Spectral Vibrations

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Spectral Vibrations Page 22

by Mercy DeSimone

  “Trust me, there’s no one more than I that hopes your research on Hema succeeds.” The heat in his eyes suddenly begins to sink into my silica, causing an unexpected twitch. “For all of us.”

  The light spark that flashes off my silica unnerves me so much that I immediately grab my gear and leave him behind, never looking back or noticing the pale yellow band that has begun to emerge across Karma’s belly.


  What. A. Rock! I groan inwardly once again, wondering when we can go back to Krysalis. This star has nothing to recommend it other than gray, dusty outcroppings and heat. Yet, Tanzy runs around scraping samples and chipping shards of dirt until I’m ready to grab her and drag her back to the transport. It’s a good thing I cut off my braids or I’d be tearing at them with both hands.

  The only thing working in our favor is that we were able to remove the containment suits. The rest of us have stripped down to our exertion jumpsuits. Except Tanzy. I was less than amused to find that, rather than wear her exertion jumpsuit, she has taken to wearing a tank and flottoms that she packed - for what purpose I can’t imagine.

  My attempts at censure only result in her laughter; she’s not nearly as obedient as I need her to be. I’ve coaxed her into her exertion jumpsuit several times, and forced her out of the lab long enough to continue to do some additional self-defense training with me, to the amusement of the other guards. But she always goes back to her more casual and less protective garb, much to my chagrin.

  I even forced her to learn the basic mechanics of our transport and the escape pods, knowing that even though this is her first trip off-planet she’s hoping it won’t be the last. That’s one activity she agreed to readily, especially since she already knows the scientific principles, and now she can explore the mechanics in practice as well.

  Our transports are quite comprehensive. They map entire starfields, have impact detectors for evasion tactics when encountering asteroid fields, space debris, or outright hostile attacks. For a mission this size we’ve been relegated to a smaller transport, but it still contains a medbay, rejuvenation cells with decontamination chambers, even individual sleep cells.

  Above all, every transport is designed to house the number of escape pods necessary to accommodate the amount of passengers on board. Escape pods are exactly as the name implies, a means for escape. They can be flown manually, but most are keyed to the frequency of the individual being assigned to that pod. A recovery destination is then programmed into the system to insure that if the passenger is injured or debilitated in any way, the pod will take them to a predestined location.

  For Tanzy and me, really for everyone on this mission, that would mean that our pods have been programmed to immediately set a course back to Krysalis. There’s little to no weaponry on the pods, so it’s important that they be light and fast, to make the jump through the closest wormhole to evade pursuers if necessary.

  Before we even left Krysalis, I made Tanzy run through simulations to direct and fly her pod, although the chance of her needing to do that any time soon is small. Still, Titan felt something was unusual about this mission, and it suits me to add yet one more skill to Tanzy’s self-defense arsenal.

  We’re coming up on the fifth sunphase, and even she can’t deny that there’s nothing to find. It’s obvious that the rest of the Science Team has already given up and are whiling away the time waiting for her to finally give in. I think she’s just stalling because she wants to stay away from Krysalis a while longer, and as I watch her smile and delight in every small, dusty rock, I can’t deny her excitement is infectious. Now, if this dull planet had atmospheric conditions that allowed us to anchor, I’d be more than happy to spend as many moonsphases with her here as she wanted, alone.

  Just the thought of anchoring her body makes my energy twitch. We’ve been careful to keep our energy sharing quick and discreet. The sleeping cells are close and cramped, and despite her ability to share herself generously, now that we’re alone I don’t want anyone else intruding as we match frequency. But I can’t deny I’m getting hungrier for her by the day. Now that we’ve bonded, my body craves her energy exponentially, needing that spark to energize my own.

  I can’t imagine how Laz is feeling; at least I have access to her energy here while he’s cut off entirely, except for the residual tendrils that float between us when we’re separated. I actually feel a small ion of sympathy for him; I really should make more of an effort to allow him some individual frequency merges with her, especially now that we’ve tested the energy together. He didn’t flinch, he allowed the sharing, and he accepted the boost. All in all, he’s a decent male.

