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Fatal Evidence

Page 13

by Kari Lemor

  He kept his mind moving through various mundane tasks he needed to accomplish once he got out. If he kept himself busy with that, perhaps he wouldn’t feel the suffocation of being trapped in the rubble again.

  * * * *

  The streetlamp flickered as Heather walked along the deserted sidewalk. Laughter rang out and cars screeched, carrying over from nearby sections of town, letting her know she wasn’t alone. A scream, then silence, had her jumping and glancing into the growing darkness. Taking a deep breath, she continued on, hoping to find some of Jian’s men. She needed to speak to him. See if he could shed some light on why this blue-haired bitch thought it was okay to accuse Scott of some nasty stuff.

  The streetlamp next to the mill building was out. She made a mental note to ask the town to fix it. Once they had businesses and people living here, they needed it to be a safer environment. She’d only been here during the day or with Scott and had never felt threatened, but now with the shadows falling around the buildings, her skin prickled and the hair on her nape stood up.

  “Ooh wee, lookie what we got here.”

  Spinning at the voice, she found herself flanked by two men. Shit. She couldn’t see much of them in the dark, but they were tall and closing in on her. Reaching into her pocket for her pepper spray, she sidestepped one only to bump into three more. Where had they come from?

  “What’s the matter, rich girl, don’t like playing with the poor boys?”

  She’d worn her most faded pair of jeans and a plain button-down blouse. How could they tell she was rich? Or did it even matter? Her eyes darted from one to the other, then away to see if anyone else was around.

  “I’m not looking for any trouble.” Her voice squeaked trying to get through her dry mouth.

  “No trouble here, sweet cheeks. We’re the fun squad. You’ll enjoy being with us.”

  Doubtful. They didn’t have on the black and red the Dragons usually wore. A variety of hoodies and ball caps let her know they weren’t part of a gang. Didn’t mean they weren’t dangerous. She sucked air into her lungs, hoping to help her breathe. Best get the hell away from them. But go where? Inside the mill building? The last thing she wanted was to be trapped in there with these thugs, and they could most likely get in even if she managed to lock the door.

  Her stomach dropped as they surrounded her. Shit. Holding out the pepper spray with shaking hands, she gave them one last chance. “I’d like to be alone, thanks.”

  The spray was ripped out of her fingers. What the hell had she thought they’d do? Whimper at the sight of it then slink off somewhere? Her heart pounded heavily and she jolted as an arm wrapped around her waist. Jerking back against the man behind her, she kicked out at the one in front. Catching him in the stomach, she twisted but another grabbed her leg, causing her to lose her footing. In seconds she was held aloft by three of them and yet another moved closer as she struggled.

  “I told you it’d be fun, but you don’t believe me.” This guy seemed like the ringleader.

  Fun, right. One brute holding her from behind and a few clutching her legs. Shit, and double damn. She kicked her feet, squirming. Nothing. Oh, God. Why’d she come by herself? Dumb move. Scott had friends who would have come. Stupid girl. Stupid, stupid, stupid. If her heart beat any faster it might explode.

  “But I’m okay doing it the hard way. I kind of like someone who fights back.” He flicked his hands away from each other and the thugs pulled her legs apart. Shit, was he going to rape her right here on the street? Sweat trickled down her neck and back.

  A scream escaped from her mouth but the guy walking between her legs slapped his hand over her lips stifling the sound. She clamped down on it with her teeth and he pulled it away only to backhand her. Her vision tilted and twirled.


  Shit, damn, fuck. Duct tape covered her mouth as she began twisting and struggling harder. It didn’t matter. It was like she was caught in a steel trap.

  The leader ran one hand down her blouse and used the other to pop the snap on her jeans. “Now let’s see these pretty little tits.” The buttons of her shirt scattered as he ripped the front open.

  “Look boys, I found Victoria’s secret. I bet she has other secrets we can find.”

