Mine to Protect

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Mine to Protect Page 33

by Sarah J. Brooks

  I still couldn’t figure out why Roberto was so angry with me. I had not done a thing to him, so I could only assume he was angry about something he overheard me say. That made me very nervous. I remembered a conversation with Rose where I had said something about Roberto being a disgusting old man. I really hoped he had not overheard that. But really, even if he did; would he be so angry at me that he would have looked at me like he did? I didn’t think so.

  Ryan thought I imagined things. He said Roberto just looked upset that he was in jail; nothing more and nothing less. But I was certain that he had targeted me with his anger. The look in his eyes was more than just a man upset about being arrested. Roberto was specifically upset at me, he looked at me as if I had personally betrayed him.

  The thought of Roberto being angry with me was terrifying; especially considering it appeared that Roberto had killed Mrs. Anderson. I didn’t understand why he would even do that though, Mrs. Anderson had said she would testify to whatever Roberto wanted. She was on his side, there was no reason to kill her and it made me furious just to think about it.

  “Yes, come to supervision tomorrow. I’d like to supervisor you a little,” Ryan said with a mischievous smile on his face.

  “Mr. King, I’m sorry I was late on my assignment. Can I please turn it in today?” A student who was in Ryan’s class said as he grabbed our attention in the hallway.

  “No. I explained very clearly that there would be no late assignments.”

  Ryan was firm and authoritative with the student. It caught me off guard. Our relationship had been unusual from the start. I had never really seen this side of him before. Yes, I had seen him demanding of what he wanted sexually. But it was a huge turn on to see him as a teacher and using his authority as he was.

  As the student walked away dejected, I couldn’t help but smile at Ryan. He did look pretty damn sexy when he was being a teacher.

  “Well I have to run and get ready for my last class of the day, I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning. Unless you are staying over again tonight?” Ryan asked.

  We continued to walk toward the auditorium that he had his class in as I contemplated whether I wanted to stay over at his house. I really did want to stay at my own house, but I was still scared to death of Roberto. He had no reason to be upset with me, yet he clearly was. It would be best if I just stayed with Ryan, at least I would know I was safe.

  “I’ll stay with you. If that’s alright?” I said as we walked into his lecture hall.

  The room was the largest on the whole campus. It was where we had done our orientation on the first day of classes. I couldn’t help but be impressed that Ryan got to speak to this large of an audience. It was mostly students in their last semester of law school and Ryan spoke about ethics in the field.

  “Is this place full for your class?” I asked as I looked at the room that held several hundred desks.

  “Yes, usually.”

  “Wow, we don’t have that many law students. Who else takes the class?”

  “Students from other professions also come and take this because we talk about legal and ethic issues in many fields.”

  Ryan looked so studious as he stood in front of the lecture hall. I could just picture him as he taught the students everything he knew about ethics. Or at least taught them everything they should know about ethics.

  The weird thing for me was that Ryan didn’t strike me as a particularly ethical lawyer. The mere fact that we had gone to Russia to look at places for Roberto Calvertino made me question Ryan’s ethics. But I guess teaching something and doing it were two different things. I’m sure Ryan taught his students plenty about the importance of ethics.

  “You look hot standing up there by your chalkboard,” I said as I sat in one of the desks in the front row.

  “Yeah? You like my professional teacher side?”

  “Yep,” I said as I uncrossed my legs and let Ryan get a glimpse of my inner thighs.

  “No. Class is going to start in twenty minutes. Students could start to arrive any moment.”

  Ryan seemed nervous. I had never actually seen him nervous. After he had tried to fuck me in the parking lot of the school, it was hilarious that the idea of having me in his classroom had him in a sweat. I liked the way it felt to make Ryan nervous, to throw him off his usual suave game.

  Ryan was use to being in control all the time, some of my favorite times around him were when he was out of control. He changed when he didn’t have control over a situation. Ryan turned into a more youthful version of himself and he smiled much more when he wasn’t in control. I liked it when Ryan smiled.

