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Trust Page 9

by Aubrey St. Clair

  I collapse back against the wall, closing my eyes as the realization hits me. The only asshole in this room right now is me.

  Even with Chase trying to reassure me that it's no big deal, I can't help feeling like a complete fool for the rest of the night, and the feeling hasn't been shaken by the next day, either. Each time I apologize for being a lunatic and a stalker, he just laughs and changes the subject. I know he's being kind, but I still feel terrible about ruining his surprise and not trusting him. Besides, as he pointed out, I have my own ex-boyfriend baggage that I'm still carrying around, so I shouldn't have been so quick to judge.

  "What should we do today?" he asks. We're sitting on his couch, both dressed but without a plan for the day. Chase is fiddling on his phone, and has been most of the morning while I've moped around the room feeling guilty. I can tell he's anxious to do something.

  "I'd like to just take it easy today." Yesterday was more excitement than I usually see in a week. Between the motorcycle, the skydiving and then our argument, I'm drained.

  "How about we just sit by the pool?"

  I shrug. "I don't really want to spend the day in the shade as fans hover over us asking you for autographs. Can we go use the pool at your place again?"

  Chase takes a deep breath and gives me a look before smiling. "I thought you might suggest that. Go get your stuff together."

  Less than half an hour later his driver drops us off and we head into the kitchen where Chase throws a few drinks into the empty fridge. "I don't want to stay all day, though," he says. "I was thinking maybe we could go and catch a movie later? It's been forever since I've been to a theater. I thought it would be fun, and still relaxing."

  I make a noncommittal sound as I head out back to the pool. I really just want to be alone with him. After all of my accusations last night I feel like our relationship could use some us time. I was even considering talking to him about where this whole thing is going. I think part of my insecurity is just that this relationship is still undefined, for the most part. I want to know whether or not he really meant that girlfriend comment he made the other day.

  We get into our bathing suits and I stretch out on the lounge chair as I watch the tattoos on Chase's back stretch vibrantly in the sun as he dives into the pool before disappearing under the blue water. He does laps for about ten minutes before climbing out and laying down in the lounger next to me.

  "Refreshing," he says. "You going in?"

  "Maybe in a little bit." I don't get as much chance to work on my tan back in Toronto. Especially not in October.

  "So what do you think about that movie idea?"

  "Chase, we just got here!"

  "I know, I'm not saying we go now. In a little bit."

  "I just want to relax for a while. Don't you ever sit still?"

  "I seem to recall a couple of days you and I spent in my hotel room without leaving the room once. Doesn't that count?"

  "No, because I wouldn't call what we were doing during that time sitting still," I giggle.

  "I dunno," I can hear the grin on his face even with my eyes closed against the Vegas sun. "I did feel pretty relaxed each time we were done."

  "Well give me some time to soak in some rays and you might get to feel relaxed again."


  To his credit, Chase kept himself quiet for at least long enough for me to fall asleep.

  "Shit, Lila, wake up!"

  My eyes struggle to open and I have to blink a few times against the sun. "What? What?"

  "We fell asleep!"

  "So? What's wrong? Did I get a burn?" I look down at my skin and it is looking a little tanned, but not pink thanks to the sunscreen I applied before we left the hotel.

  "No. I mean, nothing's wrong, I just didn't expect to fall asleep as well. But it's been over an hour."

  "Is that all? I could use another hour." I yawn and lift my arms over my head. It feels good to sleep in the sun. This is exactly how I wanted to spend the day anyway.

  "We should get going if we're going to catch a movie."

  "Are you kidding me?" I sit up now and look at Chase. His hair is a bit tussled from falling asleep on it while it was still wet, but he looks just as gorgeous as always. "Chase, I really don't feel like going out to a movie. I could use a drink though." I stand up and walk into the house and he follows.

  "I just think we should do something else," he persists, as I hand him a bottle of water before taking one for myself.

  "What is wrong with staying-" I stop as the I hear the front door lock click. Both Chase and I turn just as it opens and watch as a middle age couple walk in. The man is wearing a polo shirt and slacks, and the woman is wearing an orange blouse and long dark skirt. They look just as surprised to see us as we are to see them.

  "Who the hell are you?" I blurt out immediately. Despite my accusation I step back against Chase, not that the couple look physically threatening. Both of the strangers gawk at us for a moment and I realize I'm standing here in a fairly revealing bikini. I pull my arms up against my chest, suddenly feeling even more vulnerable.

  "Young lady," the man says, his facing turning red. I'm not sure if it's anger or embarrassment, but by his tone it could be a bit of both. "I believe it's my right to ask you that question. This is my house."

  "What? No it isn't. This is Chase's house."

