Mine to Protect

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Mine to Protect Page 18

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “I think I should find another supervisor,” I said as I started to stand up.

  He was quickly over to me and pulled me close to him. His body full of excitement for me.

  “No. You’ll stay working with me.”

  “I can’t,” I said as my breath built up with desire.

  “You are staying with me.”

  His eyes were filled with that intensity from the night before. He remembered me, this was certainly very clear.

  “This is really important to me. I can’t be distracted,” I offered, as my eyes met his.

  “I distract you?”

  “Fuck yeah,” I said without hesitation.

  Then in one swift motion he picked me up and put me on his desk. My skirt was too long and too tight to offer him any sort of access, so he pushed my legs to one side as he pulled me toward him.

  “You want me to fuck you right here?”

  I wasn’t sure if he was asking me, or telling me. But I did want him. Every fiber of my body wanted to feel him against me again.

  But I had to finish this year of law school. I had to actually learn something and as much as I’m sure he could teach me. It would be impossible for me to concentrate if I were always thinking about his hands on my body.

  “No,” I said with a smile.

  He ignored my answer and moved his lips to mine. His taste was familiar and I wanted to stay there in his arms for as long as he would have me. But I still did not think having him for a supervisor was a good idea. Now I just had to get the strength up to push him away.

  The strength never came to me.

  “So you don’t want me to fuck you right here on my desk?” He said as he moved the items from one side of his desk to the other with one swift motion.

  “I can’t. We can’t work together. I need to find a new advisor.”

  I tried to keep eye contact with him and I tried to sound firm in my belief that I needed a new internship supervisor. But even I wasn’t sure I believed my words.

  “You’ll be mine. I’m going to supervise you. I am also going to fuck you again, very soon.”

  I gulped down a large amount of saliva and tried to figure out my next move.

  I pressed against his arms and slid down to the ground. Still pressed tightly up against the desk. His arms and body held me there with little chance that I could escape.

  My body begged me to just give in. Just fuck him again right here, it said to me. But I couldn’t. I wanted him too bad for this to work out. I needed to go find a new supervisor.

  Slowly I pushed him away. He stepped back and released me.

  I bent down to gather my briefcase and he was hastily right behind me. His hands grabbed my hips and I could feel his hard cock pressed up against my ass. I wanted to turn around and kiss him again. I wanted to just let go and feel his body enter mine again, but I couldn’t. My mind had to stay focused on school.

  “I need to go,” I said as my body sunk into his.

  It felt so good to be wrapped up in his arms. I wanted to be naked in bed and feeling his strong arms wrapped around me. Desperately I wanted that moment to continue on for hours and hours.

  He released all of me but one hand. He kept a hold of it for a moment.

  “Supervision starts tomorrow at nine o’clock, sharp,” he said as his eyes met mine.

  I wanted to refuse him. I needed to refuse him. It really didn’t matter if he was a good lawyer or not. He wanted to fuck me instead of teach me and I couldn’t accept that. My law degree and my future were too important to me to give in to the primal attraction I felt for this man.

  “Are you supervising Markus also?” I asked.

  “No, I just want you.”

  I frowned. It was too much. It was all too much.

  “Take Markus instead of me. He really wanted you.”

  “I’m not taking him.”

  The definitive nature of his voice was familiar to me already and I knew there was no arguing with him. He seemed like the type of guy who pretty consistently got what he wanted. In fact, he seemed like he got what he wanted all of the time.

  “Fine. I’ll try it out. But we have to be professional. No more sex.”

  I tried to be firm with my opinion. I really would like to learn from him, as a lawyer he was legendary. I needed him to just agree that we could move forward as professionals. No more sex, no more fucking in back rooms. I just needed an internship supervisor.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow at nine o’clock,” he said without answering my statement.

  He opened his office door and I left without looking back.


  She had no idea what was coming for her.

  The idea that I would give up fucking something so sweet was preposterous. She would be mine. Over and over I would have her.

  Sure I could pretend for a moment that I wanted to teach her all the secrets of being a successful lawyer. Sure I could play that game a little for her. It would put her mind at ease and make her relax.

  Only when she finally relaxed would I be able to totally make her mine.

  Oh, she would be mine too. Every inch of her would scream to have me. It was only a matter of time. In only a matter of days, that sweet ass would be begging me to stop. Begging me to let her sleep. Her cries of exhaustion would go unheard though.

  She didn’t know what she was getting into, but she was about to be owned by me. Every inch of her body devoured whenever I wanted it.

  She would love my supervision, for as long as she was willing to stay around.

  Once she finds out who I work for she won’t be able to handle it. The devious nature of my business affairs would surely send her running as far away from me as possible.

  Chapter 3


  My cock pulsed in anticipation of seeing her again. I wanted to feel myself inside of her wet hole. I knew I would have to behave myself for at least one day and my body was revolting against me already.

  As she walked into my office, I stayed behind my desk to hide the bulge of desire I had for her.

