Rock Hard Seal: A Navy Seal & A Virgin Romance

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Rock Hard Seal: A Navy Seal & A Virgin Romance Page 86

by Rye Hart

  After the first week, things settle down a little. I take some time off from the office to write from home. Hugh puts in two training sessions a day at the gym and is otherwise at home. Sometimes we cuddle. Sometimes we treat each other’s bodies like jungle gyms. Sometimes we sit and work in companionable silence and it all feels perfect.

  One night he says he’s got a big surprise for me. “Dress up, kiddo,” he says. “I’ve got something that’s going to blow your mind.”

  I put on my nicest dress—one of the perks of having Hugh around is that I have someone to model for, and now. I don’t even have a guess as to what the big surprise might be.

  The reality turns out to be far more surprising than anything I could have imagined, however. We take a cab to an address that sounds like nothing to me. When we get out, Hugh gestures at an ugly warehouse and says, “Voilà!”

  There’s a sign out front that says “Coin Convention. Numismatists only.”

  I start laughing so hard I almost fall out of my high heels. “Stay upright,” he says. “If you mess up that dress you’re going to miss the chance to blow these guys’ minds.”

  I don’t know what he’s up to. I don’t even care. Every moment with him is surprising, and I know how rare that is.


  Earlier that morning, I couldn’t believe it when I saw an advert for the coin convention outside the gym. It was on one of those terrible circular pamphlets, tacked to a telephone pole next to ads for missing cats and vegan meetups.

  My only plan tonight is to make her laugh, and that’s already going swimmingly. But I don’t want to make anyone feel stupid, so when we step onto the coin expo floor, I do my best to look respectful. We all need our obsessions. We all need something to keep us off the streets. These guys … need coins.

  Then Sam grabs my arm and hisses. “Oh my God! That’s Owen!”

  It’s too perfect.

  “Where?” I say.

  “He’s over in the corner at the table with the blue awning. Look! Not so fast! Be subtle!”

  Being subtle isn’t working. Even in this crowd, it’s obvious that everyone knows who I am. My face is plastered all over building-sized billboards all over the city. The upcoming fight is getting even more press that my agent had predicted. It’s going to be huge.

  Sam takes my arm and starts walking towards Owen’s table. He looks like a smart guy. A little rumpled. A little…little. Definitely smooth-handed, callus free, and probably decent, but I can’t forget that this guy made Sam question her worth and run all the way out to Washington to get away from her thoughts. Still, that led her to meeting me, so I owed him in that respect, I guess.

  Sam surprises me when she strides right up to him. “Owen!” she says, putting a little snarl in her voice.

  He looks up quickly.

  “Sam, what are you doing here?”

  I stop walking and observe. I don’t like the tone this dweeb is taking.

  “I just, um,” Sam stammers.

  “We’re not getting back together. You need to give me my space. That was always your problem.” Owen continues, “Well, one of your problems. Honestly, I don’t know where to begin…”

  “That’s enough,” I say, stepping in between him and Sam.

  His eyes dart to me and his mouth drops open. It’s like something you only see in comic strips. His jaw practically hits the floor.

  “Hugh,” he mutters. He looks at Sam. “Did you bring him here to hurt me?”

  Sam doesn’t know what to say. She’s baffled by the entire exchange.

  “No, Owen. Of course not. I’m not mad at you,” she says.

  “Owen,” I begin, “I don’t want to kick your ass. I want to thank you. I would never have met the most amazing woman in the world without you,” I say with a big grin plastered on my face. “I honestly didn’t think a woman like Sam could exist,” I add, pulling her to me.

  Owen’s mouth is still hanging open as he looks from me to Sam and back to me.

  “Uh, sure,” he stammers.

  And with that, Sam and I make our exit.

  “I love you. That was the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  “I’ll show you something sweeter when I get you home,” I say.


  When we get home I drag Hugh into the bedroom.

  “Do you want to see the greatest thing?” I say.

  “Sure, show me what you’ve got there little lady,” he says with a mischievous grin.

  “Mhmmm...there will be plenty of time for that after- first I want to show you something I’ve got locked away.” I get out of bed and go to the hallway closet. I take out the box with Owen 2.0. I tiptoe back to the doorway. “Close your eyes,” I say.

  “They’re already closed.”

  “Keep them closed, then.” I silently stalk across the floor until I’m at his side. When he opens his eyes I wave Owen 2.0 wildly in his face.

  “What the hell?” He sits up and puts a pillow over his face. “Keep that thing away from me!”

  I feel like if I start laughing I’ll never be able to stop, so instead I swat him across the thighs with Lacey’s gift.

  He doesn’t even try not to laugh. He throws the pillow away, grabs the vibrator out of my hands, goes to the window, and dangles it outside. He’s laughing so hard that I’m worried he’s going to fall out. “Get away from the window!” I scream. “You’re going to die!”

  He looks at the vibrator. “You really want it that bad?”

  “No! I just don’t want you to die, you oaf!”

  “Then come clean, quick. Why did I open my eyes to find you wielding this thing at me?”

