At the Heart of It

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At the Heart of It Page 2

by Tawna Fenske

  CHAPTER SEVENTEEN “This feels weird on so many levels,” Kate muttered to Amy in the elevator the next morning. Amy gave her a sympathetic smile. “You mean attending a TV network meeting in the same building where you shagged the show’s star the night before?” Kate grimaced as she watched the buttons on the elevator counting down to the awkward meeting. Five, four, three . . . “God, I shouldn’t have slept with him again,” Kate whispered. “Will you stop it? You’re both consenting adults. And don’t give me that bullshit again about how he’s technically still married. As far as he knows, he’s been divorced for a year.” “Yes, but as far as I know—” “Don’t.” The elevator doors swished open, but Amy put a hand on Kate’s shoulder to hold her back. With her free hand, she hit two more buttons and sent the doors sliding shut again. The buttons began to light up once more, this time in ascending order. Kate looked at Amy. “We’re going back up? What did you forget?” “Nothing, but this seems like o

  CHAPTER EIGHTEEN “Places, everyone!” Kate clapped her hands together and surveyed the film crew. That seemed easier somehow than focusing on the scene they were set up to capture. Jonah and Viv sat a few feet apart in Viv’s massive hot tub that had been designed to look like a rock grotto. Rounded boulders lined the edges of a bubbling pool shimmering with flecks of pink and silver, reflecting the setting sun. A breeze ruffled tiny field violets blooming among the rocks, and Kate breathed in the scent of damp fern and ozone. The setting was perfect. The lighting was perfect. Kate’s stomach was not perfect. It felt like a cement mixer someone had filled with Jell-O and cold rocks before turning the crank with agonizing slowness. “Can you move a little to the right, Joe?” One of the lighting guys waved Jonah closer to Viv, and Kate tried not to cringe. Jonah’s arms were stretched out over the rock-lined rim of the tub, his infinity tattoo prominent on one sculpted pectoral muscle. Over h

  CHAPTER NINETEEN “Jonah, wait!” Kate scrambled down the hall after him, slipping in the wet puddles of his footsteps. She regained her footing and kept after him, watching as he stormed toward the powder room just off the foyer. She felt the floor shake as he pushed the door open. “Leave me alone, Kate!” “Jonah, please—” He slammed the door in her face. A noise behind her made Kate turn. At the end of the hall, Pete stood with his camera trained on her. On the whole scene that had just transpired. Of course. The dramatic, impassioned exit of a reality show superstar. It was the biggest ratings grabber on the planet. “Pete,” Kate said calmly. “I’m going to ask you nicely to shut the camera off and leave the room.” “Sorry, Kate.” He sounded genuinely sorry, but that didn’t stop him from zooming in for a close-up. “Boss’s orders.” “Pete,” she said again, her voice remarkably calm even though her hands were shaking. “I’m going to start counting now. If you’re not gone by the time I get to

  CHAPTER TWENTY Kate stood on Jonah’s doorstep, breathing in and out, watching raindrops spatter on rhododendron leaves that looked silver under the streetlight. She clenched her fists at her sides, steeling herself to knock. “There’s nothing braver than facing your own fears. Having the difficult conversation instead of running away.” The words echoed in her head, and it annoyed Kate to be standing here in the rain with Viv’s voice in her ears. She tried to recall which book they’d come from. On the Other Hand? But Not Broken? Hell, maybe she’d made them up herself. She was still trying to figure it out when the door flew open. “Jonah.” She swallowed hard and looked at him, trying to remember the speech she’d been rehearsing in her head. Something about forgiveness and professional obligations and— “I said I didn’t want to talk, Kate,” he said. “I know you don’t have a helluva lot of respect for other people’s wishes, but this is flat-out trespassing.” The anger in his words made her t

  CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE At nine the next morning, Kate tapped on Viv’s front door. They weren’t scheduled to shoot until the next day, or maybe ever, depending on how things shook out with Jonah. The legal team was working on that. But at the moment, Kate had something she needed to get off her chest. The door swung open, and Viv looked at her blankly for a few beats. “Kate.” She smiled, but it wasn’t her usual soaring, serene smile. It was a tired smile. The smile of a woman who hadn’t slept well and perhaps had eaten six doughnuts for breakfast. Maybe Kate was projecting. “Good morning, Viv.” She held up a white paper cup with an earthy cardboard sleeve around it. “I brought you some of that tea you like. The cardamom-rose black from Metolius Artisan Tea?” Viv seemed to force the corners of her mouth a bit higher as she held open the door and waved her inside. “You’re an angel, Kate. Such a good soul.” The lump in Kate’s throat grew thick and sour, and she followed Viv into the parlor wit

