by Ros Seddon
‘Mr Wilson, Sir………. I’m sorry……. You gave me specific instructions not to disturb you under any circumstances and………’
‘What is it Lorna?’
‘It’s the baby Sir. We think it’s on its way.’
‘What?’ David was up and already on his way out of the door, then stopped. ‘Where is she? At the hospital? How long ago did she phone?’
‘Um ……. About twenty minutes Sir.’
‘What? Why didn’t you tell me at once?’
‘Well because you said not to disturb you under any………’
‘Never mind. Call Cartwright and have him lock up tonight…… and Lorna?’
‘Yes Sir?’
‘This is what I would call exceptional circumstances, don’t you think?’ David snapped as he left the bank. He climbed into the Audi and shot out of the little car park leaving a trail of dust in its wake and drove as fast as he dared to Exeter hospital where he parked in a No Parking zone and rushed in to the reception.
‘Um…… which way do I go for maternity?’
‘You’re in the wrong building’ said the pretty dark eyed receptionist. The girl directed him but when he got to the desk in the maternity unit no one seemed to know anything about a Mrs Wilson being newly admitted. David stepped outside and tried their home number, but there was no reply. His Mother must have taken Oliver home with her, but then…….. who was with Flick? He tried his parents number and was surprised when his Mother answered.
‘Mum It’s David. What’s happening?’
‘Happening? Oh…. Nothing much Darling. It’s just been one of those days. I had to go into the city with some paperwork for your Father. Can you believe he forgot to take the file he’d been working on at home with him to work this morning; not like him at all. I had to go to the opticians too so I decided to make a day of it and do some shopping. I bought a gorgeous little romper suit for the baby. How’s Felicity?’
‘No……. just……. Hang on a minute……. You haven’t been with Flick today?’
‘No Darling I told you I had to go……..’
‘But I had a call at work to say the baby’s coming…….. now!’
‘But that’s ridiculous darling. I spoke to Felicity just a couple of hours ago and she was fine. Well I told you I’d spoken to her. That can’t be right. Someone at your work must have their wires crossed darling. It’s probably all a misunderstanding……..was that dialling tone? …….. David? …….. Hello? …….’ David had hung up the phone! Not like him to do that ….
He had rushed back into the reception.
‘Look can you please double check your new admissions because my wife is supposed to be in labour as we speak.’
The girl checked her computer again and shook her head, ‘I’m sorry, there’s nothing.’
He tried his home number but there was no answer. David was in the car and on his way back to East Barton. If Felicity was on her own and had gone into labour…….. Oh God it didn’t bear thinking about. Supposing she had managed to phone him at work but hadn’t actually managed to call an ambulance and was all alone giving birth……… and where was Oliver? Still at school? ..............
At home David found the house unlocked and no one there. A red car was parked outside in the lane; a car he had not seen there before. He phoned the school and they seemed to take an absolute age to answer their phone…………….
‘Hello? It’s Mr Wilson, Oliver’s Father. I just want to make sure he was picked up ok this morning?’
‘I’ll just check with Miss Turner.’ The line went quiet for a moment and then, ‘Yes. Oliver was picked up by Mrs Wilson at twelve thirty. Is everything alright Mr Wilson?’
‘Yes….. yes. I’m sure everything is fine. I had a call at work to say my wife is in labour. He’s probably with her parents. I’m on my way there now.’
‘If there’s anything we can do……..’
‘No…… No thank you. Everything is fine.’
But everything was not fine. He phoned Margaret.
‘Have you heard from Flick?’
‘No. What’s happened? Is everything all right David?’
‘So….. Oliver is not with you?’
‘Goodness no! What is it? What’s happened?
David explained his predicament to her.
‘Perhaps you’ve just missed each other? I expect that’s what’s happened. She’s probably on her way to the hospital now. Why don’t you phone them and see?’
‘I hope you’re right Margaret. I’ll let you know.’
‘Please do David, thank you. Now go!’
He went into the kitchen and saw the note from Flick lying haphazardly on the table.
Having baby now. Please hurry home. On way to Exeter maternity unit ………. Ellie is here.
‘How did you get on today?’ Vanessa Gordon asked as Slim kicked his muddy boots off in the porch and Bits danced around him excitedly and tugged at his socks.
‘It was really good. I never realised just how involved this job was you know; I mean I’ve sussed out the paperwork side of it all in the last two years and I’ve learned loads about the importance of like the maintenance side of rivers and boundaries and stuff; stuff you kind of take for granted, but I have to tell you Vanguard, today was an eye-opener and that’s a fact. I never realised your job was so important. You wouldn’t believe the crap we found in the streams and when we tested the water for contamination the clock was like off the scale! God what are you cooking? It smells lush!’