  I turn to look at Chase, expecting to see a mirror of the same indignation I feel, but as usual his face is a stony mask of unreadability. "Chase? Tell them."

  His cool blue eyes shift from the couple to me, and then back to the couple but he doesn't say anything.

  "Were you swimming in our pool?" the woman asks. I turn back to see they've walked further into the house now. The woman has stormed over to the door leading outside. She turns back to her husband. "Henry, they have towels out there. They were swimming in our pool."

  "What the hell is going on, Chase?" I demand. He still hasn't said anything.

  "The two of you better get out of here this instant, before I have you arrested for trespassing." The man is definitely more angry than embarrassed now, but I'm still completely confused.

  "Chase, what the hell is going on?" I repeat. "Is any of this true? Is this really their house?"

  Our eyes lock together and I finally see a crack in his armor as he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. There's something in his gaze now that I've never seen before.

  Chase slowly nods. "Yes, it's true."

  I feel my heart sinking as I look at the man I've spent almost every minute with for the last week and I wonder if I really know him at all.

  “I can explain.”

  The words are uncomfortably familiar, even when spoken in a different voice. From a different mouth. My thoughts are spinning enough that I have to reach out and grab the kitchen counter for support. It’s Harrison all over again.



  “I think your explanation needs to be to us, young man.” The older couple are still standing in the room as well, and the man in the polo shirt has a cell phone in his hand with his thumb poised as if ready to dial. “Or you can explain it to the police.”

  “I need some air,” I say. I have to shake off Chase’s hand as he grabs for me on my way to the front door. I left Harrison, who’d I’d been dating for months, because of his lies. Chase and I have only been together a week.

  Outside, the hot desert sun is stifling, but it still feels like I can breathe easier. Chase’s limousine is parked in front of the house. I wonder if his driver would take me back to the hotel if his boss isn’t with me. I feel like I need to run. Get away from the lies again. But there’s a pain in my chest, a heaviness born by fresh betrayal. I really felt like Chase was different.


  Chase is standing at the front door, staring at me. His blue eyes are catching the sun, causing them to sparkle, but there is a depth to them now as he looks at me. He’s asking me to wait with them just as clearly as if he sa
id the words.

  “What is going on here?” The older couple are behind him now, I can see them through the open door. He still hasn’t dealt with them, but he’s not even looking back. His eyes are focused on me. “That’s it, I’m calling the police.” The man is looking down at his phone, but Chase is still ignoring them, all of his focus is still on me.

  “You’d better explain yourself to them,” I finally say, my heart beginning to speed up as the situation continues to escalate. “He’s calling the police.”

  “I don’t care,” Chase says without wavering his gaze or changing his expression. I would believe him, except that his entire profession revolves around his being a good liar and a master of keeping his emotions under control. Apparently those skills extend to his personal life as well.

  “Well I do,” I say, glaring back at him. “I didn’t stay in Vegas to end up in jail. You’re an asshole for involving me in this. If you want to be a fucking criminal who breaks into people’s houses, leave me the hell out of it.”

  Chase is shaking his head. “We didn’t break in.”

  “Then what do you call being caught in my house?” the man asks. He still hasn’t dialed the police, which surprises me. If it were my house that’s the first thing I would have done. He must not view us as much of a threat, although if Chase was violent he could easily overtake the older man.

  “It was a viewing,” Chase replies, not even bothering to turn his head. “I’m entitled to three of them as per the contract.”

  “Hold on, you’re Mr. Anderson?”

  Chase nods, still looking at me. I have no idea what’s going on.

  “Well as per the contract, those viewings are supposed to be with advance warning, and you’re supposed to be accompanied by your agent during each one. You aren’t entitled to just show up here whenever you feel like it. It’s still ours until we close.”

  “Apologies,” Chase said, finally turning to look at the other man. “My agent was supposed to inform you. I thought everything had been squared away. She was supposed to meet us here but had to cancel. We were already here so decided to just come in anyway, I didn’t see any harm in it.”

  “You were using our pool,” the woman said, sniffing at Chase as she ogled his half naked body. I’m pretty sure I catch a subtle change of expression on her as her eyes take him in, but it’s gone almost immediately. Is she wishing her husband had a body like Chase? Did she want to see the rest of him? I don’t blame her, either way.

  “Wait, what the hell is going on Chase?” I interrupt. What is he talking about? Viewings?

  “It’s true, this house isn’t mine,” Chase says, turning back to me. “Yet. I put an offer in yesterday.”

  My eyes close as I shake my head, trying to make sense of the time lines. Even still, the lies still exist. This was never his house, and he told me it was.

  “That doesn’t give you free run of the place. Not until it’s yours. I’ll be calling your agent…”

  “Would you like to walk away from the deal?” I hear Chase snap at the older man.

