Mine to Protect

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Mine to Protect Page 24

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Ok, thank you, sir.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief as Pam went back up to an area near the kitchen. She had a seat that was almost fully enclosed and it looked like when it reclined it turned into a bed as well. It seemed like a pretty sweet job to get to care for people on private jets. Most of your time would be spent doing nothing and only occasionally you would have to get up and get things for people.

  “You didn’t like my threesome comment?” Ryan asked.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I will never make you do anything you don’t want to. But you have to tell me what you do want to do so I can make sure that we do lots of that,” Ryan said with a wink.

  “I did have a dream about a threesome the other day,” I confessed as my face turned bright red.

  “Oh no, you didn’t. Do tell,” Ryan leaned in with an intense look on his face.

  He was genuinely interested in finding out more about this fantasy of mine. I just wasn’t sure it was a good idea to tell him.

  “It’s stupid, I would never do anything like that.”

  “Oh, never say never, we tend to do things we once thought impossible when the situation is right.”

  He seemed to be speaking about something besides sex, but I didn’t want to get too much into it so I didn’t ask him about it.

  “I had a dream that I was with you and Calvertino at the jail,” I said and then closed my eyes in embarrassment.

  “Oh, wow,” Ryan said and then sat back in his chair.

  He looked like he was in shock. I didn’t think it was that big of a deal, it was just a silly dream. Not like it was something that would ever actually happen.

  “Did I get the pussy or the ass?” he said as he started to smile.

  I threw a magazine at him.

  “Geeze I thought I freaked you out or something.”

  “Oh, it will take more than a threesome to rattle this sex cage.”

  As we got ready to take off, the plane moved toward the runway. I reached over and grabbed Ryan’s hand and held onto it tightly. Suddenly fear was rushing through my veins. Private jets were always the ones I heard about going down in accidents. I tried to calm myself with a few deep breaths.

  “You’ll be alright,” Ryan said as he squeezed my hand.

  The take off went relatively smoothly and I moved my chair into the reclining mode as soon as I saw Ryan doing the same. Although it was morning our time, there wasn’t much to do on the plane so we both just tried to get some sleep.

  I woke up a couple times during the flight and walked around the cabin. I made my way up to look at the area where Pam was sleeping. It was pretty cool, like a little cocoon. I guess that would be good if the people who were flying had the lights on and she needed to rest. It was like a little enclosed area. She had a little shelf in there and even a television. The top of it moved back when she moved her chair back to the sitting position.

  Pam woke up when she hear me moving around the second time, but I just waved her back to sleep. I didn’t need anything, I was just trying to walk around and stretch my feet. It was pretty impressive how quickly she woke up though.

  As I went to sit back down, Ryan reached out and grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap. It was about six in the evening our time and we had been flying for almost nine hours.

  “Are you board?” He said as his hands moved up my thighs.

  “I am, but I’m not doing that with you here,” I said as I wiped his hand off of my thigh.

  “Oh, no one will care. Pam will stay in her bubble.”

  “No, way.”

  “Well, how about we watch a movie?”

  “Sure, what movies do you have?” I said as I tried to get up off his lap.

  His hands grabbed my hips and pulled me back onto him. I felt his cock pressing hard against my ass and I wasn’t about to give into his mile high club ideas.

  “What movies?” I asked again.

  “Anything you want.”

  Ryan pressed his hips up and down and held me against him. He wanted to fuck right there on the plane with three people only a few feet away from us. There was no way I was going to agree to that.

  “Anything? What about the new Steve Spielberg movie?” I joked.

  The movie had just come out that day and I just wanted to tease him for saying I could watch anything I wanted to.

  “Pam can you turn on the new Steven Spielberg movie please?” Ryan said as he hit a button and the cabin went dark.

  I looked around in anticipation as I tried to figure out where the movie was going to play. I had not seen a television or video screen at all. But sure enough a screen moved down from the ceiling and I looked over at Ryan.

  “You don’t have access to a new movie,” I said while totally believing he might actually have access to the movie.

  “I get what I want, most of the time,” Ryan said.

  I sat back in my chair and watched the latest movie while flying in a jet to Russia, my life couldn’t have been more perfect. Or at least that is what I thought it was at that moment.

  Chapter 13


  While in Russia we only had to visit two locations before we found the one that would work best for Calvertino. It dawned on me that we were setting ourselves up to be in a lot of trouble, but Ryan was a smart guy and I knew he had to have known this already. I wasn’t going to open my big mouth and state the obvious.

  “Since we got our work done so quickly, should we enjoy Moscow for the night?” Ryan said.

  “Yes, for sure. I would love to see the city.”

  Ryan was a perfect gentleman and showed me all around the city. He seemed to know his way around and wasn’t afraid of anything. At one point, we went down to a pretty rough looking neighborhood and he let us straight through without even looking around or being concerned.

  I admired his confidence; I wished I could have that level of confidence for myself. Perhaps someday I could.

