Singapore Fling

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Singapore Fling Page 17

by Alexia Adams

  “I hadn’t thought about that, but I do have a plan that would work. I was going to wait for six months until the Board relaxed a little in my stewardship. However, with your support, we can bring the launch date forward.”

  “Tell me,” John said, his eyes alight with excitement.

  Ten minutes later, after she’d explained her idea, John lay back against his pillows. He turned to Julia. “Evans International is in great hands, my dear.”

  “I agree whole-heartedly,” her mother said.

  Lalita only hoped that Jeremy would find it a good solution as well.


  “Marjorie called. The CEO wants to meet with you. I’ve put her in your diary for four o’clock today. Is that okay?”

  “Sure,” Jeremy answered his secretary. He wondered briefly at Lalita’s formality. If she wanted to see him, she usually called him personally on his mobile and he was up in her office in minutes. So far, they’d been able to keep their relations in the office on a purely professional basis.

  It helped immensely that she’d all but moved into his Southgate cottage while they searched for a larger, more convenient property closer to the office. They’d been careful not to bring company business home with them, making sure they had time as a couple. The first one home would cook dinner, which they’d eat while watching the news. Then the television went off and they’d talk about places they’d like to go together or things to do when they had a weekend free.

  Weekends they looked at properties, spent time with her family, especially Jane, Robert, and baby Matthew. And almost every Sunday they had lunch with his mother. Susan had got a council flat and moved out, and Brian and Natasha had decided to start their own business selling party favours. Surprisingly enough, they seemed to be enjoying it and doing well. Jeremy had even managed to convince his mother to take a brief holiday to Spain with Daisy so she could dry out her lungs.

  “You can go right in,” Marjorie said when Jeremy approached Lalita’s office exactly at four o’clock.

  “Thank you,” he replied as he opened the large oak door.

  Lalita sat behind the massive desk, rubbing her sensuous fingers across her forehead. She appeared tired. He fought the urge to pick her up and carry her to the sofa and kiss her until all the tension left her body, or at least was replaced by a tension that he could release. He pulled his mind back from the fantasy. That would have to wait until they got home.

  She glanced up as he closed the door behind him, but her smile of greeting didn’t reach her eyes. He had a moment of panic.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Just frustrated, that’s all. Please, sit down.”

  “What’s up?” Jeremy lounged in the dark brown leather chair in front of the desk.

  “Marjorie has let me know that she wants to retire. I contacted Grace to see if she wanted to come to the UK to be my assistant. However, she, too, has offered her resignation. Evidently she and Corey have fallen in love.”

  “I’m happy for her, but I can see your problem. How can I help? Are you after my secretary? She’s efficient at what I ask her to do. I don’t know if she’s as pro-active as you need, though.”

  “I’ll have to think about it. An assistant is as important as a partner, the fit has to be perfect or it doesn’t work. That’s not the reason I’ve asked you to my office.” She drummed her fingers on her desk for a second as though nervous. “I want you to hear me out before you say anything.”

  She stared into his eyes. His heart, which had been working quite efficiently over the past month, started to beat erratically again.

  “Go on,” he said carefully.

  “As the Chief Executive, I’ve had to make some painful decisions in the past few weeks. However, this one is the most difficult. We both knew that our relationship would cause some raised eyebrows. The Chairman and the Board have requested that I address the issue.”

  He held his breath. “Are you firing me? Or ditching me?”

  “Firing you,” she answered instantly. “It’s much easier for me to replace the Director of Marketing than the Love of my Life.”

  “Good. Another job I can get easily, another woman might take me a little longer.”

  That made her smile. “You could try. Didn’t my father tell you I’m irreplaceable?”

  “I agree with him. Having fired me, are you going to cry at home tonight? Because, as the sackee, I may be conflicted in consoling you.”

  “Perhaps we could engage in mutual consolation. However, I’m not really sacking you. I have an opportunity to present to you.”

  “I’m listening,” Jeremy said, intrigued. Lalita had been having a lot of meetings lately with her father who had taken over the position of Chairman of the Board. It meant John could still keep his hand in the business without having to deal with the day-to-day stress. The appointment had appeased the rest if the Board who now whole-heartedly supported Lalita as CEO.

  “We want to set up a separate entity, an autonomous division, to provide marketing advice to our clients. This new company would also be at liberty to seek out its own clients and take on other markets. The Chairman, the Board, and I unanimously support appointing you to lead this new venture.”

  His brain went into overdrive. “Who would I report to? How would it be funded?” He leaned forward eager for the answers.

  “You would hold the position of CEO and report directly to the Evans International Chairman and Board. You would be my counterpart for the new company. Evans is willing to provide seed funding up to ten million pounds, which must be repaid in regular quarterly instalments as soon as the marketing company is profitable. Once the repayments are made, you will be given forty percent voting stock, John Evans will hold twenty percent, as will I. The remaining twenty percent will be available for purchase by anyone other than the three of us. No one person can hold a majority. I suggest that perhaps your mother hold ten percent and the remaining ten percent be sold to investors.”

