Playing for Keeps

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Playing for Keeps Page 8

by Glenda Horsfall

  Mistress de Silva, Katherine,” Matt said, his voice was low and sexy, “go easy on her. Cassie is new to the scene and I don’t want my pet unsettled.”

  Cassie felt a rush of love at his tender tone. He was obviously feeling protective towards her and she threw him a grateful smile, as she wondered how he had known she was feeling intimidated. It wasn’t enough to calm her completely; he was still going to get a tongue flaying when they left here, but it helped.

  “Of course, Master Matt, you are the client, after all.” She turned to Cassie, clicked her fingers in the air. “Follow me,” she ordered as her long legs carried her across the room.

  Cassie cast a quick glance at Matt, who wiggled his fingers towards the door the Mistress was opening. “Behave!” he warned.

  Behave? Who the hell did he think he was talking too? He was acting as though everything was perfectly normal. Well not to her it wasn’t.

  The weekend wasn’t turning out anything like she’d thought it would. Yes, she had wanted him to indulge her fantasies. Yes, she had wanted him to be more dominant. She had loved their harem slave scene the previous night, but nowhere could she recall asking him to involve other people in their sexual exploration. Moreover, she was darn sure she hadn’t mentioned involving another woman, especially one that looked like every man’s fantasy come to life. Worriedly she considered the possibility that this was Matt’s own fantasy. Did he imagine a threesome with another woman? She sure as hell hoped not. Especially not with Miss ‘Sex on Legs’! No, she told herself, she was letting her imagination run riot. Matt had never met the Mistress before today. At the same time, she had to concede that Matt had taken up the mantle of dominance, far more enthusiastically than she had expected, and she wondered how much further he would go. This led her to wonder how much more she was willing to submit?

  Matt was left to sit and drink the coffee that had been brought to him along with a tray of snacks, while he waited for Cassie to re-emerge. He wondered what was taking so long and he kept glancing towards the doorway where he had seen her disappear. He wasn’t at all sure how she was going to react; it was obvious to him that Mistress de Silva was a Dominatrix, one of long standing by the look of her, and he didn’t think she would treat Cassie as an equal. The way she had talked over and around her earlier indicated that she would treat Cassie as a submissive. He had felt unsure about letting Cassie go off with the Mistress alone. However, she needed to explore her submissive tendencies and he needed to see how she would react to another dominant. Was she truly as submissive as he suspected, or, was she acting a part? Her reaction to the experience would help him to decide which way their relationship would progress. If she took umbrage, then he would have to assume that her submissive role had been just that, a role she had played for titillation. If, on the other hand, she embraced the experience, he was going to have to up his game. He would strive to become the full-time master that she needed.

  Matt wasn’t at all sure how Mistress de Silva’s treatment would be received by Cassie. Would she re-appear with some outfits for him to choose, or would she come storming back in a temper insisting that he take her home? Christ, he hoped not. He was enjoying his domination of her and wanted the opportunity to explore further. His muscles were bunched tight as he sat awaiting her return.

  Cassie almost had to run to keep up with the tall Dominatrix striding ahead of her down the corridor. She paused imperceptibly when she saw that Madame de Silva stood outside a door, tapping her foot impatiently.

  “Hurry up, Cassie. You don’t want to keep your Master waiting all day.”

  Cassie swallowed nervously. She hadn’t considered before where role-play would lead them. It had all begun as a bit of a giggle, a way to spice up their love life. Her romance books had been full of dominant men with adoring subs. The stories had left her feeling aroused and edgy, feeling like she was missing something. She hadn’t understood why her body reacted that way. Nevertheless, she had been compelled to explore the new feelings. Unable to bring herself to come straight out and ask Matt to dominate her, she had instead tried to cajole him into role-playing games. Their games had now taken on a much more serious edge, and she had to admit to herself, they were no longer playing. Matt seemed to be not only more knowledgeable about the lifestyle, but also much more serious about it than she had been. She wondered where he had obtained his information. Obviously, she was going to have to think about what she was getting herself into. She was sure that Matt had realized they had been drawn deeper into the lifestyle than either one of them had anticipated at the onset of the weekend. She could only assume that he was happy to go along with the way things were playing out. She decided not to make any rash decisions until she had learned a little more herself.

