Fatal Evidence

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Fatal Evidence Page 17

by Kari Lemor

  “I love hearing you moan like that,” he whispered near her ear as he bit softly on that too. Sensations began to overwhelm her. Arching her back she pushed into the hands holding her. Pushing the lacy fabric aside, he scooped her from the cups and began kneading her flesh.

  “God, Scott,” she moaned, to hell with her pride. She wanted him to touch her, stroke her, take control.

  “Something you like?”

  “Mmm” was all she managed as he pinched her nipples and gently pulled. Grinding her hips against his arousal, she wanted more.

  “Now that I’m a bad boy who’s been in prison, I’m acceptable. I didn’t know you had that naughty side to you, princess. We’ll need to explore it some more.”

  “Yes, please,” she begged, wanting him to explore every part of her.

  Her bra dropped away. When had he undone that? This desire coursing through her had made her lose all sanity.

  “Apparently you’ve got someone who makes your panties drip,” Scott said, his hand lowering down her stomach. “I was wondering if it was me.”

  Damn, how had he known that? She’d said that to Callie. Had Jack overheard? It didn’t matter now.

  “Could be.” She wouldn’t let his head swell too much. Well, not that head anyway. The other one pushed against her back quite prominently.

  “Guess I’ll have to check for myself,” he growled as he slid his hand into her panties. The heat and sensation nearly made her fall over. His free hand held her tight while his capable fingers played in her folds. Holy Mother of God. Her brain exploded from feeling too much.

  “Totally dripping. And all for me.”

  He turned her around and she wanted to cry at the loss of his touch. But he lifted her to sit on the dresser then attached his lips to her erect nipple. The sucking caused her center to clench and more moans to escape from her lips. She clutched at his head keeping it firmly against her chest.

  “I could do this all day.”

  “Please do,” she cried wanting nothing more than to have his hands and mouth touching every part of her.

  “Are you sure? You didn’t want to ruin the business partnership?”

  “Screw the business partnership.” If she didn’t get him inside her soon, she’d explode.

  His chuckle brought her back for a second then he picked her up, walking toward the bed. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she held on, pushing his shirt up his torso as he moved.

  “Screw the business partner, you mean.” He dropped her on the bed and crawled toward her slowly. The predatory look in his eyes should have scared her. It didn’t. It excited her more than anything.

  Lowering his head toward her middle, he pushed her legs apart. God, yes, please. This is exactly what she pictured every time her vibrator got some use. This was the real deal, though.

  He paused halfway up her body then turned his head. No, he couldn’t stop now. His eyes narrowed and he took in a deep breath through his nose. When he looked back at her the desire had dimmed. What the hell?

  “Do you smell that?”

  His testosterone? Sure, it blanketed the air and almost suffocated her.

  “It smells like gas. Do you have a gas stove? Did you leave it on?”

  Could he be serious about this? “Yes, I have a gas stove but it’s not on.” Now that he mentioned it, she smelled it too. It was getting stronger. “Can’t we check it out later?”

  His expression was one of conflict. “There’s nothing I’d like better than to have you screaming my name, but I think I better take a look first. You can wait here if you want. The thought of you on this bed, your legs spread open for me, will make me get back here faster.”

  He backed off the bed then moved toward the door, his face disappointed. His footsteps echoed down the stairway and she ran her hands down her body. Shit, this was bad timing. As she lay there she realized the smell was even worse. Where the hell had it come from?

  Getting off the bed, she threw on a tank top and a pair of shorts then trotted down stairs. Scott stood at her cellar door, his expression concerned.

  “It’s really strong in the basement. I think the best bet is to call the gas company and have them check it out.”

  As she went to grab her phone, he pulled on her hand and dragged her to the door. “We can call from outside. Safer there.”

  What did he think would happen? Yeah, the gas smelled bad but it wouldn’t poison them in only a few minutes time.

  They’d barely cleared the front door when a large bang echoed through the house.

  “Run!” Scott yelled, pushing her in front of him.

  Heat and flames exploded behind them, the force throwing them across the front lawn. Her back burned from the temperature, and debris rained down upon them. Her house was engulfed in flames. Her beautiful house. Another explosion roared through the air with more debris flying at them. Something hit her in the head and blackness descended.

  Chapter 15

  Sirens filled the air as Scott shook his head. What the fuck had happened?

  “Sir, are you okay?”

  Opening his eyes, he saw a small crowd standing near him. Flickering light from enormous flames danced in his vision. The house had exploded.

  “Heather,” he yelled, attempting to sit up. His head spun but he pulled himself to his knees and looked around.

  A few people surrounded her as she lay on her side, unconscious, hair spilling over her face.

  Crawling the few feet that separated them, he pushed aside one of the spectators and touched her shoulder. Ashes and red marks covered her bare skin. Scorched holes dotted her top. He had some too.

  “Hey, wake up,” he called softly to her. “You’re stronger than this.” Touching her neck, he felt for a pulse. Please God, let it be there. Blood pumped through her veins under his thumb. Yes.

