Toronto Collection Volume 2 (Toronto Series #6-9)

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Toronto Collection Volume 2 (Toronto Series #6-9) Page 69

by Heather Wardell

  A shiver ran through me. Part of the family of Nicholas and Austin. I'd heard the phrase 'kissing cousins' before, but I didn't think 'kissing in-laws' had quite the same ring to it. And I hadn't just kissed Owen's brothers. Not by a long shot.

  "Considering claiming sanctuary?"

  I jumped and turned to see Austin watching me with a small smile on his lips and a devious glint in his eyes. "No. What?"

  He jerked his head toward the chapel door. "Back in the Middle Ages if you hid in a church you couldn't be arrested."

  "First, nobody's going to arrest me. Second, this isn't the Middle Ages. Third..." I couldn't think of anything else. "Third, I have to go."

  "Off to the casino to see Owen?"

  I took a breath to answer, then stopped. I could see he knew I wasn't. "He needs some alone time."

  He ran his fingers through his hair. "Guy's an idiot. How come he can't see this is funny?"

  "Because it isn't?"

  "Not you too." He moved closer, those intense green eyes locked to mine. "It was ages ago. Ancient history, like Mom says. It's just a crazy coincidence. You should be buying lottery tickets if you're not already. And making sure you're not anywhere you can get struck by lightning."

  Lightning. That might be quicker than drowning myself. I'd have to keep it in mind. "I think my luck is more on the lightning side than the lottery one."

  "I don't know. You've got me back in your life now."

  "You think this disproves my point?"

  He laughed. "I like you, Mel. It'll be fun seeing you at Christmas every year."

  "If you say so," I said, then couldn't resist adding, "And I see someone told you my name."

  "I heard Mom say it." He winked, clearly not embarrassed that I knew he'd forgotten. "Hey, I did remember your face." His eyes ran over my body. "Among other things." Looking back into my eyes, he added, "We had a lot of fun together. I remember that. Don't you?"

  I remembered, all too well. I'd had sweeter lovers, and definitely more considerate ones, but that one night on the slide... "If you're suggesting we have fun again, you can forget it."

  He frowned. "Come on, Mel, of course I'm not. I'm just joking around. You're marrying my brother, which makes you off-limits."

  My cheeks flamed. "I... oh. Sorry."

  "No worries." He shrugged then smiled. "I accept your apology, but only if you come walk around the ship with me."

  Since Wendy hadn't emailed me back, Owen was in the casino, and I had no idea where to find my mother and no interest in having her lecture me for possibly risking my engagement to Owen the 'perfect catch', I said, "Fine, whatever."

  "Not the most graceful acceptance I've ever received, but I'll take it."

  To my surprise I enjoyed our tour of the ship. He knew every nook and cranny of the thing and had tons of information about when to eat breakfast and lunch to avoid crowds and which excursions were worth doing and which weren't.

  "We're at sea all day tomorrow but on Monday we hit St. Martin. Great place for snorkeling if you want to do that. Or even better, riding a horse in the water."

  I stared at him, sure he was teasing me.

  "Really. You can feel it churning away underneath you, and the water splashes everywhere. It's amazing. Remind me at dinner and I'll ask the others if they want to come along."

  I wouldn't go if it ended up being just us. I still found him dangerously attractive, and seeing him in a bathing suit riding a horse wouldn't exactly help with that. But I didn't have to worry about how to say so because an alarm suddenly sounded.

  "Muster drill," he said over the noise, then paused as the loudspeaker broadcast the same words and urged us all to report at once. When it shut off, he said, "Where's your stateroom?"

  "Damselfish deck." I rolled my eyes at the name.

  "Then you go to the big lounge. Don't panic, it's nothing real. Just a test of the alarms, and they'll show you how to put on a life jacket. I'll see you later."

  "You're not coming with me?"

  He smiled. "I'm on the Conch deck so I go to the other lounge." His eyes met mine. "But I'll see you at dinner, and you can tell me how you did with the test."

  Something hot and hungry sparked between us, and I stumbled back a step before saying, "Fine. See you."

  I took off, feeling him watching me go, and knew that regardless of how the muster test went I'd failed the 'no hots for a guy not my fiancé' test.

