Spectral Vibrations

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Spectral Vibrations Page 1

by Mercy DeSimone

  Copyright © 2019 Mercy DeSimone

  Spectral Vibrations First Edition: September 30, 2019

  Proofreading by Horus Proofreading

  Formatting by Kaila Duff of Duffette Literary Services

  Cover by Luminescence Designs.

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Mercy DeSimone

  [email protected]

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by fines and federal imprisonment. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate in, or encourage, the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  The Lunar Lexicon


  I. Part One

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  II. Part Two

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  III. Part Three

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41



  Don’t Miss

  About the Author


  To self-doubt. You may still be paying rent but I vow to kick your ass to the curb one day!

  And to my supersquishy, baby soul-sister Alicia… I’ll follow you into the dark.

  The Lunar Lexicon

  Being - a person; also refers to a body

  Krystalin form - the evolutionary form in which a being has developed a protective silica covering that encompasses their entire derma

  Silica - a hard, thin but flexible, crystal-like covering; can amplify vibrational energy; reflects the color of a being’s aura

  Enlightenment - years alive or aware

  Unlightenment - death of the body and soul; accompanied by the loss of color (aura) and vibrational energy

  Frequency - time when a being’s vibrational energy matures and reaches its peak; the time when a being is most powerful and aware to attract a bondmate


  Molecolor - the evolutionary form based on specific color families which designates a being’s power and aura; similar colors in groups or ‘families’; can also refer to complementary or similar personalities; is considered the weakest bond

  Covalence – group or team who share energy points but not the electrons needed to create vibrational bonds

  Analagous colors - groups of three colors that are within the same color family consisting of a primary, secondary and tertiary (for instance red, orange, and red-orange)

  Bondmate - beings who share a vibrational energy bond – transmit vibrational resonances by maintaining the same frequency; strongest power bonds

  Spectrum - based on the RGV scale, a Spectrum combines all of the molecolors; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet; the ultimate power bond

  Counsilary (or Counsil) - the ruling Counsil of Krysalis comprised of a full Spectrum; smaller, minor Counsils rule lesser aspects of government

  Duo - two individual beings who have bonded frequency

  Triad - three individual beings who have bonded frequency

  Quads - four individual beings who have bonded frequency

  Offshoot - a biological child


  Minim - minute

  Tempus - hour

  Yarn - year

  Moonsphase - night

  Sunphase - day

  Lunar Cycle - month

  Centon - century

  Micron - inch


  Geode - a stone that is hollow or has a hole inside… implies hole in head, empty-headed

  Shard - a small piece of something; equivalent to child or ass

  Fractal - scattered or broken; psycho

  Zirc! - pick your favorite 4 letter word

  What the Ash? - seriously?



  I truly believed I was dead.

  Sometimes, it’s not the presence of something new that frightens us most, but the absence of something that should be there. There was no other explanation for the lack of sensation that I should be feeling. As an empath, I’ve been attached to the awareness of other energy beings since my Awakening. This void of sensation could only mean one thing, that there was nothing left to feel.

  If feeling is your one true purpose in life, then surely, my being must be shattered among the cosmos in such a way that full darkness was soon inevitable, even if my vibrational energy had not yet fully depleted.

  It’s a curious feeling, and oddly puzzling, since I’d already faced death several times. As an empathic healer, when you can’t save a source, you experience the journey of their ‘Unlightening’ as if you are going through it yourself. Feeling the energy seep from their souls, watching the color drain from their aura, and sensing their weakening vibration until they become a physical creation, is a sadness that brands itself into your consciousness.

  The reactions are almost always the same... sadness for those being left behind, regret over lost opportunities, the frantic grasp to hold onto their vibration as it tumbles down the scale to the tones of fragility that mark the final death. Oddly, I felt none of that, which I found frightening in itself. Because, not only was I sure I was dead, I had no clue where I died.

  The last thing I remember is hurtling through the stars in a ship I couldn’t control, knowing that the planet I had just spent the last five moonsphases researching was now nothing more than asteroids and flotsam in a sea of stars. Surely the amount of debris generated from the planet’s implosion must be disturbing signals from all corners of Sedonia.

