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Page 7

by angelaw

  This? This wasn’t her choice. She was blind to him. Reliant on her senses by necessity rather than curiosity.

  It was…different.

  And more intense. Something more than her sight had been taken away. Dini found herself in a world where every iota of her being was focused on the man in the room with her.

  If he moved, she felt the movement of the bed more clearly or the draft of air against her naked body. She could trace his steps in her mind by the sound of his feet on her floor.

  And when there was nothing but silence—she held her breath, only to let it loose in a yell when something thudded loudly onto the bed beside her.

  “Christ, Jonas. I nearly wet myself.”


  My Fishnet Fetish

  “How could you tell?” Fingers dipped into her pussy, smearing her liquids onto the skin of her thighs. “You’re soaked already.”

  Another thud, another jump. This time he’d hit the sheets between her calves. She could still feel the lash of the air as he flipped the flogger around.

  “You ready for this?” One more solid thud close beside her shook her hips.

  Dini nodded and gritted her teeth. “Yeah.”

  She waited.

  And waited.

  And then cried out as soft furry lashes drifted gently from kneecap to groin and up over her breasts.

  “I will never hurt you, pixie girl. I can’t hit you with anything. Not even these.” He brushed the flogger tails over her breasts. “You’re too precious.” His body weighed down the mattress beside her and she instinctively parted her lips for his kiss. He was there, claiming her mouth hungrily, thrusting his tongue deep inside as he shifted, rapping his stiff cock into her skin.

  Dini sensed his hand moving, fingertips dancing around her belly and down toward her aching pussy. She moaned into his mouth, lifting her hips as best she could, urging him to touch her where it ached the most.

  He pulled back. “Patience.”

  Dini growled low in her throat. “Jonas Smith, I swear I’ll make you regret this.” She shook her legs, rattling the cuffs at her ankles. “If ever there was a woman ready for fucking, I’m her, you idiot.”


  Agreeing with her wasn’t helping his case as far as Dini was concerned. She didn’t know if she could get a killer cramp from an unresolved orgasm, but she was beginning to believe it was a strong possibility.


  Sahara Kelly

  The bed stilled as Jonas moved away from her. Straining her ears, Dini listened for him, detecting some movement nearby then swallowing at the unmistakable sound of a condom being unwrapped.

  Thank the Gods—at last.

  With a little wiggle of her hips, Dini waited eagerly for the touch of his cock against her pussy.

  What she got wasn’t exactly what she was expecting. A shudder on the bar between her ankles as it was grasped and the next thing she knew, both her legs were held high in Jonas’ hand.

  “Eeeeek.” Lying with her pussy on display was one thing— this came perilously close to the one time she’d had an internal gynecological exam.

  “Shh.” Jonas calmed her. “Relax.”

  “Easy for you to say.” She snorted the words as she felt a hand caress the inside of her thighs. God, he knew how to gentle her, how to stroke her just right.

  Breathing easier, she focused on his touch, then sighed when it was withdrawn.

  And squeaked again when a cold slick finger slid between her butt cheeks and began to massage the tight ring of muscles lurking there.

  “Feel good?”

  “Mmrfmplfflll…” It wasn’t a real word but it did cover the what-the-fuck-are-you-doing-playing-around-my-asshole-you-asshole sentiment raging through Dini’s brain. It raged even more when she felt the cold touch of a bead against one butt cheek.

  Dear God, he’d pulled the anal beads from his bag.

  “Tell me if you don’t like this.”

  The slick lubricant had softened her skin enough that Jonas was able to easily press one hard bead past the barrier and into her anus.

  “Oh shit…” Dini gasped.

  “Please don’t.”


  My Fishnet Fetish

  A gurgle of surprised laughter erupted from her throat, and Jonas took advantage of the suddenly relaxed muscles to press another bead home. Dini was lost, lost in laughter, lost in the sensation of having something cool and smooth shoved up her ass and lost in the raging, clawing need to erupt in the all-time champion orgasm to end all orgasms.

  And completely lost in Jonas Smith.

