SOULLESS (Black Thorns, #2)

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SOULLESS (Black Thorns, #2) Page 5

by Franca Storm

  It’s as if I haven’t just spoken at all, as he barks at me, “You were with one of the club members? A Black Thorns club member? There’s a small heart in the tattoo design.”

  “Like I said; it’s not your business.”

  I try to move past him, but he steps into my path. His fingers reach out and fondle my hair. “Roxana, baby,” he says in that sickly sweet voice of his. “I would like a name, if you don’t mind.”


  “You know I can find out on my own anyway.”

  Argh. Dammit. Of course. “Neil Barron.”

  “Barron?” He thinks for a moment and then his eyes narrow dangerously. “Ax? You mean him?”

  “You know him?”

  He laughs then, a creepy unhinged laugh. Leaning in to me, he whispers in my ear in an eerie low voice, “You let that biker trash defile you? Spread your legs for him, Roxana? Let him use this gorgeous body of yours, the way you let me? I thought we were always on the same page about them? About bikers? We hated them, Roxana.”

  I slam my hands into his chest, knocking him back. “Get your hands off me!”

  “He is trash!” he screams at me. “They all are!”

  “He’s different!”

  He stiffens then. He looks away, trying to get himself together. Malcolm rarely ever loses his cool like that.

  “My apologies,” he says, his tone completely calm all of a sudden. “I came here to do business. Seeing you again, though, just…confused me. I’m sorry.”

  “What do you want?” I demand, taking a seat on my bed.

  “I thought you and I could do business again. Partner up on an initiative of mine.”

  “What? I thought you were done? Retired?”

  He smirks. “I was recuperating, but now I’m back. And I’m ready.”

  Oh shit. “Ready for what?” I ask, dreading the answer.

  “To settle the blood debt.”

  “Skinner’s dead, Malcolm. It’s over now.”

  “That wasn’t my doing, Roxana! Ax took that from me when he killed him. He took the vengeance that I’d been waiting years on. Fortunately, I still have him.”

  Oh my God. “He didn’t have anything to do with what happened to your mom.”

  “He’s his son! It’s good enough. Blood for blood. And while I’m at it, I’ll put an end to that club of his. Yet another one I can cross off my list. More trash off the streets.”

  “This is insane.”

  “I’d anticipated your help with this, Roxana. A few years back, you’d have been on board with what I’m doing here. Your distaste for bikers rivalled mine.”

  “I would never be on board for a massacre!”

  “I never intended to allow you to make the kills. I just simply wished to enlist your help to ascertain an in to the club, a way past their security. I’d prefer to carry out this massacre, as you so eloquently put it, covertly. The last thing I need is to draw attention to myself, especially from the law. A huge obvious assault on their compound would result in just that.” He takes a step towards me. “But you know that club. It was your father’s at one point, after all.”

  “I won’t help you.”

  “You don’t wish to—not now. I see that. Because of him.” He grabs hold of my jaw, squeezing hard. “But you will. Now I know how close you are with Ax, himself, you are even more of an invaluable asset than I’d first believed.”

  I pull out of his grip. “No.” I point to the door. “Now, leave.”

  He doesn’t make any move, so I dodge past him and hurry out of the room myself.

  I hear his footsteps behind me. He calls out, “I came here in person rather than sending my associates, Roxana. Do not make me do something that I don’t wish to.”

  I turn around quickly, dropping my bag in my haste, to see him standing just outside my bedroom door, eyeing me. What he really means is he came here instead of sending his muscle to rough me up to get what he wants. And now he’s threatening me. My eyes narrow. “You try anything and I will take you down.”

  He chuckles. “Please. You are not the woman you once were. It’s obvious to me just from being in your presence for a few minutes. You’ve changed. You’re softer now.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “Am I? Not long ago, if I’d grabbed you like I did a moment ago, you would’ve had a lot more to say about it—through violent means.”


  He shifts his weight and brushes back the right side of his suit jacket. My eyes go straight to the Glock strapped to a holster there. “I’d urge you to reconsider giving me your assistance willingly, Roxana.”

  As I shake my head, telling him no, his eyes dart behind me and he pulls the gun.

  “Get the fuck away from her,” someone snarls.