  His smile was mischievous and he always seemed to know more than he let on. Ryan didn’t smile much, but when he did it stopped me in my tracks.

  “Mmmm so you wouldn’t want me to do this?” I said as I slid my panties off and continued to tease him.

  “No I wouldn’t.”

  Ryan had a smile from ear to ear as he looked at me and then back to the door. He wanted to have me, he just couldn’t decide if the risk was worth it or not.

  “Oh, well then you definitely wouldn’t want me to do this,” I walked up to the table at the head of the room and sat on it.

  Ryan surprised me and he didn’t wait a second before pouncing. Before I had even settled on the table Ryan had thrust my legs open and quickly pulled his hard cock out of his pants. I had intended to tease and play with him. I didn’t think he would actually want to fuck at the front of his classroom. I was caught off guard.

  Instantly, I regretted my teasing of him. I looked around the room and hoped that no one would come into the class. If I was afraid of getting caught outside having sex with Ryan, then I was absolutely terrified of having other students find us at the front of the lecture hall.

  I wrapped my arms around Ryan’s neck as he pressed his cock deep inside of me. I wanted to scream out, but my fear of being caught kept me silent. There was no illusion of privacy here, I knew that at any moment a student could walk into his class and all would be over for both of us.

  Thrust after thrust I took his bulging cock inside of me. I could feel the excitement of the moment from my toes all the way to my lips. He felts so good inside of me. Ryan felt like he and I fit perfectly together.

  As I took his pounding, my grip around his neck got firmer and I felt my body scream out in delight. The only way I could stop myself from actually screaming was to bite down on his chest as he continued to deliver thrust after glorious thrust.

  His final thrust left my body trembling and before I knew it, Ryan had pulled out and zipped himself up. Just as he did that, a couple students came in through the door at the top of the auditorium.

  My heart raced and I didn’t want to turn around for fear that they would know who I was. I slid off the table casually and grabbed my purse. As I left the auditorium I noticed two things; my cum was all over Ryan’s table and I had drawn blood when I bit Ryan. Ryan’s button up green shirt had a very clear bite mark and a touch of blood had leaked through the cotton to be seen on the front of the shirt.

  I smiled and giggled a little as I left the room.

  Chapter 26


  “How did your class go?” I said as we sat down to eat dinner back at his house.

  Ryan just smiled and then unbuttoned his shirt to show me the bite mark on his chest. I would have been concerned, except for the smile on Ryan’s face told me that he liked it. Of course I wouldn’t have purposely hurt him like that, but it was funny that I had bit him so hard as I tried to be quiet.

  “Oh wow, that looks rough.”

  “She liked it rough,” he said with his mischievous smile.

  “I did like it, actually.”

  The funny thing was, I really did like the quickie that Ryan and I had at his classroom. Not only was it exciting, but I felt so comfortable with Ryan now that even a hot rough quickie like that was delightful for me.

  “It’s always been a fantasy of mine to ha
ve sex on that table, in that room. Thanks for making my fantasy come true.”

  “Sure. It was fun.”

  “What fantasies do you have?”

  I instantly blushed. I didn’t have any fantasies like that. I couldn’t even think of half the stuff Ryan and I had already done. There was nothing else that I wanted.

  “Oh I think we have done plenty.”

  “No, seriously. I want to help you make all your sexual fantasies come true.”

  “You did. I had you and Roberto. Having two men was always one of my fantasies. Maybe not one of them being a convicted murderer. But it was good enough.”

  Ryan got up from the table and came over to me. His hands enticed every part of my body as he pulled me up to stand with him. I felt my heart flutter at his touch and my mind lost the ability to think clearly. I loved being in Ryan’s arms.

  “No. I want to make every fantasy come true. Even the deep dark ones that you didn’t dare to dream about. Even the ones that you only think about when you’re alone in your bed. I want to make all of those come true.”

