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by Kristine Rolofson

  Daisy moved closer and took his hand. "Come sit down," she said, urging him into the living room. She waited until he was seated before curling up next to him on the couch. "What happened to Sarah?"

  "She stuck it out for seven more years—she was a lot younger than me—and was about to graduate from high school. She had a scholarship to Montana State. I bought her a car with my winnings from Denver that year."

  "And then?"

  He moved the sleeping baby into his right arm. "My grandmother died and my grandfather got meaner than ever, my mother wouldn't move out and leave him alone, and then one day Sarah got in her car and drove off."

  "To school?"

  "No, though my mother and I tried to get her to change her mind, but Sarah wanted nothing more to do with Montana or school or anything else. She had a boyfriend." He looked down at Daisy and almost smiled. "And he'd joined the marines. That was the last we heard until Mom died. I've been trying to find her for years, even hired a detective."

  "Do you think she's still with him?"

  "No, that was years ago. He's married now, stationed somewhere in North Carolina, and says he hasn't talked to Sarah for a couple of years."

  "And she didn't come back when your mother died?"

  "No. I didn't have the funeral here anyway. I buried my mother near Bozeman, with my father. She would have wanted it that way."

  "I'm sorry," she said, touching his arm.

  "She would have gotten a kick out of the baby shower," he said. "Maude told me that my mother had friends in town before she died. I liked hearing that."

  Daisy took her hand away from his arm. She didn't want to like him any more than she did already. "I think I'd better get back to work."

  "Yeah." But neither of them moved, except for Will draping his free arm around Daisy's shoulders. She closed her eyes, just for a few seconds, and pretended this was her man and her baby and she didn't have to go back to the café and pour coffee and make pizzas.

  "Come home with me," he whispered, his arm tightening around her.

  "I can't," Daisy said, but she regretted turning him down. She would have liked to pretend he was hers for a while longer.

  * * *

  Chapter 10


  "Your sister's not answering. I'm going to call Will."

  "No!" Jane stopped and took some deep breaths before she continued. "I don't want him over here."

  "Why not? He's right in town. I just talked—"

  Did she have to explain everything to this man? "It'll ruin everything and he'll never get married." Joe continued to stare at her as if she was speaking German. "The house is a mess and the boys ate too much candy at the sitter's and will either throw up half the night or they'll fight with each other and—"

  "What's that got to do with anything?"

  "Stop glaring at me," she said, managing to throw a new romance novel into her suitcase before she closed it. "I might have time to read after the baby's born."

  "I don't remember you being like this the other times," he muttered, taking the suitcase off the bed. "I'm calling Will. He can stay here until I can get hold of your sister."

  "It'll ruin him for marriage," she moaned, and then was hit with another contraction that almost knocked her to her knees. She clung to the bedpost and remembered to count.

  "He was ruined a long time ago," Joe assured her, reaching for the bedside phone.

  "Touch that phone and I'll have to hurt you."

  Joe ignored her. "I love you, too, honey." He hit the speed dial. "Hey, Barb, get me the café, will you? We're heading to North Bend to have a baby."

  "You don't have to tell the world," Jane muttered, feeling misunderstood and not a little scared. The contractions centered in the small of her back this time, meaning that all afternoon she'd thought she'd had a backache and didn't know she was in labor until her water broke while she was driving home.

  "This is Sheriff Pierce. Is Will Wilson still with Daisy? Would you get him for me, please?" Joe gave Jane a thumbs-up sign and she tried to smile.

  "So much for matchmaking," she grumbled, lowering herself onto the bed to catch her breath. It seemed to take forever for Will to come to the phone and talk to Joe. They probably interrupted something. Anyone could see by the way those two looked at each other that it wouldn't be long before they did something about it. If other people would just leave them alone long enough.

  "Will's coming right over," Joe said, hanging up the phone. "Come on, I'll help you downstairs and I'll give the boys a speech about behaving themselves."