  Lost in her own thoughts, her response to Mistress de Silva was less than courteous, “I’m coming as fast as I can,” she replied.

  “Well move it, we don’t have all day.” She opened the door and motioned for Cassie to enter ahead of her. “Strip so I can see what I am working with.”

  “Can’t you just give me some outfits to look over and try on by myself ?”

  “Don’t be insolent!” Katherine de Silva snapped back, “Strip. Now!”

  Nowhere in her imagination had she fantasized about being dominated by another woman. She hadn’t even fantasized about another man. It had always been Matt in the central role of her fantasies. Her breath caught as she thought back to Matt’s actions in the parlor. He had called her his ‘pet’ and asked Mistress de Silva to go easy on her. This appeared to be what Matt wanted. She had to consider that maybe he was playing out one of his own fantasies. He had been so good to her, taken care of her every need, emotionally and physically. It wouldn’t be fair to deny him his pleasure when he had gone to so much trouble for her. No, she made up her mind; she wasn’t going to disappoint him.

  Bitch! The word bounced around in her head, and she clenched her jaw to stop the word spurting out. What happened to ‘the customer is always right?’ Cassie wondered. Feeling unsure, but determined not to disappoint Matt by walking out, Cassie held onto her temper. Hell, at least there were no men around and she had stripped off many a time in a changing room to try clothes on. She still felt shy as she turned her back to Katherine and quickly removed her clothes down to her underwear. She thanked God that she had only brought her pretty underwear away with her for the weekend. Assuming that outfits would now be produced for her to try on, she turned to face the over-powering Dominatrix and was surprised to find her shaking her head, a look of disbelief on her face.

  “This won’t do at all. Have you had no training?” she asked, her voice clipped with disdain.

  “What kind of training?” Cassie replied apprehensively as she wondered what she had missed.

  “Oh God, this is going to take longer than I thought. We’re going to need more time.” For the first time she smiled kindly. “Sit down.” Mistress de Silva pointed to a chair in the corner of the room, “I will be back shortly and we will see what we can do with you.”

  Cassie didn’t know what the hell she was on about, and she nibbled on her lower lip as she tried to contain her nervousness. As she sat waiting for Katherine to return, her thoughts turned inward. This wasn’t fun anymore.

  It was one thing to have Matt tell her what to do. Matt was her partner, her friend, her lover. He had her best interests at heart and it had been sexy submitting herself to his demands. It was another thing altogether having to take orders from some super bitch. She owed her nothing. Nevertheless, if this was what she had to do to keep Matt happy then she would bite her tongue and get on with it. She just hoped he didn’t intend to put her in too many situations like this in the future.

  She felt particularly exposed as the wall to her left was made up entirely of mirrors. After sitting patiently for what seemed like an age, but in all probability was only ten minutes or so, Cassie rose from the chair and wandered over to the large cupboards on the opposite side of the room.
She assumed that these held the costumes they were going to buy or hire. Well if nobody was going to come and help her, she decided, she would just help herself. The quicker she picked out an outfit, the quicker they could get out of here and return to the hotel. Her confidence soared at the thought of returning to their suite. Armed with a new costume perhaps she could persuade Matt to try out another fantasy or two.

  Feeling more enthusiastic, she pulled open the double doors of the central cupboard. She could only stand and stare. She had never seen fancy dress outfits like these in her life. She had been expecting to find an assortment of Victorian type dresses and suits, instead the rails held various styles of corsets and corset dresses. From those that had sweetheart bust lines to those that fit under the bust leaving the breasts exposed. She assumed that these would have to be worn over a blouse of some kind. They were in a variety of colors – rich dark reds, blacks, deep purples and green. Some were trimmed with lace, or feathers, while others were trimmed with sequins or beads. Her stomach plummeted and the air in her lungs rushed out on a whoosh. Did Matt realize what kind of place he had brought her to? Christ, she was going to look like a tart!