  Oh, God, oh, God, oh God! This was really happening. Tears streamed down her face as she kicked and squirmed. Her skin crawled as four of them groped her, keeping her from gaining any leverage. The blood rushed from her face and the street swirled around her.

  The big fucker’s hands grabbed her waistband, tugging, while the man behind her pulled. Her jeans started to lower and there was nothing she could do to stop these bastards. Tightening her muscles, she squeezed her eyes shut, praying for a miracle.

  “I’m not sure the lady is willing.” The soft voice with a different accent had her eyes popping open.

  “Fuck, Dragons. Get out of here, man.”

  Her body tumbled as the thugs rushed off, but something caught her head before it hit the ground. The tape was gently tugged from her mouth, the taste of glue sour against her lips.

  “Are you all right, Ms. Silva?” Footsteps and rustling barely registered as background noise.

  Looking up, she saw black clothes, a red bandanna. One of Jian’s friends. Thank God. Truly, she’d be back in church tomorrow saying a shitload of novenas with this sacred rescue.

  A giggle escaped. What the hell? The world spun and she crumpled into a ball, sobs racking her body. The tremors wouldn’t stop. It was her own damn fault for being such an idiot.

  Arms held her gently, rubbing her back as a soft voice said, “I am Kang. I met you when you were with Holland.”

  It took a few moments to rouse from her fetal state. The face nearby looked familiar. He’d been with Jian before. “I remember. Thank you.” Another sob escaped and she wiped her hand across her face. The damn thing wouldn’t stop shaking. “For helping me.”

  “You want us to kill these men?” Kang asked, pointing down the street to where several Dragons had the four brutes on their knees, hands on their heads. How had she missed that scuffle? Shit, she’d been out of it. Knives dug into their throats. They were crying now too. Good.

  Kill them, yes. She wanted that with every fiber of her being, but that would make her no better than them. “We should let the police take care of them.” Damn her trembling voice.

  Kang shook his head. “Police will wonder why a lady like you was here alone. Good lawyer will say you wanted them to take you. Better us to take care of them.”

  “Sure, but can you do it without killing them? Teach them a lesson so they won’t do it again.” These creeps couldn’t be allowed to get away with it.

  “Yes, teach them not to mess with Dragon’s protected people.” Kang lifted his chin and his friends dragged them off down the street.

  “Why are you down here without your man? It’s a dangerous place alone.”

  Wrapping her arms around her legs, she glanced left and right. Dangerous. Which meant they needed to find a way to clean it up before they finished renovating the building. Another giggle. Sure, keep her mind on something besides the fact she’d almost been gang-raped. A shiver rushed through her. God, she was a mess.

  “Scott’s in jail. I need Jian’s help to find out what’s going on. Do you know where he is?”

  “Come with me. I will take you to him.”

  Would her legs even work? Tremors shook her enough that she stumbled as Kang assisted her to her feet. Her blouse fell open and she immediately pulled the sides closed. Holy shit, she couldn’t control her twitching muscles. It had been too damn close. Her legs felt like jelly. When she swayed, Kang held her arm and walked her toward a car.

  “Here,” he said, handing her a black button-down shirt he pulled from the vehicle. It was huge on her but she didn’t care as she buttoned it all the way up to her neck, fuck the summer hea
t. Her pants zipper stuck as she tried to get it up, so she only did up the snap and let the shirt hang over it.

  “You must put this on before we go.” He handed her a red bandanna and she tilted her head in question.

  “You cannot see where we go. It is for your protection. This way you cannot be forced to tell where we are. You do not know.”

  She looked up and down the street, her heart racing in her chest. Would the thugs come back? Was she safe? Scott trusted these people, but she still wasn’t sure.

  “You are safe. No one will harm you. I promise.”

  Nodding, she wrapped the fabric around her eyes, tying it. The car rolled down the street and she sighed at the relief that coursed through her.

  “How did you know I was in trouble? Or did you stumble on us while you were watching the building?”