‘Lamb stew. Field trips are important so that you have a greater understanding of the system; and of the consequences when a night on the town for some people could result in contamination which without purification could be disastrous for the whole community. One silly prank and our rivers are contaminated. I’m glad you realise how important my work is. You wouldn’t have thought that two years ago would you?’
‘No. Two years ago I thought you were a nosy cow.’ Slim smiled and Vanessa smiled with him. She had mellowed in her old age. This boy had brought her closer to nature; he was so down to earth, and through his sheer determination to change his life and his strength of conviction; even with his own shortcomings, he had made her think about her own life. She felt good about herself now. This boy had been good for her.
Perhaps, in some weird and wonderful way, they needed each other. Like soul mates.
Of course, there was absolutely no attraction. He was less than half her age. It was more a kind of mother/son relationship. He had lost his mother at an early age and she……… perhaps she was destined to be childless. She had no desire to share her life with any man. That was for sure…………
‘I’m going up to get changed’ he stated and disappeared through the kitchen door.
Later as they sat down to share Vanessa’s tasty stew they talked about their week, their day; their work and their findings.
‘Oh …… I almost forgot. I saw someone……. down by the viaduct, where you used to live. He was familiar and I couldn’t think where I had seen him, and then I remembered………..’
Slim was exhausted and if there was one thing he had found that he hated about conformity and those who chose it above freedom; it was gossiping women. Women liked to gossip. He worked in an office full of women and all they did from nine am till five pm Monday to Friday was gossip. Have you heard about Mrs so and so……..? Did you hear about so and so from somewhere……? Who cared? Live and let live; that was his motto. But then anyone who made lamb stew taste this good could gossip all they wanted. Who cared.........?
‘I thought it was odd when I saw him emerging from the bushes……’ Vanguard was saying…….. ‘I almost expected a dog to jump out and follow him. But he had no dog…….. so what was he doing there? Who would walk along the river path at four o’clock in the afternoon unless they’re walking a dog? Especially when you’re dressed in civvies like that. It’s quite muddy along those paths at this time of year.’
p; ‘Right.’ agreed Slim as he shoved a huge piece of lamb, potato and carrot into his mouth.
‘And Bits took an instant dislike to him and that’s a kind of sign isn’t it?’
Ok. Now she had his attention……..
‘So who was it?’
‘Well……. You remember the court case of Eleanor Wilson..................?’
Now she had his full attention………..
Chapter Thirteen
David phoned the hospital. His next call would have been to the police but this time the hospital told him his wife was on her way in now by ambulance. If he had known beforehand he could have stayed there and waited for her to arrive. He finally arrived there at two thirty after every traffic hold up imaginable and was shown to a little room at the far end of the delivery ward but even as the door opened David could never have been prepared for what he saw. He was evidently too late to witness the birth of his second child. Felicity was lying exhausted in her tubular framed hospital bunk and beside her, proudly holding a small bundle wrapped in a crisp cotton sheet, was Ellie.
‘Oh David! It’s a boy! ……. You have another son!’
Felicity opened her eyes as Ellie spoke.
‘David! Where were you?’
‘Don’t ask! I’m sorry babe. I got here as soon as I could.’
‘It happened so fast. We phoned you at the bank straight away and they said they couldn’t find you. Where were you?’
‘It’s a long story. I left as soon as they told me but then I couldn’t find you. I’ve been here once but you weren’t here, then I went home but you weren’t there either. We must have just missed each other …… but I’m here now.’ He took her hand in his and Ellie looked away as the man she once loved smiled sweetly at Felicity and she beamed back at him. ‘How do you feel?’
‘Like I’ve gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson. But look at him David! He’s perfect.’
‘Would you like to hold him?’ asked Ellie as she offered the tiny bundle toward him.
‘I think that’s a silly question.’ David took the baby from his beautiful blonde ex wife who for some reason now looked more beautiful than ever before. ‘And what are you doing here anyway? I think you should go. I’d like to be alone with my wife!’
‘Yes …… of course.’ Ellie stood up and moved away from the bed.
‘Oh No David! Please! Ellie’s been amazing. She practically delivered him. I don’t know what I’d have done without her.’
‘It’s ok Flick. I’d better go. I’ll look in on you later.’ Ellie walked to the door.
‘That won’t be necessary!’ snapped David. ‘I think you’ve done enough damage in the past. I want you to keep away from Felicity …… from all of us!’
‘David, please!’ Felicity pleaded. ‘Ellie has travelled thousands of miles to see Oliver. And I, for one am jolly glad she did because I dread to think what would have happened if she hadn’t been here today. Anyway, you have to take her home; her car is at our house.’
For fear of upsetting Felicity further David conceded and looked toward the door where Ellie stood; the strong smell of her Yves Saint Laurent Opium perfume still lingering in the air like soft mist in summer over a valley of wild flowers at sunrise……..
