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by angelaw

  The hell with it. Suzie wouldn’t lie down and take a nap just because Dini wanted to look as normal as she could. A lot of Dini was in Suzie and vice versa. If Jonas couldn’t handle a schizophrenic writer then that was his problem, not Dini’s.

  The knock on the door startled her out of her internal soliloquy and Dini hurried to answer it. Clad in fishnet tights, red spiked heels and a man’s white shirt.

  And nothing else at all.


  My Fishnet Fetish

  Ooops. Too late. She grinned to herself. I’m a wicked bitch. I love me.

  Jonas’ gulp was audible. His eyes widened and the look on his face was, as they say, priceless.

  “Hi, Jonas.”

  There was a whuff of air as he blew a breath out through his lips.

  “Um—are you coming in?”

  He blinked, his gaze wandering up and down her body from her damp, curly hair to her red shoes.

  “Jonas?” She snapped her fingers in front of him. “Earth to Jonas.”

  “Wait.” He held up a hand. “I gotta regenerate some of those brain cells you just fried.”

  Dini smirked. She couldn’t help it. No makeup, no wings—no overtly Suzie stuff.

  Just a pair of fishnets and sexy shoes. Men were such— men. Simple creatures that could be rendered speechless by a visual image and a woman’s legs. She wasn’t complaining since not only was that one of the reasons Suzie was a huge success, it had also worked to turn Jonas into a stuttering, staring and nearly drooling worshipper.

  Yeah, she wasn’t complaining at all.

  “Well at least come in so I can shut the door before I freeze my ass off, okay?” He nodded, swallowing again as he walked in with a bag in his hand and Dini closed the door behind him.

  “Probably saying you look incredible is a bit redundant at this point, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, but it’s nice to hear anyway.” Dini glanced at the bag. “You bring beer or a small polar bear or something?”

  “Nah, just a change of underwear.”

  Dini’s eyebrows lifted. “Christ. Whose briefs are you wearing? Godzilla’s?” The bag was bulging at the sides.


  Sahara Kelly

  He chuckled. “I’m kidding.” Then he stepped in front of her, grabbed her chin and lifted her face as he bent toward her. “Hello, pixie girl.” Dini parted her lips to answer, but his kiss muffled her response. Warm and encouraging, Jonas licked along her soft skin, teasing her into opening her mouth, then slipping inside.

  His taste was familiar, welcoming Dini back into the comfort of his embrace. He was damn good at kissing, taking his time, letting their tongues play gently as their lips shifted naturally into alignment.

  Her arms slid around his neck even as his hands encircled her, ending up cupped around her butt as he lifted her a little into his body. Dini could feel the smile on his lips and felt her own curving in response.

  She opened her eyes a tiny bit, enjoying the nearness of his face, the little crooked hairs on one eyebrow, the slight movements of his eyelids as he deepened their kiss.

  Then he sucked on her tongue and her thoughts scattered, a heated darkness descending as his fingers squeezed her buttocks and their bodies crushed together.

  Someone moaned—yes, it was probably her. Dini sensed the dawning of an insatiable hunger deep in her body. And it wasn’t just a hunger for sexual fulfillment, although that was firing up, without a doubt.

  This was a hunger to stay locked against this man, to relish the protection of his arms around her. To lay her head on his shoulder and let the world go away for a while, knowing she was safe.

  Scared by the intensity, Dini pulled back. “Helluva way to say hello, Detective.” He licked his lips and smiled. “Yeah. Isn’t it, though? Beats the crap out of a handshake, any day.” He squeezed her butt once more. “By the way, nice ass, Ms.


  It was Dini’s turn to gulp. She turned it into a cough and nodded at the bag.

  “Thanks. So why don’t you show me what you got in there, Smith, while I grab us a drink. Beer okay?”


  My Fishnet Fetish

  “Beer is always okay. Beer is the creation of the Gods. The manna from the cool streams of Olympus.”

  “And it was on special. Buy two six packs, get another half off.”