  "I wanted him to get married," she said, then tried to pant through the next contraction. "To Daisy," she said when the pain subsided. "I wanted to have dinner parties."

  "Don't get your hopes up," Joe said, helping her stand.

  "They're made for each other. Oh, darn, I forgot my shoes!"

  * * *

  "Make sure they go to bed by seven," Jane had panted, one last instruction before a nervous-looking Joe helped her out the door.

  "We'll be fine," Will had promised before closing the door.

  This wasn't the day he had planned. There'd been no intimate afternoon spent with a naked Daisy, no warm bed and willing woman to look forward to later tonight

  He told himself it was for the best. And he lied.

  The two little Pierce boys were easy enough to deal with. They wanted cereal for supper and they were content to watch television and play with a bunch of trucks afterward. Spring, snug in the crib prepared for the new Pierce baby, actually slept for an hour underneath her new quilt. He figured she was all tired out from the baby shower, too. Will collapsed into Joe's leather recliner and watched cartoons while he tried not to fall asleep before the kids went to bed.

  He never expected to answer the doorbell and see Daisy standing on the front porch. Snow dusted her blond curls, which she'd released from their usual topknot. She looked tired and smelled like tomato sauce.

  "Jane called and asked if I'd mind bringing dinner." She held out a pizza box. "So here it is."

  "Come on in," he said, stepping back to let her enter the kitchen. "The kids had cereal, but I wouldn't mind trying your pizza."

  "It came out pretty good. I could actually make a profit if this catches on."

  Will took the box and inhaled the scent of tomato and oregano. How could he compete with a restaurant? Then he realized what Daisy had said. "Jane called you? In the middle of having a baby?"

  "I know, it sounds a little strange," she agreed, looking up at him with those gorgeous blue eyes. "She was panting, so I didn't hear everything she said, but I think I understood enough to bring you something to eat."

  "Can you stay?"

  "For a little while, I guess." She took off her jacket while he set the pizza on the counter and called for the boys.

  "My mom's havin' a baby," Josh announced.

  "Yeah," his younger brother said, tucking his hand inside Will's. "A baby."

  "I know," Daisy said. "She called me and asked me to bring you a pizza. Would you like some?" Both boys nodded, wide-eyed. Will found plates and silverware, and Daisy served the food to the boys while they wriggled in their seats at the table.

  "Your turn," she said, handing him a plate.


  "Be honest," she said.

  "About what?"

  "Whether it's good or not."

  "Sweetheart, it looks almost as good as you."

  "Does that line work on cowgirls?"

  "Yeah, sometimes."

  She rolled her eyes. "You've got to come up with some better lines."

  "How about, 'come to bed with me'?"

  Daisy laughed, but Will was encouraged. After all, the lady hadn't said no.

  * * *

  She wanted the cowboy in her bed. This was lust, pure and simple. An itch that needed to be scratched. Maybe she'd think more clearly about him after she'd made love with him. Had sex with him. Gotten the need for him out of her system in one snowy

  Half the town already thought she was sleeping with him.

  She'd been celibate for two years, five months and twenty-seven days.

  As long as she kept from falling in love with him, what could happen? They both knew how to prevent pregnancy and all those nasty diseases. Neither was married.

  "Let's get it over with," she said, after Jane's harried sister arrived to take over with the boys, after Will had gathered up Spring and her assorted belongings and walked Daisy out the Pierces' front door into a starlit and snowy night.


  "Let's get it over with," she repeated. "Do you need to go back to the ranch first? To do, um, ranch things?"

  "I left the horses in the barn and Bozeman in the house. I didn't know how late I'd be."

  "And I suppose you have a case or two of condoms in the glove compartment of your truck."

  "Well, not a case, but—"

  "Good. I'll meet you at my house."

