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Trust Page 5

by Aubrey St. Clair

  My mouth finds his as the stubble from his face burns my chin with each urgent kiss. I let his tongue invade my mouth, giving truth to his promise of invading me fully. My hands reach down to find his hard ass once more, and I dig my nails into the flesh just as he thrusts one final time before shuddering to his own hot conclusion.

  His lips fall away and I feel his panting breath against my neck even as his hips slow their frantic pace. They continue to slowly grind against me for a few more moments before he pulls himself off and slips down next to my body.

  I listen to his breathing slow and then fall into a pattern indicating sleep. The clock beside the bed reads well after midnight, which means it’s Sunday. Only one more day here before my Monday morning flight.

  All of a sudden I'm not quite as anxious to get on that plane.

  It took me a while to fall asleep and so it didn't surprise me that it was so late in the morning when I finally woke up. Sleeping in hotels is always so much easier because of the blackout blinds. I've never been able to find something as good for my room at home.

  It takes me a few moments of yawning and stretching before I realize I'm alone in the bed, and this time there's no smell of coffee to let me know that Chase is still around.

  "Chase?" There's no sound coming from the other room, so I slip out of bed, just as naked as when I went to sleep last night, and chance a peak outside the bedroom door. The room is deserted, but there's a plate with a chocolate croissant sitting on the coffee table by the couch and a bottle of water. I walk quickly through the rest of the suite, but Chase isn't there. He didn't mention having a tournament to play, but perhaps he just left on an errand.

  I pick up the croissant and eat it on my way to the bathroom. I'm hungrier than I thought, so it's gone in minutes. Not surprising since I slept right through breakfast.

  I have a quick shower and when I come out, Chase is sitting on the bed smiling at me.

  "You have an incredible body," he notes, his eyes taking as much of it in as he can as I scrub a towel through my hair to dry it.

  "Sorry I slept so long. What have you been up to?" I finish drying my hair but I don't cover my body. I like how much he seems to be admiring it. His attention makes me feel sexy.

  He takes a moment before answering, his eyes distracting his mouth as they feast on my still damp body. "I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful. I just went downstairs and had housecleaning do me a favor." He nods toward the door where I see my clothes from the night we met cleaned and in a clear plastic bag, hanging over the doorknob. "I had them wash them this morning. One of the perks of pretty much living here."

  "Oh god, thank you," I exclaim, smiling at the thought of finally being able to put on my own clean clothes. "That was very thoughtful of you. I guess I should take that as a hint that you want me to get dressed. Is that really what you had in mind?" I walk forward playfully so that I'm within reach of his arms, and he doesn't waste time grabbing a handful of my bare flesh and pulling me forward onto his lap.

  "Actually, I have a couple of things in mind, and neither of them require you to get dressed..." he grins as his hands brush against my breasts. "But honestly, I thought maybe we'd pop over to my place today? Maybe have some lunch there?"


  "Don't look so shocked! You'll see that there's no big secret, I just hardly spend any time there. The casino is much more interesting."

  "When do we leave?"

  "As soon as you're ready." His hands close on my nipples, rolling them in his fingers. "Unless you want to stay for a bit..."

  I squirm out of his grip and spin off of his lap and onto my feet. "I can be ready in 10 minutes. I'm not giving you a chance to change your mind. There'll be plenty of time for that later."

  Chase flashes me his version of puppy dog eyes, but I respond by sticking out my tongue.

  "I can think of something you can do with that tongue," he quips.

  "So can I, but later!" I call back, disappearing into the bathroom.

  True to my word, I'm ready in ten minutes and we're in his private car in twenty.

  "Nice neighborhood," I mutter as we pass mansion after mansion. I can't imagine having a house like this and not wanting to spend all of my time in it. Chase is quiet, staring out the window as we pull up to a broad Spanish style bungalow on what seems to be a very large property. The car pulls around the circular driveway and up to two massive and ornate wooden double doors.

  "Here we are." Chase doesn't seem that excited, but I'm glad he decided to bring me. Regardless of how much time he spends here, I'm interested to see what he calls home.

  With a plastic bag filled with the lunch we picked up on the way, Chase turns to me one more time. "Now again, I don't spend a lot of time here so try not to judge me too harshly." He turns to the door and presses a code into an electronic keypad. Apparently rich people don't need keys anymore. With a little electric whir I hear it unlock and Chase pushes the door open, ushering me inside.

  The house is spacious inside, with Spanish arches separating an open concept area that includes a well-designed kitchen that flows into a family room. It’s furnished exceptionally well, but everything looks like it was purchased out of a catalog and barely ever used. As we walk through, I'm surprised by the utter lack of personality. "Where's all your stuff?"

  "What do you mean," he asks, looking around. "There's a couch, TV-"

  "No, you're stuff. Pictures. Knickknacks. Personal belongings?" I walk through a hallway and find the master bedroom. It's just as barren as the rest of the house. It has a big and gorgeous four poster bed in the middle of the room, some dressers and side tables, but nothing personal at all.

