Mine to Protect

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Mine to Protect Page 22

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Oh, so you and Mr. King stayed in a hotel room together?” She teased me.

  “No Rose, he got me my own room. But I didn’t have a phone charger so I couldn’t call you.”

  As the words came out of my mouth, even I couldn’t believe them. It was a ridiculous story and even crazier that she believed it.

  “So what did you have to do at the prison?”

  “He has me helping on some stupid case with research.”

  I didn’t want to tell her about meeting Roberto Calvertino. I was pretty sure it would break some sort of client privacy agreement. Even if it didn’t, that was another part of my life that I would have to keep a secret from Rose.

  “What are you doing in your supervision?” I asked Rose to try and change the subject.

  “Well, I have to write a ten-page paper on the protective nature of a warrant.”

  Rose rolled her eyes and stopped in the middle of the commons area. She looked around for a brief moment before wildly waving her hands.

  “I don’t even know what she means by ‘the protective nature of a warrant’ that doesn’t even make sense to me.”

  I just smiled and we kept walking. Rose was always dramatic. It was just part of her personality. I often wondered if she really wanted to be an actress and just got roped into law school to please her parents.

  “So what was prison like?” Rose said as we sat down at one of the iron tables in the commons area.

  I figured describing the actual prison would probably be just fine. I wasn’t disclosing any secrets. Anyone could visit the prison that was not a secret.

  “Well, the guards were looking at me like a piece of meat. I was uncomfortable from the second I walked into the entry area. But when I had to walk down the hall with the prisoners it was insane. They were yelling and masturbating. I couldn’t even look over at them. I looked at the ground and just kept walking.”

  “Oh, my God! That is so crazy. Do you think they will be thinking about having sex with you for months now?”

  Rose seemed way too interested in how the prisoners were going to be thinking about me. She leaned in and looked at me intently as she waited for me to answer her question.

  “Eww, I don’t know!”

  “Jennifer, you are such a prude. Those poor men have been in there for years. I would have flashed them my tits to give them something to truly remember.”

  “Then you would have had guys jacking off on your tits. They were ejaculating all over the place.”

  “That’s hot,” Rose said as she started scrolling through notifications on her phone.

  I just looked at her and shook my head. Out of all the girls that Ryan could have wanted, he would have been much better off with Rose. I bet she’s pretty freaky in bed. She didn’t seem to have any sexual hang-ups and was always very freely talking about her sex partners. I call them partners because she didn’t like to keep her men around for long and certainly was never in a relationship with any of them.

  “Let’s go out dancing tonight. I need a break.” I said as I saw a flyer lying on the table.

  “Oh, my God! Yes! Let’s do it.”

  Rose was always down for a good night of distraction.

  Chapter 10


  I wanted to go out and just dance and drink our night away. No, men. No worries, just the two of us having a great time.

  It wasn’t something we normally did so we decided to just go back to the club we had gone to right before classes began. The music the last time we were at the club was fantastic and it was easy to just get lost on the dance floor.

  We got ourselves dolled up and headed down to the club. It was fun to go just to two of us and not a bunch of girls. With just the two of us, we automatically knew who we would be hanging out with and talking to.

  We took a cab to the club because we both planned to drink a lot that night. Classes were grueling and we just needed to let loose and relax. It was so needed for both of us to finally have some fun.

  On the dance floor, Rose was a far better dancer than I. She had rhythm and could make up a dance for any song that played. I, on the other hand, spent most of my time just trying to copy whatever she was doing. But I copied it very poorly and most likely looked like an injured cat as I moved around the dance floor.

  The club was pretty busy, but Rose and I kept to ourselves and took turns dancing and going back to get drinks.

  Rose went to get drinks for the both of us and I sat down to cool off. I sat in the same chair that I had been in when Ryan came up to me and started to seduce me the last time we were at the club. I found myself daydreaming back to that night and how crazy it had been.

  It had been quite some time and Rose still wasn’t back with our drinks. I found her standing between the bar and my chair, she had both drinks in her hands, and she was talking to a very handsome looking man.

  I went over and stood next to Rose, but instead of her telling me who this guy was, she just handed me the drinks and then made her way to the dance floor with him.

  I stood there sipping on my drink and watched Rose. She seemed to know the guy and as a matter of fact he looked really familiar to me too. But I could not place his face, I’m sure once Rose told me who he was I would totally realize it.

  While watching them dance, I felt a twinge of something bad. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was something about the guy Rose was dancing with that really gave me the creeps.

  He was extraordinarily handsome. On par with Ryan when it came to looks. He had light brown wavy hair and stood several inches taller than Ryan. His muscular frame looked like he played sports, so I wondered if he was in town for the Basketball game that was going on the next day.

  I could feel my phone ringing in my pocket, but with two drinks in my hands I couldn’t answer it. It could only be a couple people and all of them were fine to leave me a message.

  As I finished one drink, I placed the cup on the table and started drinking the second drink. I didn’t really want to dance by myself, so there wasn’t much left to do besides go sit back in my loner chair.