  Two fire trucks pulled up, the men jumping out, pulling hoses with them. The crowd moved back as they turned on the water then sprayed the house. There wouldn’t be anything left. It was too far gone. But he and Heather had gotten out, so nothing else mattered. As long as she was fine.

  “How long were we out?” he asked one of the people still nearby, an older woman in a bathrobe and slippers. She seemed quite concerned for Heather.

  “About ten minutes. I’m Sadie, I live there.” She pointed to the house to the right of Heather’s. “I hope she’ll be all right. She’s such a sweet girl, always helping me when I need it.”

  “I hope so too,” he replied, running his fingers over Heather’s cheek.

  “Do you live here? Do you know what happened?” The fire chief had come over, one eye on the firefighters and one on them.

  “This is her house, Heather Silva. We were inside and smelled gas. We figured we’d call to get it checked once we got outside.”

  “Good thing you did.” He bent then slid his fingers over Heather’s wrist. “Paramedics are pulling up now.”

  Relief surged through him, and he moved only slightly away as they checked her neck then gently turned her over onto her back.

  “How is she?” His voice sounded like he’d eaten nails.

  “She’s got a good size bump on the back of her head.” The man glanced around and nodded. “Lots of debris around. Possibly she got hit with something, or had she hit it before you got out?”

  “She was fine, but it all happened so fast. I think something in the cellar went first and we hightailed it out of the house.”

  A soft groan slipped from Heather’s lips and Scott reached for her hand. “It’s okay, princess. You’ll be fine.” He hoped that was true.

  Her eyes fluttered open and she struggled to sit up. The paramedics helped her, but when she saw the flames behind him, her face crumpled.

  He rushed closer then pulled her into his arms as she cried, “My house.”

s only a house. The most important thing inside got out. You.”

  Holding her tight made him realize he never wanted anything bad to happen to her again. What the hell had caused this? Just another coincidence? He didn’t think so. This time they’d gone too far. Whoever the hell they were.

  “We’d like to take you to the hospital to get checked out. There are some burns and cuts that need to be cleaned and treated. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to make sure nothing’s broken. There’s a possibility you both have concussions from the blast.”

  The fire chief asked a few more questions, then they were hustled into an ambulance. They were allowed to ride together, and he held her the whole way. She was quiet except when one of the paramedics asked them questions, making sure they weren’t confused or disoriented. Unfortunately, they were led to different rooms in the ER to be examined. He didn’t want to be separated from Heather for even a second.

  “Mr. Holland?” A woman in a lab coat walked in and pulled over a rolling stool. “Let’s see what we’ve got.”

  “I’m fine,” he insisted, his mind on Heather. “I’m more concerned for my friend who was brought in with me. It took her a little longer to regain consciousness.”

  “And the fact you were unconscious yourself, even for a few minutes, is enough for me to take a look at you.”

  Scott sat still while the doctor poked, prodded, and asked questions. The light she shone in his eyes made his headache throb like a bastard, but all he could think about was Heather and how she was.

  “Slip off your shirt, please. I’d like to see the skin where you’ve got holes in your shirt.”

  He did as asked and the doctor made a few grumbling sounds then stood up.

  “I think you’ll live,” she joked, her smile wide. “You’ve got a few minor burns and cuts. I’ll send in a nurse to clean them up. You’ve also got a possible concussion. Slight, but I’d like to keep you here for observation for a short while. Mostly because you lost consciousness. If everything looks good, we could send you home by dinner time.”

  “Is that necessary?”

  “Humor me,” she said. “I’m going to assume your friend will have a similar treatment.”

  “Could we share a room?” He winked at the doctor and grinned.

  Laughing, she answered, “Probably not, but don’t give me any more hassle and I might be able to get them near each other. Let me go check on her.”

  A few minutes later a nurse walked in with a tray holding ointment and bandages. “Your friend, Ms. Silva, is still being treated at the moment. The doctor’s recommending a few hours of observation. Most likely she’ll be sent upstairs in a short while. She’s been asking about you too.”

  If Heather had time to worry about him then she must not be too bad off. A weight lifted from his shoulders. As the nurse finished with some of the wounds on his back, Jack showed up.

  “Scott? Are you all right? I drove past Heather’s house on the way here and there’s nothing left.”

  “We got out right before it blew.”

  “How’s Heather? Callie wanted to come, but we couldn’t get a sitter this quickly. I told her I’d call as soon as I saw you.”

  “Heather’s still being treated. Guess we’re both getting watched for a bit. There’s no reason for it. I’m good to go.”

  Jack glared at him. “You were both almost blown up. Let them keep an eye on you for a while.”

  An orderly walked in pushing a wheel chair and Scott groaned. “I do not need that. I’m perfectly capable of walking.”

  “Sorry, sir, hospital regulations.” The man maneuvered the chair next to the bed but Scott refused to allow him to help. Even when the room did a little dance and spun around.

  “Let me call Callie to tell her I’ll be a few hours.” Jack pulled out his phone.

  “No. I don’t need you sitting, watching me. Go home. I’ll call you when I need a ride.” Hopefully his truck hadn’t been damaged too badly, as it’d been farther away from the house. Heather’s car had looked totaled under all the flaming debris.