  She left him standing there, the sleeping baby in his arms, while she walked carefully to her car. This would not be a good time to slip on the ice and fall on her rear end. She didn't look back when she drove away. Instead she concentrated on driving the few short blocks to the restaurant and around the corner to park near her door. She wished she'd left the outside light on to illuminate her path, but there was enough of a moon to relieve the darkness. It was just after eight on a Sunday night, and the small town was as still and quiet as if it was midnight.

  Daisy only had time to unlock the door when she saw headlights round the corner and park by the school. She didn't think that would fool anyone, but at least Will had tried to be discreet. He certainly hadn't wasted any time getting here. She took a deep breath and swallowed hard. She was twenty-eight years old and she'd been married twice and she had no reason, no reason at all, to be nervous about this.

  Except she would be making love with Will for the first time. And the last.

  She wanted a shower. She wanted Spring to sleep for hours. She wanted to open a bottle of wine and smooth over the jagged edges of her nerves.

  "I guess this means that you're not interested in Leroy anymore?" He kicked the door shut behind him and bent down to kiss her. A soft kiss, with just a hint of promise, teased her lips before he lifted his head.

  "I think he was more interested in my cooking."

  "You never said let's get it over with' to him?" He looked as if he was going to laugh, but he placed feather-soft kisses beneath her ear and along her jaw.

  "No. You're the first."

  "How, uh, romantic." Will eased away from her and looked down at the sleeping baby in his arms. "What should we do with our chaperone?"

  "I'll fix her a bed on the floor of my room." Which would give her something to do besides disintegrate from nervous energy. Will followed her down the hail to her bedroom, where she stripped the comforter from her bed and folded it into a thick pad for Spring to sleep on. She took the baby from Will's arms and settled her under her quilt

  "I hope this works," she whispered as she stood up.

  "Not as much as I do." Will bent down to adjust the quilt around Spring's shoulders. "The little terror has had a long day. And so have I."

  This time she didn't try to ignore the melting feeling she got when she watched him with Spring. "Do you want something to drink?"

  "No. Do you?"

  Desperately. Especially when he looked at her as if she was a helping of strawberry shortcake. "What happens if I change my mind?"

  "We wait 'til tomorrow," he said, taking her hand and guiding her to the bed. "Maybe then you won't look like you're going to the guillotine."

  "I don't look like that," she protested, laughing despite her embarrassment.

  He tugged her against his chest. "Yes, you do, sweetheart. And as much as I want to toss you into that bed behind you and make love to you for the rest of the night, I'm not going to."

  "You're not?" Okay, her world had just come to an end.

  "Not until you're sure," he whispered, touching his lips to hers and dropping his hand to the back of her head for one long, sweet kiss before he hesitated, his mouth hovering above hers.

  "I absolutely refuse—" she hesitated, feeling him sigh against her mouth "—to have second thoughts."

  "That's good news."

  Once again she thought she heard him chuckle, but she ran her hands inside his unzipped jacket and along the front of his flannel shirt. He was warmer than she expected, radiating heat and strength and all that wonderful maleness.



  "Take off your coat." She helped him shove it off his shoulders and toss it to the floor.

  "Wait," he said, laughing as he retrieved condoms from his pocket and tossed them onto the bed. "Now it's your turn." He unbuttoned the wooden fasteners that held the edges of the suede together. "You know, I've thought about doing this before. Every time I saw you in this coat."

  "You like leather?" She dropped her coat on top of his and kicked them both aside. Heat radiated through her body, intensifying as he kissed her once again.

  "I like you." His hands were under her sweater. Hers reached for his shoulders and held on for dear life. His kiss was slow and exploring, as if he had all the time in the world to sample the inside of her mouth. She wanted it to last forever, but if he kissed her like this much longer she'd be on the floor.

  Somehow they managed to get their clothes off, though Daisy couldn't remember how. A tangle of arms and legs, kisses and muffled laughter turned into a skin-melting embrace on Daisy's bed. She forgot to be nervous every time his mouth touched hers, she forgot her name as he rained kisses in the valley between her breasts and she forgot to breathe when he took turns teasing each peaked nipple with his lips and tongue.