  When I sat down I again felt my phone buzzing and this time I pulled my phone out. It was Ryan. I couldn’t think of a reason he would need to talk to me so late in the evening, so I didn’t answer it.

  Instead, I turned my phone off and put it back in my pocket. I was here to dance and hang out with Rose and she had totally ditched me.

  I finished off the second drink in my hand and was heading out to dance with Rose and her hot guy when someone grabbed my arm. I pulled it away from him and turned around to yell at the jerk.

  When I turned around I came face to face with Ryan; he did not look happy.

  “You left without telling me. Why did you ignore my call?” He said.

  “I had class this morning and I was busy when you called.”

  “You were sitting in that chair getting drunk. I don’t call that being busy.”

  “Oh, I do,” I said as I laughed.

  Ryan didn’t seem to find the amusement in the situation. He grabbed my arm and brought me back to the dark staff closet down the hallway.

  It was familiar to me and I moved toward the back of the closet and let myself rest on the shelves. I didn’t know what he thought he was bringing me back to the closet for; I wasn’t going to fuck him again in there.

  “Seriously Ryan, why are you here?” I said as I looked straight again.

  The closet was almost entirely black and I was just looking in the general direction of where I thought Ryan was.

  “I came to have a drink with a friend.”

  “Well go have your drink then. I came to dance.”

  I tried to press past him and get out of the closet, but there was no moving him; his strength was certainly much more than my own.

  “I’ll dance with you then,” Ryan said as he opened the closed door and grabbed my hand.

  I couldn’t help but laugh as I followed him to the dance floor. He
certainly didn’t seem like the type of guy who liked to dance. I quickly felt very uncomfortable as he pulled me close to him and started to dance to the music with me in his arms.

  He was leading me around in a dirty dance which involved his hips rolling and thrusting in time with the music. I looked around to see where Rose was and sure enough she was staring at me with fixated pupils. Her mouth was slightly opened and I was glad she was distracted by a sexy man of her own, or I would have had to deal with her much more than I was.

  The guy she was with seemed totally into her, he wasn’t looking around the club or taking his eyes off or Rose at all. He was a more appropriate distance away from Rose, but I knew she would be more than happy to get a little closer with the guy if that’s what he wanted.

  “I want to fuck you,” Ryan said in my ear as he pulled me close.

  I just smiled at him and continued to dance. He could want all day long; it didn’t mean I was giving it to him.

  Ryan grabbed my chin and turned it up so I was looking at him. His blue eyes were on fire with desire. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the look in his eyes. I knew right then and there that I was going to be fucking him very soon. I didn’t know when or where, but I knew there was no denying him.

  We continued to dance for almost thirty minutes. Both of us were sweaty and thirsty when we finally took a break.

  “Want another of those car bomb drinks?” Ryan said with a wink.

  “No, just water,” I said.

  There was no way I wanted to get wasted drinking that night. I needed a clear head to deal with Ryan. He was far too cunning for me to manage myself around him if I was drunk.

  Ryan was at the bar for an unusual amount of time, he seemed to be talking to the bartender about something. The bartender was pointing upstairs and I suddenly got worried.

  “Come with me.” He said as he returned with a bottle of water and then guided me up some spiral stairs in the corner of the club.

  I thought they just went up to a DJ booth or something like that, but as we got to the top of the stairs, I realized it was the club manager's private office.

  “Ryan, we probably shouldn’t be up here.”

  He didn’t answer me. Instead, he grabbed my dress and yanked it up to my waist, exposing my pink thong panties.

  “Fuck, let me look at that ass.” He said as he turned me around.

  He got on his knees and started kissing each of my cheeks. He was roughly rubbing them and moaned with delight as he grabbed and moved my ass. I didn’t know what to do, so I just stood there. I leaned over the desk slightly and let him explore my ass. It wasn’t something I had ever done before, but I liked how excited he was by me. It made me want to please him. His excitement drove me to want to do more and more that would excite him.

  “Do you like my ass?” I asked as I bent over even more.

  “Mmmm, yes. I want to fuck it.”

  He stood up and started to unzip his pants.

  My heart raced as I thought about what was about to happen. I had never had anal sex and only heard horror stories about how painful it would be. I could feel the color draining out of my face and I froze as still as a statue.

  Ryan must have sense that something was wrong and he wrapped his arms around me and held onto me. His lips kissing my neck as he whispered in my ear.

  “It will feel good. It will feel so amazing that you will want to do it again and again. Someday you might even want to have a plug in your ass while I’m fucking you. Or another dick in your ass. Can I fuck you now?”

  He had never asked permission before like that. It seemed odd to me, but I didn’t want to say no. I was curious about so many things and he seemed to know all the answers.

  I slowly shook my head yes.

  His finger moved down to my ass and he started playing with me and making small circles. His lips continued to kiss my neck and ear lobe. I turned so I could kiss him back and as our lips made contact, I felt him slide his finger inside of me.