  She moved along the wall to check out the other cupboards. She came across leather outfits, dresses with cut-outs around the bust, dresses with the backsides missing, crotch less leather trousers, cat suits that looked skin tight and appeared to have no opening through which to get them on. What the hell had she let herself in for? This was far kinkier than she had ever envisioned. All she had wanted to do was spice up their love life a little. She wondered what Matt would make of the outfits, and, concluded that he would probably approve. She had encouraged him to be more adventurous, to take a risk and experiment a little with kink. She hadn’t expected him to dive in whole-heartedly. The thought of donning one of the daring costumes and exploring his kinky side a little further caused an unexpected frisson of excitement to shiver through her. She couldn’t wait to share her excitement and the costumes with him.

  She stroked the soft leather lovingly as she tried to determine which outfit he would prefer. Which should she choose? Was he expecting her to pick something skin tight which molded to her curves, or perhaps an outfit that left her open and exposed to his touch? She tried to imagine what kind of scene he was planning. Her excitement mounted and she felt moisture pooling as she imagined herself encased in tight leather. Tonight, it would be her turn to surprise him. She clenched her thighs tight together. She needed to get an outfit that would make his cock sit up and beg. Something to drive him wild.

  She jumped away from the cupboards as Madame de Silva strode back into the room. Cassie glanced at her quickly before returning to her seat embarrassed at having been caught snooping.

  “Right now, we don’t have a lot of time. Your Master has agreed to return and collect you in six hours, so we had better get busy.”

  Six hours! He’d left her with the bitch for six friggin hours. Her excitement faded and her stomach sank. She didn’t want to spend six hours of their weekend with this woman. She wanted to spend it with him. The excitement she had been feeling sank without trace as disappointment swelled within her. How could he abandon her like this?

  “What do you mean Matt will be collecting me in six hours?” Cassie couldn’t believe he had gone off and left her with this woman, and she was now very apprehensive. What the hell was he playing at? She was no longer amused. He may be acting out one of his fantasies, but at the very least, he should have hung around to make sure she was okay with it. Disappointment at his betrayal hit her hard. To hell with his games, she had had enough.

  “Exactly as I say. He has left you in my hands for the next six hours so I can try and make you presentable for tonight.” She shook her head as if he had set her an impossible task. Standing with her hands on her hips, she continued, “I have also told him that I will give you some instruction in the proper behavior of a submissive. You don’t want to embarrass him tonight at the Marquis.” She stared straight at Cassie, never taking her eyes from her face as she added “And in future you will remember to address me properly, the title is Mistress.”

  Holy shit.

  “Do I make myself clear?”

  As Mistress de Silva’s words sank in, she was stunned. Matt had arranged for her to be trained. She wondered if he had meant this as a treat for her or as a statement of how woefully inept she was as a submissive. In the books she enjoyed reading most of the submissive characters underwent rigorous training either with their masters or prior to achieving a master of their own. Had he found her lacking?

  She had wondered earlier at how much more knowledgeable he had appeared to be than she was. She admitted to herself that there was a chance that perhaps he had undertaken some training without her knowing. Once again her excitement started to climb. If he had gone to all this trouble to arrange proper instruction for her, then perhaps he meant to carry on with his role of master. Her happiness soared at the thought of extending the dynamics of their new relationship beyond the weekend. He had brought her fantasies to life and she wanted to do the same for him in return. As a complete novice to the lifestyle, she knew she would have lots to learn. Her biggest failures to date, she admitted to herself, were her inability to verbalize her desires and her lack of obedience. She must learn to trust him fully, after all she reasoned, he apparently had a far better grasp of the lifestyle than she did. She would pay attention and learn everything she could in the time she had available. If he was going to embrace the lifestyle, then she was determined that she would become the best submissive, and the only submissive that he would want. She definitely didn’t want him wandering off to find someone more suited to his needs. She decided to accept the training with good grace and banished the idea of calling him to return and collect her.

  She trembled as she remembered how masterful he had become in the last 48 hours, and she fervently hoped that he did indeed intend to become her full-time master.