  Trembling on the verge of a physical cataclysm, Dini was almost relieved to feel Jonas move beneath the spreader bar and lower it behind him as he positioned himself between her legs.

  She found she could touch him now, grip him a little with her thighs if she tried hard enough. And she tried, even as Jonas slid his knees close and lifted her body a little, resting her bead-filled butt on his lap.

  “Ah, yeah.”

  The head of his cock nuzzled around in her wetness and came to rest against her pussy lips. His voice was low and a little strained—Dini wished she could see his face.

  “Wanna get fucked, pixie girl?”

  There were a thousand and one responses to that question. Some funny, some sarcastic, some demanding, some eloquent. And not one of them came to Dini at that moment.

  The world had disappeared, only the two of them remained in the entire universe.

  So she answered from her heart.

  “Yes, Jonas. Yes. Please fuck me.”

  “It will be—” His cock penetrated her. “My—” A little bit more. “Pleasure.” With one thrust, Jonas filled her, his cock stretching her a little in spite of the free-flowing juices that eased his way.


  Sahara Kelly

  They both groaned, simultaneous sounds of satisfaction and desire. Dini could feel his hot hardness inside her, coupled with the teasingly strange sensation of the beads in her anus.

  She moaned as he started to move, slowly at first but picking up the pace within seconds as if he, too, was on the edge.

  It wouldn’t take long, Dini knew. She’d been holding this orgasm at bay for what seemed like an eternity and if Jonas did— that—just a couple more times…

  “Fucking Christ, Dini—” Jonas rammed into her, a fiercely savage thrusting that told her of a man pushed beyond his limits.

  She took him willingly, echoing his moves with answering thrusts of her own as best she could.

  His groin crashed against her clit as his cock penetrated deep inside her body and she could swear she felt the hard rippling of the beads as Jonas moved over where they lay, concealed only by a thin internal membrane.

  They both surrendered to the inevitable and when Jonas—with what she later realized was incredible presence of mind—ripped the beads out of her ass…

  * * * * *



  Both Fenny and Dee were leaning forward, mouths agape, staring at Dini.

  She grinned at them. “I came my brains out. So did he. Must’ve been the longest simultaneous orgasm on record.”

  “Wow.” Fenny slumped and fanned herself.

  “Holy crap.” Dee grabbed her wine and took a long drink. “You so rock, Dini.”

  “What happened next?” Fenny made a tell-me-all motion with her hand.


  My Fishnet Fetish

  “Oh, you know. The usual. Waves crashing on the shore, fireworks exploding, suns going nova. All that kind of stuff.”

  Dee snorted. “Not that. Afterwards. The post-coital dialogue.” Dini laughed. “Cuddles. Lots of lovely cuddles. I think by then we were both too damn tired to do anything else but cuddle.” She reached for her glass. “Oh and he did untie me too. And that felt nice. We never did get around to trying out that wheel he brought. Not that I don’t like the toy thing and it’s cool for some different fun, but
when you get right down to it, sometimes the tried and true ways work just as well.”

  “I hear you.” Dee laughed back. “So gimme more deets on this anal bead business.” Fenny watched and listened to her friends as they did what women had done for eons. Talked about sex and men. The gender-based sisterhood remained intact, in spite of cell phones, the Internet and plastic surgery. There were some things that women could only share with other women.

  And a discussion about anal beads was apparently one of them. Fenny smiled to herself. That might have been because Dini was never a woman to hold anything back.

  And looking at her today, Fenny knew there was a lilt to her voice and a light shining in her face that hadn’t been there before.

  Dini was happy. Truly happy today—not just content with her life and her world.

  She’d found that tiny something else, a warmth perhaps, or an ability to share her heart.

  Whatever it was, Jonas had done it, put that little glow of happiness deep into Dini’s eyes and Fenny would be forever grateful to him.

  She took a breath. “Dini? What happens now?”

  “Now?” Dini blinked.

  “Yes, now, honey. With you and Jonas.”

  “And the Diva Dini rules for sexual engagements.” Dee cocked her head inquisitively.