  “You have.”

  I didn’t have any other fantasies. Or at least none that I could think of at that moment. Ryan seemed disappointed in my lack of imagination. I wasn’t the type of girl that sat around and thought up crazy ways to have sex. I wasn’t a prude, but I just enjoyed the regular, normal sex that two people who liked each other had.

  All the crazy sex that Ryan and I had was exciting and I certainly enjoyed it, but I didn’t need it to be happy. I would have been perfectly happy with any sort of sex that Ryan and I had.

  “What about a woman? Have you ever wanted to be with a woman before?”

  I could tell that the idea excited Ryan, but it just wasn’t something that I had ever thought was sexy. I liked men. I liked Ryan. I didn’t want to have sex with another woman. I knew I would have to come up with some other fantasy that would get Ryan excited. Something that he could help me reach, a fantasy that he could direct his energy toward.

  “Leonard Odom,” I said as a joke.

  It was such a farfetched and funny thing. I just said it out of desperation for something besides another woman. I could tell that my answer didn’t surprise Ryan at all. I’m not sure anything I could have said would have surprised him. Ryan was much more sexually experienced than I was.

  “What would you do with him?” Ryan asked.

  I could tell he was turned on but at this point it was just a game. Right? I could play Ryan’s make believe game. I could come up with something that would tease him.

  “Well I think it would be fun to do a little role play. Maybe I’m sitting at a local bar and Leonard comes up and hits on me. Then you get mad. The two of you argue, but I can’t choose between the two of you.”

  Ryan just smiled. He liked that I had finally come up with a fantasy. I don’t think he would have cared what it was.

  “I’ll ask Leonard what he thinks,” Ryan said as he pulled out his phone.

  “No,” I screamed as I slapped his phone out of his hand. “I was joking, I don’t want Leonard. I just want you.”

  “I don’t know. That seemed like a pretty thought out fantasy. Let me call him,” Ryan grabbed his phone and dialed a number.

  He held his phone up high as it rang. I couldn’t believe he was going to call Leonard. What was Ryan thinking?

  “Stop, I was kidding. Oh my god, Ryan. Do not tell him.”

  “Leonard, Jennifer wants you to fuck her. Oh yeah? Sure, come on over.” Ryan said as I grabbed the phone from his hands.

  I was just about to tell Leonard that Ryan was a drunken crazy man, but when I looked at his phone I realized he had not actually called anyone.


  He just started to laugh and grabbed me up off the ground. His laugh surprised me and I couldn’t stop looking at him. I wanted to see and hear him laugh more often, I knew this for sure. His whole face lit up when he laughed.

  “I’m not sharing you with anyone,” he said as he made his way to the stairs.

  My feet dangled as he walked up the stairs and to the spare bedroom. I didn’t know for sure why he had chosen that room, but I suspected he didn’t want to deal with the possibility that his room did have a camera in it.

  His lips started at my toes and made their way up my leg. I felt like the man in that bed with me was not the same man who had fucked me in the club when we first met. For the first time ever, I felt like I had met the true Ryan King. The man under all the public persona and cockiness.

  The guy I first met was aggressive and demanding, he was still sexy as hell and I would fuck him again anytime. But this man, the Ryan I knew now, he had started to unpeel the layers and I liked him much more.

  Yes Ryan was confident and sometimes cocky, but he had a sweetness to him that he didn’t let many people see. I felt honored that he finally felt comfortable enough with me that I got to see this side of him.

  I pulled his face up to mine. I wanted to feel his lips against my lips. I wanted to feel the intimate exchange of our tongues as our bodies worked together. It was love making at its finest. There were no hurried orgasms, no thrusting or screaming. As Ryan slid inside of me we continued to kiss and move together in perfect motion.