  Cassie swallowed the lump that had appeared from nowhere in her throat, “Yes.”

  “Yes, what?” Mistress de Silva looked pointedly at her.

  “Yes, Mistress,” Cassie replied, even though the words nearly stuck in her throat. There was a big difference between playing the submissive with Matt as they had last night, and having to act the submissive to someone else, and a woman at that. It didn’t feel right! However, Cassie was conscious of the fact that Matt had left her here to learn and she hoped it was because he had wanted to progress the relationship they had now embarked upon. If that meant she had to put up with this creature, then put up she would. The six hours were going to feel like an eternity, but she was determined to pass any task the Mistress set her. Mistress de Silva nodded, satisfied that Cassie would now obey her instruction.

  “Right, first things first,” she said, “We need to get you bathed and shaved before we start looking for a suitable outfit.”

  The Mistress looked pointedly at the juncture of her thighs, and at Cassie’s gasp of surprise, she continued, “No self-respecting sub has pubic hair. You need to be totally clean and open to your Master. Why Master Matt has even allowed you to go around as you are is beyond me. He has obviously been far too lenient with you.”

  Chapter 7

  Was she so lacking? Humiliation washed over her as she thought about how Matt saw her. Was she a failure as a submissive? Was that why he had arranged her training? She felt like a student who had been rebuked by her teacher.

  Walking toward the door, Mistress barked out, “Follow me.” She cast her eyes back over her shoulder, “As you are. Forget the clothes you won’t need them in the bathroom.”

  What? She was expected to leave this room wearing only her underwear. I don’t think so, she thought. She ignored Katherine and turned to remove her dress from its hanger. She was very surprised when her hand was stopped mid flight as the Dominatrix grabbed her wrist tightly.

  “I said, ‘forget the clothes’.” Her tone was uncompromising as she procee
ded to drag Cassie from the room.

  Cassie struggled to free her arm from the vice-like grip to no avail, as she was lead out of the room, pulled along behind the stronger Dominatrix.

  “Behave yourself,” the Mistress warned, “or I’ll paddle your behind.”

  She wouldn’t dare! Would she? Cassie was shocked. No one had threatened to paddle her behind since she was knee high. As a child, she had been spanked when naughty and her cheeks stung with the remembered humiliation. What the hell did she mean she’d paddle her behind? She couldn’t get away with that. It was assault!

  She was going to kill Matt when she got her hands on him. Thoughts of Matt reminded her of why she was there in the first place. He wanted her to be trained. She wanted to please him. Her anger abated as she thought of him. She reminded herself how much he had done to please her over the weekend. Now it was her turn to do something for him. She gave a deep sigh, peace returning, as she vowed to herself that she would behave in a way that made him proud of her. She would endure whatever it took to achieve the knowledge she required to make him happy.

  As they continued down the corridor, Mistress de Silva went on to explain that as time was short she would give Cassie instructions on the correct behavior of a submissive as they went about what had to be done. She led Cassie, feeling extremely uncomfortable wandering around wearing only her underwear, down a long corridor towards the back of the building. Mistress de Silva pushed open the double doors at the end of the long corridor with a flourish and finally released her wrist, as she bade Cassie to enter before her.

  Cassie stood on the threshold with trepidation. The bathroom was nothing like she had ever seen before. The room was huge with tiled floors and tiled walls that depicted various sexual acts. The space contained several types of bath. There was a large sunken bath with seating which looked more than large enough to accommodate at least a dozen people, there was a Jacuzzi tub on a raised dais, there was a standard roll top bath set off to one side on its own and next to that an old fashioned slipper style bath. Around the perimeter of the room, there were vanity units, mirrors and several chairs. Not the usual type of chairs found in a beauty parlor, more the type of chairs you would find in a physician or dentist’s office. In one corner there was an enclosed glass shower, again bigger than those you would find in a normal house, in another corner padded tables like those used by a masseuse. Overall, it was very hedonistic and Cassie now felt more nervous than ever. Her stomach churned and she hoped she could stop herself from being sick.


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