  Chapter Three

  I stood at the door of the elegant dining room, gathering the nerve to walk in. After the drill I'd been sure Owen would come find me, so I'd stayed in our stateroom to make sure he could. He hadn't, though, so I'd eventually changed my clothes and made my way to the dining room alone. I'd dressed up this time, since Owen wasn't around to stop me, and I hoped the pretty silver dress I'd bought on sale would impress Linda.

  It did. It sort of had to, though, since she was wearing its twin in black.

  When I reached our table, she laughed and stood next to me before I could slip into my chair next to Owen. "We're like sisters."

  My "sister"'s tall angular frame looked far better in the dress than my shorter curvier one, and I felt sure her dress hadn't been on sale. I should have worn my favorite long purple skirt instead.

  "This just gets weirder." Austin grinned up at me. "Now you're sisters with my mom?"

  "Like sisters," Linda corrected, mercifully taking her seat again so I could take mine. "And it's not weird at all. Everything's fine. Right, boys?"

  She looked pointedly at Nicholas then at Owen. They both nodded.

  "But Owen, I think it's time to start calling your brother Austin." She smiled at me. "It's not fair to confuse people."

  If only she'd told him that before the cruise. I smiled back, though, knowing she was trying to make me feel better.

  Owen shrugged. "It's kind of immature anyhow, so sure."

  "Calling me Martin is or I am?"

  Linda laughed. "Both, Austin. Definitely both. So, everyone, what have you been up to?"

  "I spent the afternoon at the spa," the blonde sitting next to Nicholas said, holding up a hand to reveal perfectly polished red nails. "Gorgeous place."

  Linda nodded at her. "Glad you enjoyed it." She glanced back at me. "You've met Nicole?"

  I shook my head, and she said, "She's Nicky's girlfriend. Nicole, Mel here is Owen's fiancée. Maybe you'll both be my daughters-in-law someday, so you'd better be good friends."

  Nicole and I smiled dutifully at each other. I didn't think we'd be any kind of friends. She looked like a Barbie come to life, and she rubbed me the wrong way immediately. Her eyes said she was appraising me and didn't like what she saw, but there was also curiosity in her gaze. I wondered what she knew about me and Nicholas. She'd been there in the lounge when I'd admitted I'd dated both brothers, and she must have recognized how bothered her boyfriend had been by seeing me.

  "Wendy and Mark, did you enjoy your afternoon?"

  Mark nodded, and Wendy did too but with a blush. She'd told me before that Mark had been so busy at work the last few weeks getting ready to take time off for the cruise that she'd barely seen him. It looked like she'd spent her afternoon seeing, and touching, all of him. No wonder she hadn't answered my email.

  "Do anything interesting?" Linda persisted. I glanced at her and realized she knew they'd been making love and was having fun teasing them.

  Mark looked her solidly in the eyes with a hint of a smile. "If we told you, it would just make you jealous."

  She gave a shout of laughter. "Probably true." To Wendy, she added, "I like this one. Keep him."

  Wendy rubbed Mark's arm. "I intend to."

  Our server arrived then to take our orders and fill our water glasses, and when he'd finished Linda said, "Now, I know Owen was in the casino all afternoon so there's no point asking him, but what about you, Mel?"

  "I wandered around checking out the ship."

  She nodded, and naturally Austin had to add, "With the best t
our guide around, of course."

  Owen turned and looked at me, his eyebrows raised, and it annoyed me. I wouldn't have been hanging out with his brother if he hadn't left me alone. "Austin showed me a few things," I admitted.

  "Baby, I've got lots of things I could show you."

  Linda swatted him.

  "What? I meant the bars, the art gallery, the night club... Mother, really, get your head out of the gutter."

  "Impossible, when you're around."

  "Oh," Austin said, clearly unconcerned, "and Mel and I were talking about Monday. Horseback riding on land and then in the water. Swimming with horses! Like dolphins but with manes. Anyone want to go?"

  "I'm in," Nicole said. "The girls at the spa said there are some great jewelry shops there too. We'll go, right?" She squeezed Nicholas's arm.

  He nodded, looking like he'd rather drown himself than ride a horse in the water. Even with what little I knew of Nicole, I didn't really think she and Nicholas were a great pair. I knew he wasn't much of a swimmer. Did she?

