Twilight Midnight Sun: Edward's version of The Twilight Saga

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Twilight Midnight Sun: Edward's version of The Twilight Saga Page 8

by E. Cullen

  One night he threatened to take away her cheese, so that was the night she had run away. Her mom went missing, and her dad was into drugs and got blown up while he was in his truck.

  She had no other family. Her life was ending faster and faster. I wondered if she wanted to eat more cheese. I wanted to put her out of her misery, but I couldn’t.

  Maybe this is why we crossed paths. Bellduh and I listened to her sad little story, and I felt really bad for her. I was still hungry though. Brie continued to tell us what she liked to do in her spare time. She loved to read, loved animals, and especially loved to eat cheese. She wished she had a puppy. She’s always been poor, most of her life, and did not have the luxury of such things.

  “I’m so sorry to hear that, Brie. That’s very sad news. I hope things will get better from here,” Bellduh said.

  “Thanks to the both of you. I’m really glad we found each other,” Brie said.

  Suddenly, my dad entered through the front door. Brie was nervous, and I was excited. Bellduh was a little nervous. My dad looked surprised and had a tremendous smile on his face.

  “Dad, this is Brie, and the one and only Bellduh.”

  My dad came closer to Brie and Bellduh to greet them. He shook their hands. Brie smiled and seemed at home. Bellduh also smiled and was not as nervous anymore.

  “Brie, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Hello, Bellduh. Don’t mind me, I just came back from a long day at work. It’s a little nippy outside. Brie, you must like eating cheese. We have plenty of that around here.”

  Brie seemed to enjoy my dad’s presence. My dad could be entertaining. Brie seemed a little too comfortable around my dad.

  “Will you girls be staying for dinner? We never have enough company around here, so I think this would be the perfect opportunity.”

  “Yes, they will be staying for dinner. It’s been kind of silent around here. Good thinking, Dad. You girls are always welcome here. We don’t usually have guests over for dinner, or any guests at all. My dad will fix us a hot meal. It will be ready soon enough.”

  “If it’s alright, Brie and Bellduh will be staying the night. It will be like a little slumber party.”

  My dad looked at me and smiled at the girls.

  “Well, you are more than welcome to sleep over, girls. Make yourself at home, both you girls are part of the family now.”

  My dad was very generous and very open. He just loved guests. He was happy that I had made some friends. Brie was thankful and was very happy. She probably hadn’t had this much hospitality since her last slice of cheese. I showed Brie and Bellduh around the house.

  Brie seemed to really love my place. It must have been a little paradise for Brie since she probably never had this much peace in her life. I found it interesting to see how she valued our time together.

  There was something kind and gentle about Brie. She loved cheese so much. You would never have guessed that she was the victim of such physical and mental abuse.

  Brie should have appreciated the moment. She would have never known what would have happened in the next chapter of her life.

  Bellduh and I had gotten to know Brie a little more as we waited for my dad to prepare dinner. There was a lot more to Brie that anyone would have ever known. She seemed to be a little bit mysterious.

  We made our way to the dinner table. Candle lit and a cooked, hardy meal on the table and a lot of cheese.

  My dad filled Brie’s plate up with meat and sliced cheese. It was a lot more than she could possibly eat, but he wanted to make sure she was satisfied, since he loved to be hospitable. Bellduh didn’t eat much. She seemed to be playing with her food.

  It was very quiet at the table. My dad said grace. Brie was occupied with her meal. My dad and I played with our food since we only wanted blood. Brie and Bellduh do not notice.

  My dad was a very unique junkie, just like me. We handed each other notes under the table so that we could talk about the situation.

  “Brie and Bellduh are both sweet smelling, Edworth. I could smell their sweet blood from outside the front door. I wonder, are they really friends? Be honest with me about Bellduh,” dad said.

  I sipped my glass that was filled with blood. The girls thought it was red wine. Brie was taking her time eating her meal, occasionally making eye contact with my dad and I.

