Well Hung

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Well Hung Page 4

by Lauren Blakely

  But I believe it.

  I have to.

  Especially when three days later, I get on a private jet with Natalie Rhodes, temptation made flesh, the All-American black belt with a tongue of iron fire.

  As she settles down into a beige leather seat and crosses her legs, she shoots me a smile.

  That sweet, sexy smile.

  Fuck, being a good boy is way overrated. I want to be bad with her.


  I could get used to this. The leather seats that recline all the way. The impeccable service, including a three-course lunch. A quiet ride in the lap of luxury next to Natalie.

  Lila snoozes in her seat across the aisle. She popped a Xanax. Flying makes her anxious, she’d said, so she’s in the land of nod, a black satin eye mask snug on her face.

  “Can I get you anything else?” the flight attendant asks us.

  I do a double take. For a split second, it registers that she’s pretty. She’s been serving us the whole flight, but it just hit me—her looks. Silky red hair, full lips, and warm brown eyes, along with a tight, trim figure. But then, all thoughts of her fall out of my head. And that’s not just because it would be rude to hit on the flight attendant on Lila’s plane, and it would also be classless to hit on her in front of an employee. But the reality is I don’t really want to get to know her more. I’m kind of interested in talking to Natalie on this flight. Even though we tease each other at the office, and even though we’ve gone to dinner a few times, we mostly chat about work. There’s a lot I don’t know about her.

  The attendant clears our Ahi tuna lunch dishes and asks if we’d like to watch a movie. I shift my focus to Natalie, letting her decide. She shakes her head and says, “I think I’ll read.”

  But she doesn’t read. She doesn’t break out her Kindle or a paperback. Instead, she nudges me with her elbow and says, “I never imagined working for a construction firm meant I’d fly to Vegas like this. I should have tracked you down long ago. I would never have taken on all the crummy jobs I had before.”

  I laugh. “Tell me more about your checkered work history.” I don’t actually know a lot about what she did prior to working for me. Her résumé didn’t score her the gig. Her gumption did.

  She arches an eyebrow. “Like the time I worked for a phone sex operation?”

  My eyes nearly pop out of my head. Then I school my expression and do my damnedest to act unfazed. “Oh, yeah?”

  She nods. “It was kinda awesome. We did it all, but we specialized in furries and feet.”

  I do my best to maintain a straight face as sights and sounds of Natalie twirling a phone cord as she purrs huskily about the high heels on her tiny feet, flash like a neon billboard before my eyes. I swallow then manage a dry, “Really?”

  I’m not sure if I’m turned on or wigged out. Maybe both. Mostly turned on, though.

  She nods several times. “You have no idea how many men have foot fetishes until you do phone sex. They want to hear you walking around in your heels. They like the sound they make on a hard wood—pun intended—floor.”

  Damn, I love puns. I’m motherfucking crazy about them. But I’ve got no clue how to react to that one. I scrub a hand across my jaw. This is a whole new side to Natalie. And I can’t help but picture her strutting across the floor in stilettos. She’s already an intoxicating combo of cheerleader looks and tomboy heart—add in heels, and I’d be a goner. For the record, I’m not a foot fetishist whatsoever, but I bet she’d look sinfully sexy in four-inch pumps. Red ones. With her legs wrapped around my waist as I fuck her against the wall.

  “And furries?” I ask, doing my best to stay rooted in the bizarre fetish portion of the convo, not the filthy personal fantasy part.

  “People who wear full fur-suit costumes,” she explains.

  “I get what that is.” I frown in confusion. “What I don’t get is that furries seem to be more of a real life thing.”

  She nods exaggeratedly. “Oh, it’s huge in phone sex. You pretend to be wearing a full fox suit. Or sometimes a squirrel outfit. Raccoons were also popular. But mostly a sexy squirrel. That was the favorite.”

  I’m trying. I swear I’m trying. But picturing Natalie whispering dirty words like rub your furry tail against me as I store nuts in my cheeks doesn’t compute. “Men called in wanting to get it on with a gal in a squirrel suit?”

  She nods. “It’s called yiffing. Crazy, huh?”

