Spectral Vibrations

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Spectral Vibrations Page 19

by Mercy DeSimone

  “I refused to cut them, in protest, because my father wouldn’t allow me to stay on Marzz and find my bondmate. I told him the only way I would cut them was if I found a bondmate on Krysalis.”

  I can’t help the sheer satisfaction that floods my system as the violet of Tanzy’s eyes turns black, her pupils blown, as I finally slide my trousers down my legs to display my pleasure organs - fully aware and ready to pleasure her… now.

  “Since I have finally found my mate, it seemed the least I could do, as thanks,” I quip as I kick my trousers to the side and finally stride closer to the platform, to grab her wrist and pull her upright, as her eyes stay level with my waist. Grabbing her chin, I lift her head until I can finally see her eyes, now hazy with desire, before commenting wickedly.

  “I’m sure you would also like to express your gratitude.” A growl rumbles in my chest at her fascinated expression. “Feel free to show me, and I’ll let my father know you were properly grateful.” Enough talk. It’s time I show my mate what real pleasure is.


  It’s one thing to read scientifically about physiology, even with proper holograms. It’s another to see a being in all of their Marzzian glory looming above you. I can actually feel my heart racing as I try to pull back my energy, then wonder why I am doing it. He belongs to me now. That knowledge settles into my viscera as truth, and I can’t deny the utter satisfaction that I feel. He’s so different from Laz, and while I feel a small twinge of regret at Laz’s jealousy, the long-dormant, Venusian DNA that still breeds in my energy, sighs in delight, knowing that this is right.

  I remember reading long ago about how beings on Earth created conflicts around whether ideas and actions were a result of environment or DNA. They completely missed the reality that energy is what drives us all. Pure energy comes with pure intent. Corrupted energy naturally corrupts. Therefore, the energy in my system that is inherently Venusian, understands that I am meant to have more than one male to pleasure me. A small twinge of distress echoes through my aura as I also realize that DNA dictates that, as Venusian, I was also meant to provide offshoots for all my males.

  Well, that’s something that Laz and I hope to heal in the future, but in the here and now, a spectacular example of the male structure is within reach, and I have no intention of passing up such a glorious opportunity to explore.

  Jasper’s shorn head looks so different, actually more approachable. In fact, it’s much easier to see his resemblance to Carn this way. It melts the yarns from his stern visage making him look younger, and more playful. Or maybe that’s not a result of the hair, but the way his eyes dance hungrily around my frame.

  The finger forcing my chin upward toward his gaze tears my eyes away from the fascinating sight of the dual sex organs. Unlike Laz, who has one phallus that stays essentially erect during intimate acts, Jasper has dual phalluses that run concurrently, one above the other. The rod below is longer and can rest in repose, or at least that’s what my journals said, but Jasper’s are both fully engorged and standing at attention.

  I can’t help but try to pull my eyes downward again, against the force of Jasper’s hand, to examine the more delicate scaling of these organs. Although it appears that the delicately thin, leathery derma below might be deceptively stronger than it looks, I can’t help reaching to grasp the phalluses that are directly below my eye level, wanting to sense the energy of the aura around them. That quickly, I am pushed backward onto the platform as Jasper cages my hips with his legs and my wrists with his hands.

  “No,” he says, shaking his head at me in mock regret, as my eyes stray downward yet one more time. “You are to remain inactive unless ordered to do otherwise,” he says sternly, as I blow out a huff of air.

  A whine builds in my throat as my mind registers the staccato beat of his hearts, tapping out their irregular tattoo. Idly, I wonder why they beat in opposite rhythm; what could that accomplish? The thought drifts away quickly as Jasper finally bends over my body to press his open mouth to mine. I immediately open to him, the way Laz and I have practiced, waiting for the sense of well-being that normally floods throughout my aura. Instead, I feel a soft, stroking sensation across my tongue, of all places, and the heat that is left in its wake.