  She didn't want to wait any longer. She wanted him where she knew he belonged tonight, deep inside of her where she ached with the need for him.

  "Will," she begged. "Now."

  "I thought we had all night," he murmured, but she could tell he was smiling.

  "We do." Her hands skimmed his chest, then lower. "But I want you now." Disappointed, she couldn't reach farther than his slim waist and, outlined in the dim light, he moved away from her and found a condom. Then he leaned over her, nudging her legs apart with his knees, his erection smooth and hard against the insides of her thighs. She drew him to her, but he kept himself from entering immediately. Instead, bracing himself on his elbows, he tortured her with a long, bruising kiss while the heat from his body mixed with the moisture from hers, until he eased himself slowly into her. She couldn't believe she was ready for him so quickly, couldn't remember a time when her body had responded this way. He moved inside of her until she was filled, then withdrew, teasing and slow. She whimpered and he slid deeper inside again. Each stroke brought her higher, made her want more. She climaxed almost immediately, tightening around him and moaning softly so as not to wake the child.

  Will kissed her neck. And her breasts. And continued to move in her, sweet torture she wanted to last all night long.

  The man took his time. As if he was memorizing the feel of her, where to kiss and touch and move to bring her pleasure. She came again when he did, their bodies in tune as if they had been making love to each other for years instead of moments.

  Heaven, Daisy decided as the world slowly settled into place, was being in bed with Will Wilson.

  * * *

  Spring screamed the house down at midnight, waking Daisy and Will with her hunger.

  "Her bottle," Daisy moaned. She was wrapped in the warm cocoon of Will's arms, her breasts against his chest and her toes on his shins. He'd never been more comfortable in his life, or more unwilling to leave his bed.

  "Yeah," he said, praying for the strength to open his eyes. "I'll do it."

  "I'll change her first," Daisy said, slipping out of his arms. "Maybe that will quiet her down."

  "You're a good woman." He opened his eyes and caught a tantali
zing glimpse of Daisy's bare and luscious bottom before she covered herself with a robe. Her yellow hair spilled around her shoulders and when she bent to retrieve Spring, Will caught a glimpse of cleavage. Those beautiful breasts were enough to make a man glad he was alive.

  Speaking of alive, a certain part of his body was standing at attention and hoping the little blonde would shuck the robe and get back into bed. But the tempting vision disappeared down the hall, a screaming baby in her arms. Damn. But then, how long could it take to feed a baby? Will swung his legs over the edge of the bed and looked for his jeans. It took a minute to get them on without hurting himself, but it was possible that Daisy would object to him walking around in his boxers like he owned the place.


  "What?" She was changing the baby, murmuring nonsense to keep Spring occupied while she put on a clean diaper. She didn't look up.

  "I'll fix a bottle," he offered, noticing the cleavage again.


  She didn't look up. He wondered if she wanted him to sleep on the couch. Maybe she was having second thoughts about having sex with him. He knew women were different from men, but good sex was good sex and what they'd experienced a few hours ago had been downright phenomenal.

  The best he'd ever had. And he'd be willing to bet his last prize money that she'd enjoyed it as much as he had. Will padded out to the kitchen and found the diaper bag on the table. Pretty soon he'd opened a new can of formula and filled four plastic bottles. Three he put in the refrigerator and the other he ran under hot tap water. Spring was starting to rev up her lungs again, so Will hurried to test the milk and then brought it in to Daisy.

  Who wasn't there.

  She was propped up in her bed with all of the pillows behind her back and neck, the baby cradled in her arms, the covers a jumble around her feet. Will knelt on the bed and leaned over to hand her the bottle

  "Say 'thank you, Uncle Will," she told the baby, and then smiled at Will as Spring latched on to the bottle and sucked furiously. "She has your appetite."

  "And her mother's temper," he added, sitting on the bed beside them.

  "I wonder if Jane's had the baby yet."


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