  “I found Brie in the forest while I was with Bellduh. Truth is, I wanted to finish them both tonight after their last supper, but were not like that, but if you want to we could. Brie’s life is sad and pointless, dad, no one will miss her, or even notice her gone. She is useless. I like Bellduh, but I am so tempted that I want to just taste her tonight. I’m confused and keep changing my mind about Bellduh. Everything is last minute.”

  “Edworth, as much as you want to drink them, you will not taste them. You need friends, and one of them loves cheese. That says a lot you know. This is not who we are anymore. You will turn them into one of us tonight. You will teach them everything, or you shall let them go, set them free, and let them on her way.”

  I had to make a decision. What was I going to do? Did I really want them as junkie companions? I wouldn’t be lonely anymore. I wanted Bellduh to be my companion, but I wasn’t sure about Brie. She loved cheese too much. It was kind of weird. I couldn’t have two companions; that was just weird.

  Bellduh and I could have feasted together. It would have been much easier to lure people home and feed on their blood. It could have been the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

  Maybe my dad had a point. I couldn’t help but think about Brie’s sweet smell.

  I wanted to just let Brie go, and take my chances. I didn’t think that Brie would have told anyone about my place. I thought about giving her a lot of cheese to take with her.

  Brie and Bellduh were done with their meals, and we had a little conversation, mostly small talk. My dad spoke of his hunting escapades, which interested Brie.

  The night was long, and I had finally escorted Brie and Bellduh to their beds. We stayed up for about a couple of hours.

  Bellduh and I gathered in Brie’s room and told each other stories of our lives, and entertained each other with them. What Brie and Bellduh didn’t know was the truth. I continued to make stories up, to keep them entertained.

  What I didn’t tell them was the truth about my dad and I. I would have loved to tell them about what my dad and I have done in the past.

  My family and I have gone from place to place and took out whole towns together. We have had the bloodiest feasts. It didn’t matter who we had feasted on. We feasted on the blood of men and women. We even fed on the blood of boys and girls, and children as well. We were very bad. We were nothing but junkies.

  We did not discriminate. Any person of any race would do. They could be black, pink, white, brown, yellow, or blue. We have even feasted on dog and cats. We loved virgin blood mixed with extra virgin olive oil. We loved to feed on the rich, rather than the poor. The rich seemed to have better tasting blood. We eventually moved on to other cities, and other towns, before people would get a chance to become suspicious of us.

  We also indulged on the old and the near death. We didn’t hesitate on tasting the near death. It was all the same to us. My family and I were just happy to be alive and were thankful to have blood to feed on.

  We once had a small party of students at my home. My dad and I had blood that lasted a week! It was a great party. We didn’t want the party to ever end. We had too much fun at our parties. We managed to get the party goers so wasted that they didn’t know what happened. Tasting blood was an art, and it was life.

  It was what we were. We sucked the blood out of anything and anyone. We had no shame. That was the life of us junkies. We did what was necessary to stay alive. We once finished up a family of eight together. Feeding on triplets was a beautiful experience. It was that easy. Become a junkie one day, and you will understand…

  The young ones had very sweet blood. They weren’t enough to satisfy our hung
er though. We needed to feed on adults mostly.

  We were out of control. We feasted every night of the year. It was a madhouse of blood.

  As the years passed by us, we eventually took control. We slowly, but surely tasted less and less people.

  We eventually lived off the blood of animals, mostly rats and rabbits. That is just the way it was, and we are a lot more civil these days.

  Brie would probably never understand. She is very lucky to have met my dad and I. Her timing was more than perfect. If Brie met us years before, she might have joined us back then.

  Morning had finally arrived, and I was off to school and Brie thanked me for taking her in. She hoped that we would see each other again. I told her that we would someday.

  I decide to let her go and hoped that she chose a better path. I was going to improve my life as well.

  I continued to wonder about Brie. I wondered if she should be given the luxury of being a junkie. I wondered if it would be worth it.

