When You Were Mine (Adams Sisters)

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When You Were Mine (Adams Sisters) Page 10

by Byrd, Adrianne

“I’m saying, sweetheart, that you stink.” He plopped his cigar back into his mouth, and then added, “Badly.”

  Joey swallowed a hard lump of air and dropped her fork. When silver hit glass, it caused a loud clatter and drew a few more eyeballs in Ryan and Joey’s direction. “I better go.” She pushed back her chair and cringed when it screeched across the floor.

  More eyes followed.

  She jumped up from her seat with her entire body ablaze with embarrassment.

  “Wait.” Ryan snuffed out his cigar, and chucked his white linen napkin onto the table. “You don’t have to go.” His words hit her racing back. “Damn it.”

  Scooping out his money clip, he tossed more than enough money to cover his tab and bolted after Joey.

  Icy winds sliced through his clothes and he fleetingly thought to return to the restaurant for his coat and gloves, but then caught sight of Joey racing down the street.

  “Where in the hell is she going?” he mumbled, taking off after her. His long athletic legs erased the distance between them in no time. When he caught up, he only smiled at her long string of curses.

  “Damn, damn, damn. It’s cold,” she huffed, and then clutched at her sides.

  “You know, it’s not a good idea to run on a full stomach. At least that’s what my mother used to tell me.” Ryan slowed his stride to keep pace with her.

  She rolled her eyes, but then stopped in her tracks and doubled over.

  Shaking his head, Ryan backtracked and stopped next to her. “Cramp?”

  Out of pride, she shook her head. In the next second, her muscles clenched tighter and she was forced to nod the truth.

  Another chuckle tumbled from Ryan’s lips.

  “I’m so glad I amuse you,” she hissed.

  He thought about placating her. “Well, you have to admit you’re a little bit high-strung.”

  “What?” She attempted to erect her frame; however, her sore muscles had other plans and she remained doubled over. “One plane flight conversation doesn’t mean that you know everything about me.” Her teeth chattered as a strong gust of wind nearly caused her to kiss the ground.

  “Correction--one bathroom rescue, one long plane flight and one dinner date.”

  Finally her side muscles relaxed and she lifted out of her right-angle position. “Tonight was not a date.”

  “Did you pay for dinner?”

  “I told you I didn’t have any money!”

  “Then it was a date.”

  “You said no strings attached,” she accused.

  “I haven’t attached any.” He shrugged, still unable to remove the smile from his lips. “It was a nice meal with good conversation--the end.”

  She looked as though she was chewing nails before she spat out, “You insulted me.”

  “I, as a friend, told you the truth. Your BO lit up the joint.”

  “I...well...see.” Joey’s face crumbled. “Oh my God.” Tears leaked from her eyes. “I do stink.” She buried her face into the palms of her hands and wept.

  Feeling awkward and inadequate, Ryan brought her trembling shoulders into his embrace--in part for some body heat and in part because he liked touching her.

  “Sooo,” he said, stroking her back and feeling his erection harden against his thigh. “Why don’t you come back to my hotel suite?”

  She stopped crying and pulled back.

  Ryan surrendered his hands into the air. “Just so you can take a shower.”

  Her eyes narrowed, but her eyes hummed at the idea of being able to stand beneath a hot jet of streaming hot water. “Just for a shower?” she asked for clarification.

  “Just for a shower,” he agreed, smiling.

  If it looks like a snake and hiss like a snake, chances were she was dealing with a snake¾and a shower.

  “What hotel are you staying in?”

  “Hotel Principe Di Savoia Milano.”

  A warm, genuine smile eased across Joey’s dirt-smudged face. “Mr. Donovan, I would love to go your hotel suite.”

  Chapter 15

  Ryan was minutes away from getting laid. He was certain of it the moment he ushered Joey into the elegant, fifty-four-hundred-square-foot presidential suite, and he slid on his Casanova act.

  “Wow. This place is really nice,” Joey gushed as her gaze danced from the grand piano to the lacunar ceiling and the large terrace with a panoramic view of Milan. “You even have a fireplace.”