  "I dunno, I'm not really into material stuff. Everything important to me is at the hotel. I have a few boxes of other stuff in storage, but I never really felt the need to unpack any of it." He shrugs, looking sheepish. "Like I said, I don't really spend time here."

  "Then why do you have such a big place?" I walk over to the window and look out across a well-manicured and fenced in yard. There's a huge pool, glistening in the midday sun with a waterfall cascading against rocks behind it.

  I hear him sigh and I turn back towards him. Chase is looking sullenly at the floor. I suddenly feel guilty for giving him a hard time about this place after he warned me. I pushed him into bringing me, I shouldn't be so judgmental about it. "I'm sorry," I say, approaching him. "It's a beautiful place. I guess I just come from a different world. I can't imagine having this much space and not wanting to fill it up with my stuff and spend every minute here."

  Chase looks up at me, the blue of his eyes sparkling at me. "I guess I wasn't expecting to have an empty house forever. It's just depressing to have a big place all for one person. At the hotel, I'm at least surrounded by other people."

  "I get it," I nod. I sort of do. I can see how living here alone would feel very empty. Of course, I probably wouldn't have bought such a big place for myself in the first place, but then again, I don't have millions of dollars.

  "Let's go eat lunch," he said, pulling my hand as he tries to guide me out of the bedroom. I pull back and he looks at me quizzically.

  "Hold on," I say with a grin. "I believe I promised you the use of my tongue..."

  Chase doesn't last long, leaning against one of the posters of his bed while I kneel in front of him, pulling every inch of his hardness between my lips that I can fit. I'm hungry for his cock, hungry for his hands gripping my hair and hungry for the sound of my name uttered repeatedly as he fills my mouth with his hot essence.

  When he's done, we move to the kitchen and dive into the Chinese food we had brought, using paper plates and plastic cutlery supplied by the restaurant so that Chase won't have to clean any dishes.

  "I really do like this place. I just think it needs a more personal touch. But it's gorgeous, and has a great layout."

  "Yeah," Chase nods, looking around. "It is nice."

  "How long have you lived here?" I ask aft
er swallowing a mouth full of Kung Pao.

  "Not long," Chase replies, still looking around. "I really don't even think of this place as home since I never really spend any time here. So what do you want to do tonight?"

  I pause with another mouthful of food as I look at him. He's now paying closer attention to his own meal than is necessary, so I know he is deliberately trying to change the subject. Not only does he not like living in this house, he seems to hate talking about it as well.

  "Not sure." I have my own house waiting for me back home. Apartment, anyway. Whenever I'm there it's comfortable, and when I'm away I miss it. But today I feel bummed at having to return so soon. "I leave tomorrow, you know. My flight's at noon I think. So I'll have to be at the airport around ten."

  Chase looks up at me, his cool blues probing into mine as he searches for something behind them. "That means I still have you for one more night," he finally smiles.

  "Whatever are you going to do with me?"

  "I can think of a lot of things I'd like to do to you, but all of those are things that have to be kept private and I was thinking you might want to go out again. Party it up on your last night."

  I shrug. Last night's party was more than enough excitement for me. I don't think I could handle another run in with any more of Chase's past. Not to mention all of the fans that seem to hound him. "Does it sound lame if I say I'd rather stay in with you? Just watch a movie or something?"

  Chase reaches out and touches my hand, running a fingertip up along my knuckles, past my wrist and then back down again. "Not at all. I would love a quiet night in with you. We can order room service for dinner and not leave for anything."

  I sigh, blowing a strand of hair out of my eyes and returning my gaze to my meal. Of course to him that means back to the hotel even though we're already here at his actual house, but I'm not going to push the issue. It was enough that he brought me here at all. His hotel room makes more sense anyway. At least there I don't feel like I'm inside an expensive home decor catalog where I can't even sit on the couch for fear of creasing it. He probably doesn't even have any movies or cable set up anyway.

  "Sounds great," I say, pausing to take another bite of lunch. "Maybe there will be time for some of those private things you wanted to do to me, too."

  "Oh there'll definitely be time for those. In fact, I think that from the time we get back to my room until you have to leave tomorrow, you shouldn't be allowed to wear a stitch of clothing."

  I throw my head back and laugh at that suggestion. "What about when they deliver the room service?"

  "Well that'll save me having to tip..."

  I giggle and swat his shoulder.

  "You can hide in the bedroom until they leave."

  "Wait, aren't you going to be naked, too?" I can't help but glance down between his legs as I think about Chase Anderson sitting around naked for a whole day. He's certainly succeeded in raising my enthusiasm at the prospect of going back to his room, at the very least.

  "I never said that. Someone has to let the waiter in, like you said. Seeing me would almost be the exact opposite of a tip. I'd have to pay extra for PTSD therapy."

  "No fair," I protest.

  "Finish up and we can discuss the terms on the way back to the hotel."