  EPILOGUE “How soon do you think we’ll see them?” Jonah glanced over to see Kate squinting at the finish line. She wore a black cotton sundress that reminded him of the one she’d worn the first time they met, and he felt a surge of fondness as familiar as his own pulse. “Relax,” he said, sliding an arm around her. “We’ve got another ten minutes at least.” Kate tilted her sunglasses up on her head and smiled up at him, giving him a flash of those toffee-colored eyes that had been melting him for almost a year now. “Bike racing is kind of a tough sport to watch,” she said. “It’s not a race, exactly,” he pointed out. “Just a fun ride. We’re easing in slowly, remember?” We meaning Jossy and her new knee. He and Kate weren’t taking things all that slowly anymore. They’d moved in together four weeks ago, with Kate still commuting to LA once or twice a month. For the most part, she spent her time in Seattle, where they’d just started filming the second season of Relationship Reboot with Dr. Vi

  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Humongous thanks to my early readers and critique partners for giving me the tools I needed to bring out this story’s very best self. I’m especially grateful to Linda Grimes and Kait Nolan for your awesome insights and suggestions. As always, I feel absurdly lucky to have Michelle Wolfson of Wolfson Literary Agency in my corner. Thank you for putting up with my unfunny jokes, my neurotic need to plan, and my freak-outs about things that usually seem trivial the next morning. Few things in life make me happier than an e-mail from editors Chris Werner and Krista Stroever saying I nailed it with a new manuscript, and this one made me extra happy. Thank you for loving this book enough to help shape it into an even better version of itself. I’m also grateful to Anh Schluep, Jessica Poore, Kimberly Cowser, Marlene Kelly, Hannah Buehler, Claire Caterer, PEPE nymi, and the rest of the Montlake team for everything you did to get this book polished, pretty, and into the hands of

  DISCUSSION QUESTIONS When Kate meets Jonah in Ashland, he bears little resemblance to the Average Joe she knows through Viv’s books. When he’s with Kate, how is Jonah different from how he is with Viv? With Jossy? Are there different traits you see in Kate when she’s with Viv versus Amy versus Jonah? Being around his ex-wife brings out a side of Jonah he’s not always proud of, though he fights to rise above it. What is it about Viv that sparks that response in him? How does Kate’s presence affect him differently? Who brings out your best self? Kate has a long history of fandom with Dr. Viv’s books. Is her reliance on the wisdom of self-help books a benefit or a hindrance in her life? Does that change over the course of the story? Jonah tells Kate that the only thing opposites attract is heartache. Why do you think he says this? How do you feel about that theory? At several points Kate wrestles between doing what she thinks is right versus doing what’s required of her for her jo

  ABOUT THE AUTHOR photo © 2013 Craig Zagurski When Tawna Fenske finished her English lit degree at twenty-two, she celebrated by filling a giant trash bag full of romance novels and dragging it everywhere until she’d read them all. Now she’s a USA Today bestselling author who writes humorous fiction, risqué romance, and heartwarming love stories with a quirky twist. Publishers Weekly has praised Tawna’s offbeat romances with multiple starred reviews and noted, “There’s something wonderfully relaxing about being immersed in a story filled with over-the-top characters in undeniabl
y relatable situations. Heartache and humor go hand in hand.” Tawna lives in Bend, Oregon, with her husband, stepkids, and a menagerie of ill-behaved pets. She loves hiking, snowshoeing, stand-up paddleboarding, and inventing excuses to sip wine on her back porch. She can peel a banana with her toes and loses an average of twenty pairs of eyeglasses per year. To find out more about Tawna and her books, visit www.



  “Fenske’s newest second-chance love story set in Portland, Oregon, [is] a special blend of comedy and suspense—readers will gladly join [Allie and Jack] on their journey to self-improvement.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “This novel’s primary strengths are twofold: First, the reader can’t help but root for Allie, who is realistically flawed and anxious about her own failings . . . Second, the writing is deft and charming, with both characters’ narrative voices wry and self-effacing . . . This is a lovely second-chance romance (with a single-dad hero!) that will appeal to fans of Mary Kay Andrews, Jennifer Crusie, and Victoria Dahl.”

  —RT Book Reviews, 4 Stars


  A 2017 Rita Award Finalist in the Category of Mainstream Fiction with a Central Romance

  “A funny, poignant reminder that the baggage our exes leave can’t stop love from moving us forward.”

  —Kirkus Reviews

  “This is a heartwarming story with well-developed, artistic characters.”

  —Publishers Weekly


  “This charming romp from Fenske evokes the best of romantic comedy, with its witty characters and wacky but realistic situations.”

  —Publishers Weekly, Starred Review


  “Fenske’s take on what happens when a one-night stand goes horribly, painfully awry is hilariously heartwarming and overflowing with genuine emotion . . . There’s something wonderfully relaxing about being immersed in a story filled with over-the-top characters in undeniably relatable situations. Heartache and humor go hand in hand in this laugh-out-loud story with an ending that requires a few tissues.”

  —Publishers Weekly, Starred Review


  “Extremely charming and undeniably sexy . . . I loved every minute.”

  —Rachel Van Dyken, New York Times and USA Today

  bestselling author

  “Sexy banter in the boardroom, romantic movies with a sexy alpha geek, and humor that will leave a smile on your face until the very last page.”