  My comlink flashes and I press the earpiece, expecting to find Titan on the other end. I’m surprised to hear Tourm’s voice instead, and even more alarmed to hear his warning.

  “Jasper, you need to get back to Krysalis. Now.” Tourm’s voice is calm but strained.

  “What the Zirc, Tourm? We’re packing it in tomorrow to head back. Tanzy will shoot me if I try to pull her back a sunphase early.”

  The desperation in Tourm’s tone sends icy shards down my back as I can tell he’s restraining himself. “Jasper, I need you to listen to me carefully. They’re coming for Tanzy.” An instinctive growl rumbles through my chest at his words. “And they’re planning to eliminate you to take her. You have to get out of there now, because I don’t know how they plan to do it, but it’s become obvious this was the chance they were looking for. And whatever you do, watch your back!”

  The comlink blinks off as I look around for Tanzy, only to realize she’s no longer in my sight. Frantically, I try to sense her energy, only to realize it’s rapidly moving further away. Bellowing a war cry, the other Red Guards immediately snap to attention.

  “Rhodol! Fire up the transport and get the rest of the Lab Rats on board quickly. The rest of you, with me - we need to find Tanzy, now!”

  Everyone scrambles into action as I follow her energy trail, and I begin to run as it starts to move away from me. They must have her in some type of land transport. I stop abruptly and survey the typography, trying to formulate a strategy before realizing suddenly that the energy is circling back our way. I’m confused, but happy that I don’t have to chase them down to kill them.

  A land transport suddenly bursts into view with Tanzy at the helm, a man in the garb of a Red Guard hanging half out of the door, obviously injured by an energy bolt, with Tanzy kicking ineffectually at his body. Running toward her, I swing her from the transport just as the injured ‘guard’ starts shooting at the rest of us.

  A sharp sting penetrates my calf and I stumble just as Tanzy grabs my arms and we both tumble to the ground, when energy bolts begin to erupt from the outcropping behind us, trained on the rest of the guards. I watch several of the guards stumble and go down as the others run for cover near the transport. Lying on the ground, I cover Tanzy’s body with my own as the ground begins to tremble and rumble around us, kicking up shards of rock and causing fissures to form in the surface.

  I realize with horror that someone has started a plasmaboost in the core of the star, obviously meaning to blow it apart. I yell at the others who are close to the ship to get ready to take off as they scramble up the ramp, and I try to find cover for Tanzy and me.

  One of our protection team darts out of the ramp and sends a couple energy bolts across the rocks, trying to give us room to move as I attempt to leap up and drag Tanzy with me. The crack in my silica where I was shot in the calf causes me to limp erratically inhibiting my motion. It’s not a full shatter like when Titan shot me, cracking only the surface of my silica this time. My scales haven’t been penetrated, and have locked down my dermis to counter the energy loss.

  We’re pinned down, we’ll never make it to the ship. Instead, we’re going to have to make a run for the escape pods. Tanzy’s face is pale and silent, and I suddenly realize she has yet to say a word although her energy is sparking at mine, as if trying to calm me.

sp; “Tanzy,” I turn her face toward mine and wince as another bolt whizzes dangerously close to us, before turning back to the seriously calm expression on Tanzy’s face. It’s then I realize that there’s energy swirling around my calf, trying to heal my injury, and that she’s been silent because she’s concentrating on my wound.

  “Tanzy!” I shake her slightly, disturbing her concentration, as I feel the energy around my calf suddenly collapse when she looks at me fully now. Fear and regret are evident as she reaches one trembling hand toward my face where we huddle on the ground, energybolts flying around us. The ground begins to actually groan as if in protest and I know this star is not going to hold much longer.

  Magically, the energybolts stop flying, as if our pursuers realize it’s time for them to also make their getaway. “I need you to get to your escape pod! Can you do that for me?” I shake her slightly and watch her swallow heavily as her eyes dart toward the escape pods.