  I run a hand through my thick hair, a little wavy today. “A bit, but whatever floats your boat.”

  She arches an eyebrow. “Admit it. You’re shocked.”

  “Nah,” I say, acting all cool. Then I think fuck it. “Okay fine. Maybe a little.”

  A huge smile flashes on her face. “Gotcha.” She points at me, and victory sparkles in her light blue eyes.

  “Got me at what?”

  “I heard you like pranks. Josie told me.”

  I crack up and shake my head in appreciation. “Well done,” I say, then slowly clap. “You win at pulling my leg.”

  I straighten out my left leg, and she does her best charade to yank it. I pretend she captured it, and she tugs harder at the air, my leg like a big fish she’s captured.

  She grunts as she reels it in, then I set my foot down on the ground and knock fists with her. “Seriously. Dinner is on me tonight.”

  “It better always be on you,” she says, then adds for emphasis, “Boss.”

  Ah, there’s that reminder.

  “Anyway,” she continues, “I might have been pulling your leg. But everything I said is true. I never said I made the calls. And I do know all that because I did work for a phone sex company. I just wasn’t an operator myself. I screened the girls who wanted to work for us, set up the schedules, made sure they were paid, logged all the calls. It was weirdly fun.”

  “And I’m weirdly impressed.” I would never have pegged the phone sex business as part of Natalie’s work history, but the way she describes it completely fits her organizational skills.

  She punches my bicep playfully. “And I wasn’t technically lying.”

  “You were technically entertaining the hell out of me, though.”

  “Good,” she says with a bright smile. “Want to know about more of my past jobs? I’ve had some interesting ones.”

  “Sure,” I say, stretching out my long legs and thoroughly enjoying the legroom, not to mention the conversation.

  “After the phone sex company I worked as a pet pedicurist.”

  “That’s a job?”

  She nods, the look in her eyes intense. “Hell, yeah. And it’s not a bad way to make a living. You have no idea what wealthy Manhattanites will pay to have someone come to their home and clip the chihuahua’s claws.”

  “Why not stick with it then?”

  “Shockingly, I didn’t want to spend my entire life working on dog feet. Don’t get me wrong. I love dogs, and paws are awesome, but when it started conflicting with my schedule at the dojo in the evenings I had to let it go.”

  I tap her knee. “Which brings us to your true passion. Administering a side-kick to the head.”

  She pretends to punch me in the chest, coming this close. “Or the heart.”

  Her eyes glint. For a flash, I see something in them. Or maybe it’s just that her words feel like a warning, like she really could deliver a blow to my heart.

  I blink then look away.

  She lowers her arm, placing her hands in her lap. “I do love it, though.” Her tone is calmer now, more serious than when she riffed on yiffing and feet, on paws and claws. “Always have.”

  “Since you were little?”

  “My parents sent me to karate class when I was six. I had a lot of energy, and it was a great place for me to burn it off. I grew to love it. The techniques, the skills, and most of all, the fact that you can always improve.” She raises her eyes, meeting mine. In this moment, she seems to be shedding a layer that was between us—the boss-assistant one, maybe—as she ventures into more perso
nal territory. “I also really love teaching it. My favorite is the self-defense part. I really want to keep teaching women self-defense and using martial arts for that. I feel like it’s this one special thing I can do, you know?”

  Her voice is vulnerable, like she wants reassurance that her admission means something to me. That I’ll treat it with care. And I will. “I completely know what you mean, and I suspect you’re fantastic at it.”

  “Don’t get me wrong. I love working for your company, too, and my job at WH is a fantastic one,” she says. Then a soft smile curves her lips, spreading until it turns into a yawn. A huge open-jawed yawn. She brings her hand to her mouth. “I think I hear a nap calling my name.”

  A few minutes later, she’s sound asleep in her seat. A little after that, her head slides to my shoulder. Then, when she’s deep in REM, her upper body slouches down, down, down . . . her head hitting my lap.

  And that’s how I spend the rest of the flight with Natalie curled in my lap.

  Yes, it turns me on. Yes, I’m fucking aroused. And yes, my mind is filled with a reel of images of where her head could be if she woke up, shifted a few inches, and opened her mouth wide.

