Still The One

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Still The One Page 12

by Joan Reeves

  Well, for better or worse, tonight was the night. He straightened his tie. Strains of Gershwin reached his ears. The combo he’d hired had begun playing. "It’s show time," he told his reflection.

  Minutes later, Burke greeted the elder Sakamoto, who wore a beautifully-tailored severe black suit, and his son Nishi, the heir-apparent, dressed in expensive, and trendier, Armani. He was talking to Nishi when he noticed the young man's eyes widen with admiration.

  Burke glanced over his shoulder to see what had captured Nishi's attention. He felt hot color flood his face. He was going to throttle Ally. Just as soon as he got her alone. How dare her wear something so . . . so totally provocative. She had the attention of every man in the room as she swayed toward him.

  "Mr. Sakamoto, may I present my wife Ally," Burke said, linking his arm with hers and pulling her close. That was his undoing. He could smell that perfume of hers. Even her neck looked sexier than a neck should with tendrils of her soft dark hair artfully curling against the nape. With difficulty, he said, "Ally is an accountant."

  He could feel the heat rising from her flesh which wasn't unusual given the deep vee of the tight black dress she wore. Every exposed inch of skin called to him. His body obligingly responded with a heat of its own. Her dress, her whole appearance, just screamed, "Take me."

  "Irasshaimase," Ally murmured with a polite bow no lower than the bow Sakamoto offered her.

  Thankfully, the dress was so tight that her breasts remained covered. Burke felt dizzy with desire. He breathed a sigh of relief when she straightened.

  "Ah!" Sakamoto smiled. "How nice to be welcomed in my own language. You speak Japanese?"

  "Unfortunately no," Ally said, "I’ve always wanted to learn though because I had a friend in college who was from Kyoto. Luckily for me, she spoke English. She's the one who taught me a few words of your expressive language."

  Burke stared at Ally as if she’d suddenly started spouting Martian. She had Sakamoto senior eating out of her hand. The two chatted while Burke watched. He'd only managed to pry a few gruff words of conversation from the man in the past.

  When Nishi strolled over, Sakamoto made the introductions. Then a volley of Japanese between father and son had them both smiling at Ally who proceeded to charm Nishi Sakamoto too. For his part, Burke didn’t like the way Nishi's eyes checked out Ally's body. The young heir better be analyzing the cost of the silk fabric of her dress, he thought grimly.

  After a big, Burke relaxed enough to leave Ally talking with Sakamoto while he went looking for Tiffany. She needed to get involved in the conversation too, but he couldn’t see his partner anywhere.

  Another wave of guests arrived then. To Burke’s consternation, that damned man from Dallas was one of the new arrivals. Who had invited him? As if he didn’t know.

  "Ally Cat," the obnoxious oaf called out. He came over and grabbed her in a bear hug.

  For a minute, Burke was afraid her dress wouldn’t pass this last stress test. He unbuttoned his jacket, ready to throw it over her should a seam pop.

  Ally smiled. "Where have you been, stranger? I saw more of you in Dallas than I have here."

  Burke looked at the man in surprise. If he hadn’t been occupying Ally’s time, what had she been doing on her excursions in the Jag?

  "Hey, Brick, how's it going?" Kesey asked, extending his hand.

  "Fine, Presley," Burke answered gripping the man's hand and squeezing as hard as he could. The artist again gave as good as he got.

  Ally turned toward Sakamoto and his son. "This is my friend Preston Kesey from Dallas. He's an artist whose work appears in several prominent collections in the Southwest," she said.

  "An artist? What medium do you work in, Mr. Kesey?" the younger Sakamoto asked.

  "I prefer oil," Preston answered. He flexed the fingers of his right hand. "Though it may be a while before I can hold a brush."

  He and Nishi talked at length about French impressionism. After several minutes, Nishi produced a card and handed it to Preston. "I'd be very interested to see your work. Please call me so we can set up an appointment."

  Surprised, Preston grinned. "Look forward to it."

  Unwilling to test Burke's forbearance longer, Ally took advantage of a lull in the conversation to excuse herself politely. She took Preston’s arm, steering him to another group.