  Shock held him paralysed. It was his dream, handed to him on a silver plate.

  Lalita continued, “What we need from you is to take the next thirty days to fully evaluate the market. Then present to the Evans International Board a report on whether it is more beneficial to buy-out a current company or start up one from scratch.”

  Jeremy nodded. His mind was already reviewing the current market and the merits of both options. Before he got carried away, however, he needed clarification. He didn’t want a handout.

  “One question.”

  “Yes?” Lalita appeared amused.

  “Are you offering me this opportunity because I’m your lover and you need to move me out?”

  She shook her head, the smile on her face genuine. “You are being offered this position, by the Board of Evans International, because you’re the best man for the job. I put forward the idea of the spin-off company in order to provide our clients with an additional service. Your name was nominated by John. You’ll swim or sink on your own merit, Jeremy. I will have no input or influence on this venture. Aside, of course, from giving you whatever support you ask in an emotional or advisory level in the confines of our own home.”

  “I’d be a fool to pass up this opportunity. Thank you,” Jeremy added.

  “Don’t thank me, thank the Chairman and Board. I’m screwed. Now I have to find a replacement for you too. I should start my own recruitment agency. Thank God I don’t have to find someone of your calibre. I only need somebody capable of liaising between this company and yours.”

  “So, I should kiss John, then?”

  “If that’s the relationship you want to start with your new boss.” Lalita looked relieved the conversation had gone well.

  “No, I think I’ll save my affections for my current employer.” Jeremy stared at her lips. Her cheeks turned pink as she read his mind. A flicker of lust sparkled in her eyes. God, he loved this woman.

  Lalita glanced at her watch. “I’m done for today. What do you say we pack up
early and celebrate?”

  “That’s why you’re the CEO, you have the best ideas.”

  “It’s not the CEO who wants to celebrate. It’s Jeremy Lakewood’s lover.”

  Jeremy laughed as his chest filled with love. Lalita was so much more than a lover. He’d have to address that title next.

  It was time this fling became a marriage.


  “That has got to be the quickest wedding dress shopping I have ever done,” Julia said.

  Lalita, her sisters, mother, and Eliza Lakewood were sipping champagne in the cosy sitting room at the Evans house.

  “I think it’s beautiful,” Eliza said a bit shyly. Jeremy’s mother had eagerly accepted an invitation to the shopping expedition but seemed a bit overwhelmed at the speed with which it had taken place.

  “I told you I was decisive.” Lalita put up her feet on the coffee table. The wedding outfit, like everything else in the past two months, had fallen into place perfectly.

  “Kind of spoils the fun, don’t you think, buying the first thing you try on,” Jessica complained.

  “I don’t have time to be traipsing around hundreds of shops trying on identical gowns. I do run a company, you know.” The fact that she’d been able to take a Friday afternoon off to go shopping at all had been a minor miracle.

  “What made you decide on a sari rather than the traditional wedding dress?” Jane asked.

  Lalita glanced over at Julia, who nodded.

  “I wanted to acknowledge that part of my heritage.”

  It was also partly due to the fact that Jeremy loved it when she wore a sari. Or, more specifically, he loved unwrapping her from one. He claimed it was the adult version of Christmas morning.

  Lalita explained to her sisters and soon-to-be mother-in-law about her birth mother. Jane and Jessica seemed stunned.

  “Aisha and her husband are coming over for the wedding. I can’t wait for you to meet them,” she finished. She and Jeremy had made a quick trip back to Mumbai three weeks ago to deliver the news of their engagement in person. Aisha’s tears of joy had been followed by a feast that lasted two days.

  The doorbell rang, and a moment later Jeremy appeared in the room, having been let in by the housekeeper. He kissed his mother on the cheek before sitting next to Lalita. Lifting her hand to his lips, he kissed each of her fingers, his gaze promising more once they were alone. She had trouble remembering there was anyone else in the room.

  “The honeymoon is all booked. Steve has promised a holiday we’ll never forget.” Jeremy’s husky voice had already transported her to the distant Indonesian island.

  “Three weeks to the wedding. Is there some reason you’re in such a rush?” Jane’s impertinent question broke through Lalita’s daydream.

  “No, Jeremy just doesn’t want to wait. Plus, it was the only two-week break that either of us can take for the next year.”

  “As it is, we are stopping in Chile to check out the new Evans office there and meeting a client of mine in New York,” Jeremy added.

  “Sounds like more business than pleasure. I think I’d have killed Wesley if he’d suggested we stop and visit some of his clients while on honeymoon,” Jessica put in.

  “Trust me, there will be plenty of pleasure to fill our days, and nights,” Jeremy promised. Lalita’s face burned and her sisters laughed.

  “When do you move into your new house?” Eliza asked, slightly embarrassed for them.