  “That’s me.” Dini walked back from her fridge with a cold one in each hand. “I don’t believe in wasting energy washing glasses.” She handed him the bottle and clinked hers against it. “Cheers.”

  They both took a swallow, then Dini watched as Jonas unzipped his bag and delved inside. “Exhibit A.” He produced a long bar with what looked like some sort of cuff on either end. “Ankle spreaders.”

  She blinked.

  Next came something long and swishy, furry lengths attached to a leather handle.

  “High-class flogger. Soft and thuddy, not productive of a stinging sensation, I’m told.” Dini blinked again, knowing her eyes were widening, but helpless to stop them.

  “And of course, the essentials—” Red leather, fur-lined handcuffs appeared, followed by several lengths of red silk scarves. And, incongruously, a peacock feather.

  “Good, it didn’t break on the way here.” He glanced at her. “Pretty delicate things, these feathers. Dunno how peacocks live with ‘em.”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “In case we decide to try something different…” A small rope of varying sized beads appeared, making Dini shiver as she stared at her first up-close-and-personal encounter with anal beads.

  “Then there’s this.” Light flashed off a small tool with a prickly-looking wheel spinning on its tip. “The Wartenburg Wheel. A must for the home BDSM enthusiast.” Dini nodded. “Right.” What the fuck?

  “I think that’s it.” Jonas closed the bag and turned to her. “Everything an author could want to do some intense research into this stuff. Did I forget anything?” 59

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  Dini shook her head and stared at him. “I—uh—”

  Jonas smiled. “Dini, I know this is supposed to be a date. I probably should’ve made reservations for us at some swanky restaurant, plied you with an excellent wine and fed you oysters and caviar.” He ran a hand through his hair. “But I’ve got a confession to make. Since that night we spent together, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. It’s been a long time since I’ve lusted after a woman so much I gotta go spend time in do-it-yourself mode just to take the edge off.” His grin turned sheepish.

  “And it wasn’t much help.”

  “Oh.” The room was spinning a little for Dini as she listened to him bare his soul.

  “And all the dinners and all the wine would only lead to one thing, and we both know it. There’ll be time for food. Time for all that other stuff. Right now, all I can think of is getting you naked and playing with you. It’s all I’ve been able to think of for the past couple of days.” He waved a hand at the toys on the table. “Will you play with me, Dini?”

  His eyes were hot and intense, his cheeks flushed a little and Dini could see the pulse beating at the base of his neck. He stood quietly, but an air of tension radiated from him and the bulge in his jeans sang its own song of arousal.

  What could she do but follow her heart? She nodded. “Yes, Jonas. I’ll play.” He sighed with relief. “Thank God. I hate oysters.” She giggled. “Me too. I hate caviar even more.” Reaching out, Dini let a finger brush across the fur of the flogger tails. “Oooh. Soft.” Then she tapped the ankle spreader bar and looked up. “How do we do this?”

  “Hmm. Let’s see.”

  Jonas wandered around the room, turning off some lights and turning on others, leaving the bed illuminated but the rest of the room in shadows. Then he shrugged out of his jacket, toed off his shoes and pulled his socks from his feet. “Better.” His shirt followed, and then he flopped down onto Dini’s bed, all bare chest and sexy grin.
“Now let’s get started. I think this is where you entice me with your body.” 60

  My Fishnet Fetish

  “Oh really?” She angled a pointed gaze at his crotch and the seriously distended fly.

  “Doesn’t look like much enticing will be required.”

  “Hey. Get in game mode, pixie girl.” His eyes roamed her legs and met hers on the way back up. “I’ll never hurt you, Dini. This is all in fun. You do understand that, don’t you? I’m not into pain or doing anything to a woman she doesn’t like.” Dini nodded. “It sounds stupid, I know, but I trust you, Jonas. Getting into stuff like this should take a lot longer than one night together. I’m not a fool, but I don’t know much about it either.”

  He shifted his shoulders onto her pillow and folded his arms across his chest. “I agree. I had to do some research into it myself. For the record, I don’t have any of that stuff around my place. I had to borrow it.”