‘Isn’t he beautiful?’
‘Yes. He is. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here for you Flick………. for you both.’
‘It’s ok. You’re here now. That’s all that matters.’
They sat together on the hard bunk, their new baby huddled up cosily between them gazing from one another to their tiny son, and back again.
‘What are we going to call him?’ whispered Felicity at length.
‘How about Charles; after my father?’
‘It’s a bit old fashioned……or Joseph, after mine?’
‘Just slightly biblical.’
‘Charlie Joseph?’
‘Charles Joseph Wilson. Has a bit of a ring to it don’t you think? ……….. Does he look like a Charles?’
‘No…….. but he looks like a Charlie.’ They both laughed and then Felicity looked more seriously at her husband…………
‘David ………. Can you try to forget the past while Ellie’s here? She’s been my saviour today, she really has. She’s only here for two weeks and then we probably won’t see her for another two years.’
‘Babe, really………. after all she’s put you through?’
‘I know. But it’s in the past and she’s fine now. That Doctor she’s been under …… the American sleep expert at the court? ………. He’s cured her. She doesn’t sleepwalk any more. She told me.’
‘You’ve had quite a bonding session today it seems.’
‘Yes we have. Oh and David?’
‘I said she could stay with us.’
‘Just until she finds a B & B or something. She couldn’t find anything affordable at such short notice and was going to stay with a friend, but then this young man here decided to come along unannounced and now it’s getting late in the day…..’
‘All right. But just for tonight. She’ll have to find somewhere tomorrow. Now, where is Ollie?’
When David left the hospital half an hour later Ellie was waiting downstairs at the main entrance. She looked up at him expectantly as he approached.
‘One night! You can stay tonight but you have to find somewhere tomorrow.’ He snapped.
‘Ok Davie.’
‘Don’t call me that!’
‘Ok Boss.’
‘Or that.’
‘Seriously Ell ……….. I don’t want any disruptions in our lives. We have a happy life Flick and I; I’m happy; Flick’s happy; and Ollie is happy. You’d better not do anything to spoil what we have.’
‘David! If you’re all such a happy little family what can I possibly do to spoil it? Look …… I’m here to see Oliver; nothing more. I’m not going to come between you and Flick. In two weeks I’ll be back in the States…....’
Slim had a date. Her name was Molly. She was the younger sister of one of the girls at the office where he worked. She had been coming around a lot the last few weeks. He could tell from the start that she fancied him because of the way she looked at him and the way her cheeks went red whenever he spoke to her. When he’d finally plucked up the courage to ask her out there had been no hesitation when she’d simply said ‘Ok’.
They sat here now in the Three Feathers; Slim with his pint of best bitter and Molly with her half pint glass of lager. She was very quiet. Heather had said she was shy but they’d been here almost an hour and he’d barely got more than a few sentences out of her. It had come to the point where their conversation had almost dried up. He’d run out of questions to ask and couldn’t take much more of her Yes and No answers. His words became fewer and the silence between the words became longer and longer. He scanned the bar looking for a familiar face so that he could at least have some kind of stimulating conversation with someone before he took her home, but there was no one in that he recognised.
‘Is anyone sitting here?’ said a soft voice and he looked up and there she was ……. The angel of death. Except of course she wasn’t because they’d proved that it wasn’t her fault ……… hadn’t they? Slim was supping his beer and almost choked as she said, ‘It’s Stephen isn’t it? …… Stephen Williams?’
‘Yes. My mates call me Slim.’
‘Slim? Well Slim …….. I don’t suppose you remember me………..’
‘Oh yes I do; you’re the angel of ……. from the sleepwalking case …… Mrs Wilson.’
‘Not anymore. We got divorced. I’m living in America now.’
‘Did he cure you then, that Doctor?’
‘I don’t walk in my sleep anymore if that’s what you mean. How are you doing anyway? You look well.’
‘I’m doing good thanks. I’ve got a good job and I mov
ed in with Vanguard, and I learned to drive and everything.’
‘That’s good. I’m glad you’re okay. I’ve often thought about you since then. You were so upset about ……. about the girl.’
Ellie looked into his deep brown eyes and could still see sadness there. At that point the young girl with mousy brown hair sitting next to him who had not said a word until now suddenly slammed her glass down on the table spilling little droplets of lager everywhere and stood up knocking her legs into the table which moved and made all the glasses on the table tremble and shake.
‘Ok that’s it! You two are obviously old friends and you obviously have a lot to talk about and I’m obviously just in your way so I’ll just get out of your face. See you around Slim’ and with that she was gone.
Slim looked at Ellie and Ellie looked at the dark haired woman who had come in with her who also hadn’t said a word and they all laughed.
‘Obviously!’ said Ellie.
‘I um …….. I’d better go after her.’
Slim took a last gulp of his beer and stood up.