  Her long red hair was pulled back as she tried to make her vixen body look like a lawyer. It was cute how she tried so hard to hide her figure. Her hips and breasts weren’t meant to be hidden, they were meant to be on display. Or at least naked in my bed so I could enjoy every last curve of her body.

  Her breasts teased me as they pressed against the buttons of her blouse. My mind begged the buttons to just let go. Release her beautiful body from the confines of that shirt.

  I watched intently as her hips moved from side to side when she entered my room.


  I needed to fuck her again.

  My body needed to hear her moans as I thrust inside of her. It was going to be a really hard day trying to behave myself.

  But if I was ever going to convince her to work with me, I would have to behave. She would never agree to come to the prison if I wasn’t nice to her. She needed to see my nice side. She needed to feel like I could be trusted.

  What she didn’t need to know was that I was intending to use every part of her over the next three months. Before she could blink, I would have her naked in my bed and passing out from exhaustion.

  Her sweet little smile was not ready for what I was about to do to her.


  I tossed and turned all night long. My mind raced with thoughts of Ryan. It was a bad idea to work with him, I knew this. But I just couldn’t help myself. I wanted to be close to him. Even when he was an asshole, my body still longed to be near him.

  I only got a few hours of sleep before it was time to get up and get ready for my first day of supervision and classes.

  Only a couple days before I had been filled with confidence and excitement about this school year.


  Now I was filled with uncertainty. I had fucked a stranger in a backroom of a club and then accepted him as my internship supervisor. This was nowhere close to how I thought law schoo
l was going to turn out.

  The power he had over my body was intense and I found myself longing to be in the same room with him as soon as possible. He was an asshole, yet there was something about the way he touched me. He tried to push me away, he tried to pretend that he didn’t care, but when his hands were gliding over my body, I could feel gentleness in his touch.

  “Jen! I’m so excited. I totally love my supervisor. She’s a former district attorney. Smart as hell and it’s going to be a great year.” Rose said as she came into the kitchen and sat down.

  I wanted to tell her about my supervisor too, but I knew how much she would flip out. Eventually, I would have to let her in on my secret. But not yet. She would totally freak out the second she knew Ryan was the same guy from the bar. I just didn’t have enough energy to deal with her yet.

  I didn’t even know if I was going to stay with him. Law school was hard enough without always worrying if your supervisor was going to try and have sex with you during your supervision time.

  What I needed was a smart female lawyer to work with like Rose. I would be able to concentrate and really learn the ins and outs of this work. Yes, I could have fun with Ryan for a semester; but was I going to actually learn anything? Probably not.

  He was likely going to want to spend all our supervision hours screwing on his desk.

  Which is a nice thought, but not practical for me in getting a good job after I graduate. It was nice to be wanted so badly though. Guys my own age were always trying to play games; they didn’t want you to know they liked you. So instead, they would ignore you for weeks. It was a stupid game and I didn’t like playing it.

  As I drove to school, I could feel myself worrying about how this day would go. I had spent an extra long time in the shower and shaved everywhere; just in case I had sex with Ryan. Which was exactly why I couldn’t work with him, I couldn’t spend every morning worrying if I had shaved my legs. This was law school! I needed to be doing homework.

  I pulled into the parking lot and glanced at the reflection of myself in the car before heading inside. I had purposely worn an outfit that was the opposite of sexy. A white button up blouse and some gray trousers. There was no way Ryan would find this outfit sexy.

  I took a couple deep breaths and started to walk down the hallway toward Ryan’s office. It was five minutes to 9 o’clock and for any other supervisor I would have just knocked early. But I feared that Ryan would think I was eager, so I slid into the ladies room and waited for the five minutes to pass.

  I found myself looking in the mirror and fixing my hair, straightening each strand so it sat in just the right spot. Then I unbuttoned the top notch on my blouse, there was no need to look like a boy. I wasn’t showing anything with only one button undone.

  Finally, I dug through my purse and found my lip gloss. As I gently applied it to my lips, I reasoned that I wouldn’t want dry lips while in the room with Ryan. He would surely enjoy watching me lick my lips very much.

  Slowly, I took one small step in front of the other as I made my way to Ryan’s office.

  I stood outside of his office and took a couple deep breaths before knocking. I had to keep my composure today and not let his sexy eyes get me sucked into doing anything with him. This needed to be a professional relationship; there would be no more sex.

  I tried to convince myself that both I and Ryan would be able to behave ourselves, but it was disheartening that I couldn’t even make myself feel convinced of this. I didn’t trust myself alone in the room with Ryan. I didn’t trust the thoughts that were constantly running through my head. The thoughts of his chiseled body and soft lips, I didn’t trust myself to be anywhere near Ryan. Especially alone in his office for the next three months.

  I was going to give it at least one day though. Just one day.