  “What about the transport?” She gestures wildly toward where the ship hovers now, just above the surface, ready to go at a moment’s notice.

  “There’s no time.” I try to remain calm as I drag her to a crouch and begin scooting low to the ground toward our destination, just as another large crack begins to form on the far side of the escape pods and they begin to slide into the large fissure forming in the dusty surface.

  “Fract! There goes your pod. You’re going to have to just take whatever pod is left, do you understand?” I shout into the rumble that’s getting louder and closer as we move toward the pods. My comlink crackles frantically as the other guards radio from the ship, asking for direction.

  “Take off! This star is about to blow. Once you pass out of the atmosphere, circle back to escort our pods to safety!” I shout above the roar, watching the craft begin to lift in the distance to fully clear the surface of the atmosphere.

  “Tanzy, let’s go! We’re almost there.” I drag her the rest of the way, opening the first pod available and forcing her in as she begs me to get to safety.

  “We’re going home, Diamond Girl!” I grab her face before planting a quick kiss across her lips and looking her fully in the eyes. “The last one to reach Laz is a lazy geode!”

  I watch as a tearful laugh springs to her lips and I slam the hatch shut, waiting to hear the autlock engage. The pod begins to immediately lift from the surface as I limp slowly to the other pods that are beginning to drop one by one, heavily into the crag forming between me and where they once rested, waiting for our escape. Sighing heavily, I hear the first big explosions as the ground rushes up to meet me, and I fall to the ground watching in relief as Tanzy’s pod finally breaks through the atmosphere on its way back home.

  Part Three


  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  What. The. Actual. Fuck!

  Jumping forward I reach for the woman suddenly collapsing in front of me, grabbing her arm as she sinks to the earth, not quite able to keep her from hitting the ground but at least keeping her head from bouncing off a rock. Squeezel chitters excitedly from my pocket, rooting at the bottom as if trying to burrow away from the drama.

  Easing her body down gently my mind races as one hand immediately cradles her head to cushion her fall. Once settled, my other hand cups her neck searching for her pulse. It’s faint, but it’s there. My eyes dart frantically around me searching for anyone else who might have popped in unexpectedly, because that’s exactly what she did – drop in as if from thin air.

  Finally convinced that we’re alone, I crouch next to her still body and begin to run my hands up and down her voluptuous curves searching for visible injuries. Sweeping soft, baby fine pale blonde hair from her face, I’m mesmerized by the strong features; soft, full lips framed by high cheekbones and a strong chin. Her generous breasts press against the fabric of a sleeveless tank, as iridescent swirls and vines dance across her collarbones in delicate tattoos. The soft cushion of her belly flares to generous hips encased in soft palazzo style pants with long slits up the side that display pale skin as the fabric falls away revealing flat gladiator sandals. I feel my cock twitch unexpectedly and shift uncomfortably, the sensation as surprising as it is inappropriate.

  The fabric is something I can’t identify, soft and supple in feel, the metallic sheen almost seeming as if it was woven from fine silver threads, although I know metal can’t yield this type of effect. I bet Martina could tell me all about it I think, my thoughts swirling idly as I drink in her presence, watching intently for any sign of her waking.

  Squeezel pokes his head back out of my pocket, nose twitching and scenting the air as if listening. I realize the soft chiming sound has gotten stronger and seems to be coming from the woman lying before me. Unexpectedly the sound begins to regulate until I realize the tinkling echoes have begun to simulate a heartbeat, one staccato chime at a time, each beat a different tone, almost as if searching the scale for the right tone to settle into like a warm blanket.

  Creeping from my pocket, Squeezel darts across her torso, jumping to the ground and scampering toward her head. Twitching slightly near her lips as if checking for signs of her breath, he eventually nestles in the light nest of her hair which fans on the rocks around her head. It’s like he’s a sentinel guarding against any other possible intruders, burrowing his nose lightly near her ear, twitching with the chiming beats of her heart.