  Malcolm smirks. “This is a private conversation. Neither you, nor you, Cal, are welcome to join.”

  Cal? My dad’s here as well? Wow, the two of them moved in here like ghosts. I didn’t hear a thing.

  A hand wraps around my wrist suddenly and I cry out in surprise as I’m jerked backwards. The next thing I know, I’m being pushed behind Neil and my dad. It’s Neil holding my wrist. He doesn’t let go either. He holds me tightly behind him to make sure I stay back behind the wall of muscle and leather being formed by him and my dad.

  And it isn’t just muscle they’re facing off with.

  Neil has his Desert Eagle out, aimed at Malcolm’s head.

  My dad has his Beretta aimed at his heart.


  “I’ve heard the whispered rumors, but, even I didn’t believe them to be true,” Malcolm tells my dad. “Tell me; what kind of man lies to his own daughter about his death?”

  “Shut your fucking mouth,” my dad seethes.

  Malcolm just grins, happy that he’s struck a nerve. He goes on, “Then again, guys like you and Ax all have that sick, demented side that you just can’t shake. Bikers. Scum of the earth.”

  “You wanna talk sick and demented, fucker?” Neil growls. “You’re in another goddamn league when it comes to that shit.”

  “You had it coming, biker trash.”

  Had it coming? Had what coming? What did Malcolm do to him?

  Malcolm takes a step forward that has Neil releasing my hand and he and my dad tensing and getting ready to pull their triggers.

  “I would have continued on much longer, Ax. I enjoyed our time together. But then your scumbag of a father crossed me for the second time.”

  “What?” Neil snaps. “What the fuck you talkin’ ‘bout? Trig and the boys pulled me outta there.”

  “But it was Skinner who tracked you down; who raised absolute hell to find the location where I was holding you. That’s how your club member thugs showed up there and engineered a jailbreak that left more than a dozen of my men dead.”

  Neil doesn’t respond, but I see his free left hand clenching and unclenching as he tries to keep his cool and remain level-headed.

  My dad cuts through the tension, telling Malcolm, “You ain’t got no business with my daughter. This shit is done.”

  “Wrong, Cal. Our business will be concluded once Black Thorns is no more and the blood debt is settled.”

  “Roxana dunno shit ‘bout the club.”

  “You clearly take me for a fool. I find that very hard to believe, considering her association with the club’s president. Besides, I know how smart Roxana is. If you’ve taken her into the club, you’d better believe she would have picked up the ins and outs of it.” He looks past them to me and smiles, “Isn’t that right, baby?”

  Neil growls at his endearment.

  At the same time, my dad demands, “What the hell was that? That “baby” bullshit?”

  “Ignore it,” Neil says. “Just one of his sick games. You know he likes to mind fuck with people.”

  My stomach clenches as I see Malcolm’s eyes flash with realization. Then he smirks at me and says, “They don’t know? Now this is just too perfect. Y
ou never told them, Roxana?”

  “It was a long time ago, Malcolm.”

  “Just a few years,” he argues back.

  My eyes narrow. “It felt longer.”

  That riles him up and he lashes out by telling Neil and my dad, “We were engaged.”

  I watch Neil’s entire body tense up at his vindictive revelation. Oh no.

  Chapter 7


  What. The. Fuck?

  Engaged? She was engaged to this fucker? She was with Kent?

  “Rox? This true?” I call behind me, tryin’ to keep my voice steady even as my blood is fucking boiling and my body’s vibrating with the force of my fury.

  “It was a long time ago,” she responds quietly.

  “Is it true?” I thunder, losing my shit.

  I catch that fucker grinning, liking what he’s done here.

  “Go on. Tell him, baby. Tell him all about the time we spent together. How I’ve had you more times than either of us can count. The things you let me do to that delightful body of yours. All those times you begged for my dick, huh?” He eyes me. “Sweetest pussy I’ve ever had the pleasure of fucking. Not like the whores you’re used to, is she? Deliciously tight.”

  “You got a goddamn death wish?” Dealer hisses. “Think you can talk ‘bout my daughter like she’s a fucking whore, dipshit?”