  Burke eyed her hands clasped around the man’s arm and had to use every ounce of his self-control to keep from separating them.

  * * *

  Preston grinned at Burke's discomfiture. He flexed his right hand and wiggled his fingers. The man had a grip. "I'll be glad when you and Burke have your problems worked out," he said.

  "What do you mean?" Ally asked. Then she looked at his hand. "Did you hurt your hand?"

  "No, your neanderthal husband hurt my hand."

  "He's not my husband, Preston, and I'm sure he had nothing to do with you hand injury. "

  "Ally, give it up. You're so hung up on him that you can't see the forest for the trees."

  "Would you quit talking in riddles and tell me what you mean," Ally implored.

  "Allow me to demonstrate." Preston pointed at Burke across the room. He seemed engrossed in conversation. "See the man who's not your husband?"

  She nodded.

  "Watch," he commanded as he put his arm around Ally.

  To her surprise, Burke's head turned their way. Even from here, she could see the scowl on his face.

  "Get the picture?" Preston asked, squeezing her. "He's got radar where you're concerned, and he doesn't want me touching you."

  "Yes," she sighed dolefully. "He's so jealous of you. With me."

  He shook his head. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

  "I thought it was. But I've decided that jealousy doesn't mean anything in the long run. It's just a sign that someone wants to own you, but their uncertain of their ownership. I don't want to be owned by him. And I certainly don't want to be used to close a business deal."

  Burke's jealousy hurt. He'd possessed her in the most elemental way, yet he didn't seem to realize that she'd yielded to him because she loved him. He'd used their night of passion to inflate his ego and lord his ownership of her. He wanted to lord it over Preston. Wasn't there any way she could reach him, make him see the truth?

  Preston's eyes searched the room. "Is Tiffany here yet?"

  "I don't believe so," Ally replied absently. "Preston, if you were the jealous type. . . ."

  "Which I'm not," he said with a grin. "I guess because I'm more in touch with feelings than most. Chalk it up to being an artist."

  "But if you were, and you wanted not be, what would keep you from getting jealous in the first place?"

  He winked at her. "Self-control."

  She slapped his arm. "Just answer the question."

  "Okay. It's simple. The only thing that would help, really, would be knowing you possessed the other person's undying love."

  "I think you missed your calling. You should have been a poet," Ally said softly and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks, Preston."

  "Ally," he groaned. "Are you trying to get my head bashed in?"

  * * *

  Burke saw red when Ally kissed Preston Kesey on the cheek, but he relaxed when he saw her leave her friend and circulate to the next group of guests near her. Burke listened to Sakamoto even as he watched Ally.

  She saw that all the guests were introduced around and were given drinks. She excused herself and circulated to the other guests, checking with the caterers occasionally to make sure that food was plentiful and that the drinks flowed freely.

  He was filled with pride as he saw how easily she fell into the role of his wife. It was as if they’d given dozens of parties together over the years.

  "Your wife is amazing," Sakamoto said.

  "Yes, she is," Burke said.

  Ally was indeed a great hostess, making sure that no guest was alone, and that everyone got a chance to meet everyone else.

  "Particularly a
mazing given that no one knew she existed," Nishi added.

  "We’ve been estranged, but that’s all over," Burke said.

  "So you have reconciled?" Nishi asked.

  Burke looked at him, sensing the sharp interest that lay behind the polite question. He suddenly realized that his entire future hung in the balance. And not just because of the business deal at hand.

  The moment passed as the door opened to another half dozen people. When he saw Tiffany, he was afraid his eyes were playing tricks on him.

  "I see Ms. Estes just arrived," he murmured to the two men, "Would you excuse me while I fetch her?"

  "At least my coat’s ready if need be," Burke muttered as soon as he reached Tiffany.

  "What are you talking about?" Tiffany asked, looking around nervously.

  "Tiff, what are you doing wearing something like that?" Burke demanded.

  "I just thought a business suit would be out of place here," Tiffany huffed. "What’s wrong with my dress?"

  "That’s a dress? There’s barely enough material in it to qualify as a dress."