  I’m still in awe, as my hands reach for his shorn head, and rub lightly where his braids no longer exist. I’m stunned by the revelation that I am truly his bondmate, and the significance of all that in his world. Of course, I had studied the traditions, but I never realized what that would mean to a Marzzian on Krysalis; the unlikelihood of bonding to a mate because of the unique circumstances of our atmosphere.

  The fact that he is now bonded to me is a weight on my soul, a responsibility that I never expected. But at the same time, I can’t help the sense of satisfaction that settles deep into my meridians, as I realize this new gift I’ve been given.

  I wonder if this is what it means to be bonded? I never really asked Laz how he felt, I just assumed that we were in seemingly perfect accord as usual. There’s no real way to gauge whether what I feel is normal, or if it is unusual. At the end of the yarns, I guess it doesn’t really matter. As long as I’ve been able to claim both Laz and Jasper for my own, then I’ve already been gifted more than most beings can ever expect. If only I knew that they could settle into this expanded bond as simply as I have, I could finally relax.

  Zirc! My inquisitive mind needs to focus on the now and stop worrying about the future. I suddenly realize that Jasper has pulled away, and that I’ve been chewing on my lip again. The weight of one of Jasper‘s digits tries to gently disengage my lip from my teeth, before running lightly along the surface. Energy begins to create tension across my lips, and I can’t help but smile at the sensation. This energy is so different from Laz’s, and yet so pleasing all at the same time. It’s heavier, more of a throbbing than a teasing; it just has more weight, like a drumming on my silica. I can’t wait to see what else his energy entails.

  As I reach out with tendrils of my own energy, I use my hand to lightly dance across his scalp, to direct the energy. Using my gesture as an invitation, Jasper‘s head begins to dip toward mine, and my eyes widen briefly before closing in pleasure as he places his mouth over my lips again.

  Laz and I have studied the exchange of breath, and it is pleasant to have the weight of another mouth locked over your own, stealing your breath. But I never imagined the sensation that Jasper produces. I melt as I feel his tongue enter the cavity of my mouth. The sensations beginning to light up my body are familiar, but the small pinpricks of pleasure being generated with such directed focus to specific stimuli, are puzzling and unfamiliar, yet delightful in the extreme.

  How is it possible to create this extra sensation, I wonder, before falling more fully into it? As my breathing quickens rapidly, Jasper pulls back just far enough that I can gaze directly into his eyes. He searches my expression, and seems satisfied at what he sees, before dipping his head back to mine once again. My eyes flutter closed once more, as I sync back into the energy directed into my lips and tongue.

  I sink languidly into the motion of his tongue sweeping across the soft pillows of my lips, and stroking across the surface of my tongue, before tangling our energy in a playful fashion that tempts me to mimic it.

  My brain clicks into scientific mode once again, as I try to direct my own energy into these small pinpoints that I am experiencing from Jasper, to see if I can reproduce the sensation and transfer it back to him. I feel my concentration fumble slightly as his energy picks up speed and tangles more determinedly with mine. Never one to give up a challenge, I try to give as good as I’m getting, to see if I can not only repeat, but also reassign the directed energy from me to him.

  Jasper’s deep groan, as he finally settles his body above my own on the platform, turns my lips upward in satisfaction as I decide that perhaps I am getting the hang of this directed energy. Pulling back, Jasper gazes at me pensively before asking, “Do you know what it is that you do to m
e, Tanzy?”

  Shaking my head shyly, I can only state the obvious. “No, but these odd sensations you are giving me cause me pleasure, Jasper. I’m trying to duplicate the energy.” I ask innocently, “Have I created sensation for you?”

  A deep chuckle emits from Jasper‘s chest as he drops his forehead to my own before assuring me. “Have no doubt, Diamond Girl, you have given me nothing but sensation from the moment I met you. But now, I am going to show you pleasure like you’ve never experienced. And I’m going to show you how to return it. And one yarn, I swear to you, we will do this on a planet where these simulations will no longer be necessary, and you will get to feel every inch of my desire for you.”