  I inch back in the seat, trying to give Natalie’s face some distance from the family jewels.

  Soon enough, we begin the descent into Las Vegas. She wakes as we land and shoots straight up, her eyes darting all around as if she’s registering where she is as she comes to. “Did I . . .?”

  She points at my legs.

  “Sleep on my lap?”

  She nods.


  Her eyes widen to saucer size. “Did I do that?” She points frantically at my crotch.

  Ah, fuck. She noticed the banana in my pocket. I cycle through a litany of potential excuses for sporting wood during her afternoon lap nap when my eyes follow her finger. It’s not my dick she’s pointing at. It’s the wet spot on my jeans. The huge wet spot that could only be caused by—

  She brings a hand to her chest. “I’m so sorry I drooled on you.”

  I crack up. “Sweetheart, you can drool on me anytime.”

  She flashes an apologetic smile, then reaches into her back pocket for her phone, presumably. When she comes up empty, I peer around, spotting it on the floor by my feet, where it must have fallen while she slept.

  I reach down to grab it for her, and I do my best to look away, but I can’t help but notice the end of a message from her sister that appears on the screen.

  I knew you’d feel this way!

  What way, I wonder?


  The Eiffel Tower is a dwarf. The Ferris wheel spins like a miniature toy, and the rollercoaster of New York-New York wraps around that casino like an architect’s model. Up here, on the twenty-second floor of Lila’s husband’s new palace, we are kings and queens of a city of royals.

  This building is one of the tallest in town. Surely it’ll be a home for billboards soon enough, as high as the entire tower, beckoning tourists to glittery extravaganzas for the senses. For now, it’s potentially the site of my next job.

  I’m still not entirely sure why Lila wants me rather than someone local, so I ask her. I’ve built a reputation on honesty—no need to change that now. She’s next to me, her arms crossed, a look of pride in her eyes as she gazes at the expansive view of the city of sin from the floor-to-ceiling windows in her living room.

  “Do you like it? The place is lovely but the kitchen is a mess, isn’t it?” Lila waves her arm toward the red stove, the black cabinetry, and the emerald green countertop. “Can you turn it around?”

  “Absolutely. We’ll tie everything together, and make it the centerpiece of the home you want. But I’ve got to ask, Mrs. Mayweather—why not find someone local? Any contractor would be glad to work in this gorgeous space.”

  She turns to me, meets my eyes, and laughs politely. “You’re sweet to say that. But do you know how hard it is to find someone you trust? To let them into your home? Especially in a new city?” Her pitch rises, and she fidgets with her strand of pearls. From her unsaid words, I get the feeling Lila has encountered some bad apples previously. “There are so many predatory contractors disguised as your friend.”

  I almost want to knock fists in solidarity, because do I ever know bad apples. My college girlfriend, Roxy, was the rottenest one of all, but I’d have never known it at the time. After graduation, she encouraged me to start a handyman business, became my biggest cheerleader, and helped brainstorm a business plan. When she walked away for some dude on Wall Street making bigger bank, she did everything she possibly could on her way out the door to tear off a chunk of WH Carpentry & Construction with her bare teeth and keep it for herself. She was like a koala bear who turned out to be an alligator.

  I nod at Lila, since I don’t care for bad apples, alligators, or ex-girlfriends who hide their crazy far too well. “I hear ya. I appreciate you saying you can trust me, and I’m glad you feel that way. Means a lot.”

  “Plus, you finished on time, and in Manhattan none of my friends have found a single contractor who does.” She slashes her hand through the air and raises her chin, as if she’s offended by the indignities her friends have suffered in this regard. “You’re a rare breed, Wyatt, and the thing I need most is to finish on time, since I want to have this place ready to host a gala for one of my favorite charities. A local philanthropist, Sophie Winston, is going to help me set it up. Will it be too hard to manage the work from afar?”

  I turn around and drink in the layout once more. It’s an open floor plan with copious space, a sunken living room, and gorgeous bedrooms. The style is modern and clean. White walls, simple furniture, and light hardwood floors. The kitchen, by contrast, is a mismatched mess, like a drunk monkey designed it while noshing on a spiked banana.