  Sahara Kelly

  Dini thought for a moment or two, twirling the stem of her wineglass between her fingers. “You know, if it hadn’t been for you guys I might have blown him off.” She shrugged. “I owe you. Big time.”

  Fenny shook her head. “No you don’t. That’s what friends do for each other. And answer the question.” A chuckle took the sting out of her demand.

  “He’s pretty special, Fenny.” Dini glanced up. “Incredibly special as a matter of fact. Two nights together and already I know that if I hadn’t dumped those stupid rules I’d have missed out on—well, besides anal beads and ankle spreaders—I’d have missed out on learning something about me. About how I look at life. And men. And stuff.” She waved her hand around to demonstrate stuff.

  “Agreed.” Fenny nodded.

  “So.” Dini’s shoulders rose and fell as she sucked in a lungful of air. “I’m going to keep on seeing him. We’re going to see each other. A lot if he has his way.” She smirked.

  “I think he likes me.”

  “No shit.” Dee sputtered over her wine.

  “And you? Do you like him?” Fenny winced. “Jesus. This is worse than high school.

  Next thing you’ll want me to pass him a note in recess.”

  “I led a hectic life in high school, but I gotta say it never included anal beads.” Dee lifted one eyebrow at Fenny.

  “Point taken, but don’t get me off course here.”

  “Sorry.” Dee looked unrepentant.

  “I know what you’re asking, guys.” Dini let go of the wineglass and linked her fingers together in front of her. “And the answer is yes. I’m chucking out the Diva Dini rules. I’m going to stick with Jonas for a while and see where it goes.” As if by mutual consent, Fenny and Dee clinked glasses, took a sip and then put them down to applaud.

  Dini stood and curtseyed. “Thank you. Thank you verra much.” 72

  My Fishnet Fetish

  “That was not a good Elvis impression.” Dee snorted.

  “You got my point.” Dini sat again. “Is it going to get serious? I dunno. Could it get serious?” She chewed thoughtfully on her bottom lip. “Possibly.”

  “Well let me ask you this.” Fenny gazed at Dini. “If you thought another woman was hitting on him…” She let the question hang in the air.

  Dini snickered. “He has a gun. A big one. And probably knows good places to hide the bodies.”

  “I rest my case.” Fenny smiled smugly. “You’re stuck on him. You got it bad, girl.”

  “Why, Miz Dini.” Dee fluttered an imaginary fan in front of her and channeled Scarlett O’Hara. “You done found yourself a real liiiive suitor, honeychile.” Fenny rolled her eyes. “Talk about lousy impressions.” Dee blew a raspberry at her and continued. “My point is that our Dini has opened up to something new in the way of adventures. And it wasn’t easy, was it?” She pointed a finger at Dini. “Scared the crap out of you, huh?”

  “A little, yeah.” Dini nodded. “A lot actually. But once he touched me—made me laugh—once I stopped worrying about me and just let it all happen…” She shrugged.

  “The scary parts seemed to vanish. It all fell into place.” Fenny watched her friend, noting the flush in her cheeks. “It’s supposed to be that way, Dini.”

  “I was an idiot, wasn’t I? All that one-night-only crap? Stupid.” Dini looked embarrassed.

  “No you weren’t.” Dee leaned forward emphatically. “You absolutely weren’t. You were guarding yourself, Dini, protecting yourself. There’s nothing wrong with that. It just took the right man to knock down those walls. Jonas looks like he’s the right man for the job. If he hadn’t been—well, Diva Dini would still be sitting here.”

  “Sounds like he’s well equipped to knock down some walls.” Fenny let her lips curve into a wicked grin.


  Sahara Kelly

  Dee followed her lead. “Man sure sounds like he’s got his own personal battering ram.”

  “Not to mention a big gun.”

  “And a lesbian leather-lovin’ cousin.”

  “Anal beads.” Fenny whispered the words with all the reverence they deserved.

  A hushed silence fell as all three women stared at each other. Then burst into laughter.

  Dini held up her hands even as she howled. “Dammit, go for it. Gimme your best shot, get it out of your system and let’s move on, for Chrissake. I’ll never hear the end of this otherwise.”

