by Louise James
Neither Greg nor Ray had experienced a sale of this magnitude before and they were fascinated. They enjoyed an hour of picking up and putting down as much as anyone there. Ray was amused to see a couple of boats in the main aisle, one hooked to a Cortina car both for sale. Presently a bell rang and the auctioneers began calling for attention. They watched proceedings for a while until Ray noticed that Greg was missing. He found him in the lower part of the market examining an apparently new three seater settee and two deep recliners in red leather.
“I fancy these, wonder how much they will fetch? We can’t keep sitting on those old chairs.”
“Go for it. Here he comes now.”
Before they forced themselves away, Greg was the owner of the settee and recliners, a scrubbed pine table and four chairs. Half an hour later to his delight outside among the machinery was a chainsaw, in working condition and started up by an assistant to prove it. It ran to more than Greg wanted to give for a second hand one but it would do for the present. Ray had also become carried away in the heat of the moment buying himself a huge toolbox filled with all sorts of treasures. They rang Tod to bring the van and while they were waiting they enjoyed watching two dealers having a full scale row about who had purchased what. After a verbal row which looked to the delighted onlookers as if it might come to blows, one walked off leaving the other the victor; by the time Tod arrived with the van, they were sat with a mug of tea each, people watching with great amusement.
As they drove back through Graigwen following Tod with the van, Ray realised he had left his cigarettes in the market. He pulled up at the village shop. “Should give it up” Greg remarked who had never started the habit and was almost asleep. “Will one day” was the reply as Ray climbed back in the driving seat. “There’s a notice in the window here a dance on Saturday at the village hall. Want to go?”
“I don’t think so.” Greg was feeling decidedly ill after the day’s activities.
“Oh! Come on, we’ve earned a break, let’s go if only for a laugh, haven’t been to a village hop for years. Tod will go anyway.”
“Okay.” Greg realised that both the lads had given up their holidays to work like ten men into the bargain and there was no way he could find an excuse not to go with them. “Your right it could be fun.”
The best of the day was gone by the time they had eaten but Ray was determined to get to grips with the tree. Greg felt more like going to bed but couldn’t say anything. The lads were going home in a couple of days and he didn’t want to spoil their fun. Unfortunately the saw which had fired up in the saleroom fired once then stopped. Taking it to pieces they found the petrol filter hanging loose and gummed up with sawdust. Ray washed the filter with petrol cleaning every part carefully then put back together it started first time. He started on the ash tree with Tod loading a wheelbarrow and making a log pile in the stable. To their disappointment they would have to wait for morning to get near the Land Rover. The problem was getting the logs and branches out of the way and the light was going. Ray took one look at Greg’s colourless face and hearing him panting as he walked about, called a halt and sent him in to make tea.
Next day they were once again frustrated by the junk in the way. Ray could saw the branches and block them but there was nowhere to put them once he had. Tod had battles getting the wheelbarrow through and couldn’t work quick enough to catch up with Ray who was sitting up in the tree waiting for him to come back. Tod had the sense as soon as he saw a break to pick up the chain harrows which were taking up most of the doorway and pull them out into the yard. Once this was done he had a clear run with his wheelbarrow and things moved on a pace. Greg found a set of garden tools with several scythes, bill hooks and other useful gadgets.
“Be careful up there.” he called to Ray who was now astride the ladder as near to the main trunk of the tree as he could get. “It doesn’t look rotten but you can’t see what is holding it up”
“It’s fine, it’s caught on the two walls it’s not going anywhere.” Greg took himself off to start a fire the far side of the yard. When he came back the tree was gone but a huge pile of logs were still keeping Tod busy. The urge to see the Land Rover was too much for all of them. Ray jumped down to join them, his face red, his fair curly hair standing on end full of sawdust and twigs. They all approached the vehicle together.
“She looks bad outwardly, doesn’t she?” The canvas roof hung in shreds one support rail badly twisted, the driver’s door dented in. “I can’t open that.” Ray tugged. Windscreen was cracked and the tyres perished. “All repairable.” muttered Greg walking around. “Ray if this is what I think it is we may have a nineteen forty-eight original here.”
“Didn’t they have a petrol cap under the seat?”
“Right on they did.” Ray beat Greg to the passenger door which opened easily enough disturbing some mice which had nested in the leather seat. “Ugh I’m tied up in spider’s webs.”
“Serve you right for being first.” Greg pushed his head in beside Ray who lay flat, feeling under the driver’s seat. “Yes, it’s here Greg.”
“Great all we need now is an engine. Pray to God no one has taken it out. He tugged at the bonnet’s rusty catch. Pain shot across his chest, he stepped back leaning against the wing. The engine was there alright, a twelve horse power cylinder rover. They stood gazing in awe. Mice had eaten all the rubber off the wires and hoses, made nests in the air filter. Tod rushed forward then jumped back. “Distributer cap cracked but the plugs are still in. Maybe the engine is okay. If there’s a starter handle we could be alright if there isn’t we are knackered, should be under the seat,”
Greg recovering reached under the seat. “Good Grief! We’re in luck it’s still here.” Ray fitting it turning slowly, to their surprise the engine turned over.