  She must have had some qualities. She would have also made a nice companion and a decent addition to my family. She still needed to explore her current life and see what life would bring her, perhaps more cheese.

  If life were good to her, she would live a long life and grow old with her husband and family. Life could have also continued to be cruel to her and bring her nothing but misery.

  For now, Brie needed to find more cheese for herself, and to get out there and live her life the way it was meant to be lived. There was something about her, which was bizarre.

  She was always welcome to my home. She could have had as much cheese as she wanted.

  Act 12


  I had made my way to music class. I walked into the classroom, and found that blood aroma that made me very thirsty. I really, really, truly longed for Bellduh. She must have been wondering about the other night, and what a nice night it was. She turned to look at me. She looked into my eyes.

  “What happened to you yesterday, Edworth? You were really into that Brie girl, and hardly into me,” Bellduh asked.

  “I got held up in the moment. The new girl needed my attention. I still want this to work. Let’s spend more time together.”

  “You want to spend more time together, and that sounds good to me, Edworth.”

  Students took turns to get in front of the class and play their instrument’s to demonstrate their own talent. I saw that Bellduh was watching the students do their thing.

  I was anxious to see Bellduh play her flute.

  Her lips were plump and ready to be kissed. I wondered if Bellduh would let me taste her blood anytime soon.

  I wondered how things would turn out between us, and what she wanted from me. Maybe she just wanted to make out with me. I had things that I wanted to tell Bellduh. I was truly excited. We had many things to talk about. I was sure she had a lot of questions for me. I was ready to answer all of her questions.

  I wished that she could have read my mind so that she knew that I love her so much, but I mostly loved her blood. I wanted to invite her over to my place again so that I could have a taste of her blood. Maybe we could have made cupcakes together. I wanted to turn Bellduh so that she could be she could be my love forever.

  I could have come clean and told her how I felt. It’s not like she would have hated me. If she had come to my place, we could have really gotten to know each other better, and maybe I would have been tempted to suck her blood out and hurt her. On second thought, I didn’t really want to hurt Bellduh. I loved her too much. I didn’t think I would have had the balls to hurt her, no matter how beautiful her blood was. I longed to have her blood in my mouth.

  I wondered if just a taste of her blood was enough, or if I needed all of it. I didn’t want Bellduh to be gone for good.

  I wanted to turn her into a junkie like me. There was so much drama. I didn’t know why I did that to myself. Girls could be nothing but trouble sometimes. Bellduh was nothing but a witch, yet I loved her deeply, though it was mostly her blood I desired.

  I was very in love with Bellduh’s blood, and there was nothing I would not have done for her. I was so attracted and connected to Bellduh that I would have done anything for her. I hoped that she had felt the same way. I would have walked naked in school for Bellduh. I would have licked every part of her body clean. I would have hurt every single person on earth for Bellduh until we were the only ones left in the world.

  For Bellduh’s bloody love, I would have hurt every junkie in the world, and I would have even hurt my family for Bellduh’s blood. I would have even licked every part of Jacub Blacky’s dirty body. The stench of Jacub was unbelievably unthinkable, and I would have put myself in a steam room and inhaled his foul deadly stench to prove my love for Bellduh’s blood.

  I would have even made a deal with the devil for Bellduh’s blood. Yes, I think it was pretty much obvious how badly I wanted Bellduh’s blood.

  During class, the teacher had surprised us by setting the class up into teams. Suddenly, I learned that Bellduh and I were set up together. We were supposed to improvise and play our musical instruments together. I had no idea what I was going to do.

  It was already our turn to play our flutes. We got ready to play. Bellduh said nothing to me.

  She smiled, and I smiled back. She began to play, and I tried to follow along. It was truly so embarrassing.

  I was playing my usual romantic tune, and there Bellduh was ruining everything. As I looked at the class, they were looking at Bellduh and trying not to laugh at her. Her tune was really off that day.