  Tiffany’s lips trembled. "Are you saying I’m not appropriately attired."

  Ally reached them then. She took one look at Burke’s expression and the tears welling in Tiffany’s huge green eyes.

  "Tiffany," she said, embracing the woman. "You look lovely tonight."

  "I . . . I do?" Tiffany asked tremulously.

  "Yes, you do. Mr. Sakamoto senior and junior are over here. I’m sure they wish to talk with you."

  Burke opened his mouth to say something, but Ally sent him a look that made him rethink his immediate need to speak.

  "Why don't we go to the powder room for a moment? Burke can continue keeping the Sakamoto family entertained.

  "Sure," Burke said. "No problem. Join us as soon as you can." He looked at Tiffany again. She did look good in the red strapless dress. At least she wasn't his woman to have to worry about. "Uh, Tiff. I was out of line. You do look fantastic tonight."

  "Really, Burke?" she asked anxiously.

  "Really." He smiled as the two women swayed away on their high heels. He shook his head as he rejoined Mr. Sakamoto. What had come over Tiffany?

  "Ms. Estes will join us in a moment. She and my wife had some urgent business," Burke explained, as he watched them wend their way through the room. What were the two women were saying to each other?

  Ally wished Burke would quit looking at them.

  "You're being awfully nice to me," Tiffany said.

  "Well, I'm the hostess with the mostest," Ally said lightly as they entered the downstairs powder room. She locked the door behind them.

  Pulling a tissue from the box, she handed it to Tiffany.

  "Thanks." Tiffany carefully blotted below her eyelashes. She crumpled the tissue and sighed heavily. "I guess I should have worn a suit."

  "No. No, you look great. All the men will mob you as soon as you go back to the party." She smiled.

  "Thanks, Ally." Tiffany cast her eyes down. "Would you answer a question for me?"

  "I guess. What's the question?"

  "Are you serious in your relationship with," she paused and took a deep breath.

  "With Burke?" Ally finished. She didn't know how to reply. This was the woman who by all rights should be Burke's wife now.

  "No! With Preston." Tiffany said, looking bewildered.

  "With Preston?" Ally laughed. "My goodness! He's a friend. My best friend. Nothing more, Tiffany."

  "But I don't understand. The way he acted in the restaurant that night. And Burke said he was your lover."

  Ally had the grace to blush. "Don't tell Burke, but I made it all up, Tiffany."

  "Why would you do something like that?"

  "For a million reasons, none of them very good. I was trying to make Burke jealous." She sighed. "Jealous like I used to be." Grudgingly, she confessed, "As I still seem to be where that man is concerned. I was jealous of you, Tiffany."

  Tiffany blushed. "Because of that stunt I pulled at lunch that day. And then the way I flirted that night in the restaurant. I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me. I was just mad because you had fouled up our wedding." She shrugged. "I figured it was my only chance to get married because I've never even had a boyfriend."

  Ally's mouth dropped open. "You're kidding. Right?"

  Tiffany's chin trembled. "No. I was in advanced and gifted-talented from the moment I entered school. I never had time for anything but studies. Even when I started to blossom, as my dad said, I was so shy I couldn't even talk to boys. When I got in high school, no one ever asked me out."

  "Hey, they probably all thought you were so beautiful that you always had a date. They were just afraid of rejection."

  Tiffany looked confused. "Do you really think so?"

  "Sure I do. Didn't your mother ever tell you that?"

  Tiffany's gaze fell. "My mom died when I was three. My dad and my brothers raised me."

  "Well that explains a lot." She patted Tiffany's shoulder. "One woman to another, let me explain, Tiffany. I went a little crazy when I saw you standing next to Burke in the church. You were marrying my husband. Of course, Burke didn't help matters when he intimated that even though it was a marriage of convenience that you two were lovers. So I kind of intimated that I had a lover too."

  Tiffany's eyes rounded. "You're still in love with Burke, aren't you."

  "Guilty as charged," Ally said, plopping onto the gold velvet chaise lounge.

  Tiffany sat next to her. "This is too funny. You're in love with Burke so you get Preston to come down here to make Burke jealous. Then I fall in love with Preston, and I'm jealous of you."