“It’s turning, I don’t believe it, it’s not seized. God Almighty all this time and it’s not seized.” Greg took a deep breath. “What now Ray? It won’t actually start will it?”
“No battery, I’ll get the one off the truck.” Ray leapt the rubbish returning with the battery. It took moments to fix although he had to substitute a wire.” I’ll put a wire through the ignition switch and see what we’ve got. Jump in Greg, see what happens.” Greg climbed over the passenger seat. “I can’t find a starter button.”
“Try the floor- button there somewhere.” It was immediately beneath his leg, he pressed and the engine turned over. Greg held his breath pressed again nothing happened and again, nothing.
“Hang on Greg let me have a look again at the plugs. I’ve taken one out now try again. It’s sparking, must be petrol.” Ray took a sample from the carburettor. “Flat I’ll have to drain the system.”
“There’s a spare can we bought for the pick-up in the shed.” Tod came around to look. “I’ll fetch it.” When he returned he emptied it in the tank and Ray pumped it through putting the plug back. “Hope there’s no dirt in it now. Pull the choke Greg and try again” Nothing. “Blast it, give it another go” The Land Rover juddered and fired. “Once more” The engine leaped into life.
Tod and Ray leaped around like children, slapping each other on the back and whooping their voices echoing back from the hill. Greg sat in the Land Rover on the mouse’s nest grinning happily. “Well done Ray, great job. I knew your hot rodding days weren’t wasted. What a find.” Ray’s oily face beamed back at him. “Get your pen out and your cheque book. You’ll need. New distributer cap set of tyres, plugs, new lights, windscreen. I think I can hammer the door out, not a problem, need a new loom, I’ve only done a temporary job on the wiring. We’ll get it priced up; might cost a bit but oh! What a find. We’ll scout around see what we can pick up. I can get bits back at the garage know a few old contacts and more than a few scrap yards. I’ll come back in a few weeks and give you a hand. That is if you want Greg? I’m taking over a bit, aren’t I? Or do you want to do it yourself?”
�Ray.” Greg put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “It’s our project not just mine. I couldn’t have done this without you. You and Tod have been a godsend these couple of weeks. Don’t think that you are going off to Spain on your next holiday. You have got more time to come haven’t you?”
“Yeah, Dave owes me. I’ve been months now without a break and it’s always me that stays home and does the rush jobs. Dave gave himself six weeks in the Algarve last year so it’s my turn. I’m taking a month now and some more in September but I’ll come for a few long weekends now and then if you’ll have me. Tod can’t for a while as he’s starting a new job when he gets back.”
“You bet I will. I need the company and there’s plenty more work to be done” a sly grin. “You’ll earn your keep” Ray threw the oily rags at him.
“And there’s the tractor!”
“We’ll leave that for a while. Somehow I think we have enough on our plates and a lot of fun to be had on this. Don’t let’s push our luck but it could be an asset to this place if it can be got to go. Plenty of rainy day work here. Come on Tod, your turn to make the tea.”
Chapter 12
It was a week later that Olwen returned from her classes to find Aiden at her door with a bottle of wine and a large bouquet of flowers. Her heart sank as she came up the steps. He smiled mocking and confident. He came forward and kissed her cheek. She drew back “What are you doing here?”
“I think we should be having a talk about things.’
“I don’t want to talk to you.” She turned away. He caught her arm. “Please, let’s just sit down have a glass of wine and talk.” She sighed ‘Maybe it would be fair to him; reluctantly she opened the door and he followed her in. He tried to take her in his arms but she stepped sideways, switching on the light and dropping her bag on the table.
“You’re being very unfriendly.” He put the flowers in the sink, standing the bottle on the draining board he moved to fetch glasses from the cupboard.
“Olwen put up a hand. “Don’t start; I don’t want to know. I asked you to move out. I don’t want to drink wine with you. I have had enough. Please leave, I am sorry it hasn’t worked out. You are a lovely, talented man but we are not compatible and never will be, so please go now and maybe we can still be friends.”
“I don’t want to be friends. I want you to be marrying me. You know that.”
“That’s never going to happen, Aiden, so accept it and go.”
“You are not getting rid of me that easily my girl.” His voice changed, he came to her holding both her arms. “Don’t play with me. You are playing games and I will not be doing with it. You listen to me; we are back together and it’s going to stay that way. If you don’t want to get married, fair enough. I can take that as long as we stay together.’
“No Aiden. I told you in my note and I’m telling you now. It’s over. Now will you please leave me alone?”
“Don’t be stupid Olwen. You know we go well together. You are just having a childish tantrum. I won’t let you ruin my life or yours either for that matter and that’s what you will be doing.’