  Jack raised an eyebrow and Scott pointed out the door. Jack left and Scott had to sit through the embarrassment of being wheeled down the Emergency Room hall. As they passed another room he heard Heather’s voice and put his foot down to stop the chair.

  “Mom, Dad, I do not need you hanging around while I rest. You’ll be wasting your time and I’ll feel like I have to entertain you.” You had to love her argument.

  “But dear—”

  “No, Mom, I’m a big girl. I can handle this. You heard the doctor. I’m fine. It’s simply a precaution. I’ll call if I need a ride later.”

  Heather’s wheelchair rolled out and her face lit up when she saw him.

  “You’re all right?”

  “Same as you, it seems. Observation.”

  Scott held out his hand and nodded at the orderly who rolled him down the hall. Heather’s orderly followed beside them. She now wore a scrub top that snapped up the front. Her shirt must have been more damaged than his.

  In the elevator the two orderlies looked at each other and said, “Fifth floor.”

  “I bribed the doctor to put us close together,” Scott told her.

  “Bribed or flirted?” She chuckled though her eyes seemed blank somehow. “I saw your doctor was a woman. I’m sure there was a little charm involved.”

  “Are you saying I’m charming?” God, he would love her to think that.

  She narrowed her eyes. “You can be. When you want.”

  Unfortunately their rooms were a few down from each other. The nurse who came in to check on Scott pulled the shades then made him rest in the bed. No sneaking down to see Heather.

  After a few hours of being constantly interrupted and checked on, the call was made to let him leave. He strolled down to Heather’s room to see the doctor giving her the same instructions for wound care and concussion symptoms. “If any of these things get worse, please come back immediately.”

  “Jack’s on his way to pick me up. Did you want a ride or have you called your parents?”

  Her sad expression almost killed him as she nodded. “I’d like to go with you, please.”

  It was the soft please that got to him. His little warrior was nowhere to be seen. Sitting next to her on the bed, he pulled her into his arms. Her head fell onto his shoulder. He simply held her until Jack poked his head in.

  Once they were in the truck and driving away, he asked, “Do you want us to drop you at your parents’?”

  Her head shook, but she didn’t say anything, just stared out the front window as she chewed on her lip.

  “You’re more than welcome to stay with me.” No response from her. It started to worry him.

  “Why don’t both of you stay at our house tonight?” Jack offered. “That way Callie and I can keep an eye on you, per doctor’s orders.”

  “You don’t really have the space for us, and I don’t want to displace anyone. We can go to my apartment.”

  Heather stirred. “They blew up my house.” Her voice sounded dead, emotionless.

  Pulling her closer to his side, he said, “We’ll go to my place, Jack. Thanks.”

  The ride was quiet and soon Jack pulled up to the parking lot.

  “Thanks for coming to get us. Appreciate it. Tell Callie not to worry. I’ll make sure Heather is all right.”

  “Call if you need anything. Anything. We owe the both of you more than we could ever repay.”

  “No, you don’t.” He helped Heather slip from the truck and guided her in to the building, then the elevator. Once in his apartment, he pulled her toward his bedroom. He needed to change out of his dirty clothes but he didn’t want to leave her alone. The stupor she was in scared him. It was so unlike her.

  “Sit here while I clean up a bit. Can I get you something to drink first?�

  Shaking her head, she sighed but never looked up. He quickly pulled out some sweatpants and threw them on, discarding his burnt T-shirt. She never stirred, her eyes remaining on a spot on the wall.

  Sitting next to her on the bed, he stroked her face and lifted her chin until she looked at him. Despair filled her eyes.

  “I know this totally sucks, but we’re alive. Nothing else matters right now.”

  Her face crumpled and her lip trembled as she leaned forward then fell apart in his arms.

  * * * *

  Her house was gone. They’d almost been killed. Scott’s arms around her were comforting, but nothing right now could fill the emptiness Heather felt deep in her soul. Snuggling closer, she let out everything she’d been trying so hard to hold in since she’d woken up with her house in flames earlier today.

  “Shh, it’s okay. I’m right here,” Scott whispered as his hands gently caressed her back.

  It wasn’t okay, though. Everything she had was gone.

  Tears continued to fall and loud sobs shook her body. Scott’s soft words kept her only partially sane, but at least she had someone here to help her through this. If it hadn’t been for him smelling the gas, they’d both be dead.

  “Thank you,” she said, her voice barely audible muffled against his shoulder.

  “I’m not doing anything.”

  “No.” She looked up at him. His face was etched in concern. “I mean for getting us out of there. I was totally lost in what we were doing, I didn’t even notice until you said something.”

  “I was in fairly deep too,” he replied, lifting his hand to push back a strand of hair from her face. His fingers stroked her cheek and she briefly closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation. “As a builder, the smell of gas is something that signals a big warning for me.”

  “You saved my life.”

  The smirk on his face deepened the dimple in his chin. “You know, in some cultures that means I own you now. That could be cool.”

  She tried to smile but didn’t quite succeed. “I certainly don’t own anything anymore. Everything I had was in that house.” Her voice cracked on the last sentence.


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