  We really weren’t in town for very long and then needed to head back home. All the same crew members were there waiting for us when we arrived at the airport. I was exhausted and quickly lay down in the chair and tried to get to sleep. It was tiring being a jet setter like Ryan was.

  I woke up to Ryan kissing me and the whole cabin was very dark. I looked up at him and the desire to have him lay with me was too much. I grabbed a hold of him and pulled him into the chair I was laying in.

  It took us a minute to find just the right position, but then Ryan slid behind me and with me turned to my side we both fit perfectly. I would have been content to just go back to sleep right then, but Ryan had some different plans.

  His hand reached around and slid down my pants as he readjusted his cock in his pants. The bulge was now pressing up against my ass and I knew we were about to join that mile high club after all.

  He pulled my pants down and then slid his down just enough to have access to me. I was moist with excitement and needed to feel him inside of me. I moved up a little in the chair and his cock slid into my wetness with ease.

  I held on to the side of the chair as he thrust into me. His hands reached around to my breasts and played with them while he had his way with me. It felt so good to be next to him with his body and mine together.

  We moved together in perfect harmony as we both tried to be quiet so we did not wake Pam up. We made things quick and then went back to sleep. It was fun to sneak around with Ryan and I wanted to spend more time with him when we got home.

  What had started as a sexy one night fling was now full on a daily sex relationship. It wasn’t a real relationship because we never talked about anything but work and sex, but that was alright with me for right now. I didn’t want anything more than what we had going on, my biggest concern was what we were doing for Calvertino.

  He was playing us and I knew it. I wasn’t sure how his game was going to end and I wasn’t sure why Ryan was so willing to go along with it, but I felt bad about it all.

  As our plane landed back at home, I felt sweat on my forehead. At first I thought it was just from having sex with Ryan on the plane, but then I started to feel very dizzy.

  When I stood up to get off the plane, I fell back to my seat from being too dizzy.

  “Are you alright?” Ryan asked as he reached for me to help me back up.

  “I’m not sure, I don’t know what’s wrong.”

  Ryan reached up and felt my forehead.

  “You’re burning up. We should get you some medicine and then a cool shower.”

  I smiled at him. Everything always led to him and I naked. I wasn’t sure if it was all in my mind, or if he really did make so many sexual innuendos.


  Ryan brought me back to my apartment in his car and helped me inside. It was hard to deny something was going on between the two of us when Ryan was practically carrying me into my apartment.

  Rose woke up but didn’t say anything until Ryan was about to leave. She seemed pretty awestruck to have Ryan standing in our apartment at almost midnight on a Sunday evening.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Rose asked.

  “I think she probably ate something that didn’t agree with her. Find some Tylenol and let her rest. She should be fine.”

  I hadn’t felt all that bad, but the fever was the worst part. I took some Tylenol and lay down on my bed.

  “I probably won’t feel well enough to come to court tomorrow,” I said as I hoped he would just let me not go.

  “Jennifer, I need you there tomorrow. It is so important that we are both there to show a united front for Calvertino.”

  It was hard as hell to fight off Ryan. When he wanted something, I could tell that he normally got it. His piercing blue eyes looked into mine and his smile hypnotized me. In the heat of my fever, I was no match for him.

  “Well, maybe I’ll be feeling better tomorrow.”

  “You will, I’ll come get you before court. I need you to soften up our defense bench a little. It is well known that a judge has an easier time saying no to an appeal when the defense attorney is male. By adding you to the mix, we are giving Calvertino the best shot at getting his appeal.”

  “You know he is going to leave the country the second he gets his appeal. Why would you help him? It is going to ruin you!”

  I couldn’t hold back my thoughts at all. I didn’t want Ryan to throw away his whole career and I couldn’t figure out why he was so willing to help this man. Maybe it was my fever that gave me the courage to speak up or maybe I was just delirious from food poisoning, but I couldn’t sit quietly anymore. I had to tell him my thoughts.

  Ryan just smiled at me and pressed my hair away from my forehead. He didn’t seem shocked by my revelation and he didn’t respond specifically to what I had said.

  “Don’t worry, everything will be alright.”

  Ryan leaned down and kissed my forehead before making his way to the front door. He stood there for a minute and looked at me before he smiled and walked out of the apartment.

  I turned to Rose because I knew she would have tons of things to add about what just happened. I held my finger up to my mouth to quiet her. I felt too horrible to deal with her and her questions. All I wanted to do was get some sleep. Especially if I was going to have to get up in the morning and get myself ready for court.

  Rose had a million questions she wanted to ask me I could tell. I must have actually looked pretty bad since she decided not to ask me questions and instead let me go to sleep. I was very grateful that she didn’t press on and I finally got some sleep in my own bed.


  Just as Ryan had said, I felt better when morning came. I woke up and showered and put on my most sophisticated business suit. I pulled my hair back into a bun and put on just some light makeup. I wanted to look feminine, but I didn’t want to draw attention to me at all.

  Ryan arrived at my house about an hour before court and we went into the courthouse together. He didn’t seem nervous at all, but then again he had come to court with murderers and other criminals hundreds of times. It was my first time participating in such an event.

