The Baby Bargain (Men of Maine Series Book 3)

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The Baby Bargain (Men of Maine Series Book 3) Page 19

by Diana Tobin

  “Oh, he can rip my sister’s heart to shreds, but wants to fight someone else who hurt her? What a jerk!”

  “You’re right, Micki. I am a jerk.” None of them had heard JC approach. “I don’t deserve her, but I’ll do my damnedest to be worthy of her, if she’ll give me another chance.”

  Nettie got up to place her arms around him and squeeze. “What can you tell us?”

  “They booted me out when they took her in for x-rays. Since I want to be sure I can give Lynn the kids she wants, if she’s still willing to have them with me, I listened.” He looked down at the woman in his arms, thinking he needed a filter on his brain. All he could think about was punishing the man who’d hurt his woman. Slowly, he backed away from Nettie. “I promised her I’d be waiting for her. I’m sure the doctor will be out to talk to you soon.”

  After JC disappeared down the hall, Lynn’s family looked at each other without a word being spoken. Nettie finally broke the silence. “Much as I’d love more grandchildren, I sort of hope there will be another wedding first.” Seeing Michaela was about to protest, Nettie held up a hand. “It’s Lynn’s decision, Micki. You know I loved Ethan long before you met him.”

  “Yeah, he’d been in town, what, a week?”

  “Still.” Giving Wil a loving glance, she added, “I have good taste in men these days. I, also, happen to be very fond of JC. He’s had trials of his own, but Lynn has been good for him as he has for her. Recent events being the exception.” Nudging him with her shoulder, she added, “Don’t you think, Wil?”

  Taking his time to answer, Wil said, “I’m thinking it’s possible this Chyster fella set the fire at JC’s.” His gaze met Ethan’s. “If you all had a hand in humiliating this jerk, I think you all better be very careful—and we need to let Trooper McAdams know. Where are Dani and Charley?”

  After a bit of discussion, Wil stepped out to call McAdams and give him an update on what the family had learned. Ethan went out with Michaela while she called Rose Kelley, asking if she’d stay with the girls until they returned home. Even though they all considered Webster a safe, friendly town, with a man on the loose wanting revenge, no one wanted to take any chances.

  Too many cups of bad coffee had been consumed by the time they were allowed to see Lynn. JC remained standing next to her bed as if he’d pounce on the first person who upset her or caused her a moment more of pain. She didn’t have a concussion, just abrasions and bruises, with the doctor recommending she stay overnight for observation.

  Concerned with the cost, Lynn wanted to return home. The other five vetoed that, led by JC, insisting they would all worry about the bills later. Their first concern was her well being.

  JC encouraged the family to go home. He wasn’t leaving Lynn’s side, and would bring her home in the morning, after she’d met with Trooper McAdams.

  “I can come back and spell you,” Nettie offered.

  “You can come back,” he said with a smile, “but I’m not leaving.”

  Wil pulled JC aside to let him know of his suspicions about the fire and the possibility Chyster wanted revenge on the four of them. Then, he ushered his wife and daughter out, with his son-in-law following.

  Alone in the quiet room, JC pulled a chair to the side of Lynn’s bed and sat, holding her hand in his.

  “You should go home, too, JC.”

  “Not until you go with me,” he assured quietly.

  “B-but you don’t even like me.”

  He raised her hand to his lips. “I’m an idiot, but I’m getting smarter with each minute. I’m going to beg and grovel until you find it in your loving heart to forgive me. You have to forgive me, otherwise I can’t go on. We have a lot to talk about, but right now, you need to rest. I’ll be right here. Shut your pretty eyes and get some sleep. Before you know it, some nurse will be in here waking you up to see how you’re doing.” He pressed a kiss to the center of her palm. “I’ve always liked you. In fact, I love you. Now, sleep.”


  By the time Lynn was released from the hospital, she needed a nap. JC had acquired a pair of scrubs and fuzzy socks for her to wear home. She could’ve taken the few steps from the wheelchair to his truck, but he’d wrapped a blanket around her, lifted her into his arms, and carefully placed her in the passenger seat, belting her in.