  “Come back to bed. I’ll tell you. You can leave him there.”

  “Him?” Hugh smiles, drops the vibrator on the bedroom floor, and comes back to bed. He pulls the covers up to his chin. “I’m just protecting myself, in case you have any more surprises in store for me.”

  “No, but I’ll give you the story. Right after I dumped Owen, I had drinks with Lacey.”

  “You don’t say.”

  “I do. And Lacey, to help me get over my problems, caring soul that she is, gave me a little present.”

  “And that’s it, I presume?”

  “Oh yeah. Want to hear its name?”

  “I assumed it was named Hugh.”

  “Close. That was the gadget formerly known as Owen 2.0.”

  Hugh snorts. “I bet Owen would love to hear that. We should have taken it tonight. You could have waved it in his face like you did in mine.”

  “But that’s not the real story,” I say. I love it that Hugh can joke this easily. There is nothing like a man who is so secure that he doesn’t need to flaunt or exaggerate his own masculinity.

  “Do tell.”

  “I’m getting there.” I lean over and give him a kiss. He sighs and burrows deeper into his pillow. “So, you know that night at the cabin when you were out hitting the bag? The first time when I was there?”

  “I remember it well. I was out there because there was a woman in my bed upstairs. I wanted to sneak in and do something savage to her.”

  “Oh, I could tell. What you might not know is that I was feeling the same way. I watched you from that window for a long time while you were out there.”

  “Okay. And what was it that you saw, fair maiden?”

  “I saw a lot. I saw everything you did to that bag, and then I saw you touching yourself.”

  “Ha! You little pervert. You enjoyed the show, then?”

  “Oh, very much. And not only that, I masturbated the whole time I watched you. I couldn’t believe it was happening. That was the hardest orgasm I had ever had, until…you know...”

  He raises himself up on one elbow and opens his eyes. “No, I’m not sure what you’re referring to.”

  “Well,” I say, mimicking his posture and lowering my voice. “It just so happens that shortly after that, I ran into a big dicke
d freak in the basement who cured me of all my innocent ways.”

  “He sounds amazing.”

  “Oh, he is. And he was. That was a good lesson for me to learn that night.”

  “And now you know it all?” he says, putting his hand on my thigh and sliding it upwards. I’m getting wet instantly.

  “No, I don’t think so. I mean, I’m more confident and uninhibited than I’ve ever been, but…”

  “But what?” he says, spreading my legs with his fingers and starting to stroke me.

  I arch my back, wanting to purr.

  “But I think I have a lot more to learn. He’s a patient teacher, though. I look forward to our next lesson.”

  “Maybe we can go through that next lesson now.”


  Feeling Sam’s wetness on my fingertips made me harden against my jeans so much that I felt like they were going to burst at the seam. I rolled onto my back and pulled her down to lie on top of me. She put her hands on my cheeks and swirled the tip of her tongue around mine. I wrapped my arms around her and moved my hands down to clutch her ass. She bolted up, straddling me as I pulled her closer. She had a look on her face that suggested she felt playful, but I knew she was far too eager to tease.

  She sat up and pulled her dress overhead. She undid her bra and let it slide down her arms. Her breasts, large and milky white, were begging for my touch. I cupped them in the palms of my hands and squeezed her nipples between my thumbs and fingers. She moaned at the wonderful pain and pleasure of it.

  My cock was rigid beneath her. She started sliding herself along the length of it as I rubbed her breasts. The heat was intense. I felt like I might explode any minute and I wasn’t even undressed yet.

  “Let’s get you out of these clothes,” she said, tugging giddily at my shirt.

  She got up long enough to shimmy out of her panties while I quickly pulled off my clothes. When I lay back, my cock stood straight up like the mast of ship, ready for her to impale her beauty on it.

  She licked her lips as I wrapped my hand around it and stroked it to its full length.

  “Do you want me give you another show like that night outside my cabin?”

  “Yes. Please.”

  I continued stroking, my hand is moving up and down in a rhythmic motion. I get a look of Sam’s face, full of lust, as if the sight of me pleasing myself in front of her has put her in a deep trance. It was enough to push me over the edge, but I needed to be patient.

  “Now, I want you on top of me.”


  Hugh took my hips and guided me over his cock. I did just as he instructed. I straddled him, bending my knees and lowering myself until I felt the head of his amazing cock touch my aching center.

  I couldn’t help but smile as I held his free hand and lowered myself onto him slowly. I felt myself grow warm and wet, welcoming him deep inside of me.

  It felt amazing.

  He never disappoints me.

  He grabs my hips and starts guiding me in a rocking rhythm.

  I let my head hang and slide my hips back and forth. Hugh moves in and out as he brushes my clit with every stroke.

  “Yes! Yes! Hugh… I’m going to come…” I heard myself say the words aloud. I loved the way they sounded coming in gusts of breath from my lips.

  Suddenly he starts to come with me, pushing me over the edge to my own climax. I see stars from the rush of ecstasy that falls over me.

