Ray of Light (The Incandescent Series Book 1)

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Ray of Light (The Incandescent Series Book 1) Page 22

by Elle Scott

  ‘So anyway Adam, tell him what you found out next!’ I can hear Ross' excited whisper.

  ‘He keeps his study locked at home, so last time he was away on a “business trip,” I broke in and hacked into his computer—his password is “Seth” if you were wondering. I found all these files on random orbs and bizarre technology, articles, emails, the works. I found files of some death reports, I thought he was part of the mob or something. Then I found Seth’s death report, along with a number of others with him. He told me Seth died in a hunting accident, not shot down in a ridiculous battle over orbs. In some weird twist of fate, Ross showed up at home looking for Dad. After Mum took his number I ran outside to speak to him, tell him he didn’t want to work for my dad.’

  Ross laughs. ‘It was hilarious. We were both standing there eyeing each other, wondering who we were, what we knew. Eventually I asked him why I shouldn’t work for his dad and he told me.’

  ‘And Ross told me he wasn’t here to work for the Uprising anyway!’

  ‘Right, that mission Ladlow gave you?’ Xander’s voice echoes towards Ross.

  ‘Double agent! Pew pew!’ Ross holds his two hands up like guns and wiggles them at his waist.

  ‘So then,’ Adam continues. ‘I confronted Dad about the files I found and he brought me here to show me what he's really been doing. I was pretty underwhelmed.’ His wide smile returns. ‘Anyway, they appointed me a guard position and I met Ross again when he arrived yesterday morning.’

  ‘So you're turning your back on your own father just like that? What did he tell you when you confronted him?’ Xander still isn't whispering like the others are.

  ‘He told me what he’s doing with the orbs, saving them before some other company misuses them blah blah,’ his voice oscillates up and down, so melodramatic. ‘But none of it adds up to what I found on his computer.’

  I breathe in a lung full of air through my nose, what Adam's saying, it's not right, why is he lying? Is it because he blames his dad for Seth’s death and wants some deranged revenge? I fight the urge to burst through the door and tell him he’s making a mistake; he should trust his father. He should trust me!

  ‘You asked me why I was helping you Xander, that’s why!’ Ross says. His hands remove wires from a portal orb and the girl beside him hums along to the tune that plays through her earphones.

  As I strain to get a look at her—who is she and whose side is she on?—Ross taps her back. ‘Oh, ahh, Celia?’ she looks up and blinks with wide eyes. ‘This is Xander. Xander—Celia. She's my assistant apparently. We can trust her.’

  I lean forward as she steps out of her seat to shake Xander's hand.

  ‘Why did they hire you?’ Xander asks.

  Celia lifts her shoulders up and rolls them back, as though she is happy for the break. I notice a small tattoo behind her ear, a blue and purple shaded feather.

  ‘I'm a volunteer. I met, umm, Evan in Kenya, we were building a School. We were talking about what we will do once we return home and I must have made slip about my geology degree. He mentioned some secret organisation he worked for that needed passionate scientists. I signed up as soon as we got back, two weeks ago. Sounds stupid now I know the truth. I should have stayed with Oxfam.’

  ‘So what exactly did you find on your father’s computer Adam?’ Xander steps back into my view.

  Celia darts her large eyes sideways to the door, to me and bites her bottom lip before sitting back down.

  Adam follows her eye line and his mouths drops agape when he sees me. ‘How long have you been standing there?’

  ‘Enough!’ I hiss, glaring at him as I enter the room.

  ‘Simply think of the person and it should take you to them,’ Ross says handing the orb to Xander.

  ‘What are you doing?’ I move my eyes between all four of them. From Adam who's suddenly shrunk backwards, shoulders hunching up as his head bows in silence; Celia, with her big bright innocent eyes that I could just tear out of her dainty face; Ross, he doesn't look at me and I'm not surprised, wimpy at best; I rest them on Xander but instead of returning my spiteful glare, his head tilts in softness.

  ‘I'm taking matters into my own hands Viv,’ now he decides to whisper.

  ‘The orb,’ Ross clears his throat.