  “Perfect for wintry nights.” He inched closer.

  She rolled her eyes at his lame theatrics, instantly signaling him to step up his game.

  “Would you like a private tour?”

  Joey shook her head. “Maybe after the shower.”

  “Suit yourself.” He shrugged and led her across the marble floor to the enormously grand bathroom. “I’m sure you’ll find everything you need in here. There are a few robes on the rack. “Help yourself.”

  She smiled and stepped into the bathroom and stopped. “Thank you.” Joey turned and faced him. “For everything.”

  Ryan blinked. For a moment, he felt guilty about his hidden agenda for a vulnerable woman. What kind of man would prey on a woman stuck in a foreign country with no money, no clothes and no place to stay?

  He would--especially to end his current little...problem.

  “It’s no big deal,” he said slyly.

  She flashed him another smile and closed the door.

  He laid his head against the partition and expelled a long breath. At the sound of the shower, he turned with a wide smile.

  Just a few more minutes, he promised himself.

  He pulled off his coat and unfastened the top three buttons of his shirt while he made a beeline toward the fireplace. In no time at all, a fire crackled to life and room service arrived on cue.

  “Here’s a little something extra for you.” Ryan winked and slipped the man his tip.

  The young man’s eyes lit up. “Grazie, signore. Grazie.”

  Ryan smiled and guided the server out the door. He retrieved a blanket from one of the bedrooms and laid it before the fire. From his laptop, he retrieved the only CD he had, Luther Vandross Greatest Hits, and popped into the stereo system.

  Now the stage was set for seduction.

  Joey stood on weak knees beneath the best showerhead in the world. Water pounded and massaged her skin to the point she didn’t care to ever leave. She lathered and rinsed, lathered and rinsed until the small square hotel soap disappeared and her fingertips pickled.

  Reluctantly, she shut off the shower. When she stepped out and reached for a towel, her ears perked at Luther’s unmistakable voice.

  She frowned. There’s only one reason a man puts Luther Vandross on the stereo. “No strings attached, my ass.”

  Joey snatched one of the hotel robes from the rack. The large fluffy material swallowed her small frame, and the belt circled her waist twice. Steam billowed out the bathroom as she eased out the door.

  “Well, if it isn’t the cleanest woman in all of Italy,” Ryan said from behind the piano bench. He lifted a champagne glass. “Drink?”

  Joey had never seen a more obvious wolf in sheep’s clothing. Her gaze skittered from him to the lit fireplace, the low lighting, and his identical terry-cloth robe. “It’s not going to happen,” she warned.


  His eyes grew a little too wide to pull off the innocent look, but she was charmed just the same. “I’m not sleeping with you.”

  His Cheshire smile grew wider as he popped his cigar in his mouth. “If you say so.”

  “Has anyone ever told you that’s a nasty habit you have there?”

  “What?” He removed the cigar and glanced at it. “This?”

  Joey folded her arms as she crossed the room. “Smoking causes lung cancer.”

  “What are you my mother?” He winked. “Do you want to spank me?” He placed the cigar in a glass ashtray.

  She shook her head, still charmed. “Does this act really work on women?”
br />   “You tell me.” Ryan stood and approached with a flute of champagne extended out to her. His walk was too confident, his smile too wide--but he couldn’t seem to tone down his performance. He was anxious to score a homerun despite his inability to step into the batter’s box with this woman.

  Joey accepted the glass with a smile and then turned toward the fireplace. “Sooo. How’s preproduction going?” she asked idly.

  He kept his silly smile in place while he followed her. “It’s coming along.”

  “A blanket, huh?”

  Ryan shrugged. “No harm in getting comfortable.”

  She shook her head. “Your nose is growing, Pinocchio.”

  “You’re not exactly Honest Abe, Ms. Adams.” He clinked their flutes of champagne together while his heavy gaze caressed her face. “You keep saying no but...”

  Her eyebrows seesaw with curiosity. “But what?”