  “Do you want anything before we head out?”

  “No, thanks, JC. I just want to curl up in bed and sleep without anyone waking me to take my temperature or ask how we are feeling.” She closed her eyes against the brightness of the sun. “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. The nurses and doctors are wonderful, but they are so busy doing their jobs it’s hard to get any real rest.”

  Leaning over he pressed a light kiss to her temple. “You can sleep on the drive, honey. I’ll be quiet.”

  She gave him a half-smile and settled into the seat, pulling the blanket up under her chin.

  Officer Jim McAdams had shown up first thing to take her statement. Despite McAdams’s not-so-subtle hints that he speak with Lynn alone, JC had refused to leave. Lynn had finally stated she wanted JC to stay before McAdams could order him out of the room. She was in no mood to think deeply about why she wanted his presence, she just knew she felt safe and comforted having JC with her.

  She told McAdams what had happened the day before, how Donny had rammed into her car and later used her face for a punching bag. At the trooper’s probing questions she’d explained about her breakup with Donny. An image flashed into Lynn’s mind; Donny’s naked butt bouncing above a slim female, her heels digging into his thighs. No way was she sharing that part of the breakup. She’d like to bleach it out of her memory.

  She’d pressed a hand to the base of her throat, forcing the nausea down. Her hand shook as she reached for her plastic cup of water. Instantly, JC stepped forward, holding the cup steady. When she’d had enough to drink he replaced the cup on the table and sat next to her on the bed.

  “When did you last see Chyster? Before yesterday, that is,” McAdams asked.

  “Mid-July. H-he came to my sister’s house. Said he wanted me back.” Lynn knew she needed to be careful with this part of the story. If she admitted to beating Donny with a hockey stick would the officer discount her version of events from the day before?

  McAdams didn’t miss the way JC’s arm came around her, nor the way she gripped his hand. “What happened during this visit?”

  “I wouldn’t call it a visit. I wouldn’t let him in the house. I wasn’t interested in seeing him again, and asked him to leave. We all asked him to leave.”

  McAdams turned to JC. “Did you witness this visit between Ms Baxter and Mr. Chyster?”

  “Not really,” JC tugged Lynn closer. “Chyster was lying in the driveway cursing and crying. Looked to me like he tripped over his own feet and was blaming Lynn for his clumsiness. In fact, he tripped me as I walked up.”

  Lynn closed her eyes as she leaned into JC, wanting this over with, wanting to sleep it all away.

  “What happened after that?” McAdams kept jotting in the small notebook in his hand.

  “Ethan and I helped Chyster into his car and he went off down the road.” JC kissed the top of Lynn’s head. “I had been out on a call and took Lynn for a ride on my tractor.”

  McAdams narrowed his eyes. “What sort of call would you need a tractor for?”

  “A milk tanker and a moose collided. I was asked to separate the two. A rather messy business.” JC stared at the trooper. “Even though we didn’t see Chyster again, Lynn’s family and I have some concerns.” JC explained the suspicions he and Wil had discussed, including the possibility Chyster had caused the fire at JC’s farm.

  “What makes you think this guy has it in for all of you?”

  “The Reighs, Lynn, and I saw Chyster at his worse. Whimpering, cursing, and crying because he’d fallen on the gravel. Blaming Lynn for all his problems. I did express my displeasure at the names he called Lynn.”

what way did you express your displeasure?” McAdams nearly had steam coming from his ears.

  “I explained he wouldn’t care for where his balls would end up if he spoke to the lady that way again.”

  The officer thinned his lips. “It was only a verbal warning. Nothing physical?”

  JC gave McAdams a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “The guy is a complete klutz. I never laid a finger on him.” He wasn’t about to volunteer that Chyster’s nose had met Ethan’s elbow. “I do wonder if the guy has a few loose screws. He tried to kill Lynn because she was done with him.”

  “That seems a bit extreme, don’t you think?”

