4 ‘We are being recalled …’: ibid
5 ‘Eleven o’clock …’: ibid
6 ‘It was my wingman …’: Heinz Knoke, I Flew for the Führer, p. 142
7 ‘Ground strafing …’: Francis Gabreski, Gabby: A Fighter Pilot’s Life, p. 148
8 ‘Lucky I was at my gun …’: Sullivan Diary, 22/2/1944
9 ‘We dropped our bombs …’: Hugh McGinty, My Life, Book One: The War Years, p. 41
10 ‘Tail gunner pretty bad …’: Sullivan Diary, 22/2/1944
11 ‘The end may be victory …’: James Good Brown, The Mighty Men of the 381st, p. 329
12 ‘A man who had …’: ibid, p. 330
13 ‘While waiting …’: papers of Squadron Leader G. H. F. Carter, IWM 96/41/1
Chapter 23 Thursday, 24 February 1944
1 ‘U.S. in First Joint …’: Stars & Stripes, 23/2/1944
2 ‘The American sporting …’: AFHRA EO 13526
3 ‘You learned to live …’: cited in Johannes Steinhoff et al., Voices from the Third Reich, p. 219
4 ‘After the attacks …’: cited in Jeremy Noakes (ed.), Nazism, Vol. 4: The Home Front in World War II, doc. 1321, p. 567
5 ‘Only the upper part …’: cited in Steinhoff et al., p. 213
6 ‘Was this England? …’: Hugh McGinty, My Life, Book One: The War Years, p. 44
7 ‘impenetrable weather’: T. Michael Sullivan Diary, 23/2/1944
8 ‘You bombed the wrong target …’: James H. Keeffe III, Two Gold Coins and a Prayer, p. 74
9 ‘I could see these multiple …’: ibid, p. 75
10 ‘That will help …’: this episode is recounted in John Harold Robinson, A Reason To Live, pp. 296–8
11 ‘It became pretty grim …’: Keeffe, p. 75
12 ‘I saw it explode …’: ibid
13 ‘It was going to take …’: ibid, p. 78
14 ‘Our losses were not nearly …’: McGinty, p. 45
15 ‘Our little band …’: Heinz Knoke, I Flew for the Führer, p. 143
16 ‘49th Squadron annihilated …’: T. Michael Sullivan Diary, 24/2/1944
17 ‘You were lucky …’: Robinson, p. 298
18 ‘So all in all …’: ibid
19 ‘Not one of us …’: Keeffe, p. 79
Chapter 24 Friday, 25 February 1944
1 ‘It is extremely small …’: cited in Dudley Saward, Bomber Harris, p. 298
2 ‘No clouds obscured …’: papers of Flight Sergeant Kenneth Handley, IWM 3198
3 ‘We saw no searchlights …’: ibid
4 ‘All of us were like …’: John Harold Robinson, A Reason To Live, p. 299
5 ‘My thoughts raced ahead …’: cited in Robert Matzen, Mission, p. 243
6 ‘There will be very little margin …’: Robinson, p. 300
7 ‘No rest as the air blitz …’: Larry Goldstein Diary, 25/2/1944
8 ‘My feet were walking …’: Robinson, p. 300
9 ‘Sad, sad day …’: Robert L. Sullivan Diary, 25/2/1944
10 ‘Such things as I saw …’: ibid
11 ‘No laxatives are needed …’: Heinz Knoke, I Flew for the Führer, p. 144
12 ‘Well, he definitely …’ Mark M. Spagnuolo, Mustang Ace, p. 172
13 ‘Bomb bay doors coming open.’: Robinson, p. 302
14 ‘Trying to get around …’: ibid
15 ‘For God sakes …’: Robert S. Johnson, AFHRA, p. 78
16 ‘He’s staying there …’: Robinson, p. 303
17 ‘On your left …’: this episode described in Knoke, pp. 144–6
18 ‘The tail of the ship …’: Robinson, p. 304
19 ‘Sergeant, somebody sure could …’: ibid
20 ‘There were flak holes …’: ibid, p. 305
21 ‘These past few missions …’: Goldstein Diary, 25/2/44
22 ‘Perhaps it was just as well …’: Handley papers
1 ‘Since Jan. 1 …’: Stars & Stripes, 28/2/1944
2 ‘In numbers as well as …’: Beppo Schmid, ‘The Most Important Mistakes of the Luftwaffe as Seen from the Standpoint of the German Fighter Force’, AFHRA
3 ‘destruction of German air combat …’: cited in Alan J. Levine, The Strategic Bombing of Germany, 1940–1945, p. 128
4 ‘Wholesale slaughter …’: Rusty Waughman Diary, 31/3/1944
5 ‘Awe-inspiring at times …’: papers of Flight Sergeant Kenneth Handley, IWM 3198
6 ‘At last I have walked …’: Larry Goldstein Diary, 4/3/1944
7 ‘I was suddenly …’ Hugh McGinty, My Life, Book One: The War Years, p. 72
8 ‘I wonder what kind of life …’: Bill Byers, author interview
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Lawley Jr., William R.
Schmid, Josef
Spaatz, Carl A.
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Goldstein, Larry
Herrmann, Hajo
Munro, Les
Neumann, Julius
Waughman, Rusty
Imperial War Museum, London
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National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, Savannah, Georgia
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Shoens, Bob
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