  But such mundane matters seem pointless now. My biggest concern is what happened to Jasper? Did he manage to escape the planet’s surface in time? And did Laz know what happened to us? Despite how unhappy he has been with me and Jasper lately, I know this will hit him hard. He’s such a happy, gentle soul, I hope he won’t grieve for too long. I would hate to see his harmonic resonance take a hit that would require rescaling. That process was a color drain for anyone, even those less sensitive than me.

  Then there’s Titan. I can already see the wheels turning in his head as he tries to figure out just what went wrong. If only I knew. I wish I could get th
e chance to hear him say, ‘I told you so’. Supercilious Shard!

  I feel my eyes grow heavy as darkness pulls me under once again and finally I feel it. Grief for what could have been. Loss for the loves I didn’t have nearly long enough to explore. And anger for what was ripped from my future. If my aura could turn at this moment, I know it would reflect the fiery red of Jasper’s flame. And if he did survive the blast, I know that someone will pay the price for my Unlightening. He may be a Fractal, but at least he’s my fractal. And a Warlord is designed for moments such as this. War.

  Part One


  Chapter One


  I blink to awareness wondering why I am in darkness. Memories suddenly collide, bombarding me with such speed that my mind can’t process all of the data. All I know is that I don’t feel like myself. My body is suddenly a weight on my being that keeps me pinned in place, as if unable to recognize my own inner functions.

  Assessing my situation, a sense of wonder washes over me as I realize my vibration has lowered and what I am feeling is the process of anchoring. My body is uniting with the environment rather than the aether, which means I’m in a precarious state. Jasper warned me once about the feeling of being inside the world rather than outside the boundaries. Which means, for now, I am vulnerable in a way I’ve never experienced.

  I can feel the atoms creeping under my derma, grounding my being further to the substance of the planet on which I’ve crashed. For I have no doubt that I am on a planet, even though the pod is now in utter darkness and my inner light has deserted me. You can’t feel this type of weight in space. It is eternally vast, with the virtual awareness of space and time, like an ouroboros, perpetually recycling a simultaneous past and future. So, now the question is not only where I am, but when?

  Zirc! What the ash happened? Releasing the restraints that tethered me during my unexpected trajectory, I feel blindly for the hatch. This is the problem with using a pod that’s not your own. You get so used to having everything tuned to your frequency, you begin to forget how to do things manually. But clearly I can’t just sit in darkness, I’ll go out of my mind. And how do I get home?

  I have no clue how much immediate physical danger I might be in. It’s probably safer to remain in the pod, but there’s no way of knowing how long it will be before someone comes to my rescue. I suppose that would depend on how far I have fallen, and how close I am to Krysalis. The worst case scenario would be to have fallen completely outside the boundaries of Sedonia.

  A quick glance at the darkened control panel shows no atmospheric warning sensors flashing, thank Vishna! That means the atmosphere should be safe for me to enter without any special covering. Of course it could also mean that the controls are not functioning and the air is toxic. My mind grapples with all of the possibilities until I realize that I really have no choice. The fact that my pod didn’t disintegrate on impact makes me believe it’s worth the chance.

  Patting my hands blindly across the dark surface before me, I pat the surface erratically for the button that will release the seal to the vaporlock. As I take an internal inventory of my being, I realize that, at this point, my silica is still essentially intact so I should be protected from whatever atmospheric conditions await me. Finally! I feel the cool oxide of the release followed by the hiss as the vaporlock opens to the outside.

  Soft light filters in through the hatch as I pull the restraints from around my shoulders, and try to kick my feet free from where they’re secured to the seat base. Something snags the soft fabric of my pant leg and I tug awkwardly until I hear it tear as it suddenly gives way. A sigh escapes my lips as I realize I’ve just ruined yet another set of flottoms, and I grimace at the wry light I expect to see in Jasper’s eyes when he sees it. Jasper was already annoyed at my refusal to wear my exertion jumpsuit on Hiba; he doesn’t understand that flottoms are just more comfortable. I think he’d make me grow scales like his if he could.

  My arms strain to reach the edges of the hatch as I pull myself out of the seat and fumble forward into an upright position. The escape pods are confined, not like our regular transports, since they are simply meant as emergency escape vehicles. Consequently, I groan as I unfold my cramped limbs and try to stabilize myself outside the pod.