  “Really?” Dini quirked an eyebrow. “From the evidence room of one of your kinky arrest cases?”

  He snorted. “No. From my cousin. She’s into that stuff.” He grinned. “She’s also a lesbian.”

  “She sounds a fascinating woman.”

  “She is. But not nearly as fascinating as the one I’m lookin’ at right now. And waiting to see get naked.”

  It was a pointed hint and Dini took it as such, moving to the end of the bed and reaching for the post. “Hmm. Well, maybe we should see what we can do about that.” She let one hand drift to the front of her shirt and began slowly undoing buttons. “If you hit that—” Dini pointed at the tiny music player next to her bed, “I can do this to music.”

  “Hell yeah.” Jonas leaned over, fiddled with some switches and grinned when a soft bluesy rhythm surrounded them. “Oh yes, indeed.” 61

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  Dini let her hips begin to sway in time with the music. She loved the subtle sexuality of this song and tended to let it play during her private intimate moments with her vibrator. Having Jonas watch her strip to it was soooo much better.

  And Jesus, it was turning her on something fierce.

  Dini channeled every stripper’s move she’d ever seen. There had been about three, so she wasn’t exactly an expert, but she managed to hide her naked breasts as she shrugged her shirt down over her shoulders and glanced behind her at Jonas. He was lounging against her quilt in apparent enjoyment, but she could see his muscles tensing at each and every twitch, every slithering dip of her body and every sway that threatened to reveal her nakedness.

  “You are killing me, pixie girl.” The growl was low and almost shocked Dini, who was busy losing herself in the art of stripping. A bolt of sexual heat jarred her pussy as her shirt fell away and her nipples beaded with arousal and cool air.

  Turning to Jonas, she leaned provocatively against the bedpost and struck a pose.


  “Jesus Christ, woman. You are a miracle of nature.” He made a slurping sound as he licked his lips. “Leave the fishnets on for a bit and come here, pixie girl.” Dini slowly lifted a leg, complete with spiked shoe, and rested it on the mattress, knowing Jonas would get a full frontal shot of her pussy as she did so.

  It was blatant, sexual and empowering, seeing the effect her moves had on this poor helpless man. He did everything but drool and pant. Okay, he was panting. Or at least breathing more quickly as she pushed herself up onto the mattress, standing with legs apart, hands on hips, towering over him. Keeping her balance in those damn heels wasn’t easy, but she did it, for the sheer pleasure of this moment. Of being in total control and yet knowing soon she’d surrender all of it.

  When Jonas’ gaze fell to her pussy, Dini was lost. She couldn’t wait for his touch all over her body.

  It was time. “Jonas? Get the toys.”


  My Fishnet Fetish

  * * * * *

  His fingers felt like overstuffed sausages as he fumbled with the buckles on the contraption that was supposed to turn Dini into his hobbled submissive. Lucy had assured Jonas the ankle spreader thingy was both kinky and a turn-on for the woman.

  Jonas had trusted her, but cursed her now for not mentioning that it was also a turn-on for whoever was doing the buckling. His cock was on fire, burning and throbbing as Dini’s pussy faced him from between legs held apart by the rod affixed to either ankle.

  “Is that okay for you?”

  Flat on her back, watching him interestedly from beneath lowered eyelids, Dini nodded. “It’s…strange. I can’t move my legs together at all.” She fidgeted. “But it doesn’t hurt.”

  “Good.” He leaned back on his heels and surveyed his handiwork. They were both naked, Jonas having regretfully told Dini to ditch the fishnets and the heels. He had enough to think about with all these toys. No need to add the distraction of Dini in those erotic pantyhose. He’d even killed the music. He was determined to make this good for her and try not to come all over her in the process.


  “Mmm?” He dragged his gaze away from her sweet shining pussy.

  “It’s…arousing. Knowing I can’t do a damn thing to stop you from seeing all my…er…girl parts.” Color flushed Dini’s cheeks.