  This was it. If this day did not go well, I needed to just tell him we couldn’t work together. Surely he couldn’t force me to keep working with him if I didn’t want to. Even an alpha male like him wouldn’t want a woman to be around him if she didn’t want to be around him.

  The problem was, I did want to be around him. I felt alive when I was near him. I didn’t care about anything else in the world and just wanted to feel his body next to mine. This was the exact reason I couldn’t keep him as a supervisor. I would never get work done. I would constantly want to feel his hands on my body.

  No. I had to change supervisors. I had to tell him no.


  “Good morning, Jennifer,” Ryan said as I walked into the room.

  He sat at his desk in a casual blue business suit and seemed much more relaxed than he had the day before. His blue eyes were just as piercing as they had been before though and I had to look down at his desk.

  “Um, I don’t think this is going to work.” I blurted out.

  But he didn’t answer. Instead, he pulled some papers out from his desk.

  “Sit down at the table over there.”

  He pointed me to a large conference desk in the corner of the room. I did as he asked and went to sit down over there.

  “I know you wanted me to work with you. But it’s just not going to work out. I can go and talk to the Dean and let him know.”

  “Jennifer, today we are going to talk about extradition laws. Do you know much about those yet?”

  Was he seriously ignoring me? I had just told him twice that I couldn’t work with him and he just ignored the fact that I had even talked at all.

  “No, I don’t know much about extradition laws.”

  I felt a twinge of annoyance building up inside of me. It was rude to not address something that a person was specifically saying to you. He was such a jerk. This is exactly why I needed a new supervisor.

  “Alright. Then for this morning why don’t you look through these books and read up a bit on the laws. I have some other work to do.”

  Ryan handed me a stack of books and then went right back to his desk.

  I was sure he was going to try and get handy with me or seduce me. But maybe my request yesterday had worked. I had told him I wanted to keep things professional. Perhaps he also thought that was the best idea.

  I tried to look through the case studies he had given me, but my eyes kept darting over to look at Ryan. Was he really going to let this relationship be a professional one? It surprised me. I didn’t think he was the type of guy that would be alright with that.

  I pretended to look at the books, but my mind started to wonder back to the night I met Ryan.

  I could feel myself getting flush as I thought of him inside of me. His thrusts begging me to explode, his hands bringing me to orgasm; I couldn’t think of anything else.

  “Are you finding what you need?” Ryan asked.

  I looked up in a bit of a daze. My eyes glistening with the desire to feel him again.

  What was going on? I had to stop. No more thinking about him that way.

  “Yes, lots of good information.”

  As my supervision hours came to a close, I felt a twinge of disappointment that Ryan had not tried to make a move on me. It was exactly what I wanted, a professional relationship with him as my supervisor. But now that I had what I wanted; I wasn’t sure it would be enough.

  “Why don’t you find me the specific laws in Bulgaria, France and Switzerland in regards to extradition? Tomorrow we will talk about them.”

  Ryan continued to sit at his desk and didn’t even bother to get up when I left the room. He didn’t seem to care at all that we had changed the relationship to a professional one.

  Chapter 4


  “Hey Markus, how is your day?” I said as I sat down to eat lunch with him.

  “Oh, it’s alright. My supervisor is boring as hell.”

  I didn’t want Markus to feel bad about Ryan not picking him to supervise. It really had nothing to do with him at all.

  I thought Ryan picked me because he wanted to have sex all the time, but seeing that he could be professional toda
y; I wasn’t so sure why he picked me. I wanted to tell Markus about Ryan. The real story behind him, but I didn’t feel like looking like a whore. Surely the fact that I had fucked Ryan in the club would turn out to make me look bad.

  “Oh, Mr. King is a total jerk. I don’t know why you wanted to work with him so bad. He’s already given me hours of research to do tonight.”

  Part of what I said was true; I did have hours of work to do searching for information on extradition laws. But Ryan had not been a jerk at all. In fact, he had been the epitome of what a good supervisor would act like.

  I was starting to think things would work out alright. Sure Ryan and I had been together for one night of hot sex. But that didn’t have to change anything. People had one night stands all the time. We could just move forward and work together like normal adults.

  If he could control his urges, I certainly could control mine. I came here for law school. I came to learn how to be the best lawyer I could be. So that’s what I was going to do. I would just keep my head down and work hard. No more talk about sex or one-night stands, it was time to get serious about work.

  I decided to give Ryan a chance to be the supervisor I needed. He had been professional so far, so why change things?

  In reality, Ryan King was an epic lawyer. His defense knowledge was something people from around the country sought out. I would be stupid not to try and continue to work with him. I would likely learn more in working with him than I would in my classes. Especially because I wanted to help others as a lawyer. Ryan did that in his day to day practice, so I was sure he would have a lot of knowledge that he could share with me.


  I worked well into the night to make sure I had all the research information that Ryan at requested of me. If we were going to have a regular professional relationship I was certainly going to work hard to impress him. Just like I would any other supervisor.

  I knocked on his office door exactly at 9 o’clock.


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