  ‘Right. Should take me to them?’ Xander shakes off my entrance and raises an eyebrow at Ross.

  ‘Ninety nine percent sure.’ Ross crosses his arms and shuffles his feet. He's lying.

  Xander shakes his head and takes a breath. ‘Alright!’ He looks past me at Adam. ‘Can you get Kate ready for me, I want to get her out of here as soon as I know this works!’

  ‘Yeah,’ Adam nods.

  Xander grips the portal orb with both hands. ‘Wish me luck.’

  ‘What is happening? Where are you…’ But it's too late, he's gone.



  Miles is lying on the futon when I get back to the cabin, he doesn't hear me. He's holding his phone for the first time since we arrived here. He told me to keep mine switched off, so that people can't track us here. So why does he have his on? Through his fingers the screen is lit up bright enough for me to see he's sending a text message. The recipient simply says 'M'. I can't quite see what he's writing. I creep closer as quietly as I can but a floorboard moans to give my position away. Miles' head turns faster than a demon-possessed doll and he places his phone face-down onto his chest.

  ‘I didn't hear you come in!’ he stammers.

  I shrug and hold up my orb.

  ‘I have no use for doors!’ I joke moving towards the warmth.

  I stand in between Miles and the fireplace. He smiles to humour me.

  ‘Xander broke up with me remember?’ I declare. ‘I don't even know if you could have classified us as being a couple anyway. Really.’

  ‘You were,’ he looks up at the ceiling to disguise his discomfort, ‘he adores you.’

  ‘I don't think so… Not like you do,’ my heart pounds so fast and hard, I can barely keep up with myself.

  He moves his focus from the ceiling to me. ‘No. Not like I do.’

  I sit next to him on the futon and he moves away to give me some space. A body could fit between us. His hand rests in a fist beside him, I lean over and place my hand next to his. He hangs his head, and his fingers uncurl just enough for his knuckle to touch my thumb. My chest constricts. It shouldn't be this hard.

  We've sat here in silence for a few minutes, he isn't looking at me but his presence envelops me. From one simple tiny touch, I'm in complete peace.

  ‘Miles?’ I'm barely audible.

  He finally tilts his head and looks at me. And I don't mean look at me like anyone would look at someone for saying their name, he really sees me. I don't have to explain or defend myself, he just knows. I wish I could return the expression but I can't. Instead I place my hand on his and squeeze.

  ‘I've had this hole in my heart for a long time,’ his voice is low and croaky. ‘But whenever I'm around you, from the moment we met, I forget everything that hurts me. You woke up the dormant light inside me, just by being you. You make me so happy… I don't expect anything from you Nora. I get your burden, the burden I gave you. And Xander is my friend, my timing is terrible. I… I just want you to know, I'm struggling to keep my hands off you and I’m sorry.’ He laughs at the last part but I'm not sure if he thinks it's funny.

  I move closer to him and start to brush his damp hair with my fingers. He moves his head away. ‘Don't. I don't need your sympathy.’

  ‘I'm not. I don't…’ I'm interrupted by his phone ringing.

  Miles holds his phone up, the word 'Dad' flashes across the screen. His eyes widen. He looks to me for guidance. ‘Shit!’

  ‘Are you going to answer it?’

  ‘I don't know,’ he looks down at the screen again; his thumb hovering over the green button. ‘Dammit!’

  ‘I need more time!’ I beg.

  Miles cups the back of my head with
his left hand, and holds the right up to his ear. ‘Dad?’

  I can't hear the words but from the wince on his face I can tell it isn't good.

  ‘I'm fine. Yes.’ He looks at me with fear in his eyes, his thumb strokes the base of my skull. ‘Yes, she's with me. No! I… what? Well if you let me handle it, that wouldn't have happened…’

  I stand up and press my hand on his shoulder.

  ‘No, I'm not with the Uprising.’

  I motion towards the bedroom, Miles nods and I head towards the bedroom door.

  ‘Of course I'm hiding, you haven't been able to make a humane choice since—‘

  I close the door behind me and let my forehead rest against it. I'm not ready.

  I lift the orb up in my palm, I watch the blue and green swirls dance inside their own little world.