  Jonas chuckled. “Girl parts? This from a woman who creates Suzie Steampunk, the anal sex goddess and do-me star of the hottest comic strip out there?” She sniffed disdainfully. “That’s Suzie. It’s different when they’re my girl parts.”

  “Yeah.” Jonas, helpless to resist a natural urge, leaned over her and licked the aforementioned girl parts with enthusiasm. “You’re right. Yours taste like heaven.

  Dunno what Suzie’s taste like.”


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  A squeak, followed by a moan and a shudder, was all the answer Jonas needed.

  “It’s working, isn’t it?” He reached for two silk scarves. “Let’s kick it up a notch.” Dini’s eyes fluttered open. “Hoookay…” She licked her lips. “But I gotta say this whole scene—well, just be careful what you touch. I’m kinda turned on right now.”

  “Message received and understood.”

  Jonas allowed himself a moment of pride. He was good at this shit, even though he said so himself. Of course, with anyone else but Dini—

  She lifted her wrist so that he could tie the scarf around it and then secure her arm to one of the bedposts. “I think I’m going to have to move a bit if you want to get the other one too.” She twisted her head from side to side.

  “Shush. You let me worry about the details, okay?” He tied a knot neatly and tested the tension on the scarf. “I want you focusing on all the wicked things I’m planning on doing to your body once you’re under my control.” He watched her throat move as she swallowed. “Wicked?”

  “Oh yeah. Very wicked. I have a lifetime of wicked to draw upon. Not to mention my Notes on Wicked Things to do to Dini, a small volume I’ve been working on for the last few days.” He secured the other wrist. “You’re not the only one who can write, you know.”

  She giggled. “Can I read it?”

  Jonas stepped away and looked at her, spread taut and open to him. “Hell no.

  You’re gonna live it, pixie girl.”


  My Fishnet Fetish

  Chapter Seven

  The bubble of laughter bursting from her throat shocked Dini. She was actually laughing. During sex.

  She was turned on, wetter than a river between her legs, tingling with arousal from toes to eyelashes—and laughing. It was totally amazing.

  Jonas was grinning too as he waggled his eyebrows and produced his peacock feather. “You know, there’s a lot to be said for this bondage stuff.” He proceeded to turn her laughter into moans and the occasional squeal as he ran the feather over all her super-sensitive girl parts. It was half tickle and half caress, and all erotic as anything Dini could have created for Suzie.

  Her breasts were aching and swollen, the nipples hard buds that tightened even more when swe
pt with the delicate fronds and a cool draft of air. Dini closed her eyes, letting her body send messages to her brain.

  Focusing on the sensations, she let go of as many other distractions as she could.

  There—that was Jonas kneeling beside her, running the feather down toward her hip and making her squirm as he hit a particularly ticklish spot.

  And there—oh God—her clit, her lower belly, her navel—the feather traveled over the same path again and again, never staying long enough in the one place she wanted it so badly.

  She could smell Jonas, a musky man smell that intensified as she felt him move—

  then all her focus went to hell as his mouth closed around her breast. He’d suckled her like this the last time, pulling her small mound into his mouth, teasing her nipple with the back of his tongue, drawing her heart out of her body as he did so.


  Sahara Kelly

  She felt surrounded by him, captured by him—to use a four-dollar word she felt enraptured by him. The writer portion of her brain nodded approvingly. That was indeed the right word for this moment in time.

  When the feather returned to tease her pussy lips, the dual assault on breast and clit drove her nearly insane and she screamed as her hips lifted up off the bed, her legs caught by the bar separating her ankles.

  “Fucking Christ.” She hissed as her spine arched. “Jonas, for God’s sake…”

  “Mmm.” He released her breast and blew cold air on it.

  Dini’s skin goose-bumped in concert with his breath. “I can’t take much more.”

  “Sure you can.” He slid from the bed. “This will help.” A third scarf appeared in his hands and Jonas leaned over and kissed her thoroughly. “Trust me.” He covered her eyes. Tightly.

  Trapped in darkness, Dini sucked in air and explored the sensation. With her eyes closed she’d been able to sense what Jonas might be doing. But that had been by choice.


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