  As I attempted to play my tune, they looked at Bellduh with dirty looks knowing that she had been ruining my lovely tune. Even the teacher knew that she had been screwing everything up. It was actually a travesty. I didn’t want to listen to Bellduh’s sour tune.

  After another couple of minutes later, the nightmare was over. That really might have ruined my chances with Bellduh. I was a little turned off by her tune.

  We had finally finished with our musical flute duo. The class was silent, and they started to slowly applaud. It’s because of me that Bellduh didn’t get hounded by her bad tune. Bellduh didn’t even look at me as we sat back down. The next couple had stood up to play their flute. Bellduh looked at me and smiled.

  “What the heck was that you were playing? It sounded like you were killing a cat,” I said.

  Bellduh must have thought that I was joking and just smiled as I admired Bellduh. It was finally lunch time, and I noticed Jacub was not at school that day. He was probably embarrassed about all the humiliation he had suffered. I didn’t blame the guy. If I were him, I would have taken some time off school to relax.

  The sun was not shining, so I decided to go outside and enjoy the outdoors as much as I could. I sat alone in the shade. Kermit saw me sitting alone and decided to join me.

  “Hey Edworth, may I join you?”

  I looked up and smiled while he looked down at me.

  “Shouldn’t you be with Roosilly today?”

  “Yes Edworth, but she’s out shopping right now.”

  Bellduh saw us and joined us as we had a conversation.

  Kermit decided to indulge in his personal life. He seemed as if he had been smoking up. He seemed to have some sort of connection with Bellduh. Maybe it was my imagination. He had a very unique voice, and I think Bellduh adored him.

  “So, like… you and Casper used to date right?” Bellduh asked.

  “Oh Bellduh, my dear Bellduh… if you only knew,” Kermit said.

  Kermit decided to reminisce about his days while he dated Casper. They both had their own sides of their stories, and I never knew the real truth.

  Bellduh gazed into his eyes as he spoke. She must have been imagining every romantic moment as he spoke. Kermit mentioned that it was a sunny day; the sky was blue, and the air was fresh. Casper and Kermit were having a picnic. They let out little giggles at one another. They were very much in love.

  Casper and his lo
ve Kermit were the talk of the town. Anything that happened would spread like wild fire. They were local celebrities. They had the usual romantic cheese, grapes, and even red wine that created the most romantic date, yet it was all for show since they were junkies.

  They used to have so much fun together. I guessed that they wanted to seem normal as much as possible. They were sitting next to each other and whispering into each other’s ears as they smiled and giggled. They took turns touching each other slowly. They were like two boys in a dream, and it seemed like it was just a matter of time before they woke up.

  Casper closed his eyes while Kermit touched him gently. Casper would slowly tease Kermit by touching him back and tickling him.

  Kermit would love to watch Casper’s lips move the way they did. As Casper stood still, Kermit would kiss Casper on the lips.

  Casper would then take his fingers and put them into Kermit’s mouth. It would get very intense. They were boys in love.

  It was definitely a really weird relationship. Casper would be on his back while Kermit would lean over him, and they would share a passionate kiss. They would tell each other jokes and giggle. I guessed that it was romantic to them.

  They would be next to each other and stare at the cloudy sky while holding hands. They would share each other’s deepest secrets. They would massage each other with all kinds of scented oils, and it was very erotic. They even did odd things while oiled up.

  They were full of smiles, and they were very much in love. Nothing in the world was going to stop them from loving each other. Casper seemed to be more passionate than Kermit.

  Casper knew Kermit was the dominate one, and that’s what he wanted. Casper was not the one to lead and take control. He expected it to come from Kermit, and it came naturally.

  Together they were a team, a superpower, and a stronghold. They were one. Where one would go, the other would follow. They would sit next to each other during classes, and they would hand each other love letters and poems.

  Kermit would shed tears at the love poems that Casper would write to him. Kermit was a real manly man, but very emotional when it came to Casper’s love. Casper was a true poet. There was nothing in the world that could take their love away from them since it was too powerful.


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