  My body needed Ryan’s and I felt like I couldn’t go a day without kissing him or feeling him inside of me. I had started to have major feelings for him and tried to push them out of my mind. I knew the last thing Ryan wanted was a twenty-one year old student who had fallen in love with him. There was no way I was going to tell him about my feelings. No way at all.


  It was almost seven o’clock when Ryan’s phone rang and he jumped up to answer it. The look on his face said that he was afraid. Or at least he looked concerned at whatever was going on. I thought for sure it had something to do with Roberto.

  I didn’t know who was on the other end of the call, all I knew was that Ryan looked like he was contemplating every word he said. Perhaps it was Roberto on the other end? I wasn’t sure.

  “We need to go to the jail and pick up Roberto,” Ryan said as he walked to his room.

  I got up and quickly walked behind him.

  “What? Why? What is going on?”

  “Someone confessed and turned in the murder weapon, Roberto is going to be released back to my custody.”

  “No, they can’t do that.” I said as I realized we might still be being taped. “I mean, why would they change their mind?”

  “If there is a confession, then Roberto had nothing to do with Mrs. Anderson’s death and the original deal stands. He will come back here until his trial.”

  I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t want to have anything to do with Roberto. I wanted out of this whole thing. I felt the fear build up inside of me and I just couldn’t stand it. I had a gut feeling that Roberto was actually guilty and he had paid someone off to confess.

  The problem was, I remembered the story that Markus had told me and that was exactly why Ryan had never been charged with the death of his ex-business partner. I immediately got nervous. What if I really didn’t know Ryan at all?


  Everything in my body said I needed to get out of Ryan’s house and not come back. I didn’t know what was going on anymore and I didn’t want to know. Ryan didn’t seem at all worried about Roberto getting out and that made me nervous. I was certainly worried.

  As Ryan went to get Roberto, I left to go back to my house. I wasn’t about to be there when Roberto got back from jail. For whatever reason, he was angry with me and I didn’t want to be around him long enough to figure out why. I was perfectly happy to never see him again.

  At home I tried to calm my nerves, but I just couldn’t. Ryan was on my mind and I thought back to all the details about him that I actually knew to be true. There were not very many. The more I thought about it, the more I realized Ryan hadn’t actually given me much of anything when it came to details about his life. All the information I knew abou
t Ryan had come from other people.

  I couldn’t help but second guess our entire relationship.

  My thoughts overwhelmed me as I tried to come to terms with the events of the last few weeks. My simple and boring life had been turned upside down when I met Ryan. Nothing was simple at all anymore.

  My phone rang, but it was Ryan so I didn’t answer it. I didn’t want to talk to him or deal with him and Roberto at all. I waited for the message light to appear and then listened to his voicemail.

  “Jennifer, come to my house please. I need you.”

  His voice was calm and it certainly sounded weird. It was weird that he had even tried to call me instead of just sending me a text message.

  I contemplated whether I should go over there or not. It was obvious that Roberto was there now. Perhaps Roberto wanted to kill me. Or maybe he wanted to apologize to me because he knew I didn’t turn him in? I didn’t know the answer and wasn’t sure if I ever really would. All I knew was that I needed to go to Ryan’s house and see if he was alright.

  Chapter 27


  When I arrived at Ryan’s house I expected to hear arguing, throwing things, or some other type of commotion. I wasn’t prepared for the calmness that I heard as I walked up to the front door.

  I used the key that Ryan had given me and opened the door slowly. It felt eerie in the house, a thick sense of impending doom came over me.

  “Ryan,” I hollered out.

  “In the dining room,” I heard his voice say calmly.

  Something deep down told me that Roberto would be in there with him. I also knew that something bad was about to happen, but in my youthfulness I believed I would be able to prevent the worse from happening. If I could just figure out why Roberto was so angry with me.

  “Sit,” I heard Roberto say before I had even walked all the way into the dining room.

  Roberto sat at the head of the table and Ryan was right next to him. I had expected to see Roberto holding a gun to run or something like that. It surprised me when I found the two men just sitting there.


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