  Natalie strides out of the kitchen where she’s been taking measurements. She exits purposefully, her closed laptop in her hands, scribbling on a notepad on top of the computer.

  “Hey, Natalie,” I call out. “Think we can manage this job? We’ll need an electrician, and we’ll need to find some local suppliers for parts.”

  “Actually,” Lila says, holding up a finger to chime in, “you won’t even have to do that. You can use all your regular suppliers in New York and fly everything out on my plane.”

  I rein in a grin. Jesus fucking Christ. She is a fairy godmother. She’s trying to make all my work dreams come true.

  Natalie stands next to me. “And when it comes to an electrician, I already have one. I talked to a friend who runs Edge, a nightclub here. He’ll hook us up with his guy for the electrical, as well as anyone we need for other specialized jobs. You’d just need to be here to do the labor,” Natalie says to me, then she turns to Lila. “We can do it. I can manage it all remotely, and Wyatt can be on-site to do the work. We’ll make it happen.”

  “Wonderful! I’m so thrilled,” Lila says, her grin as wide as the Strip. “This benefit is so important to me, and I want my home to shine. Do you have a sense if you can meet the budget?” she asks, then tells me what she’s willing to spend. The number has many zeros and nearly unhinges my jaw.

  “I don’t think that should be a problem. Why don’t we go work on an estimate, send it to you, and then—”

  Lila jumps in. “And then I can sign off on it tonight!”

  Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo indeed.

  Once inside the elevator, it’s just Natalie and me while Lila stays behind. The doors close with a soft whoosh, and I turn to my assistant. “Can I just say it now?”

  “The part where you’re giving me a twenty percent raise?” she asks playfully.

  I laugh. “Pretty sure I said ten percent.”

  “Ten percent. Twenty percent. What’s the difference?”

  The car descends softly. “Seriously, though. I will need to pay you extra for this. It’s a ton of work.”

  “Twist my arm,” she says and hands me her arm.

  I pretend to torque it into a corkscrew. />
  “Ouch, ouch, ouch,” she says, contorting her face.

  I let go. “But officially, the answer is yes. The raise starts today. Thanks to Lila.”

  “Even though she hasn’t officially signed off?”

  I wave a hand in the air. “It’s as good as a done deal.”

  I offer her a hand to shake, and instead she throws her arms around me. “Thank you so much,” she says in the most heartfelt tone, her lips near my neck, her breasts snug to my chest, her fingers close to my hair.

  “You’re worth it,” I say.

  And you smell fucking amazing. And you feel spectacular. And I am a motherfucking master of self-control because all I want to do is hit the stop button, hitch your leg around my hip, and screw you hard.

  “I can do my videos now.” She pumps her fist in victory as we separate.


  Her entire face is animated. Her eyes are lit like sparklers. “I just started working on a series of self-defense videos. Like the kind you see on YouTube. I want them to be well-produced, and I think if they are, I can attract new students to my classes.”

  I smile. “Never knew that. That’s fantastic. Are you shooting them yet, or still in the planning process?”

  “I’ve made a few, but I need them to be a better quality. They’re missing a certain something. I think I know what it is, but I didn’t have the funds to keep making them at the level I need,” she says quickly, then her tone switches, as if she’s apologizing for her hopefulness. “It probably sounds silly—my self-defense dreams.” She gives a dismissive wave.

  I grab her arm. “No. It doesn’t sound silly in the least. Dreams never are. Now you can go after them the way you want.”

  She shoots me that smile that always disarms me, that hooks into my heart and threatens to wreak havoc with my life. It’s such an honest smile; it says she’s this totally straightforward person who lays it all out up front. Who doles out compliments, who shares in excitement, who doesn’t hide who she is or what she wants. All of that from the curve of her lips, the way her blue eyes light up, how her entire face glows . . . Fuck, I’m getting lost in this one part of her, and I’ve got to get it together. To remember the alligators . . . the crazy alligators, even though I can’t possibly put Natalie in that reptilian category.


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