  ‘What am I supposed to do?’ I whisper as it shimmers back at me.

  I can freeze and warm a lake, become invisible, teleport, spark static, move trees and I can even change their appearance from the inside out.

  Clarity hits like a spotlight shining deep into a rabbit hole. I know exactly what I have to do. And I have to do it now. I jump out of bed, tear apart my backpack and put on my neoprene uniform. I re-pack it with only the things I absolutely need. I pull out my notepad and pen from the front pocket and scrawl a letter to Miles. He can't come, this burden is for me alone to carry.


  I stare at the orb case for a while, wondering how much easier this all would have been if Plan A had worked, as sketchy as it was. Then, though, I guess under the leadership of Miles, he would be the Uprising’s target. Maybe this has always been the only way.

  I turn towards the computer and look up to the map, there are no lights. I press the power button. The familiar whirring sound of a computer begins echoing through the room but the map still doesn’t light up. How can I find all the orbs without it? I set my orb down on the keypad. I smile, I forget sometimes about the power it possesses. It's already touching the computer so I lightly press my finger tip on it, imagining I'm pressing a power button. Lights begin to scatter across the map. Much better.



  I roll over in this godforsaken awful excuse for a bed and lift my eyes over to Xander. I sit up in fright, he isn't there. I wanted to tell him about my discovery but he's been too busy whispering with Ross and Viv all day, I could never get any time alone with him. And then at bed time, when I finally had him to myself—fear gripped my throat and I couldn't speak. What would he do, march himself to the guard and start a fight? Or worse, go straight to Nichols. He may as well walk head-on into the firing squad and ask to be killed.

  I place my bare feet on the cold floor and pull a jumper over my head. I peer my eyes out of my room and check the hallway for people. No one. I step into the pathway and creep towards the Zen Garden. I hear footsteps behind me, down long into the depths of the pathway.

  ‘Xander?’ I ask, straining my eyes to see in the dark.

  The footsteps march towards me still, I see a shadow in the dull light. The body is too big to be Xander. He walks towards me and the fire lanterns on the wall send flickers of light across his body. They light up basketball sized biceps; they show me a dark soulless stare. I lose my breath, like a reverse vacuum. I know exactly who it is. I turn back around and walk faster into the Zen Garden. I feel my pulse rise with every step I take, my insides churn with the reminiscent fear of a twelve-year-old. I swallow hard to stop tears from falling down my face but it doesn't work, they flow, they pour.

  I scour the room for Xander but it's vacant. I'm it's only occupant, so far. I look back down the pathway to Miguel, he stares at me with hungry eyes as he walks right towards me. There's nowhere for me to hide in here, not like I hid from him before. I close my eyes tight and beg the heavens that he isn't here to hurt me, that he doesn't recognise the scared twelve-year-old I once was.

  With my eyes still shut, I feel the pressure of a hand solid on my shoulder, the hot breath that coils through my ear drum is accompanied by a whisper. ‘You need to come with me.’

  I dart open my eyes in hopes to see Xander coming to save me. But he isn't here, just like before.

  I spin around to face the monster but he has walked past me indifferent, he heads out into the dining room without a second look. Instead, the soft tanned face of Adam stays three inches from my own, his hand gently squeezes my shoulder and I breathe out a long-awaited sigh.


  I’m waiting in Nichols’ secret room with Ross, Celia and Adam when Xander gets back. Another male is with him; he has a tall and stocky body, but a tired face. It’s six o’clock in the goddamn morning.

  ‘Where the hell have you been?’ Ross exclaims as he spots the new boy.

  The boy sits down on a stool to centre himself and examines the room around him. He pushes his hands along his thighs to rest on his knees. ‘I ughh, kind of find places to stay. I travel a fair bit—London, Toronto, Indonesia. Xander found me at my aunt's place.’

  Ross turns to Xander. ‘So it works then?’

  ‘One hundred percent, I thought of Eli and it took me straight to him!’ Xander pats him on the back as he walks towards me.

  I hold onto Adam's arm like my life depends on it.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Xander asks.