  “Okay.” Dee hiccupped. “I’m done.”

  “Me too.” Fenny wiped tears from her eyes. “God, it’s so funny when you think we’re all obsessed with the idea of having something shoved up our asses during sex but it’s like asking us to cut an arm off to get us to go get a physical.”

  “I’m not sexually involved with my physician,” Dee retorted.

  “Good thing too.” Fenny whipped back. “She’s a woman, isn’t she?”

  “Hmm. Think she’d go for Jonas’ cousin?”

  “Quit it.” Dini was holding her sides as she tried to stop the great roars of laughter.

  “You two should consider a career in stand-up comedy if the writing tanks.” Fenny thought about it. “Nah. She’d want top billing.” A glance at Dee confirmed her suspicions. Dee was nodding.

  “We need more wine. Christ, we go through a shitload of this stuff without even realizing it.” Dini stood and looked at the empty bottle.

  “That’s because we’re having a good time and nobody has to drive home.” Fenny pointed at her cabinet. “You know where it is. If you want more, go get it. Oh, and speaking of a good time—”


  My Fishnet Fetish

  Dini muttered a few oaths as her cell phone rang before Fenny could finish her sentence. She dragged it from her pocket and frowned. Then grinned. “Gimme a sec.

  It’s Jonas.”

  She clicked it on, missing the amused smiles exchanged by her friends. “Hi. How’s it going?”

  “I miss you.”

  “Hell, dude. You saw me last night.”

  “Not enough. You’re having fun with your friends. I’m stuck here at work. There’s no erotic magic in a cop-filled Precinct, lemme tell ya. I haven’t seen a wing flutter past all day.” A breathy sigh followed Jonas’ lament.

  “Suck it up, big guy. I’ll make it worth your while.”

  “Oh yeah? How?”

  Dini became aware that two faces were watching her intently. She turned her back on Dee and Fenny and lowered her voice a little. “Remember that Suzie strip where she tortures the villain in some pretty interesting ways?” There was a second or two of silence followed by a long groan. “You’re killing me.” He pause
d. “The corset laces. The fishnets wrapped around his dick. He surrendered and spilled his guts, didn’t he?”

  “Yep.” Dini snickered. “So will you.”

  “I might resist interrogation.”

  “Hah. Not likely. Especially when I bring out my secret weapon.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  Dini paused dramatically. “Obviously you’ve never heard of Suzie’s silken spanking technique.”

  “Uhhh…” Jonas’ voice tailed off, to be followed by a choking cough. “Sorry, Frank.

  Be right there.”

  Dini couldn’t help a giggle. “Gosh, honey. Sounds like you’re busy.” 75

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  “You will suffer for that, pixie girl. Now I gotta finish my shift with a—let’s just say I’ll have something more than ready for you when I pick you up.”

  “I’m counting on it. See you in a couple of hours.”

  “You got it. I’ll be there.”

  “Bye.” Dini clicked off the phone and turned back to her friends, who were still staring at her with a good deal of interest.

  “Suzie’s silken spanking? What the hell’s that?” Dee fired the question at her before she’d put her phone back in her pocket.

  Dini shrugged. “Haven’t a clue. Now I’ve got to make something up in—” she glanced at the clock, “about an hour and a half.”

  “Damn, you’re incorrigible. Now the poor guy’s gonna wander around the Precinct with an erection. And probably get teased to death by his peers.” Fenny shook her head.

  “I do hope so.” Unrepentant, Dini giggled. “He’s done the same thing to me a time or two. Got me all fired up then tells me he’s gotta work late. Just because he’s coming by here to pick me up doesn’t mean I’m gonna get all lovey-dovey.” Dee shot a look at Fenny. “She’s good. I have to admit it, she’s good.” Fenny nodded. “Yep. No arguments from me. I just hope Jonas knows what he’s getting himself into.”

  Dini sighed contentedly. “He’ll be getting himself into me, I hope.” She ignored the peal of laughter and looked at Fenny. “Now, before we were interrupted, you were about to tell us about something interesting?”


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