  "I'd love to," Wendy said, and Mark said, "Count me in too."

  "Mom? Deborah?"

  Both mothers shook their heads.

  "I've agreed to go on an island tour with a lovely man I met earlier today," Linda said. "His name's Raul and he's here with his cousin."

  Austin whistled. "Mom, you operate at light speed. It's nice to have you as a role model. Deborah, did you find a lovely man too?"

  "I'm afraid not," my mom said. "But I did find the casino. I haven't gambled for years so I think I'll hang out in there."

  The frequent cruisers shook their heads in unison, and Owen said, "It's closed when we're in port."

  Mom grimaced. "Well, that stinks. I was planning to spend tomorrow exploring the ship while we're at sea but I guess I'll hit the casino then and maybe do the island tour Monday."

  "As long as you keep your paws off my Raul." Linda's grin had an edge to it.

  "Done. I'm over men anyhow."

  "I prefer to be under them."

  We all laughed and Austin said, "I thought I'm supposed to be the rude one here. Need to step up my game. Speaking of games..." He elbowed Owen. "Going to leave the casino and come on the excursion with your lovely bride-to-be?"

  Owen swallowed the mouthful of water he'd taken while Austin spoke then said, "Sure, I'll hit the island. Sounds good."

  I mentally rolled my eyes at myself for being worried he'd ignore me in favor of gambling. I should have known better since he'd never expressed any interest in casinos at home. Once the novelty of it wore off for him, which it looked like it already was, we'd be fine.

  "So that's done," Linda said. "Now, tomorrow." She turned to me. "We need to meet with Derek."

  I blinked. "The wedding coordinator? I'm seeing him tomorrow." Why did 'we' need to see him?

  "Good. Owen's my first child to get married, so I want to help make sure it's perfect."

  I glanced at Mom, wondering if she'd be annoyed at Linda's stepping in, but she was nodding. "I agree. You're my only child, after all. It has to be an amazing wedding. Especially since your dad won't see it."

  Linda patted her arm. "He's passed away?"

  "No, he's in Ottawa. We're divorced."

  "But he could have come on the cruise then, couldn't he?" She looked at Owen. "You should have told me. I'd have been happy to--"

  Mom shook her head and launched into a completely inaccurate story of how Dad hadn't wanted to come. The truth was that she'd played up the party atmosphere that was sure to ensue onboard until my quiet calm father had said he wouldn't join us. I'd understood his decision, but I'd also resented it. Regardless of what my mom had told him, Dad should have come to see his daughter married.

  Especially since I had almost nobody else with me. I'd always assumed I'd have at least a few bridesmaids and a nice crowd of people to watch me get married, since I'd have invited all fifty-odd members of the horror movie club to attend, but now I had only Wendy and no crowd. I'd have liked to have my dad there too, especially to fulfill his fatherly duty of walking me down the aisle. But it was not to be. Mom hadn't wanted to fill that role either, too afraid she'd cry, so I'd be walking alone.

  Mom wrapped up her story by saying, "So that's why I'm so glad she's marrying Owen. Nothing worse than a weak man." Linda slapped the table and said, "You're so right," and as she did someone tapped a microphone and a deep voice said, "Good evening."

  I looked up to see an older man in a sharply tailored dark blue uniform, with a neatly trimmed gray beard and clear blue eyes, smiling out at us all. "I'm Captain Edgar Charles, but please call me Captain Edgar. Welcome to the cruise."

  We clapped, and Linda cheered.

  He grinned at her then said, "I hope you all enjoy it as much as my lovely friend here. Now, we have some birthdays and anniversaries taking place on board, so let's all give them a round of applause."

  He announced everyone and we clapped as instructed, then he said, "One of my favorite duties as captain is performing weddings, and we have a full roster of them this time out. Get comfy, folks, I've got a lot of names to read out."

  Couple after couple, he called names and we clapped as they stood. I noticed how differently the couples reacted: one bride-to-be snapped at her fiancé when he didn't stand quickly enough, one stood so close to hers that I wondered if they'd been glued together, and the members of another couple made crosses of their fingers at each other simultaneously as if warding off evil before bursting out laughing.