  When I open my eyes, Chase is glaring at the man behind him who has now taken a step back. “We have a contract…” he’s protesting, somewhat feebly.

  “A contract with clauses on both of our sides that would allow for this deal to fall apart. If you want to cancel it right now, let me know. I’d be happy to let you walk away from it. Perhaps you’d rather wait another three months for your next offer?” The man’s wife grabs his arm as if to hold him back from Chase, but it’s clear the man has no intention of arguing. “Fine. Now as I said, I apologize for the mix up with the viewing. I promise you, it won’t happen again.” He turns back to me, taking a step in my direction, crossing through the doorway and into the Vegas heat.

  “Lila,” he begins again as he reaches for me. I step back, letting his hand grasp at the empty air between us.

  “Why would you lie about this?” I finally say, gesturing back towards the house. It doesn’t make sense to me. None of this makes sense. “What else are you lying about?”

  “Nothing, Lila, please. Let’s get into the car and let me explain.” He nods at the limo that is still parked in front of the house. His driver must be watching him as I hear it start up at his gesture.

  “Yes, please leave,” I hear the real owner of the house say from behind us. He and his wife are still standing in the open doorway, watching us.

  Chase stiffens, but then points to the car that is now pulling into the driveway. “Please. Lila. Let’s just go. I know I wasn’t totally honest about the house, but please, just hear me out. I’m not Harrison. I can explain what happened, it’s really not that big of a deal. I should have just told you up front, instead things got away from me. But I promise, this is all that I’ve lied to you about.”

  I relax my jaw a bit as I realize I’ve been clenching my teeth. I can at least hear him out. At least he didn’t involve me in a crime, we weren’t really breaking and entering and the couple, although pissed, seem to agree with the fact that he is intending to buy the house. I’ve only known him for a week, after all. I can’t expect that he’s filled me in on every detail of his life. Maybe I’m taking this issue too seriously. There are plenty of other things, or people, he could have lied about that would have been a lot worse.

  I turn to his car and take a step just as the homeowner calls out to us again. “I’m still calling your agent about this,” he says. “What’s her name again, honey?”

  “Denise,” his wife says. “Denise Parks.”

  It’s funny how you can think you’re about as angry as possible about something, and then something else happens to show you just how much more angry you can get. The sound of Denise’s name rolling off the tongue of that woman gave me that particular feeling. I had been angry at Chase about the house and his lies, but then finding out that his bitch of an ex was involved just made it that much worse.

  What burns me even more was being forced to sit in the limousine with Chase as it slowly makes its way through midday Vegas traffic, back to his hotel room where the very last of my belongings are. I’ve already lost most of what I arrived in this city with, thanks to Harrison’s betrayal — he took that bag back with him to Toronto – and I’m not willing to be reduced to the clothes on my back once again because Chase is a liar as well. Even though most of the clothes I have back at his place are ones he’s bought for me. Fuck him, I’m taking them with me anyway. Not that I have a clue where I’m going to go.

  “Lila, can we please just talk about this?”

  I continue to stare out the window.

  “Okay, well I’m just going to talk then, and you can listen.” He pauses, but when he gets no response from me he continues. “The whole thing with the house… it was supposed to be a simple little thing that got away from me. You were asking to see it, adamant, even, and the reality was I had nothing to show you. My lifestyle, it doesn’t require having a home. I mean, in the past I’ve had one, but then I realized that I just didn’t need it. It didn’t make sense. So I basically just started living in hotel rooms.”

  Despite myself, I can’t keep quiet. “I asked you the first night we were together whether you lived in that hotel room, you said no.”

  “Because I don’t. I don’t live in any particular room. Each time I go somewhere else I check out, and when I come back to Vegas I check back in. Sometimes I get that room, sometimes I get a different one. There’s no point in paying for it if I’m not there, despite the favorable rate they give me.” When I raise my eyebrow, he explains. “Vegas is notorious for comping gamblers things like drinks, meals, or even rooms in order to get them to come to their hotel and lose money at their casino. With me it’s a little different, since I play poker against other players, not the house. I don’t lose money to them. Still, because of my… because I’m on television and I have a certain amount of recognition, they like me to stay at their hotel. For the fans. Because of that, I pay a lot less per night than the posted rat

  “So famous people get money and stuff thrown at them, that’s what you’re saying. The rich get richer. Got it. What’s that got to do with Denise and your lies?”

  Chase lets out a heavy sigh but doesn’t respond to my taunt. “Anyway, it seemed obvious to me that you put a lot of value in a home. It didn’t make sense to you that someone would live in hotels. I guess I wanted to impress you.”


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