  “Not for Donald,” Lynn put in. “He considers himself the best at everything, even though he doesn’t put in the work or effort.” She twisted her hands together until JC placed one of his large hands over hers, stilling the action. “This doesn’t reflect well on me, but Donald never would have graduated from law school if I hadn’t done all the work for him. As it was, he barely squeaked by on the tests. If he could’ve figured out a way for me to take those for him, he would have. I doubt he’ll make it in any law office for long, unless he has clerks willing to do all the work for him.

  “He expects others to be at his beck and call. He has a high opinion of himself, and those who actually work for a living are beneath him. I’m sure he’s convinced he’s smarter than you are, Officer. Having his pride nicked would fester and grow in him. I never would have believed he was capable of violence before he rammed my car and hit me.” She glanced up at JC. “If JC and my dad say there’s a need for concern, I believe them.”

  “Are we done?” JC smoothed a hand over Lynn’s hair. “I’d like to get Lynn home.”

  McAdams had made them repeat things again before deciding he had enough information for the time being. He was going to check with the Webster Fire Department and would be speaking with Michaela and Ethan. He also promised Donald Chyster would be caught.

  JC wasted no time getting Lynn out of the hospital once McAdams left, after a quick call to Ethan for a heads up on what they had said about the day Chyster stopped by.

  The drive to Webster wasn’t long, and JC was glad to see Lynn had managed to fall asleep. Hopefully, he could get her tucked into bed without an argument.

  She didn’t open her eyes until he was part way up the stairs with her in his arms. “This isn’t my house,” she said sleepily.

  “Hmm.” JC continued up the staircase and down the hall to his room where he placed her on his bed. Tugging the blanket from her, he pulled back the covers, tucked her between the sheets, piling the blankets and quilt over her.


  “If I take you anywhere else your family is going to fuss over you. Here, you can sleep as long as you want.” She pulled an arm out to grasp his wrist. “Okay,” he admitted, “that’s part of it. We need to talk and I’m afraid to let you go until we do.”

  Tears seeped out and she tried to blink them back. “You d-don’t want—”

  He gently pressed his lips to hers. “You don’t know what I want, but I’ll tell you. Just not right now. You need to rest, first. I’m going to let your family know you’re here and you’re safe. Promise you’ll listen to me before you leave.”

  “If you promise not to go after Donald.”

  JC reared back. “You don’t still care for him, do you?”

  She was shaking her head no despite the pain the movement caused. “Not for a long time. What I don’t want is to see you pay for his punishment.”

  “All right. I’ll give McAdams a chance to make good on his promise.” He kissed her forehead. “Close your eyes. Sleep. I’ll be downstairs.”


  Lynn didn’t know how long she’d slept, but she woke up thirsty. A go-cup of water was on the small bedside stand. Gratefully, she drank, before making her way down the hall to the bathroom. Returning to the bed, she drank more water before snuggling beneath the covers again. She gave a fleeting thought to checking in with her family, but sleep claimed her before she could follow through.

  The next time she woke, she was toasty warm and felt a large male body behind her. Moving cautiously within JC’s embrace, she found he’d changed into a tee shirt and sweats and was dead asleep, his heavy breaths just this side of snoring. She knew he had to be tired; he’d been awake every time she’d opened her eyes last night.

  Lightly, she placed her fingers against the scruff on his face and went back to sleep.

  Blinking open her eyes to darkness, Lynn stretched her legs, pointing her toes, feeling all the various aches and pains along her body.

  “How are you feeling?” His voice was a sleep-thickened rumble.

  “Like I was hit by a truck and have been sleeping forever.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.” He scooted closer to her. “Are you hungry? Nettie brought some soup and muffins.”

  She thought about it for a minute before deciding. “I could eat.” She moved to the edge of the bed and sat up, realizing not only was the room dark, it was night. “Is it late?”

  “Or, early, depending on your view.” He reached past her to turn on the small lamp.

  “Last I saw, you were snoring like a lumberjack.”

  His grin was fleeting. “I haven’t slept much lately. Sorry if I bothered you. I should’ve slept in the other room, but I needed to be close to you.”

  “I went right back to sawing logs with you.” JC got up and leaned down to cradle her in his arms. “I can walk.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t need to. Wait,” he bent his knees so she could reach the foot of the bed. “Your mom brought some clothes for you and a warm robe. Carry the robe with us and you can put it on when we get downstairs.”

