “Did you come here for any other reason than to insult me in my own home?” His expression was starting to look menacing.

  “This is not your home. Prince Wilhelm is the rightful heir to Lokranor, you are a mere usurper.”


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