  By the time Dealer’s made his threat, I’m already fucking gone. I’m way beyond that. No more threats. No more standing ‘round talkin’ like a bunch of bitches.

  Time for action.

  I’m ready to put a fucking bullet in his head.

  But then the door me and Dealer closed behind us is thrown open.

  His two guard dogs rush in.

  Fuck. We’re outta time. Too much bullshit talkin’.

  Both of ‘em are armed. With goddamn TEC-9s. Talk ‘bout overkill.

  “Get her outta here!” I hiss at Dealer. It’s my first thought. Getting my girl the hell away from this shit show. Cuz I’ve been in way too many situations like this. Someone always gets hurt. No one just walks away from a gunpoint standoff. There’s always the guy with the itchy trigger finger who gets the ball rolling and fires the first shot that has chaos erupting and bullets firing wildly. As soon as that first shot’s taken, it’s all over.

  And the problem right now is that I’m the guy with the itchy trigger finger. Kent’s got inside my damn head. First with bringing up the past shit between us, then mentioning my old man and, worst of all, him fucking my girl! Him being engaged to my girl! Jesus fuck! I ain’t never felt so outta control in a dangerous situation like this before. Even with my rep of the worst temper ‘round, what I’m feeling right now is in a whole other league. I really dunno if I can hold back here. Everything in me is burning to take the shot, to kill the fucker. And I know the second I do, his boys will kill me where I stand. I might be a lot of things, but I ain’t Superman. Can’t repel bullets. Yeah, I’ll die, all right.

  And the sick thing is, a part of me don’t care. Not if I get to kill Kent first.

  Yeah, that’s messed up.

  Maybe Dealer is right—maybe I am on the edge.

  Well, one thing’s for sure: my head ain’t on straight right now.

  And that ain’t just putting me in danger. It’s putting Rox and Dealer right in the thick of it, too.

  That’s why I want ‘em both gone from here ASAP.

  Dealer runs with my orders, grabbing Rox and shielding her with his body, ready to get her the hell outta here. I know we’re both expecting the same thing: Kent to let ‘em go, in favor of him getting what he wants: me alone so he can attempt to take care of that fucking blood debt.

  But it seems he’s got other ideas, cuz his boys block Dealer’s path to the door.

  “She ain’t got no part of this!” I growl at Kent.

  “I’m not done with her.”

  “I’ll put a fucking bullet in your head before I let you touch her.”

  The bastard smirks. “You can’t.”

  “I’m a faster shot,” I remind him.

  “Yes, but my associates will gun you down the second you pull the trigger. And Roxana.”

  “You’re bluffing. You ain’t prepared to kill her.”

  “Are you one hundred percent sure about that? Because if you aren’t, if there’s any hesitation, that’s a bullet in that pretty little body of hers, Ax.”

  Argh! The fucker and his goddamn mind games! No, I ain’t sure. How could I be when it comes to a psycho like him? He changes his mind like a flip of a switch. One of the most dangerous things ‘bout him is that he ain’t predictable. Can’t call his bluff cuz of that. Jesus.

  “Release her, Cal. You may leave. There is no issue between you and me.”

  “No issue?” Dealer scoffs. “You fuck with my daughter, you better believe we got issues.”

  Kent nods at his guys.

  And I know right then, if they lay so much as a finger on her, I’m gonna lose my shit completely.

  One of ‘em grabs hold of her arm.

  Before I can do a damn thing, two shots ring out.

  The guys both cry out in agony.

  A familiar voice yells through the chaos, “Prez! Let’s move! Now! He’s got more ‘round the perimeter!”

  Another shot fires.

  A white-hot, searing pain rips through my left shoulder. The shock of it knocks me to my knees. I glance up to see Kent smirking at me, his gun still in firing position.

  Knowing he just fucking shot me, skyrockets my rage to a level I didn’t even know existed.

  Roaring, I get to my feet and take aim with my right hand on my good side. The agonizing pain in my left shoulder just fuels the thick red haze of fury taking me over.

  I don’t get to take the shot as arms wrap ‘round me and force me away.

  Next thing I know, the door’s being kicked shut and I’m being dragged down the hall and into an open elevator. The door closes and I fight my way free of the grip.