  We stayed in bed all evening, whispering sweet nothings to one another and planning our life together. It was in that moment I realized just how grateful I was for all of my past heartaches and pains. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to truly appreciate the gifts Hugh brought into my life.




  Love in the truest form, unlike anything this history nerd could ever have read about. Not even in one hundred lifetimes.

  In most fairytales, all the worst things happen when they enter the woods. But not this one. My lumberjack saved me from all of that and more.

  And I intend to spend the rest of my life thanking him for it.


  Biker Bad Boy Romance: Heart Off Limits

  Chapter One

  I wasn’t exactly Miss Goodie Fucking Two Shoes. It was more like Miss Wild and Reckless. Highschool suspensions became a norm and it never even phased me. Mom said I carried a big heart, but a hard as hell shell. She tried hard to be patient and deal with my wild antics but I guess everyone has their boiling point. She didn’t want me back after all the trouble I got into on my last year of high school. Looking back, I can’t really blame her; it was a miracle they let me graduate.

  She put up with me for another year and then she shipped me off to live in Altanta with Dad. Dad? It was so weird to call him that. I hadn’t seen him in almost a decade, and he was practically a complete stranger until the day I was loaded onto a bus and sent to live with him. It wasn’t the best parenting decision on my mom’s part but she didn’t know what else to do with me.

  Soon after moving ship, I dropped the name dad and referred to him by his first name, Mike. Mike preferred it that way. He said dad made him feel old. He was crude and I was pretty sure he was involved in some illegal shit, but he was never home so I didn’t know the details. I preferred it that way.

  I’d been here for about two years now and the relationship between the two of us hadn’t gotten any better. We were still estranged since we spent little to no time together, though I learned to expect nothing less from him. He proved to be the type of guy who didn’t care about anyone but himself. It was better that way though; at least he never got my hopes up anymore.

  Mom sent me to live with him to show me that life could be worse. She wanted me to experience the hard life my father lived and she expected I would call her crying and begging her to take me back, but that little plan backfired. Here I am two years later. My family situation may be far from the Brady Bunch, but atleast I liked it here. To be honest, I liked my freedom here and I was too stubborn to go back. I had freedom like I’d never had with my mother. Mom could be a real hard ass. She became tougher as I reached the age of maturity and I assumed it was because she was afraid of losing another person in her life. I loved her with every fiber of my being but we never seemed to get passed our screwed up communication. We were two stubborn women under one roof and it was a bad combination.

  I missed her everyday. If only I could tell her that.

  I’m just a few months from my 21st birthday now. Mike managed to remember all my birthdays, leaving me a cupcake on the dining room table and a weird gift I never really understood. Alteast he tried when it came to my birthdays, even if it was half ass.

  He had a habit of buying me presents that I’d never use. For the longest time it was nail polish, all kinds of nail polish, mostly in baby blues and pinks; colors I would never dream of wearing. He finally got the hint at some point and he bought me black. Now it was black everything, which I didn’t really mind.

  I rolled onto my stomach and glanced down at the hard wood floor, running my hand over it for a moment, almost wincing at the heat that emanated from it. I liked the south, but I didn’t like the heat. Not one bit.

  The sun was high in the sky now, and I figured I ought to get out of bed. I was up all night cramming for finals the night before and luckily didn’t have to be to work today but that wasn’t an excuse for me to lay in bed. I changed into black skirt and a shirt that I got at some concert I could barely remember. I threw on some boots and then I placed a black beanie over my blonde hair.

  Just as I was grabbing a Pop-Tart from the sparse pantry my phone began to buzz. I pulled it out of my back pocket and answered without looking at the screen.

  “Yo,” I gave my standard greeting.


  “Hey Gina! What’s up girl?”

  Gina was my best friend. A Southern girl through and through
with a kick-ass punk attitude. I loved her dearly. Being around Gine made this heat almost bearable.

  “Are you working today?” she asked.

  “No ma’am. I actually just got out of bed,” I hummed, popping my breakfast into the toaster. “Why?”

  “There’s a big biker rally this weekend! People are coming from everywhere, even as far as Nashville. How fucking rad is that?”

  “A biker rally? What would be so fun about a biker rally?” I grumbled.

  I had an aversion to bikers as it were. In my mind bikers represented a community of bad news. They were dangerous, unpredictable, and had no redeeming qualities as far as I could see. I had goals of paying my way through college and graduating on time. That meant going to community college at night and working full, so I wasn’t stupid enough to get tangled with bikers. Not like my mom in her wild years. She ending up regretting every minute of it and that made a lasting impression in my life.

  “Don’t be such a baby, Alex. It’ll be fun,” Gina whined.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “God, you’re such a downer. Fine, let’s go grab lunch and hit up some bars? That sounded like a better idea. I could use a break.

  I grabbed the Pop Tart as it popped from the toaster and stuffed it in my mouth. “Where are we going to meet?”

  “Did you really just ask me that?” she drawled.


  “Duh. I want a milkshake. See you soon boo.”

  I chuckled and hung up the phone, tucking it away in my pocket. Let’s see where this takes us.


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