  Birds spin above us in the bright blue of the morning sky, their song competing with the soft chiming that fades in and out with the rise and fall of her chest as she continues to lie unconscious. Putting my hands to her shoulders I run them lightly down her arms before clasping her hands in mine, sensing for cold. Even though it’s July, it is only seven am. The thermometer is dancing around sixty five degrees F and I worry that she’s chilled.

  Taking off my jacket, I gently lift her head and tuck it beneath her as Squeezel chitters at the disturbance while I continue to take inventory. There’s a few small scratches on her legs, probably from walking through brush, and I wince at the small bruise already beginning to bloom on her shoulder from where I allowed her to fall. Although, to be fair, there was no way I could have caught her completely in time to stop it.

  Realizing suddenly that the chiming sound has stopped, I watch the rise and fall of her chest regulate into an even rhythm. Sweeping my hands down her side once more, I tug slightly until she starts to roll toward me to survey for any additional injury to her back. Finally draping one of her arms across my shoulder, I scoop my arms beneath her hip and her legs and lift her toward me, pulling her over my shoulder in a fireman’s hold. Not the most dignified way to travel but the most expedient if I’m going to get us down the rock face and to my car. Balancing carefully, I grab my jacket and shake it out before settling it across her shoulders.

  Searching for my travel mug, I grab my coffee again and scoop it from where it landed as I lurched toward the stranger. I whistle for Squeezel, feeling him scrabble up my pant leg toward my open hand waiting to scoop him back into my jacket pocket, and getting a more secure hold on my unconscious passenger, before setting us down the path that leads toward my car.

  Loose rocks and gravel which presented no problem on the way up the rock face prove to be treacherous on the way back down. I’ve always been surefooted in these hills, in fact Martina always liked to tease that I was part mountain goat, but it’s considerably more difficult when you’re carrying the weight of another body.

  Her even breathing continues to vibrate softly against my shoulder, then hitches slightly as my footing starts to slide in some loose gravel and I lose my balance momentarily. My mind is still trying to catch up to the moment; what I saw, her unexpected appearance, any lack of warning, but my immediate concern needs to be her overall well-being and I’m determined to get her to a doctor before figuring out any of these other mysteries.

  Staying focused on the descent takes all of my concentration and I can’t help but feel a small sense of relief as the
path begins to become more shallow and I see the parking lot ahead in the distance. It’s early enough that no other adventurers have come this far yet; my Range Rover sits in solitary splendor like a beacon in the morning sun.

  Opening the rear door, I shift her body so that I can slide her feet first on the seat and lay her out in some comfort. As I watch the fluttering of her lids I’m torn whether I should wait to see if she regains consciousness before heading out. I can’t imagine the disorientation if she wakes up mid-travel not knowing where she is or who she is with. It’s not like me to stand in such indecision, but I continue to watch birds wheel above my head as if surveying the scene and urging me to take some type of action.

  Realizing that she’s sunk back into a deeper state of relaxation, I carefully move her hair to insure that I don’t accidentally catch it in the doorframe, and gently close the door before circling to the driver side.

  Squeezel pops out of my pocket, leaping to the seat and clicking at me in agitation as I turn the engine over and listen to the low growl before glancing behind me in the rear view mirror for signs of consciousness. Pushing back gently, I steer down the road that will lead me back to the center of town, wondering what should be my ultimate destination. If I take her to the local Urgent Care there will be questions I can’t answer. I didn’t see any major signs of trauma, but it’s not like I can tell for certain.

  Sighing, I realize the answer is one I was trying to avoid. There’s a reason my mother is a Shaman. She may be self-proclaimed as regards all of the spiritual stuff, but at least some of her skills are legit as she spent the early part of her life as a nurse. I hate to have to answer all the questions I know she’ll fire at me, but I’m going to suck it up and go for the greater good. I just hope my mystery guest is ready for the interrogation to come.


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