  I whirl ‘round to see Runner standing there, his eyes focused on my left shoulder.

  Rox and Dealer are inside too.

  “You okay, babe? You hurt?” I ask, urgently, walking over to her.

  A sudden wave of light-headedness has me wavering on my feet.

  “Take it easy,” Runner says, there in a second, supporting my weight.

  “Neil!” Rox cries, rushing to me.

  “I’m fine, babe. Just a flesh wound.”

  “You can’t ride,” Dealer says, eyeing the wound.

  I pull outta Runner’s grip and sink against the wall. Next thing I know, Rox has got her leather jacket off and she’s pressing it to my wound. I grunt at her brutal pressure. “Jesus. Not fucking gentle, are you?”

  “Don’t be a pussy,” Runner says.

  “You wanna talk ‘bout being a pussy? Just made me look like one, not letting me take that shot back there!”

  “Ax, you woulda wasted time taking that shot and none of us woulda made it outta there,” Dealer says. “Didn’t you hear more of Kent’s guys coming up the damn stairs as we made a break for the elevator?”

  “Guess I was distracted by the fucking bullet in my shoulder!”

  “You wouldn’t have killed him anyway. Your hands are shaking. How the hell you think you woulda been able to make an accurate kill shot?” Runner says. “Lucky for you, I brought the truck instead of my bike.”


  “You woulda heard me tailing you from a goddamn mile out if I’d brought my bike. Truck’s much quieter.”

  I grab Rox’s hand that’s still pressed to my wound. “Follow us on my bike.”

  “What?” all three of ‘em exclaim.

  “Dealer’s got his. Runner’s got the truck. I can’t ride like this—not all the way back to the clubhouse. And I sure as fuck ain’t leaving it here. You’re the only one who can ride it right now.”


  “You’re a good rider.”

a good teacher,” Dealer chimes in.

  Rox rolls her eyes over her shoulder at him. And then she nods. “All right. But it’s been a while. I’m a little rusty.”

  “I’ll be right beside you, princess,” Dealer tells her. “And Runner will bring up the rear. You’ll be fine. We got you.”

  “Besides, riding a bike’s like riding a biker, darlin’. Ain’t something you ever forget,” Runner says.

  “Hey, fucker. Watch it,” Dealer growls.

  Seems it somehow slipped Runner’s mind that Dealer’s Rox’s dad. He looks shit-scared as the realization hits him.

  “Yeah, better tone it down. Her dad’s right here,” I tell him. “And so am I.”

  “It was just jokes,” he says, holding up his hands.

  To my surprise, Rox laughs. Then she shocks all of us by saying, “Plus, he’s right. It isn’t something you forget.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Dealer mutters. “Don’t wanna hear that outta your mouth, princess.”

  Runner bursts out laughing then.

  But I ain’t laughing. And it ain’t ‘bout what he said, cuz that’s just the way he is and he ain’t gonna change. He’s a crude son of a bitch. Hell, we all are, but the rest of us know to tone it down when we need to—like in a situation like this—while Runner don’t.

  Nah, it’s her response to it.

  It ain’t her at all. She’s even more far gone than I’d realized. The girl I knew woulda busted his balls for saying shit like that to her. Rox always hated any public reference to our sex lives. She was classy like that, unlike the rest of us Neanderthals.

  I don’t like the way she is right now.

  I wanna see my girl looking back at me, not this strange version of her.

  “All right. Get ready to move,” Dealer says, cutting through my thoughts.

  I eye the elevator buttons. One floor to go ‘til we reach the parking level.

  I move to ready my gun, but Rox snatches it outta my grip. “You’re wounded. Stay behind them.”

  I’m ‘bout to argue, but Dealer shuts me up by grabbing my gun from Rox, then stepping in front of me, readying both mine and his—a gun in either hand. Runner steps up beside him and takes the same position.

  As the doors creep open, we all tense.

  Rox’s arms are wrapped ‘round me. I can feel she wants to take my weight to help me, but I ain’t gonna let her. I’m way too heavy to put that on her. No way I’m gonna risk hurting her. Besides, I ain’t a pussy. It’s just a fucking gunshot wound. I got this. Sure, I’m a little light-headed, but I’m still good to go here.


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