  I stick my tongue out at him and he darts forward, quickly kissing it before I can pull it back into my mouth. I'm just as quick, though, and before he can pull his head back I wrap a hand around it and pull him back in for a proper kiss. It's just getting good when my phone beeps with a new message, distracting me long enough for Chase to pull away.

  "Hey, I wasn't done," I protest.

  "We should finish up and get going, there will be plenty of time for that at the hotel."

  I make a dissatisfied grunt as I reach into my purse for my phone. It's Harrison again, asking me about the flight tomorrow. I shove the phone back into my purse, but while I'm in there I verify that my passport and ticket are both safely tucked away. I'm glad I was paranoid enough about the security at our cheap hotel to carry those around with me. Harry trusted his to one of the pockets of his suitcase.

  I still haven't picked up my bag, but I'd packed light anyway. I've almost convinced myself that losing a couple sets of clothes and a new bathing suit are worth not having to run into Harry again before I have to leave. Especially now. Chase has changed things for me, but I'm not even sure how. I certainly don't want to discuss it with Harrison though.

  Chase has already finished his meal and is putting all of his garbage into the carry out bag we'd brought. "If I leave this here it'll attract ants. I'm never around on garbage day. I don't even remember when it is."

  I roll my eyes at him and scarf down the rest of my meal. Normally I'd be annoyed at the feeling of being rushed, but after the plans we'd just discussed I'm as anxious to get back to the hotel as he is.

  "Come on," he says, holding his hand out for me as soon as I'm done. I reach up and take it. His warmth and strength surrounds me and I don't want him to let go. Thankfully he doesn't, as he leads me out of the house and back to his waiting car.

  Once we're seated he scoots next to me and holds me tightly against his body. I smile and turn to see him watching me.

  "I can't take you to the airport tomorrow," he says.

  "Oh." I know I can't expect him to, and I wasn't going to ask, but part of me had hoped that he would have wanted to see me off. "That's okay, I can take a cab."

  "No," he shakes his head. "I can't take you because I don't want you to go. I want you to cancel your flight. Stay here with me."

  "Wait, what?" My flight leaves in the morning. I can't just cancel it, can I? My life is back at home in a different country.

  "Just a little longer. Maybe a week or two? I don't want you to leave right now." His hand slips up along my neck, causing a wash of goose bumps to rise along my skin, before he pushes it up into my hair. "I'd like to give us more time. See where this can go."

  His fingers are rubbing my skull gently, distracting me with their warmth. Maybe that was his ploy to get me to agree to his crazy suggestion. "I can't just... I have a ticket." My protest sounds lame, even to me.

  "You can change it, cancel it. Don't worry about what it costs." His eyes are fixated on mine and I can see the seriousness behind them. "Stay with me, Lila."

  "I... I don't know..." I want to, I know right away that I want to. But it seems so sudden, so spur of the moment. We haven't talked about this at all, we just both knew I was leaving tomorrow. That this was just a fling that wasn't going to last. A rebound from Harrison. Except it doesn't feel like a rebound. It feels like a lot more than a rebound.

  "Think about it," he pleads. "Just consider it."

  I nod and turn to look out the window as the car continues through Vegas back streets on its way back to the hotel. Chase's hand continues to lightly run through my hair. It would feel so relaxing if I wasn't so tense all of a sudden. Chase's life is so unlike anything I'm used to. He has millions of dollars. He lives in a hotel and owns a huge house that he never spends any time in. He goes to fancy clubs and has gorgeous, albeit annoying, ex-girlfriends. People walk up to him randomly whenever he's out in public and gush over him, asking for his autograph or tips on playing poker.

  I'm used to hanging around in my apartment with Evelyn, wearing sweat pants and trying to figure out how I'm going to make next month's rent.

  I live in a city that's cold six months of the year, and Chase lives in the desert.

  We couldn't be more different.

  And yet, spending time with him makes me feel so much better about myself than I ever felt with Harry. Chase compliments me, and defers his own needs and desires when they conflict with mine. He gave up his trip to LA, he brought me to his house even though it clearly made him uncomfortable, those were both things I couldn't imagine Harry doing. Harrison claimed our trip to Vegas would be good for our relationship, and convinced me to spend money I really couldn't afford getting here. Almost as so
on as we landed he did nothing but gamble at the poker tables, completely ignoring me other than expecting me to be his cheerleader when he won a big pot. And then he put me up as collateral in a game, gambling me away as if I meant no more to him than a poker chip. I couldn't imagine Chase ever doing that.

  The car rolled to a stop in front of the casino entrance of Chase's hotel, and the driver came around to open the door. The Vegas sun caused me to squint once my eyes were no longer protected by the tinted glass.

  "Do you want my glasses?" Chase asks, pulling his ever present shades from his head and offering them to me.

  I shake my head. Without his glasses he is more likely to be recognized and I just want to get up to his room as quickly as possible.

  We're both quiet in the elevator. I'm still thinking about what I should do tomorrow, but I have no idea what's on Chase's mind. Is he mad at me for not saying yes immediately?


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