  A deep breath captures my attention as all of the muscles in his chest tighten. “But for now, there is still plenty of pleasure to be shared. This time is all about your pleasure. So I want you to learn, but only so that you may experience everything that we have still before us during our enlightenment together.”

  Soft energy begins to caress my aura everywhere along my being. I feel it in waves across my silica, from the crown of my head, down my shoulders, swirling across my breasts, down through the center of my body, criss-crossing over and around my hips, down my long legs, and finally up to my core. Jasper is quite skillful at spiraling his energy, and the patterns are very different from those used by Laz. I wonder if that is the same for every being? Does my energy feel different to them from others they have experienced? If I were to bond once more with someone else, would their energy again be different?

  A sharp burst of fire at my breast elicits a quick intake of my breath from the pure pleasure, and all questions disappear for another day. Laz often laughs at me, saying that my brain never quits analyzing every situation. Right here and now, I sink into the depths of the energy smoothing my aura, lighting up all of my pleasure centers. The deep red glow of Jasper’s scales emits a beautiful light around him as I send my own energy out to stroke his aura. I’m enticed by the broad chest, and strong arms, that are so massive that my energy splits to envelope them.

  I can’t help but voraciously follow my energy with my eyes as they travel down his arms, across the ridged “V” of his stomach, and to the twin phalluses that now lay between us, like a weight across my stomach. Reaching with one hand, I hold his organs and direct energy around him, wondering how it would feel to share that connection, the way Laz and I always have. Although I wonder if that’s even possible. Realistically, I know that Marzzians have mated with all other species on Krysalis in the past, but I am not quite certain how those twin rods would ever fit inside a body such as mine.

  Laughing lightly, I find myself wondering if that was truly the demise of procreation on Krysalis. The fact that no femme could ever encompass the grandeur of the Marzzian physiology. As if reading my mind, Jasper grins wickedly at me before folding his hand over my own where it holds him.

  “Don’t worry, Diamond Girl, you are more than up to the task of conquering this Marzzian male. As my bond, your being is meant to accept mine. The universe would have it no other way. I’m going to show you how to derive pleasure from what is yours, but first, I am going to show you what your own being was made for.”

  There’s a tingling in my palm as suddenly, Jasper’s energy once more concentrates in my hand. This time there’s a sensation of weight, and heat, and motion, as a throbbing begins to pulse from where I hold him. It’s a very strange sensation, but quite stimulating at the same time. Amused by my curiosity, the directed energy in my palm begins to travel up my arm and finally to my breast, where energy suddenly starts swirling more intensely around my areola. Small needles of energy begin to tap and pulse, before splitting off and traveling down the center of my chest, and across my belly where soft caresses swirl idly from side to side and back to center.

  Sharper energy suddenly settles on my stomach like a weight, then drags further down my body, until suddenly, a soft sensation begins to lightly comb through the hair around my sex organs. Swirls of air cause my body to spasm with another sharp intake of breath. My eyes fly to the source of the energy, only to realize that Jasper’s palm now cups my sex passage. I watch in fascination as his fingers sift and lift the baby fine hair, wondering why that would give him pleasure, before they drift into my core.

  That’s not so bad, I think, until the light teasing of his energy now becomes deeper, and the digits that are now separating my lips below begin to part as they toy with the open channel. Heat begins to emanate from his fingers and light up pleasure zones that I didn’t realize existed in that area. A small gasp of surprise hisses from my lips as my head tilts back and my legs begin to arch off the platform, my feet planting against the soft surface, lifting my hips to meet his hand.

  My eyes slit open to find Jasper staring intently at my face as a sharp pinprick of energy darts between my legs, suddenly igniting a sensation directly at one small point of energy in my body. My hips practically leap off the bed at this sensation, but I am held in place by Jasper’s hand, which pushes firmly down on my lower body, not allowing me to move as waves of intensity explode from my core.