  We made our way through the metal detectors and to the courtroom. There was no one in there at that time so we went in to get set up and Ryan briefed me on what to do and not do.

  “When the judge asks you a question just keep your answers as simple as possible,” Ryan said as he sat down at the first chair behind the defense table.

  “Why would he need to talk to me? I’m just a student. I don’t have anything to add to this.” I got nervous as I sat there.

  Ryan just looked at me and smiled. He tended to do that when he didn’t want to respond to me. It was a quirk he had that already drove me crazy when he did it. He deflected the real question and instead smiled and tried to distract me as he flirted with me.

  “Trust me, Jennifer, I know what I’m doing. No matter what happens, just sit and smile. Only if the judge asks you something specific should you stand and talk to him.”


  I sat in the middle chair and felt nervous about what was about to happen. This court hearing would determine if Roberto Calvertino got to have a new trial based on the evidence Ryan had found. Most likely Ryan would also be able to convince the judge to released Calvertino while he awaited the new trial.

  As people entered the courtroom Ryan and I exited to a side room where we continued to go over questions and facts that needed to be asked. I felt my body get nervous and it was hard not to just run out of the room. Not only was I about to sit in a hearing for a convicted murderer, I had to actually sit right next to the man.

  The bailiff called for us and we entered the court room. We both took our places and stayed standing as Calvertino was brought in by the court officers.

  I had to keep my jaw from popping open when I saw him. He was dressed in a very nicely tailored suit and had a clean shaved face. He looked handsome. His chiseled jaw line looked like that of a movie star and I could tell why people wanted to be around him before he had been convicted of murder. All dressed up, Calvertino looked damn good.

  His face lit up when he saw that both Ryan and I would be defending him. He whispered something to me when he came to his chair next to me, but I couldn’t hear it.

  The guard left Calvertino in his chair and went to the front of the room to stand guard near the jury box. There would be no jurors for this hearing though as it was just to determine if the new evidence were worthy of a new trial.

  “All stand for the Honorable Judge Henry,” the bailiff said loudly.

  We all stood and faced the judge as he came out. I could feel Calvertino move one step closer to me and his hand brushed against mine. It sent a surge of electricity through my body. I couldn’t figure out why I was so attracted to Calvertino, he was obviously a dangerous man. My body couldn’t help it though and I felt the urge to be touched by him. I stood still and didn’t move my hand when his arm brushed against mine again.

  “Please be seated,” Judge Henry said.

  “Mr. King, I assume you are not totally wasting my time today and have something that actually would be useful to share with me.”

  Judge Henry seemed not to like Ryan, which wasn’t something I had seen much when it came to Ryan. Typically people loved him, even his cocky overbearing attitude seemed to keep people pulled into him.

  “Yes, your honor,” Ryan said as he stood up.

  “Who is your assistant?”

  “Miss Jennifer Roy, she is a wiz law student and dedicated to Mr. Calvertino’s case.”

  “Miss Roy, do you understand the gravity of this hearing?”

  I stood up and addressed the judge in as profession of tone as I could manage.

  “Yes, your honor. I am prepared to assist and I understand the importance of today’s hearing.”

  I sat back down and felt Calvertino’s hand right under my ass. I looked over at him and he continued to look forward, without an expression on his
face at all.

  I reached down to grab his hand and pull it out from under me, but all he did was move it up to place it on my thigh. Somehow he had moved his chair closer to mine and now it would cause a scene if I did anything at all.

  I placed my hand on top of his to ensure he wasn’t planning on doing anything else with that hand. I briefly tried to remove his hand, but his strength ensure I could not make that happen very quickly at all.

  “Alright Mr. King, please proceed.”

  I sat quietly as Ryan presented the new evidence. I looked around the room to see if anyone could tell that Calvertino had his hand on my thigh, no one noticed. I looked at Calvertino, but he refused to look at me.

  While Ryan continued to present the new evidence to the judge, Calvertino made his move. His hand slipped up my skirt and his fingers began to play with me. I still had a grip on his arm and tried to pull it out without causing a scene.

  Then he turned and looked at me. The desire in his eyes made me release his arm. He had been locked up for several years and who knew if he would get out after this hearing. As I looked into his deep brown eyes, I saw a twinge of a smile form at the corners when I released my hand and allowed him to play with me.

  He turned back toward Ryan and the judge and intently watched them.

  I took a deep breath as his finger slid inside of me. He pressed it in hard and as far as it would go and then left it there while he wiggled it up and down.

  I breathed in deep and tried not to show any response. He wanted to get me to respond, he wanted to be in charge. This was what a guy like Calvertino liked.

  His finger pressed inside of me and then pulled back out. Again, he thrust inside and then back out. I could feel my body getting soaked with desire. I couldn’t tell if it was specifically for Calvertino, or just the fact that I sat in a courtroom being fingered when the judge was only a few feet away.

  “Mr. Calvertino, you understand if I grant you a new trial I do not have to let you out while that trial is underway.”


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