  "You're in love with Preston?" Ally squealed. At Tiffany's doleful nod, Ally hugged her. "But that's great. Preston's wonderful!"

  Ally's smile faltered. "But what about Burke?"

  "What about him?" Tiffany asked, checking her hair.

  Someone knocked on the door. "I guess we'd better give someone else the chance to come in," Ally said, disturbed by Tiffany's casual indifference. She didn't seem to think that Burke would be upset by her defection.

  "Let's rejoin the gentlemen," Ally suggested.

  "What are you going to do about Burke?" Tiffany asked.

  "Do?" Ally asked, thinking that was a strange question. "Why I'll just play the role as best I can. Then I'll go home to Dallas and get the divorce we agreed on."

  "Oh," Tiffany said quietly. She studied Ally's bright smile. "I'm sorry, Ally."

  Ally guided the younger woman toward the Japanese gentlemen.

  "There you are," Burke said, smiling. "Gentlemen, you know Ms. Estes."

  Tiffany bowed politely and greeted the men. Burke said very little as Ally guided the conversation. She brought out the best in Tiffany, allowing the woman to display her broad wealth of knowledge about finance. Facts and figures flew out of Tiffany’s mouth as easily as some people sang songs.

  That is until Preston wandered over. Tiffany halted in the middle of a word. Eventually, she managed to finish her sentence, but it made little sense to anyone.

  Ally smiled, knowing the reason for Tiffany's abrupt loss of vocal skills. She glanced at Preston and noticed that his hand had strayed to Tiffany's back. No one else saw, but she, as his fingers traced lazy circles on Tiffany's skin.

  Preston chatted a little with Nishi Sakamoto, but Tiffany was left speechless. Ally took pity on the poor girl. "Gentlemen, would you please excuse Ms. Estes, Mr. Kesey, and me?"

  To Burke's surprise, the trio walked away. He wanted to follow them, but he couldn't. He quickly lost sight of them as they slipped through the crowd.

  Burke lured Dave Hernandez and Craig Bishop into the conversation. Pretty soon he had them talking about a new game they'd developed. As soon as the four were engrossed in the conversation, he excused himself and slipped away to find Ally.

  Chapter 15

  "I should have known you'd be out here," Burke said coming up behind Ally. "You really love t
his pool, don't you?"

  She smiled over her shoulder at him. "Yes, I do. It's beautiful here in the moonlight." She felt a deep sadness. She'd made so many mistakes where Burke was concerned. She now knew the truth about love. It didn't truly exist when tempered with jealousy.

  She loved Burke. Chances are, she'd never stopped. But she didn't think the same could be said of Burke. Oh, she suspected that he had loved her six years ago, but she'd mangled that love beyond repair.

  "Hello, beautiful." Burke's lips touched the tender cord of her neck. She shuddered in response. The only thing left between them was this hot desire that just wouldn't fade.

  "Don't," Ally breathed.

  "Why not? You're my wife. I'm your husband. The moonlight is intoxicating." He kissed her again. "And I'm crazy for you."

  Ally inhaled sharply. "We might be husband and wife now, but what about next week when I go home to Dallas?"

  Burke froze. "Go home?"

  "Yes," Ally said, praying he would sweep her into his arms and pledge his love.

  Burke resumed his kisses, stringing them up her throat and along her jaw line. His hands swept over her body, tracing the swells of her breasts. If he intoxicated her with passion, surely Ally would relent and stay with him.

  "Let's cross that bridge when we come to it," he said, using all his skill to drug her senses with his hands and his mouth.

  Ally shivered. "But what about our divorce?" She waited for the words she needed to hear. And waited. But the words didn't come.

  Burke pushed his anger down. How could she want that damned divorce? Especially after what they'd experienced together? Didn't she care at all? His mouth touched hers lightly. "Come on, Ally, let's not talk about that now. Can't you feel the magic between us?" He turned her to face him. His hands cupped her buttocks and pulled her to him.

  "Remember how good it felt the other night?" he asked. "We could slip through the doors over there and be in my bedroom in a second."


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