  “But you are standing in the middle of my hotel suite, freshly showered, in my robe and sipping champagne before a roaring fire. There is a word men call women like you.”

  She lifted her head and clenched her jaw. “And what is that?”

  “A tease.”

  “That’s two words.”

  “So it is.” Ryan chuckled. “But you are a tease.”

  Joey opened her mouth to argue; but at the last moment, she flashed him a stunning smile and sipped her drink.

  “Does that mean I have permission to stamp guilty on your forehead?”

  “I plead the fifth.” She winked, enjoying how easily she wrapped him around her finger. How come Laurence never fawned over her this way? Because he has an infinity for silicon breasts instead of the real McCoy.

  “Why don’t we sit down?”

  She hesitated.

  “I won’t bite.”

  Joey lowered onto the blanket, but slowly her smile ebbed away as she thought about the past week--really thought about it. “What am I doing?” She sighed. “What am I doing here?”

  “We’re getting acquainted.” He clinked their glasses again and resumed pouring on the charm.

  “No. I mean what am I doing here in Italy, chasing after a man who dumped me?” She set her glass down on the fireplace mantle and cupped her face into her hands. “When did I become so desperate?”

  “Now, now.” Ryan strategically placed an arm around her shoulder to showcase the appropriate amount of sympathy. “Don’t be hard on yourself. Your ex-fiancé sort of led you on.”

  “Ex-almost-fiancé,” she corrected.

  “Right, right. That’s what I meant.” He set his glass down next to hers in order to massage her shoulders. “But you know it’s never too late to put the whole thing behind you¾to move on.”

  Joey closed her eyes and emitted a soft moan. “You have nice hands.”

  He leaned close to whisper in her ear. “I’m glad you like them.” He allowed a moment of silence to pass before he added, “I have other nice things, you know.”

  She chuckled and emerged from her pool of self-pity. “I’m not interested in your other ‘nice things’.” She turned around to face him, but was momentarily taken aback when her eyes met his beautiful unblinking stare.

  “You feel it, too. Don’t you?” he asked, gently sliding the back of his fingers down her supple cheek.

  She should respond--say something else sarcastic--but the truth was, she did feel...something.

  “I love Larry.” Joey blinked. “I mean Laurence.” She straightened her spine and pulled away from his touch.

  Ryan’s tone remained soft but firm. “Laurence is with Carlina. His current fiancée.”

  Instant tears sprang to her eyes and he quickly, gently wiped them away. “Maybe fate is what brought you here--brought us here.”

  “You’re better at this than I thought,” she whispered.

  “I’ve never been this inspired.” He closed the small space between them and extracted a kiss. His body temperature rocketed as he swallowed her moan and pulled her closer.

  Ryan couldn’t believe how good she tasted, how soft she felt. A part of him wanted to analysis what she was doing to him, the other part wanted to get lost in the moment.

  Thick, massive clouds of confusion filled Joey’s head, while her mind and body was out of sync. She loved Laurence, so why was she kissing some sleazy director? Well, maybe not sleazy…sex-starved?

  Then again, it was hard not to kiss him, and harder still to stop kissing him. His lips were like nice soft pillows and he had a way of setting her body on fire.

  His tongue delved into her mouth and stole her breath. Impulsively she wrapped her arms around his neck and clung for dear life.

  Suddenly, she had a moment of clarity. If she went through with this, she could be making the biggest mistake of her life. She loved Laurence, so why was she allowing this sex-starved director to untie her robe?

  She needed this, she argued back. She needed the comfort he offered. It didn’t matter that he was using her. She was using him, too. Didn’t that make everything all right?

  Ryan peeled the robe from her shoulders and then broke their kiss so he could gaze down at her naked body. “Perfect,” he whispered.

  His words brought another rush of tears to her eyes. Laurence never looked this adoringly at her, and he certainly never declared her as “perfect.”

  “Hey, what are these for?” He kissed away her tears and cupped her breasts. They filled his hands completely, and she held her breath as his head descended lower. At the slight flicker of his tongue across her taut nipple, she shivered and arched her back to give him better access.