  "And last, but certainly not least, I have the honor of marrying off a young man I've known for twenty years."

  "Not so young," Austin said, nudging his brother who'd turned thirty-five and started looking for a wife only a few weeks before we met. I'd been lucky to meet him when I had, since a smart successful guy like Owen wouldn't have been on the market long.

  Owen pushed Austin away as Captain Edgar said, "Owen Reel and his fiancée Melissa Berger."

  We stood and smiled awkwardly at each other while everyone clapped politely and our table hooted and cheered, then gratefully took our seats again.

  "Enjoy your meals, everyone, and please do say hello if you run into me on board."

  We clapped again, and began eating the appetizers that had arrived during his speech.

  Partway through my salad I realized who hadn't been asked about his activities. I cleared my throat, afraid to talk to him but knowing we had to break through our awkwardness, and said, "Nicholas, what were you up to this afternoon?"

  He looked up, surprised, but didn't meet my eyes. "Me? Reading. By the quiet pool on the observation deck."

  Linda shook her head. "I bring the guy here and all he does is read."

  "I like reading," Nicholas said calmly, no doubt used to this complaint. "And here I get to do it for hours."

  "What were you reading?" Wendy asked. "Anything I'd like?"

  He nodded. He knew her tastes, since we'd all been members of the horror movie club together. I'd met him and Wendy there, although he had left after we broke up, and then Mark had joined after he and Wendy started dating a year or so ago.

  "It's a monster story."

  Wendy grinned at me and leaned forward. "Sounds perfect. Tell us."

  He did tell, but he told her not 'us'. He didn't look at me the entire time.


  When we'd all eaten far more than was necessary of the amazing food and thanked our server for his great friendly service, Linda saw her Raul and took off to chat with him.

  Austin winked at me, said, "I can't be shown up by my own mother," and went off with a predatory gleam in his eye to find Ms. Right-for-tonight.

  Nicole dragged Nicholas away to meet some girls she'd met at the spa, and he said goodbye to the group at large but didn't let his eyes stray in my direction. I didn't like the distance between us but I didn't see what I could do about it if he couldn't even look at me.

  My mom smiled at Owen. "Back to the casino?"

glanced at me and said sheepishly, "There's a poker game starting in fifteen minutes, and I kind of told the guys I'd play."

  "The guys?" I was confused. "You know them already?"

  He nodded. "I've been playing on this cruise for years, always the second and third weeks of March, and some of the same guys come back year after year too. Not all of them, of course, but some. And a guy who beat me big last year is playing tonight."

  Mom laughed. "You want revenge, eh?"

  He nodded, and she said, "Well, I'll come cheer you on for a bit and then hit the slots. Melissa, you in?"

  The mild headache I'd begun during dinner wouldn't stay mild if I spent any time in the loud nerve-jangling casino. "No, but you go ahead. I'm fine."

  She nodded and they began to walk away, but after a few steps Owen turned back. "You sure? I'd be happy to show you around. It's fun once you get used to it."

  I had no interest in getting used to it. "I'm sure. Don't lose too much money."

  "Nah, he's going to win big, aren't you?" Mom elbowed him. "Have faith in your man, honey."

  Owen still looked worried about me so I made myself smile. "I do. Go kick that guy's butt. Then buy me something pretty."

  His face relaxed and he nodded. "Will do. Have a good evening."

  Once Mom and Owen had moved out of earshot, my eyes met Wendy's and she said, "Did you know he was a gambler?"

  I shook my head. "Doesn't seem like him, does it?"

  "You know him better than I do, but no. Not at all. So, what are we going to do tonight?"

  I looked between her and Mark, who looked interested in the question but also a little resigned. No doubt he'd realized when Owen announced his plans that he and Wendy would be stuck with me for the evening. I didn't want to get in their way. "We," I said, emphasizing the word, "aren't doing anything. You guys will do whatever you want and I'll go off on my own."

  "No way, my friend," Wendy said. "We're a threesome for the night."

  Mark clapped his hands in pretend joy. "All those years I asked Santa for this, I never thought it'd happen."

  Wendy swatted him, laughing. "Dream on, buddy. Besides, aren't I good enough for you?"

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "Of course. Too good."


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