  Grasping at the soft fabric, my hands scrabble for purchase before I finally give up, raising them above my head in a luxurious stretch that opens my body further to Jasper’s hands and energy. Waves now begin to build around me in a more familiar fashion, darting in and out of my aura, swirling in an intricate pattern that I’m now beginning to recognize as Jasper’s. It’s almost as if small thumbprints of energy that mimic his scales begin to imprint my silica, stamping his energy like a brand to mine.

  I’ve been so enamored of his touch that I’ve forgotten my part in this dance until now, but I grin as I slide my energy above his own, burrowing down between the spaces, weaving in and out to entice his own energetic pulses to heighten his pleasure. The lyrical symphony of my energy begins to throb with the base notes of his own until finally, he lowers himself above me, his hips caging my own as his arms frame my face. I reach between us to try to guide him to my core when his hand grasps my wrist, and he shakes his head with a grunt.

  “Not this time.” He grinds out. “I won’t be able to contain myself and you still have much to learn. Just match your energy to mine and let’s flash together.”

  “But, I want to lock with you,” I pout, until his lips come down and cover mine, building heat between us again. The energy begins to escalate rapidly now as our frequencies begin to match pitch to climb higher and higher, and the banked flames in Jasper’s eyes flare to life.

  My eyes blink open to frown at the strain on his face. Is he holding back? Trying to echo his earlier movements, I send energy from my hands to dig into the scales of his silica, sending an electric shock down his shoulders, across his tight stomach to the phalluses below, watching his eyes as they light with an energy I haven’t seen. Just as suddenly, Jasper sends a last pinpoint of energy between my legs and my being explodes. The wave of energy grasps at Jasper’s and backs down suddenly, until like a tsunami, the wave floods back around - over and through us - every ion in our bodies lighting up the room with our shared energy.

  The reaction knocks Jasper roughly backward to drop heavily next to me, our frantic breaths echoing in the room as a chime reverberates through the atmosphere. Turning my body toward his, I find that he’s staring at me with a strange expression. It’s almost smug, although why that would be I can’t imagine. For my part, I feel sated,and depleted, but deliciously so.

  “Well,” my voice trembles lightly as the energy still sparks from my silica. “I think that was a successful outcome.”

  Lifting my hand to his lips in an archaic gesture of reverence, he places a kiss in my palm, urging me to sleep. “You’ve earned your rest, Diamond Girl,” he chuckles. “Sleep. We have centons to explore our energy together.”

  “I can’t wait…..” My eyes drift closed on the thought, as I think about how I can’t wait to show Laz what I’ve learned, so that he can experience this enhanced
energy exchange with us.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I know every passage, every chamber, every dark crag of the Pavillion like the back of my hand. It’s hard to believe that anyone thinks there is any such thing as privacy in this place. For instance, I know the truth about the intruder that shot Jasper; not because Titan told me, but because it’s my job to know.

  I’ll have to make sure to congratulate him over drinks one night, I think sourly. Nothing like accidentally killing your best friend with a rogue blast. I must remember to tell him not to do me any such favors in the future, if he’s got such bad aim.

  Checking my chronos again impatiently, I tap my foot, wondering what’s keeping everyone. I’m hungry and I need to catch some sleep. I don’t know why beings always want to go skulking around in the middle of the moonsphase thinking that they’ll evade notice. How they don’t realize that it’s always far more effective to hide in plain sight is beyond me.

  It’s probably because most beings don’t have a clue how to hide their expression or true opinion of others. Although I’ll give Titan credit for that one; as a politician, he has mastered the art of the charming smile, which naturally encourages people to confide in him.

  Soft steps echo from the end of the corridor and I sink further back into the shadows. It’s about time! Let’s get the scheming over with so everyone can give up the pretense of civilized behavior, and I can be on my way.

  The first visitor stops and taps his own chronos impatiently. I’m right there with you, I applaud silently. Seriously, how sound can your plan be if you can’t even trust your co-conspirators to be on time for the plotting? The sharp tap of heels echo from the other direction and I wince. Well if you were trying to be discreet that’s an interesting choice, I think as they turn the corner, and my eyes widen at the unexpected sight.


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