She stepped back as far as the kitchen units allowed, he was beginning to worry her now. She prayed someone would come to the door or ring her phone but there was no one. She wasn’t one for crying; tears were very close but they would show weakness and he would take full advantage of that. She slid sideways to reach the door but he grabbed her arms trying to kiss her. As she fought him, he picked her up carrying her into the bedroom. Panicking she screamed clawing at his face and pulling his hair. Kicking the door shut he threw her onto the bed. She screamed again, pleading with him as she tried to roll off the bed but he was on top of her pinning her down his hand sliding up her leg while his other hand caught and held both her wrists, she cursed herself for wearing a skirt that morning. There was no stopping him holding both hands above her head he raped her stopping her cries with his mouth. She thought it would never end when it was finally over she was sobbing bitterly her head turned into the pillow while he stood rearranging his clothing looking down at her.
“Now you be calming yourself, no harm done. Tidy yourself, I am going to my office and I expect you to be here for dinner. By the way I didn’t use any protection so if you’re pregnant it will be a bonus. Let’s not have any more of your nonsense. You’re mine so don’t you be forgetting it.” He left slamming the door behind him.
Olwen lay sobbing, consumed with guilt, fear and disgust. She raged at herself for allowing this situation to happen. The disgust she felt was mixed with fury. Did he honestly think he was going to get away with this? Did he really think that she was going to allow him anywhere near her ever again? Shaking with shock and rage she was off the bed and locking the door stayed in the shower sobbing for a long time, rubbing at her skin until she was raw, she finally staggered out wrapping herself in a thick blanket while she tried to think what to do. After a strong coffee (which she wished was whisky) she realised she had no time to lose. Aiden was going to be back. She quickly dressed in warm slacks and jumper; even after the hot shower she was so cold she didn’t think she would ever be warm again; she quickly packed all she would need for a few days and standing where she could watch the car park; she rang Dave Tanner caretaker of the flats asking ask him to change the locks as soon as possible. Dave was used to this kind of request; relationships ended or someone tried to break in. He promised to do it this evening if she would leave her keys at his office and collect hers afterwards. Olwen rang her friend Alicia bursting into tears again as she heard her voice.
“Don’t you stay there another minuet, come on over and bring your things with you. If you aren’t here in half an hour I’ll come and fetch you.”
Olwen smiled through her tears. Alicia had been her friend since they had attended their first interviews together, she had never been too fond of Aiden; said he was domineering and full of himself and she only put up with him for Olwen’s sake. She herself was married to a science teacher who was away on a course at the moment. Harry was a kind gentle man who would be horrified when he heard. Alicia wrapped Olwen in her arms when she arrived and they both cried together. On learning that Olwen hadn’t eaten that day she immediately sent out for a Chinese meal pouring them a brandy each as they waited for it to arrive. Alicia insisted that they tell the police.
“If I do he’ll lose his job and he is the best musician the college has ever had.” Olwen picked at her sweet and sour chicken. She felt she might never eat again.
“Listen to me. He will be going out with other girls; you can’t let it happen again. I’m pretty sure the college will side with you not him. They have a duty to protect their students. Talk to Professor Colby, see what he says but you must report it Olwen.”
Olwen lay in bed unable to sleep tossing and turning, her mind going over and over the experience, sometimes crying sometimes so angry she just wanted to get up, find him and hurt him as he had hurt her. Had she encouraged him, led him on? Was he right, had she been playing games without realising it? She had only asked him to leave that wasn’t playing games, was it? She knew it wasn’t and she hadn’t been unreasonable in telling him to go. What if she had married him? How would he have treated her then? “Like a doormat.” Alicia had said. “Slapping you around when he felt like it. “You aren’t that sort of girl; you are fiery, feisty and deserve so much better. You don’t love him anyway so ditch him. let the law deal with him. If he loses his job so much better, we don’t want the likes of him around here thank you.”
Alicia made Olwen smile despite herself. She was right she must go to the authorities in the morning, she should have done so last night but she was in no state. Thinking this through it was dawn before she finally fell asleep.
Professor Colby was deeply distressed at her interview with him next day. He repeated what Alicia had said about protecting other students and was so understanding Olwen cried all over again. The white
haired twinkly eyed Professor patted her shoulder awkwardly then without consulting her further rang a friend of his in the police force who came around almost immediately with a female colleague. They too were easy with her the policewoman leading Olwen to one side to discuss the incident. Olwen found it so hard to talk about such intimate things but Constable Wendy Wright was gentle but thorough, so Olwen was able to go with them for an examination by a police doctor. Unfortunately as they told her, she had showered and changed her clothes which they then asked her to collect and to bring in to them.
Collecting her keys from Dave she let herself into the flat. She really didn’t want to be there and collected her things as quickly as possible. She was unable to ring her grandmother either it would have to wait until she see her which was going to be as soon as she could get away. Professor Colby had suggested that she take time off and go. He had gently questioned her about where and she talked to him for a while about her grandmother. He admitted that the Black Mountains were the ideal place to recover recalling he used to walk there every summer in his youth.