  “We have eyes and ears in many places. You are under our protection. I apologize we were not sooner.”

  “Oh, your timing was freakin’ perfect. Don’t get me wrong, before they ripped my Dior blouse would have been even better, but you got there before any real harm was done. I am eternally grateful. I guess I now owe you.”

  “No, you owe us nothing. Men who rape are cowards, not real men.”

  The car slowed then stopped and she was led from the vehicle still blindfolded. Kang helped her so she didn’t trip then she was settled in a comfortable chair. Her nerves still stood on alert and her skin prickled when she felt another presence.

  “You may remove the blindfold, Ms. Silva,” Jian said, his voice in front of her. “Thank you for agreeing to keep our location a secret.”

  Pulling the bandana down, she said, “Did I have a choice?”

  Jian only smiled. “Kang said Holland is in trouble.”

  “Yes, I need your help.” Her chest was still tight, her muscles tense, but she had to push past her fear to help Scott. She explained what had happened and that the evidence was stacked against him. “Her name is Carla Findley. I don’t know why she’s claiming Scott did this to her, but he didn’t. I know he didn’t.”

  “I will have my people look into it. Could be she is doing this under someone else’s command. We will find out. How can I contact you?”

  Heather rattled off her phone number, her heart ripping to shreds at the thought of Scott serving jail time for a crime he didn’t commit. Jian obviously believed he hadn’t done it either because he never even questioned it. Or he didn’t care and his debt to Scott was true.

  “Kang will bring you back home.”

  “I have my car near the mill.”

  “Are you well enough to drive?”

  Her stomach still felt like it was going to revolt and her lungs might have collapsed somewhere along the way but she’d pull it all together and be fine. She nodded.

  “Then Kang will take you to your vehicle and follow you home. Please, do not argue. Holland would be quite upset if we did not assure your safety.”

  The thought did make her feel less anxious, which was strange, since typically having a street gang member follow her home would freak her the hell out.

  “Thank you, Jian. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for this.” She reached up to kiss his cheek then picked up the blindfold. “I assume I need this again.”

  “You are a wise woman, Ms. Silva. Holland is indeed lucky to have you in his life.”

  As she sat in the car on the way back, she truly hoped she’d be back in Scott’s life. And that he’d be able to be in hers.

  Chapter 12

  “Next case: Scott Holland.”

  Scott stood and walked over to the table where the other defendants had been standing. He’d been here for over an hour listening to the other people being arraigned. Apparently, it had been a busy weekend for crimes.

  The bailiff read out his right to a trial and all the other information. He’d heard the same thing six times already this morning. He understood. When his charges were read, Scott cringed. It sounded horrible. It was horrible. But he hadn’t done it.

  The judge looked him up and down. A woman. Usually he was more than happy to have a woman doing any kind of job, but it seemed everything was stacked against him now. A female detective, an Assistant DA whose goal was to stop men who hurt women, and now a female judge. He’d bet his life she had some agenda against women beaters too. Not that he was one, or wanted them to get away with it, but shit, couldn’t he catch a break?

  The ADA read off the evidence against him. Too damned much. He almost believed he’d done it.

  “How do you plead, Mr. Holland?” Judge Mary Barlow asked.

  He clenched his hands at his side, wishing he’d had something nicer to wear to this hearing. But he hadn’t even been allowed time for a shower before he was given back his dirty work clothes and brought to court.

  “Not guilty, Your Honor.”

  She tried to keep her expression neutral but the tightening of her jaw let him know her thoughts on attacking a woman.

  After whispering a few things to the court clerk, she looked back up. “Pre-trial conference will be scheduled for two weeks from today, July nineteenth.”

  “Your Honor,” the prosecutor cut in. “We are asking for the defendant not to be released on bail considering the violent nature of the crime and the condition of the victim. You’ve seen the evidence of her injuries.”