  I roll my eyes and refuse to answer him. He thinks I'm being as stubborn as ever but he doesn't realise I've been trying to speak to him about something. Something much more important than an orb that can take you to someone just by thinking about them. Miguel’s menacing eyes are still imprinted in my mind, if it wasn't for Adam showing up… well I don't want to think what Miguel would have done to me.

  Xander tries to grab my attention, he leans forward to meet my eyes, I turn my head the other way. He looks at Adam. ‘What happened?’

  ‘Are we going then?’ Ross says a little too loud.

  ‘Shhh,’ Adam hisses. ‘I don't want to give my father a reason to put another son in the firing line!’

  ‘Your father… Nichols?’ Eli stands up so quick, I jump on the spot. I tighten my grasp around Adam’s elbow, hugging him as though I was a four-year-old being asked to give up my favourite security blanket.

  Adam nods and brings a hand over mine. His hand is surprisingly cold and calloused, but it still brings calm to my mind, a welcomed comfort.

  ‘Wow! Well yeah, you do look like Seth!’ Eli tilts his head to try and make sense of what he's seeing.

  ‘Yeah, thanks for that!’ Adam shakes his head. ‘Look, you should go.’ He tugs on my arm and relinquishes his hold on me to Xander.

  ‘You're not coming?’ I look at him.

  His eyes hood over and he shakes his head. I'm disappointed, I've only spent the last ten minutes with him but already I miss him - his rough hands and smooth voice.

  I hook my arm around Xander and Eli touches Xander’s back. Celia helps Ross collect his equipment.

  ‘Is Xander back yet?’ Viv runs through the door, behind her Frank storms up the pathway towards us.

  She notices the orb in Xander’s hand and wraps her arms around me. ‘Hi Eli… go now Xander!’

  The guard reaches the doorway.

  ‘Wait! I need my meter.’ Ross shoves tools into his pocket and bundles his mactrostatic mass reader analyser or whatever do-dad into his arms.

  All I do is blink and we are out of the cavern and inside a small cabin, standing in-front of a blazing fireplace. I count heads. Xander, Eli, Kate, Viv, and I feel the hard edge of that machine Ross loves in my back. I look to my right and a man lays awake on a futon, I'd recognise that hair anywhere—Miles.



  The fire dwindles and a sudden chill streaks down my spine. I don't want to move from under the covers but then I think of her. I throw some small sticks on the dying embers and watch them ignite. I'm on my knees in front of the fireplace watching the flames mimic my insides—they're burning, singing, s
creaming. I love you, I love you, I love you. I throw a large log on top of the red pit and dust the bark off of my hands. They're shaking. I love you but you don't love me. Incomparable heat engulfs my body but my heart feels bare and raw, like I've just torn it out of the smoking timber and now it's crusting over with dry black coals.

  I lay back down on the futon and trace my fingers over the natural lines of the wooden panels on the wall. I used to do this when I was a kid, it calmed me down enough to sleep. I'm not sure I can sleep now. I close my eyes and imagine Nora laying on the bed in the room right next to me. I see the waves of her brown hair circling her face, her long eyelashes holding her eyes shut, her soft fair skin barely showing from under the comfort of my mother's doona. I imagine scooping myself beside her, I caress her neck and move her hair out of her face. Her lips would purse as she feels me pressed against her back. I wonder if I will ever get to kiss those lips.

  I hear floorboards creak beside me and my heart skips a beat.

  ‘Dad?’ I sit up to see five figures hovering over me.

  A rush of pain surges across my temple and down my jawline as I fall onto my pillow.

  ‘No, not your beloved father.’ A familiar voice accompanies another strike, it burns against my chin, the taste of blood forms in my mouth.



  Miles lifts his hands to cover his face as he sits himself back up again. Xander grabs Miles’ shoulders and slams him against the wall. Miles’ head hits the windowsill behind him and he groans. His fists protecting his stinging face as Xander's unmistakable piercing eyes glare at him. Miles drops his hands in surrender.

  ‘Stop!’ Eli demands, using his large arms to constrict Xander.

  Miles wipes blood from his mouth in haste and stands up to face Xander. Xander's jaw clenches in unison with his fists as Eli constrains him with force.


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