  Ryan chuckled, flicked his tongue again and was rewarded with another soft moan. He slid out of his robe. Yes. I’m back in the game.

  The moment the thought crossed his mind, Joey firmly pushed at his chest and ended his tender suckling.

  Her eyes roamed his naked body. Judging by the muscles and the chiseled contours, he was an athlete. He suddenly exuded a strength she hadn’t noticed before. “You’re perfect, too,” she said and meant it.

  A small smile curved his lips. “I’m glad to hear the lady is pleased.” His fingers lazily circled the dark lining of her breasts before he bent his head low for another taste.

  “I hardly know you,” she said in between heavy pants.

  “My name is Ryan Scott Donovan. Born and raised in Los Angeles. I’m forty-five, drug and disease free and I earn a pretty descent living directing movies.” He pulled her back to him and refilled his greedy mouth with her succulent breast.

  “What…what about me?” she asked.

  “I know all I need to know,” he mumbled shifting to the other breast. His body ached and throbbed in a way that was foreign to him.

  Joey roamed her hands through his short-cropped hair and then held him steady while he sucked, licked and tugged at her nipple.

  Gently, he eased her back until she laid flat against the blanket. His patience strained while struggled to pace himself. She felt tiny beneath his large hands, but he loved her slight curves and thick bottom.

  Pressing his knees between her thighs, Ryan smiled when she willingly opened her legs for him.

  “But I love...Laurence,” she whispered.

  “I know. I know. I just want to make you feel good.” He dipped his finger inside of her, pleased to find her slick and ready. “Don’t you want to feel good?” He slid in another finger.

  Vigorously, Joey nodded while her chest rose and fell like as though she raced a marathon.

  “Good, then we’re on the same page,” he whispered as his fingers stroked her smooth and steady.

  Joey’s deep moans caught in her throat, and then transformed into begging whimpers. She still didn’t know what the hell she was doing and why she was enjoying it, but she did know that she didn’t want him to stop. This was just a one-night fling. It didn’t mean anything.

  Ryan had no plans to stop. He knew what she wanted¾what she needed, but currently he was caught up in his game of cat
-and-mouse. His strokes slowed and he watched in pure delight as she wiggled her romp to urge him on.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “Please what?” He nuzzled her neck and drew the thin flesh in between his teeth.

  “Please,” she continued, seemingly unable to say much more.

  “Is this what you want?” Ryan deepened and quickened his stokes. “Hmm?”

  She tried to speak, but no words came.

  He slowed down. “I can’t hear you?”

  She bounced her body against his hand, blending his name with, “Y-yes!”

  Her body’s honey flowed freely as her legs trembled around his hand. Ryan’s mouth returned to her marble-hard nipples and less than a second later her body trembled violently with her orgasm.

  Refusing to stop, Ryan slid in his thumb and gently massaged her swollen nub.

  Joey’s hips came off the floor and she squirmed to get away from him, however, he dogged her every inch. Before she could catch her breath another body quake erupted and left her writhing beneath him.

  He was ready to clinch the deal when she stopped him.

  “Not here,” she said softly as tears crested her eyes. Her hand glided lazily down his face. “Take me to the bed.”

  Her dark lustily gaze trapped his own. “You got it.” He climbed off of her.

  She smiled as he slid his arms beneath her. No words were necessary as he carried her toward the main bedroom. When he reached the king-sized bed, he laid her down and was unable to pull his gaze away.

  She really was perfect.

  Joey curled onto her side and smiled. “You have any protection?”

  Ryan snapped back to his senses and remembered the condoms in his robe. “Don’t go away. I’ll be right back.” He sprinted out and raced to the fireplace. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” he praised and dug the two condoms out of his wallet and sprinted back. He was certain he’d made an Olympic track record back to the bedroom.

  “I’m back,” he sang, easing up to the bed.

  Joey remained curled in the same position he’d left her, yet she was fast asleep.

  “Joey?” He sat down next to her and gently rocked her shoulders. “Joey?”

  She didn’t move but emitted a soft snore.


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