  With his severance package from Evans, plus his promised bonus from the increase in profits from Asia, Jeremy had surprised Lalita with a three-bedroom house fifteen minutes from their respective offices.

  “I’m moving in next weekend. Lalita insists on waiting until she is Mrs. Lakewood to join me.”

  “Mrs. Evans-Lakewood, don’t you mean,” Lalita reminded him.

  “As long as the missus is in front and Lakewood is in there somewhere, I don’t care,” Jeremy conceded. They usually had this discussion about names naked in bed.

  “I think you should change your name to Jeremy Evans-Lakewood,” Lalita teased.

  “Now you go too far, woman.” Jeremy pulled her into his lap and kissed her until she was breathless.

  “All right you two, save something for the wedding night.” Eliza’s voice interrupted them.

  The wedding … the fling was indeed flung.


  Thank you, reader

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  About the Author

  Alexia Adams was born in British Columbia, Canada, and traveled throughout North America as a child. After high school, she spent three months in Panama before moving to Dunedin, New Zealand, for a year, where she studied French and Russian at Otago University.

  Back in Canada, she worked building fire engines until she’d saved enough for a round-the-world ticket. She traveled throughout Australasia before settling in London—the perfect place to indulge her love of history and travel. For four years, she lived and traveled throughout Europe before returning to her homeland. On the way back to Canada she stopped in Egypt, Jordan, Israel, India, Nepal, and of course, Australia and New Zealand. She lived again in Canada for one year before the lure of Europe and easy travel was too great, and she returned to the UK.

  Marriage and the birth of two babies later, she moved back to Canada to raise her children with her British husband. Two more children were born in Canada, and her travel wings were well and truly clipped. Firmly rooted in the life of a stay-at-home mom, or trophy wife, as she prefers to be called, she turned to writing to exercise her mind, traveling vicariously through her romance novels.

  Her stories reflect her love of travel and feature locations as diverse as the windswept prairies of Canada to hot and humid cities in Asia. To discover other books written by Alexia or read her blog on inspirational destinations, visit her at or follow her on Twitter @AlexiaAdamsAuth

  Other Books by Alexia:

  Vintage Love series:

  The Vintner and The Vixen

  After witnessing a murder, Maya Tessier needs to disappear. So she escapes to the cottage in France she inherited from her great-grandmother where she hopes to start a new life and concentrate on her art. Jacques de Launay doesn’t like strangers on his estate, especially when they’re a sexy redhead who reminds him of all he’s lost. But if he lets her stay, more than his heart may be at risk.

  To read an excerpt click here or visit

  The Playboy and The Single Mum

  Single mother Lexy Camparelli must accompany super sexy Formula 1 driver Daniel Michaud for the rest of the race season as part of her job. Will she be able to keep her life on track and her heart from crashing or will the stress of living in the spotlight bring back her eating disorder or worse, jeopardize custody of her son?

  To read an excerpt click here or visit

  The Tycoon and The Teacher

  Argentinian tycoon Santiago Alvarez will do whatever it takes to keep custody of his niece Miranda—even if it means marriage to the woman who jeopardizes his peace of mind. Genevieve Dubois is finding her way again after a traumatic experience left her unable to teach in a classroom. Helping an eight-year-old girl come to terms with the loss of her parents is challenge enough without the continual distracting presence of the sexy uncle who refuses to love. Then she discovers the real reason San
tiago wants to retain guardianship of Miranda and it threatens all their futures.

  To read an excerpt click here or visit

  Guide to Love series:

  Miss Guided

  Mystery writer Marcus Sullivan is determined find someone for his younger brother Liam. Playing matchmaker on holiday in St. Lucia, Marcus tries to interest Liam in a beautiful local tour guide Crescentia St. Ives. Then Marcus gets stranded with Crescentia and the plot to match her with his brother quickly incinerates in the flames of lust. No way can Liam have her when Marcus can’t keep his hands off. Too bad he can’t write a happier ending to their blossoming romance.

  To read an excerpt click here or visit

  Played by the Billionaire

  Internet security billionaire, Liam Manning, made a promise to his beloved brother, Marcus, to complete his mystery-romance manuscript. Problem is that Liam’s experience with women is limited to the cold-hearted supermodels he usually dates. So falling back on his hacking skills, he infiltrates an online dating site to find a suitable woman to teach him about romance—regular guy style. What he didn’t expect was for the feelings to be so…real. Can Liam finish the novel before Lorelei discovers his deceptions and, more critically, before she breaches the firewall around his heart?

  To read an excerpt click here or visit

  His Billion-Dollar Dilemma

  Simon Lamont is an ice-cold corporate pirate. But when he arrives in San Francisco to acquire a floundering company and is accosted by a cute engineer with fire in her eyes, it takes all Simon has to maintain his legendary cool. Helen will do whatever it takes to change his mind, and if that means becoming the sexy woman Simon didn't know he wanted, so be it. If only she wasn’t about to walk into her own trap...


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