  She was about to protest again, but something about the bruised look to his eyes made her stop. It seemed they were about to have that talk he wanted. If she could fortify herself with some soup and coffee, she might be ready to listen. Most likely, this whole episode with Donald had made JC realize he wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. He probably thought he needed to be around until the police caught Donald, but that would just prolong the agony. Lynn knew JC didn’t want her, and hoped he’d finish breaking her heart quickly.


  In the kitchen, JC made sure Lynn was steady on her feet before bundling her into the heavy robe and easing her into a chair. “Are you warm enough?”

  “If I get any warmer I’ll think we’ve moved to Florida. Stop fussing over me.” She tempered her statement with a smile. “Didn’t you say you brought me here to keep my family from making a fuss?”

  His cheeks pinkened. “I may have said that. What I meant was, I want to be the one to take care of you.”

  She closed her eyes briefly. “I’m not your responsibility. I can take care of myself.”

  JC turned from the fridge with a container of soup and dumped it in a pan on the stove before answering her. “Are you going to tell me you don’t ache from head to toe? That your bruises don’t have bruises? Let me pamper you for a bit. Please.”

  Lynn watched him put corn muffins on a large plate and get out bowls and silverware. “I’ll make the coffee.”

  “No, I’ll do it. You sit there.”

  “Stop it, JC! Stop treating me like I’m useless.” She bit her lip to keep the tears stinging her eyes from falling.

  JC turned from the stove and fell to his knees before her. His hands shook as he reached for hers. “You’re far from useless. Don’t you think I’d give anything for this not to have happened to you? I should have kept you safe.”

  He was breaking her heart one piece at a time. “JC, this isn’t your fault. I’m not blaming you, and you shouldn’t blame yourself. The fault lies with Donny. He’s the only one to blame for any of this. If Wil is right, he’s to blame for you losing the farm stand. Maybe I have to take part of the blame—” She placed her fingers over his lips when he began to protest. “I was involved with him.” She couldn’t
prevent the shudder of revulsion that ripped through her. “But I’m not going to beat myself up for a decision I made long ago. Maybe if I hadn’t been so busy studying, working, trying to do it all, I might have seen what he was really like. I can take pride in the fact that once I saw the real Donald, I was out of there.”

  Placing her palms to the sides of his face, she met JC’s gaze. “You were right when you said he’s a coward. Actually, he’s a spoiled little boy. I can picture him lying on the floor, having a tantrum, kicking and screaming like a three-year-old because he’s not getting his way. I saw glimpses of that spoiled brat over the years, but I was too busy, or too tired, to deal with it.

  “Now, I don’t have to, and I’m not going to. The police can deal with him. So, no more pointing the finger at yourself, or anyone else. Okay?” When he remained quiet, she gave his face a little shake. “Okay?”

  “Okay,” he agreed quietly. He stayed on his knees for a minute before asking, “Sure you wouldn’t like tea?”

  Lynn huffed out a laugh. “No, I need coffee.” She remained seated at the table, letting JC deal with their middle-of-the-night meal. The hollowness in her stomach told her she needed to eat. The coffee was to help clear the grogginess in her brain. If she was going to be dumped, again, she wanted to be clear-headed, and have her stomach settled. Why JC felt the need to go over this again, she had no idea. Maybe he wanted their breakup to be civilized rather than the yelling match of before. If he told her they should just be friends, she might smack him over the head with the soup pot. Then, she’d find a nice dark hole to hide in.

  She managed to get down half the soup, but kept choking on the corn muffin. Setting her spoon into her bowl, she gripped her coffee mug like a lifeline. “I can’t do this, JC. There’s a good chance this soup is going to make an ugly reappearance if you don’t tell me what’s on your mind.”


  He stared at her a moment before pushing his own bowl away. He shoved back his chair and started to rise when he realized, much as he’d prefer to pace, he needed to face Lynn while he admitted what a fool he was. JC sat down, leaned his forearms on his thighs, and gripped his hands together. “When you said you wanted me to give you a baby I sort of—”


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