  —Kelly Elliott, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author


  Nominated for Contemporary Romance of the Year, 2011 Reviewers’ Choice Awards, RT Book Reviews

  “Fenske’s wildly inventive plot and wonderfully quirky characters provide the perfect literary antidote to any romance reader’s summer reading doldrums.”

  —Chicago Tribune

  “A zany caper . . . Fenske’s off-the-wall plotting is reminiscent of a tame Carl Hiaasen on Cupid juice.”


  “This delightfully witty debut will have readers laughing out loud.”

  —RT Book Reviews, 4½ Stars

  “[An] uproarious romantic caper. Great fun from an inventive new writer; highly recommended.”

  —Library Journal, Starred Review

  “This book was the equivalent of eating whipped cream—sure, it was light and airy, but it is also surprisingly rich.”

  —Smart Bitches Trashy Books


  “Fenske hits all the right humor notes without teetering into the pit of slapstick in her lighthearted book of strippers, psychics, free spirits, and an accountant.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “Snappy, endearing dialogue and often hilarious situations unite the couple, and Fenske proves to be a romance author worthy of a loyal following.”

  —Booklist, Starred Review

  “Fenske’s sophomore effort is another riotous trip down funny-bone lane, with a detour to slightly askew goings on and a quick U-ey to out-of-this-world romance. Readers will be enchanted by this bewitching fable from a wickedly wise author.”

  —Library Journal

  “Sexually charged dialogue and steamy make-out scenes will keep readers turning the pages.”

  —Publishers Weekly


  “Up-and-coming romance author Fenske sets up impeccable internal and external conflict and sizzling sexual tension for a poignant love story between two engaging characters, then infuses it with witty dialogue and lively humor. An appealing blend of lighthearted fun and emotional tenderness.”

  —Kirkus Reviews

  “Fenske’s fluffy, frothy novel is a confection made of colorful characters, compromising situations, and cute dogs. This one’s for readers who prefer a tickled funny bone rather than a tale of woe.”

  —RT Book Reviews

  “Loaded with outrageous euphemisms for the sex act between any type of couple and repeated near-intimate misses, Fenske’s latest is a clever tour de force on finding love despite being your own worst emotional enemy. Sweet and slightly oddball, this title belongs in most romance collections.”

  —Library Journal

  “Frisky Business has all the ingredients of a sparkling romantic comedy—wickedly clever humor, a quirky cast of characters, and, most of all, the crazy sexy chemistry between the leads.”

  —Lauren Blakely, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author



  Stand-Alone Romantic Comedies

  This Time Around

  Now That It’s You

  Let It Breathe

  About That Fling

  Eat, Play, Lust (Novella)

  Frisky Business

  Believe It or Not

  Making Waves

  The Front and Center Series

  Marine for Hire

  Fiancée for Hire

  Best Man for Hire

  Protector for Hire

  The First Impressions Series

  The Fix Up

  The Hang Up

  The Hook Up

  The List Series

  The List

  Schultz Sisters Mysteries

  Getting Dumped

  The Great Panty Caper (Novella)

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Text copyright © 2017 Tawna Fenske

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Montlake Romance, Seattle

  Amazon, the Amazon logo, and Montlake Romance are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates.

  ISBN-13: 9781542047302

  ISBN-10: 1542047307

  Cover design by PEPE nymi

  To my brother, Aaron “Russ” Fenske.

  For years of tasteless jokes and tasty crepes.

  For screening out my bad boyfriends and befriending the good ones. But mostly, for giving me a reason to write about loving brothers and all their delightful, obnoxious, endearing quirks.




























  Kate Geary stepped onto the sunny back patio of the B&B and scanned the breakfast tables. Each held a bouquet of daisies and a noisy array of her fellow guests. As she smoothed the skirt of her ankle-length black sundress, Kate breathed in the scent of maple syrup and assessed her options.

  Four octogenarians discussing the merits of hip-replacement surgery as they devoured plates of German apple pancakes.

  Two fortysomethings bickering about the aesthetic distance and dramatic unity in the Shakespeare production they’d seen the night before.

  One thirtysomething guy sitting alone, munching an impressive heap of bacon while reading a children’s picture book with a pig on the cover.

  Kate headed for Swine Guy, figuring he was most likely to let her eat breakfast in peace. He looked up from his book as Kate approached, hitting her with the full force of the most striking eyes she’d ever seen. The color, somewhere on the palette between green and amber, reminded her of tree moss or spearmint. They were framed by a pair of black-rimmed glasses and gazed back at her in a way that suggested their owner wasn’t thrilled by Kate’s intrusion.

  Kate touched the back of a chair, as much to keep herself steady as a request for permission to plant her butt in it. “Is this seat taken?”

  Swine Guy looked at her for a few beats, then picked up another piece of bacon. “Nope. Feel free.”


  She pulled out the chair and sat down, then spread a blue-and-green checkered napkin over her lap. A server walked past en route to the next table, and Kate heard her stomach growl. She glanced at Swine Guy, wondering if he’d noticed. His eyes were glued to his book again, but maybe he was being polite.


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