  No. Fuckin’. Way. How could they do that to him? Spend another two weeks in that facility? This time he’d most likely be able to move around, hanging with the nice boys. Like the ones who’d asked for a date when he’d been dragged past their cells this morning. Shit.

  He looked at his lawyer, who was practically shaking at the thought of talking in court. Scott cleared his throat and glared at the kid.

  “Um, Your Honor. Mr. Holland has no prior convictions and runs a respectable business in the state. He is not a flight risk. We request he be let out on his own recognizance.” Finally, something in his favor. It probably could have been more though. He’d done lots of good things in his life. Where was his list of them all?

  The judge scanned the documents on her desk and looked up. “I see that, but prosecution has a good point. Due to the violent nature of the crime bail is set at five hundred thousand dollars.”

  Five hundred thousand. Holy shit. How the hell would he come up with that kind of money? He certainly had equity in the business, but he’d taken out a huge loan for the renovation project.

  “Next case: William Chadwick.”

  Scott threw Billy a tight smile as he moved away from the table. The court officer who escorted him here led him back out to a waiting area in a private room. A few other men sat there too.

  “What happens now?” he asked the officer.

  “You stay here until either your bail is posted or the van is ready to bring you back to the correctional facility. There’s a phone over in the corner if you want to arrange bail.”

  Scott nodded, moving into the room. The phone was currently being used. Who would he call anyway? Jack? He and Callie certainly didn’t have the money to post bail. Keith was a Boston cop. Cops didn’t make big money and his friend sent much of his pay to help his parents. Drew? Would that be a conflict of interest having a prosecutor for the DA’s office bail him out? Plus, Drew was still paying off huge law school loans.

  Nick? He came from money. Lots of money. But he and his dad were on the outs. Would he be willing to eat some crow to get a loan? Scott wasn’t sure he wanted to ask his friend to do that.

  That didn’t leave him with a whole lot of options. There’s one option you haven’t mentioned. He didn’t even want to go there. Heather. Sure, they were partners, but did she believe that he didn’t do this? Or was there some niggling doubt in her mind that he had? He’d pushed her a few times with the sexual innuendos. Maybe more than innuendos. Would she think her refusal had set him off to do t
his to someone else? He stared at the window in the room, wondering if it would be one of the last times he’d get to see outside. Three more guys took their turn on the phone before it was finally his. He moved toward the table to pick up the receiver, still not sure who he’d call.

  “Scott Holland.”

  The clerk waved at him. “You’ve been released on bail. Here’s the form with the dates of your next appearance. You are reminded to stay away from the witness. Please sign here.”

  “Wait. Bail? Who…?”

  Her finger pointed to where he needed to sign, but his eyes skimmed the rest of the document. Heather Silva. God, he could kiss her. Desperately wanted to kiss her.

  The pen moved across the form and he looked at the clerk who pointed down the hall. He didn’t need to be told twice. Shoving his copy in his pocket, he half-trotted down the corridor. There stood Heather. Gorgeous as ever, her silky hair falling around her shoulders, not pulled back into its proper confines. Her smart business suit showcased her shapely figure and her high heels accentuated those incredible long legs. He could eat her up right here.

  “Scott. How are you?”

  Pulling her in for a hug, he nodded, not wanting to let her go. “I don’t even know how to thank you. That’s a hell of a lot of money.”

  Easing back, she said, “You’re worth it. But I’ll get it back when they drop these ridiculous charges, so no worries.”

  “Let’s hope they drop the charges,” he said, taking her elbow and walking toward the exit. He couldn’t get out of here fast enough. “The evidence they have against me is stacked pretty high.”

  Outside the entrance, she stopped on the top step. “But you didn’t do it and we’ll prove it. For now we’re going to get you home. I’m guessing it’s been a hell of a weekend.”

  “You have no idea.” He skimmed his hand along her cheek, noticing a discoloration. One she’d tried to hide with makeup. “What happened here?”


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