  I lunged forward and took a deep breath as he let his finger move in and out. I kept waiting for the intense pain to come, but it never did. I actually felt very excited by what was happening.

  Ryan reached around and started to play with my clit as he continued to thrust his finger inside of me. My hips naturally pressed back against him and urged him on.

  “Bend over more,” Ryan said as he swiped the items off of the desk in one swift motion.

  I laid myself over onto the desk and tried my best to relax. He was right behind me and I could feel his cock pressed up against me.

  “Relax, push a little. It will relax you so I can enter.”

  I did what he said and felt his cock enter me with intense pressure.

  “Oh god. Wait.” I said as I put my hands out behind me and pressed on his pelvis to move it away from me.

  “Deep breaths. I’ll go slow.”

  I could hardly focus. The pain was intense and I was trying my best to relax. It was certainly not something I thought I was capable of doing.

  Ryan moved ever so slightly and he continued to play with my clit. Soon I could feel myself relax and his cock slipped in deeper.

  Breathing deeply, I closed my eyes and imagined the relaxation that I wanted to feel. I pressed my ass back against him and forced his cock to penetrate as deep as it would go. The feeling was fantastic and the more I thrust against him the more my body lubricated itself and made the pleasure even better.

  “Do you like it?” Ryan asked.

  I didn’t answer, I was busy worrying about my body and how it was reacting to his large member thrusting inside my ass.

  “Do you like me fucking you like this?” He said more firmly.


  “Yes, what?” He demanded more from me.

  “Yes, I like your cock in my ass.”


  He grabbed my hips and started to thrust himself harder. I felt the pain, but I also felt intense pleasure. His cock was rubbing against my g-spot from a much different angle than usual and this made my body very happy.

  I held onto the table and used it for momentum to thrust into his body. I wanted to feel an explosion. I had become so use to getting that explosion every time we had sex. There was no way I wasn’t going to get my explosion this time.

  His hand was already playing with my clit so I just put mine over his and we played together. I thrust hard against his fingers and well as his cock. Soon I could feel a deep sensation of pleasure. It was much different than a clitoris orgasm. This orgasm started from my g-spot and moved in waves through my pelvis before I finally felt its full force.

  “Jennifer, are you up there?” Rose’s voice sounded from the stairs.

  Ryan pulled out and I pulled my dress down quickly.

  It was obvious that we had been having sex. There was no hiding it as I turned around and saw Rose staring at me with her sexy dance partner standing next to her.


  I don’t know what came over me. I wanted to have her on my silk sheets and had planned out this night of intense fucking. I wanted to try some toys and play some games with her, but something happened.

  She was perfection lying on my silk sheets. Her red hair and green eyes fit so perfectly that I literally couldn’t move. The thought of having her in my bed every night started to cross my mind and for a brief moment I wanted to be the man I knew she hoped for.

  In the end it will serve me just fine. She will be even more compliant and I will start earning a spot in her heart. Once she trusts me in her heart, anything will be possible.

  I had not meant to meet up with her at the dance club; the irony of that moment was not lost on me. I really had been trying to get away from my thoughts of her and just have a drink with Michael Pine.

  His career had tanked pretty bad after his murder charges. Even when I got him released for time served he had not been able to get picked up again by a professional team. His football stats were amazing, but once peopl
e think you are capable of murder it’s hard to change their mind.

  Something came over me when I was around her.

  My urge to fuck her just couldn’t be held back. The natural scent of her body made me hard whenever she was near. It was a great feeling.

  I needed to enjoy my time with her before Calvertino decided to steal her away from me. He wanted her badly and as soon as I got him released for a new trial, I knew he would take over the playtimes with Jennifer.

  What I didn’t know is if Jennifer would be willing to have any time alone with Calvertino. He was a very convincing man though.

  He had convinced me to risk my entire livelihood and reputation.

  Chapter 11


  I couldn’t help myself, just being near Jennifer made me want to fuck her so bad. The night at the dance club had been an experiment in her willingness. It had proved a great deal useful to me.

  Now I watched her sit and work on a useless research project and all I could think about was bending her over the table and taking her ass again. The thought had me hard with desire and it took everything I had not to get up from my desk.

  My plan for the long-term had to be adhered to.

  She needed to be willing to do absolutely anything I wanted and needed her to do. The only way to do that would be to build her trust. In the end, it would be her trust in me that would make my whole plan work.

  God damn, she kept licking her lips.

  My mind needed to be on the new trial for Roberto Calvertino, but that wasn’t going to happen right now. Instead, I needed to feel her. Her ample breasts sat pressed against the conference table and I urged the buttons to bust open as I watched the stretch against the fabric of her shirt.

  Pretty soon I couldn’t take it and had to have her.

  “Come here,” I said.

  Jennifer looked up from what she was reading and she still had her sexy little glasses on. They made her look like a hot nerd, which I found sexy as fuck.

  “Come here,” I said again.

  The smile that came across her face proved to me that she wanted me just as bad as I wanted her. She wanted to refute my command to come over to me, but only so she didn’t seem so eager.


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