  Stumbling as I try to move my feet forward, I realize that my being is not moving as freely as it normally does, not that I’m ever particularly graceful. In fact, it often seems that my feet work on a different sensory board than the rest of my being. For now, the fluidity of motion that normally propels me is clunky and measured as I try to progress forward. It seems that anchoring really is as surreal an experience as Jasper warned me. Again, I envision Jasper’s smug grin as I flounder, trying to make everything work in tandem.

  Red tones bombard my vision from every direction. I appear to have fallen to a Red planet, which could be a good thing if it was Jasper’s planet, but somehow I know that’s not the case. But perhaps there are others of Jasper’s molecolor here, which might potentially guarantee me some safety.

  A faint breeze whispers through the trees. There’s a buzzing in my awareness but I can’t trace the source. Light leaks from the horizon as a blaze of color rises from the plane of the ground in a fiery arc, gaining light with each second, like electrons colliding into a mass of pink and violet hues offsetting the indigo values hanging like a curtain from the sky. It’s unsettling, these fluctuations of color. On Krysalis, that many values firing at once would signify instability, but, I don’t sense overall instability in the atmosphere here; in fact, it seems quite peaceful.

  As my eyes continue to roam the horizon, the red tones begin to reveal themselves in amorphous shapes that look like geological entities. Yellow begins to blaze and arc into awareness where a planet rises from the surface. I’m mesmerized as it slowly reveals itself, micron by aching micron, and I realize that I’ve been static for countless moments as I stopped to watch it emerge.

  The pale sliver of the planet cloaked in indigo well above the horizon begins to disappear and the atmosphere lightens and blazes, making me wince. The pure white of the Krysalin atmosphere makes it difficut to envison the striations of color that now dance in my visual field. I’ve been told that other planets are very different from Krysalis, but no amount of research can prepare you for the experience. All my mind wants at this moment is to relax into the warm wash of colors as they softly lick at my body, casting shadows along the ground behind me.

  Realizing that my inattention has again left me wide open to any approach of danger, I call myself to task and begin to reach out with my other senses. Jasper would be furious with me, berating me for forgetting all of his careful training so quickly. As much as I complained about his insistence on my learning the basics of self-defense, I can’t deny I feel much less panicked than I would be without it. Those skills gave me the ability to fight my captors until Jasper arrived and without them, Vishna knows what would have happened. Fighting back my anxiety I feel confident that he will come for me - if it’s in his power. A sharp pain pierces my heart at the thought that he was shattered in the blast, but I quickly shake it off. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Jasper, it’s that he’s hard to kill. Still, I can’t help wishing I had an energybolt handy instead of having to rely on my physical being for defense.

  It’s becoming very clear that the temperature of this planet is well below that of Krysalis. The strange vibrations I’m feeling seem focused in the distance and I wonder if I can harness that energy to launch a beacon to the Sedonian atmosphere. It would be great if I could get it to Krysalis, but at this point it’s more likely to hit an outlying planet. As long as they pass along the signal there’s a possibility of rescue. Unfortunately, there’s been some bad blood in recent centuries with the Obsidian disputes. It’s hard to gauge who might be sympathetic, and who might still be holding a grudge. Either way, I don’t have much choice but to try.

  Making an effort to steady the weight of my
anchored body, I slowly begin to drag my being in the direction in which the energy is calling. At this rate, it’s going to be slow-going, but I don’t have many choices. Grumbling to myself, I can’t help but wish I had fallen to a planet with better atmospheric presence. It’s going to take time to reach my destination and I can already feel the internal rumble of hunger beginning to burn in my center. Wondering what might be safe to eat here, I start the slow trek toward the energy that draws me like a magnet, and plan my next move.

  Chapter Two


  The sea of darkness creeps around me like a phantom, while the soughing of the trees in the distance soothes my sense of unease, as small pricks of sunshine begin to hover on the edge of the horizon. Staring out across the canyon, I sit and wait for something to happen. While I’m normally a night owl I find this time of day to be ultimately soothing, as long as I’ve met it from the standpoint of never having gone to sleep. To force me up at this hour would normally be dangerous to anyone doing the waking, unless equipped with vast quantities of caffeine. But sometimes, the night owl pushes through to the dawn of the day, just for a new perspective.


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